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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 109


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Mark Leveridge
Impossible by Mark Leveridge

A spectator freely names a card (e.g. 5D) which is cut into the centre of a blue deck. The performer cuts a card of his choice (e.g. AS) into the centre of a red deck. The spectator and performer are now going to attempt to make their chosen cards reverse themselves while the packs are still inside their boxes.

Having mimed the removal and turning over of cards, the performer fans the spectator's blue deck only to discover that there is one card face up, but it's the AS! The magician then fans his red backed deck - and to everyone's surprise, the only face-up card in that pack is the one...

★★★★ $19.50
Jon Racherbaumer
Analects and Analogues by Jon Racherbaumer

Ten card mysteries Annemann would have loved.

This book was part of a two-person three-hour lecture session given by Harry Anderson that Jon gave at a Daytona Magic Conference.

Excerpt from the foreword:

Anneman believed that the effect is the most important thing and, to paraphrase Vince Lombardi, the effect is the only thing.

Anneman believed, as deists believe in a god, that a magician must do something extraordinary with the ordinary…and what is demonstrated must also have no practical use or relevance in the real world. It is a demo, not an application of real power.


Joseph B.
Intrigue by Joseph B.

This effect is intriguing. Not only will the magician find two chosen cards under impossible conditions, but there will be a series of incredible and numerous predictions. Look at the full performance. The effect is simple to perform and semi-automatic. We are certainly within the magician-fooler category. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards.

1st edition 2023, video 16:03.

Gregg Webb
Triplets 4 by Gregg Webb

In this, the second all-cards issue, of Triplets, Gregg Webb describes some old and some new in the news section, including a review of a rather old book Gregg thinks has good patter ideas for poker-themed card tricks, and some others that are quite recent, and a few things that are yet to come out but will soon.

Next Gregg describes a novel vanish of a card for standup manipulators, and then a card trick based on Schrödinger's Cat theory (from quantum mechanics), and a very direct new incarnation of Real Gone Aces, called Real Gone Queens, which includes a way to do it as Real Gone Jokers. ...

★★★★ $12
Jon Racherbaumer
Devious Departures by Jon Racherbaumer

A deep dive into Elmsley's Point of Departure.

The original effect is the following. A card is chosen and placed face down on the table. The two black aces are then removed from the pack and with the utmost fairness, the chosen card is placed between them, and this sandwich is handed to a spectator to hold. On the magician's command, the chosen card vanishes and is found in the performer's pocket.

  • Point of Departure / Alex Elmsley
  • Card Vanish Supreme / Edward Marlo
  • A-E-I-O-U / Sam Schwarz
  • Last-Minute Departure / Jon Racherbaumer
  • Escapade / Max Maven
  • Between Your Points of Departure / Earl...
★★★★ $10
David Britland
Trick Card Trickery by David Britland

Clever tricks with standard gaffed cards such as double backers, blank faced, etc.

Excerpt from the introduction:

You will find that the effects obtained through the use of fake cards can be quite incredible when some sleight-of-hand or subtlety is also used. False counts play a large part in the effects.

  • Introduction
  • The Elmsley Count
  • The Jordan Count
  • The Experimental Elmsley Count
  • Instant Printing
  • Supersonic Joker
  • An Oddity!
  • Turncoat
  • ’simpossible
  • Notes

1st edition 1978, 16 pages; PDF 20 pages.

Edward Marlo
Deck Deception by Edward Marlo

A potpourri of great Marlo tricks.

All kinds of magic good for close-up or parlor, comedy or drama, technique or presentation. Excerpt from the conclusion:

We'd like to call your attention to the fact that we have given you a fine variety of card material. Four card discoveries that are novel and off the beaten path, especially the Divining Hanky. For the fellow who has a speck of larceny in his soul, we gave away our pet - a system of culling and stacking - to be used, of course, for entertainment purposes only.

Another tidbit was a flourish that was easy to do. The remaining five...

Paul Curry
Special Effects by Paul Curry

Intelligent and creative card magic of the highest caliber.

Excerpt from the introduction:

Anyone going to press with a book "new" tricks should have the good grace to concede, if only momentarily, that he may be placing himself in the category of the mad scientist who spent his time developing cures for which there were no diseases. It’s hard to win points against the argument that a new idea should fill a need, that invention should follow necessity. Yet the disregard of such orderly logic seems, in the long run, to produce some of the best results. Many of the good things in magic,...

Mark Leveridge
Beating the Odds by Mark Leveridge

A deck of cards becomes a stable of 52 horses. The horses are shuffled by a spectator and the deck is placed down. The performer then writes down the name of one of the horses on a pad and places it sight unseen in view on the table. This is a prediction of a horse that he believes will win an imaginary race in a few moments time.

Spreading the deck, a spectator is invited to touch one at a time completely at random seven horses. These are removed and held in a pile. He then selects any number from one to seven. Using the chosen number, horses are eliminated in the pile one by one until...

Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1965 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 and 1964 are already available. The release of this volume takes another step toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations, and his supplemental and bonus material. The material in this volume is truly extraordinary. This volume includes 11 Marlo articles plus 25 Wesley James contributions. Two of Ed's finest New Tops contributions - the "Olram Subtlety" and "Marlo's Aces" - appeared in 1965. Additionally, "A...

Walt Lees
The Complete Cannibal Act by Walt Lees

Extract from the preface:

It was in 1972 that Fred Snook first drew my attention to the "Cannibal Cards". A little later, I was lucky enough to see Matt Corin performing his version of the trick. He told me that he had published it in "Kabbala" a few months previously and that the original idea stemmed from an effect by Lyn Searles. I was able, shortly afterwards, to obtain a copy of the Corin routine.

Earlier on, in 1966 I had purchased a copy of Harry Lorayne's "Close-Up Card Magic" and had, for some time, used the Jay Ose version of the Garcia "Apex Ace", described in that excellent book. When I began to work on...

Eddie Joseph
Card Bonanza by Eddie Joseph

Excerpt from the Introduction:

In my opinion, anything Eddie Joseph produces needs no introduction for he has proved to the world at large his ability as an originator and as a writer on magical subjects. His thought and ideas have high rating among Magicians. In fact, I know many Magicians who will buy any trick, book, or manuscript with Joseph's name to it. So this does not leave much more to say as an introduction to this manuscript.

However, the contents herewith are so good that we felt justified in saying so in writing, especially in respect to the "Telephone Repeat". It is our hope...

Walt Lees
The Commercial Card Magic of Roger Crosthwaite by Walt Lees

Excerpt from the introduction:

It was way back in the early 1960's that I first heard the name Roger Crosthwaite. He had a series of articles running in the Gen magazine and Lewis Ganson and others of note, were frequently singing his praises. I remember reading several of his pocket picking routines and, although I never attempted to do any of them, for some reason the name of Roger Crosthwaite stuck in my mind. It was not for another ten years that I saw or heard any more of him.

In the early seventies, I was working full time in Hamley's magic department in Regent Street, London, when a clergyman, who had been watching...

Zaw Shinn
Flip by Zaw Shinn

A spectator-selected card turns face-up in the deck.

Have a spectator freely select a card from a deck. There is no force. The spectator remembers the card. The magician inserts the card into the deck. When the deck is fanned the card has turned face-up (or face-down if you are showing the deck from faces.)

You will need to be able to do a half-pass. A short card helps in the sleight-of-hand proceedings.

1st edition 2023, video 13:38

Joseph B.
Not to Cheat by Joseph B.

A demonstration of cheating.

The spectator chooses four cards totally at random and puts them face down between two red Kings who are face up. Then the spectator puts this little packet on top of the deck. After the magician cuts and shuffles only one time, the cards between the red Kings now are the four aces! With only one shuffle, the magician manages to switch the four indifferent cards with 4 aces.

1st edition 2023, video 11:31

★★★★ $18
John Carey
Crafted with Carey by John Carey

This ebook with photo illustrations is a treasure trove of to-the-point card effects, plus a little coin magic included for good measure. There are premium effects chosen from John's DVDs and earlier booklets, as well as new material and effects from some of John's friends including Peter Duffie and John Bannon. In fact, in his foreword to the book, John Bannon said of John Carey's creations: "I pay attention to his work, follow it, enjoy it, and often find bits of inspired thinking I'll incorporate in my own work. I'd bet that you'd reach the same conclusion."

  • Foreword
  • Introduction
  • 1 Deck Do As I Do
  • A Little...
Ken de Courcy
A Card Exits by Ken de Courcy

This is Ken's take on R.M. Jamison's 'Yogi Tells' effect from The Phoenix. Someone thinks of one of four cards of the same value of different suits. After two brief shuffles, you spell "Y-O-G-I" three times discarding the card on the last letter, and the card that remains is the one the spectator chose. In Ken's version the spectator thought of card magically flys into the pocket of the performer.

1st edition 1984, 8 pages; PDF 9 pages.

Paul Gordon
Killer Card Magic by Paul Gordon

25 of Paul's very best routines are fully taught. Watch and learn now.

"Visual and stunning routines ... a modern master!" - Jeff McBride

"Excellent creator and performer - so funny." - Boris Wild


  • Killer Mystery Card
  • Cheeky Acaan
  • Head To Head Poker
  • Shocked Aces
  • Easy Ace Estimation
  • Knock Em Dead
  • Swing Aces
  • Diminishing Not Likely
  • Twister
  • Hellman's Aces
  • Play It Poker
  • Worker Supreme
  • Double Gemini
  • Not Too Far
  • Cursed Gypsy
  • The Amazing Four-Card Trick
  • Elle Vate
  • Four-Ace Opener
  • Birds Of A Feather
  • Worker Ambitious Classic
  • and more ...

Plus, an addition of 11...

★★★★★ $8
Ian Baxter
Twist plus Bonus by Ian Baxter

Dai Vernon's Twisting The Aces, has for decades been regarded as an all-time classic and thankfully, the new wave of 21st Century card experts still carry the torch for this perennial favourite. Over the years, new additions and presentations are published, adding even further interest to this wonderful effect.

Australian card man Ian Baxter admits to having performed TTA for sixty years, starting just three years following its publication in 1960. Up until recently, he performed it totally 'as is' from Dai Vernon's More Inner Secrets Of Card Magic.

"Tampering with a Vernon treasure such as TTA, can often promote controversy" admits Baxter....

J. Stewart Smith
Strange Command by J. Stewart Smith

Excerpt from the Foreword:

This book is intended for those men who have made a study of card magic. To be magic, the viewers are unaware of the use of any methods ... the effect apparently just happens and the performer seems to be only an instrument of the supernatural. Certain death to magic follows any contraventions of these principles.

  • Foreword
  • It Is Certain To Happen
  • The Notorious Society
  • Nebuchadnezzar’s Nightmare
  • Occult Powers In Full Force
  • Unfriendly Influence
  • The Offensive Jacks
  • An Unexplainable Purpose
  • So Great Is Its Power
  • This Strange Mystery
  • Within The Realm...
Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1964 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

Thanks to Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and M.I.N.T. 1963 Annotated are already available. The move toward the availability of the entire run of Marlo In New Tops material with Wesley's extensive annotations and supplemental Bonus material is well underway. The material in this volume is extraordinary. This volume includes 13 articles - something for almost everyone - with themes: Seven months are focused on technique. Two of the techniques were truly ground breaking. Both ATFUS and FUFU were revolutionary. Marlo also extends his exploration of the powerful and intriguing Incomplete Faro. One technique that...

Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Wanted Twins by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

This is a new self-working card trick: the viewer will choose two cards, to represent the law and by means of which he will get two more cards, lost in the deck, which he will then divide into four bundles. Over the course of two separate stages, the spectator himself will insert the "sheriffs" within the deck, as arbitrarily as possible. The decks will be shuffled, cut and completed but, despite a thousand adversities, the two "sheriff" cards will succeed in tracking down and capturing the two "outlaws," generated by the combination of the first two cards, chosen at random.

The legend...

★★★★★ $12
Bob Farmer
Bammo Gaffus Maximus Addendum 2 by Bob Farmer

Bob Farmer's Bammo Gaffus Maximus book has a five-star rating from verified purchasers. Now there is an addendum with even more amazing, gaffed decks you can make easily at home.

The effects are brand new and like nothing you've seen before: two astounding predictions, "Stoned," and "The Turn of a Card," involving Chinese mysticism and Las Vegas gambling - themes that are catnip for audiences.

No sleights. Automatic working. No rough and smooth. Instant reset. No angles.

If you have Gaffus Maximus, you'll need this addendum. If you don't have Gaffus Maximus, then this is your chance to sample the quality...

Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT 1963 Annotated by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

After releasing M.I.N.T III, IV, V, and VI, Wesley has set about to complete the full run of Marlo In New Tops material with extensive annotations and supplemental bonus material. This is the first installment of the years from 1963 through 1979. 1964 - 68 are already well underway. Beyond the eight major articles in this, the first year of Marlo’s material in New Tops, there are innovative and ground-breaking plots, sleights, and subtleties, that have been largely unavailable since the run of the New Tops ended, notwithstanding the flat text of L & L’s MINT I and MINT II. If those books had been...

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