The All Backs Motif is odd. For one thing, it casts a revealing light on we magician's claim (when it suits our purpose) that we use ordinary cards. That is our decks, which we prefer to borrow, consist of cards that have faces and backs on both sides. Therefore, if we show a deck that consists of all backs and faces we are admitting that such anomalies exist and the cards being used are probably gimmicked in some way. Why do this?
A better question may be - What motivated someone to create such an effect using this kind of deck? That "someone" was Dai Vernon and my guess is that he wanted to...
Here is a small collection of automatic and semi-automatic out-of-hand card effects, empowered by the "chaos" philosophy brought forward by Lennart Green and Dani DaOrtiz.
The effects are easy to do and they don't require you to be another "David Wiliamson" or "Dani DaOrtiz" in order to perform them. Just a regular, normal magician. More important than the routines you will see and learn how the chaos handling is applied to this type of effects - you will be able to apply those ideas later in many of your effects to make them more fooling and fun.
The effects included are:
Mr. Green Goes Red:...
An unexplored "classic": this has been for me, for many years, the "Australian shuffle". I learned it as a young man from Aldo Colombini, who often included it in his impromptu effects; later I studied John Scarne (and his wonderful idea in Phone Miracle, which we will comment on together later) and Max Maven.
Then I read Nick Conticello, and a new world opened up: I discovered that all the greats of card magic have tried their hand at the Australian deal; Nick, however, made me wonder a bit more: today I don't think there is more space to invent, but a lot to develop new routines, putting together various principles.
In my...
Update on the 'Azlan' Card At Any Number.
"F**k me!!! This is ridiculous! Mate it's so, so, so fooling! Even after knowing the original method and watching it play out countless times." - Nathan Chandler
"Just watched the demo you sent for the Card At Any Number and I have no idea how it works." - Dreygon Hibbler
"I can't wait to learn it. Owning your previous work on this, I feel like I should be able to work it out but can't get my head around it LOL." - Matt Overd
This is not the same update for 'Azlan' which was taught in God Mode Sui Generis 2.
A prediction envelope...
The contents of this series, for the most part, emphasize the history of effects and ideas. There are effects and methods in some of them, though.
1st edition 2014, PDF 30 pages....
The contents of this series, for the most part, emphasize the history of effects and ideas. There are effects and methods in some of them, though.
From the introduction:
Dustbin Dossier will service a distinct minority interested in examining documents (letters, notes, booklets, diaries, journals) in their original, "aboriginal" forms. Personal letters, for example, are a primary source of raw, unfiltered knowledge - seasoned with salt, not sugar. They are usually characterized by their spontaneous candor and unguarded subjectivity. After all, most of them were written for one person...
This can be done with a borrowed shuffled deck that does not have to be complete. (The only requirement is that the deck is in decent condition, but it does not have to be a new deck.) There is no stack or prior arrangement necessary. Somebody hands you a deck and you go right into the routine. You ask the spectator to take about a third from the deck, shuffle it at heart's content, then remember the bottom card and burry that pack somewhere in the middle of the remaining portion on the table. This all happens while you look away. You then take the deck behind your back and find the spectator...
Ask the spectator to take any deck of cards, and to shuffle it well (it is useless, but it is very "magician"). Get a few cards, as many as the spectator wants, and then make another packet of the same size next to this one. You will ask the spectator to move, as desired, cards from one pile to the other, to divide one pile into two unequal packets, to look at a card of a certain number down the middle pack, and then collect the packets one on top of the other. Before concluding, remind the spectator that he made all the choices independently, he chose the number of cards to move from one...
"It's not easy to improve on a trick by Dai Vernon, but Ian Baxter has managed to do just that!"
A timely observation from reviewer David Jones, who has hit the nail right on the head. Here is an easy, clever new treatment of a respected Vernon classic. Don't be surprised if you find yourself performing Refining Vernon's 1-2-3 over and over again.
Jones continues: "This streamlined handling of Vernon's 1-2-3 is so much cleaner than the original, more magical in effect and far easier to perform. It's a winner!"
This familiar, fast-moving card mystery has been 'doing the rounds' for decades:...
J. Stewart Smith's third book on card magic, containing six more card masterpieces. Like his previous releases, all the work is accomplished without knuckle-busting sleight of hand. Only a few simple moves are necessary, easily within the grasp of the average magician.
Card workers the world over praise his beautiful effects and their methods. See below for a few brief quotes from experts in the field.
"The author has attempted to approach as...
Unpacking the Smith Myth and the Rashomon Concept.
This collection of tricks focuses on a similar motif because they fit the precise definition of that word and, in each case, the goal is to show what unifies and specifically defines each one. I'm also using the term "curate," because I sifted through lots of material so readers can compare and analyze everything. I consider this to be a contextualizing exercise that reveals the motif's history and pinpoints its rightful place in the Creative Continuum.
The two motifs compiled here are the Smith Myth and what's popularly known as the Rashomon...
This collection of math-based tricks includes two effects suitable for virtual shows. One is a Triumph effect the other a spelling trick that works both in English and French. Again, Miller includes some nicely designed print templates which you can print out directly from the PDF to perform the tricks with appropriately themed cards.
This effect is undoubtedly a fooler. The magician will be able to cut to three cards that reveal the exact position of the spectator's card. Conditions are really impossible. A true miracle with a normal deck. Always great reactions from both magicians and laypeople. Always a different number.
After the magician gives the deck a shuffle, the spectator is asked to cut the deck about in half and to take from the lower portion some cards, shuffle them, remember the top card, and put them back on top of the lower portion of the deck. Then the spectator shuffles the top portion of the deck and...
More than the twenty major Marlo items Ed contributed to New Tops Magazine in 1982-1983 - not to mention new sleights, finesses, and subtleties - these items have been largely unavailable since their publication, almost 40 years ago. Wesley James has added another two years of material toward fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."
As with Wesley's two previous releases, M.I.N.T. III and M.I.N.T. IV, these long-unavailable Marlo items could have been all Wesley compiled. Such a volume would have been a huge contribution to the literature of card magic. As a tribute...
Available again after a long absence is this fine work by J. Stewart Smith, presenting eleven more of his mystifying card effects, each of which is accomplished without knuckle-busting sleight of hand. This is the book that had card workers talking all over the country. It had to be good to receive praise from such internationally known close-up workers. See below for a few brief quotes from some of the very best.
Learn some of the most deceptive magic ever created, by a modest man, Elmer Biddle ... 5 impromptu effects plus a bonus trick!
Included with this e-book are 3 videos and 10 pictures. This e-book is a deep dive into the famous "Biddle Move", which is composed of The Biddle Steal and the much less known, The Biddle Switch - and all 5 tricks are impromptu. The videos teach the proper way to perform both Biddle Moves with in-depth instruction - plus the 4 as 5 Count.
Bonus effect: A 6th trick taught here is topological and can be used as a fun ESP effect or a straight-up prediction. A written...
Out of Control is a surprising, impossible location effect. The magician never touches the deck or even looks at it because the spectator will do everything under the table including two riffle shuffles and several cuts. Yet despite these stringent premises, the magician will be able to find the spectator's card face down in the spread of the deck. Great reactions especially from fellow magicians.
1st edition 2022, video 13:51
Some aficionados consider Dai Vernon's "Out of Sight-Out of Mind" from More Inner Secrets of Card Magic the best mindreading trick with an ordinary deck of cards. They may be right. Since the spectator does not remove a card from the deck but only thinks of a card, it makes a terrific mindreading trick. Erdnase explores the principle in "A Mindreading Trick" in Expert at the Card Table. Vernon used the principle to construct his trick.
Gerald keeps the exact effect of Vernon's original trick. In "Only in Your Mind", he uses adaptations of the Overhand Lift Shuffle and constructs a completely different handling of the trick. In keeping with the...
From the introduction:
Effort has been made in this work to include material that will appeal to close-up workers of all experience levels. Even those individuals who are just getting their feet wet in card magic should not have great difficulty learning routines such as "The Odds Against Me," "Forefiguration," "The Force is With You," "Six Card Trick," "Nick's Trick," and several others.
Effort has also been made to make this book as complete an entity as possible as you will notice by the rather generous appendix of Marlo ideas that I have included. Hopefully this will motivate serious...
From the foreword by Ken de Courcy:
Thompson's Bridge and Poker Demonstration is probably one of the most convincing that has ever appeared. The interesting part, the discarding and drawing of cards to improve the Poker hands, is entirely believable and leads to a strong climax.
1st edition ~1947, PDF 6 pages.
Do as I Do under impossible conditions.
An impossible coincidence, a powerful mental effect. Two regular and shuffled decks. Really simple and fun to do. The spectator takes any card from one deck and the magician does the same from the other deck. The amazing thing is that the magician and the spectator surprisingly took the same card. A variation "Do as I do" with an interesting and fascinating technique.
1st edition 2022, video 17:55.
Imagine that a spectator freely shuffles a deck of cards, then randomly picks any 4 cards and from them freely decides which one to choose. The assistant delivers into the right hand of the medium, whose back was turned the whole time, the three remaining cards, and she, studying them for a few moments, will be able to guess the chosen card. Not only that but, repeating the experiment with a second spectator, she will guess the chosen card after simply having the three discarded cards announced by her assistant.
This is an original idea, developed by me, to enable the magician's assistant...