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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Federico Benuzzi
Giocolieri si Diventa by Federico Benuzzi

Manuale pratico di giocoleria

Federico Benuzzi è giocoliere professionista dal 1998 e in questo ebook mette a tua disposizione la sua esperienza per accompagnarti nell’affascinante mondo della giocoleria.

Ti è sicuramente capitato di vedere uno di questi straordinari artisti eseguire evoluzioni incredibili ed impossibili con oggetti di tutti i tipi e chiederti come sia possibile!

Federico Benuzzi già dal titolo del suo libro comincia a spiegarti il segreto, ossia “Giocolieri si diventa”. Si giocolieri si diventa con passione, pratica e perseveranza!

Ci vuole però un maestro...

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Caruso Colzi
Fai Cio Che Ti Dico by Caruso Colzi

L’Arte delle Suggestioni, come, quando e perchè utilizzarle.

(Prefazione di Corrado Malanga)

In questo libro ho raccolto tutto quanto concerne la mia esperienza decennale in ambito ipnosi, sia per quanto riguarda gli studi, sia per quanto riguarda il lavoro nella pratica quotidiana.

Il lettore, in un escursus che va dagli antichi egizi all’odierna fisica quantistica, potrà trovare all’interno del testo: spiegazioni, definizioni e metodologie applicate alle suggestioni.

L’aspetto che trovo interessante di questo lavoro è l’assoluta semplicità nell’esposizione di uno...

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Hans-Joachim Brucherseifer
Looking for Erdnase: The Expert at the Card Table by Hans-Joachim Brucherseifer

A docu-drama (dramatized documentary) on the identity of the mystery author of a classic book on sleight-of-hand with cards.

The best magicians of the 21st century set out on a journey to search for the lost author of the most legendary book about the art of sleight of hand. S.W. Erdnase is the pseudonym of the man thought to be the most notorious card shark of the 19th century. His book The Expert at the Card Table is now considered the card conjurer's bible, making it compulsory reading for any magician. It took more than 30 years after its publication for the true value of the book to be appreciated. His true identity remains...

★★★★ $18.99


Wayne Dobson & Jay Fortune
Wayne Dobson Talks to Jay Fortune: The Magic Interview Series No.1 by Wayne Dobson & Jay Fortune

Way back in 2005, I began broadcasting a world-first: an hour dedicated to magic, live from London. At the time, I was presenting my breakfast show on commercial radio. Every Monday evening at 7pm GMT, the airwaves went live with Radio Magic. Each episode featured a ten-minute interview with a famous star of magic (see The Magic Interview Series ebook). As a spin-off from that year-long project, I recorded a few long-form interviews with magicians and these recordings became available as CDs: thus, the Magic Interview Series was born. Looking back, I was podcasting before podcasts! Now, for the first time ever, these...

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Jon Racherbaumer
Analects and Analogues by Jon Racherbaumer

Ten card mysteries Annemann would have loved.

This book was part of a two-person three-hour lecture session given by Harry Anderson that Jon gave at a Daytona Magic Conference.

Excerpt from the foreword:

Anneman believed that the effect is the most important thing and, to paraphrase Vince Lombardi, the effect is the only thing.

Anneman believed, as deists believe in a god, that a magician must do something extraordinary with the ordinary…and what is demonstrated must also have no practical use or relevance in the real world. It is a demo, not an application of real power.


★★★★ $19.50
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Unknown Mentalist
Epic Spin by Unknown Mentalist

Effects involving the number Pi.

The number Pi is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. This is also a very fascinating number from a magic and mentalism point of view.

The day of March 14 which represents the Pi value of 3.14 is celebrated across the world as Pi Day, which occurred recently in this year. Some amazing effects can be performed using this Pi number.

Epic Spin is a collection of routines using the Pi number. Although the effects involve numbers of Pi, there is no math involved, largely. And...

★★★★★ $12
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Sam Dalal
Sam's Scrapbook 2 by Sam Dalal

Over 50 years, I have run a Magician's service, producing and supplying several hundreds of thousands of pieces of over 2500 varieties of props to magic dealers and magicians worldwide, with retail sale value exceeding a million dollars a year over several years, so I figure we have been doing something right!

Many were "classic props" - my favorite sources being books like Hoffman's Modern, More and Later Magic, the many excellent magical secrets series and other illusion books by Will Goldston, and of more modern times, the World of Magic trilogy by Jack Hughes - with an effort to some times modify the props and their use to present...

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Lee Morgan Andrews
Letters to a Young Mentalist by Lee Morgan Andrews

Mentoring at your fingertips. Inspirations, musings and creative insights.

Letters To A Young Mentalist is a compendium of epistolary wisdom, advice and musing born from the proficuous letter exchange between a seasoned professional and an eager receptive protégé.

In these pages, you will find thoughts on creativity, mentoring, writing, staging and much more. The contents are both practical and inspiring, encouraging a dialogue on what mentalism is and how we can make it more meaningful, artful and reverberating. Some of the insights are thought-provoking, while others are invaluable...

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Joseph B.
Intrigue by Joseph B.

This effect is intriguing. Not only will the magician find two chosen cards under impossible conditions, but there will be a series of incredible and numerous predictions. Look at the full performance. The effect is simple to perform and semi-automatic. We are certainly within the magician-fooler category. Everything is done with a normal deck of cards.

1st edition 2023, video 16:03.

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MP4 (video)

Mark Leveridge
Going Walkabout Audio Book 1 by Mark Leveridge

Learn about mix and mingle magic the easy way.

This 55-minute audiobook is perfect for listening to in the car or while jogging or at the gym. It contains a reading of the contents of the hugely useful information ebook entitled Going Walkabout, in which I explain exactly how I go about performing at informal mix and mingle events and how to make a success of working close-up magic at reception style events where the spectators are all standing or where there is, at best, only a very informal arrangement of seats, but no tables.

The 7 chapters included are as follows:

  • Chapter 1 - Defining Going Walkabout ...
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Alex Master
Magic Trick Compilation by Alex Master

Easy and simple magic tricks for the beginner.

  • Why Do You Want to Learn Magic Tricks?
  • What are the Easiest Tricks to Learn?
  • The Key to Magic – Sleight of Hand
  • What is an Illusion?
  • Easy Money Tricks Using Bills
  • Easy Money Tricks Using Coins
  • Easy Magic Tricks Using Scarves and Handkerchiefs
  • Fun and Simple Card Tricks
  • Fascinating Rope Tricks
  • Cups and Balls Routines
  • Simple Elastic Tricks
  • Fun Dice Tricks
  • Tips for Becoming a True Entertainer
  • How Much Practice Will it Take?
  • How Many Tricks Should You Perform?

1st edition 2021, PDF 34 pages.

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Torindo Colangione
Duplice Realtà by Torindo Colangione

L’utilizzo della Duplice Realtà nel Mentalismo

DUPLICE: Che è fatto tra due soggetti, persone. Che si compone di due parti o elementi differenti.
REALTÀ: carattere di ciò che è reale, concreto, vero. Es: avere, non avere il senso della realtà.

Ho voluto cominciare questa introduzione al libro con il sunto del significato delle due parole che caratterizzeranno questo lavoro così come risultano dai dizionari della lingua italiana.

Questo perché l’essenza degli argomenti che tratteremo si basa proprio su questi due termini che andremo ad analizzare nei vari aspetti e sfaccettature...

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Gianluca de Angelis
Domina la realtà con l’ipnosi conversazionale by Gianluca de Angelis

Svelati i trucchi dei più grandi Mentalisti moderni

Hai mai pensato di prendere un semplice mazzetto di fogli, metterli in tasca e poterci pagare la cena? Hai mai pensato di potere vedere un tuo amico che davanti ai tuoi occhi con grande sgomento ammette di non ricordare il proprio nome o una carta che pochi secondi fa aveva memorizzato?

Hai mai creduto possibile poter incollare una mano ad un tavolo? Questa non è fantascienza, non stai per diventare uno Jedi e non è esattamente “magia”… ma se i tuoi amici e il tuo pubblico lo credessero? Divertiti, e mettiti comodo, perché stai...

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Marco Antuzi
Comunicazione Subliminale by Marco Antuzi

Tecniche Pratiche di Comunicazione Subliminale

Il libro che hai tra le mani (o meglio che hai sul monitor del pc o sul tuo e-book reader) rappresenta l’evoluzione dei miei precedenti lavori. In questo e-book non solo troverai alcune tecniche descritte nei miei precedenti libri qualora tu non li avessi acquistati ma anche la descrizione del Milton model con esempi chiari per comprenderlo fino in fondo.

Troverai anche utili consigli per poter rinforzare la tua identità di persuasore. Questo è un libro sulla comunicazione subliminale, un approccio che ti può permettere di influenzare...

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Marco Antuzi
Comunicazione Ipnotica 2.0 by Marco Antuzi

Come creare stati alterati di coscienza per ottenere una comunicazione irresistibile

Comunicazione ipnotica 2.0! Marco Antuzi come sempre mira alla pratica e in questa nuova opera non fa certo differenza e ti insegna come cambiare il modo di vedere il mondo con l’uso della parola.

Quando due persone conversano si scambiano opinioni basate sul proprio modo di vedere la realtà ma la parola è in grado di cambiare la visone della realtà e ristrutturare un evento negativo in uno positivo o viceversa.

In questo ebook imparerai a creare stati alterati di coscienza e a sfruttarli inserendo...

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Massimo Gualtieri
Come Vestire le Parole by Massimo Gualtieri

Viaggio nella Comunicazione

Calabria 2016: mi trovo in un piccolo paese nella provincia di Crotone, dove ho passato parecchie estati, essendo questo il paese nativo dei miei genitori.

Non mi sento costretto ad andarci, anzi, quando possibile ci torno volentieri, richiamato dal fascino e dalla bellezza della costa ionica.

Sono passati tre anni e mezzo dal mio primo eBook “Oltre le parole” ed è cresciuta la voglia di proseguire con un altro capitolo, di creare e passare nuove informazioni sulla comunicazione e sul linguaggio del corpo, arricchendo tutto ciò con nuovi esperimenti...

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Donation 10x by various

We are a for-profit business, but we do work on non-profit projects, which we do simply because we love magic. For example, many of the old books we convert cost much more to convert than we would ever hope to make selling digital versions. Nevertheless, we have chosen to digitize and preserve many of these books and magazines as a service to the magic community. We are also thinking about making some of these ebooks free if we can raise enough money through donations.

Any donations made here will flow directly to preserving magic literature. If for whatever reason we are not able to use...

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Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 109 (March 2023) by Phil ShawVol. 19, No. 1, March 2023; 60 pages

Cover: Léa Kyle

  1. Welcome to Issue #108 - Editor's comments
  2. The Team
  3. What's Inside
  4. Reader's Letters
  5. Léa Kyle - Changing Magic - cover article/interview by Phil Shaw
  6. Masterclass
    1. Tour de Force - Michael O'Brien
    2. Spirit of the Pendulum - Brian Johnson
    3. Any Page Number Book Test - Ian Adair
  7. Why Solving is Essential - Kev G
    1. 5 QR Codes (and links) for solving a Rubik's Cube
  8. The Bochord Club - Ian Moran
  9. Worker's Corner - Chris Congreave
  10. Alarna Love - The Secret Magician - interview by Phil Shaw
  11. Memories of Entertaining - Brian Johnson
  12. Deliberate Practise...
★★★★★ $5
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Unknown Mentalist
Life in Digits by Unknown Mentalist

Life in Digits is a collection of number divination effects and word divination effects using a single card. The card supplied to you is used by a participant to select a random 7 or 8-digit number. And the performer starts divining the number instantly and very cleanly. Or the card is used by the participant to think of a country, color, state or star sign, etc, and again the performer cleanly and instantly divines the thought.

There are 2 cards supplied to you. One is about postcard size and another is poker size. Both can be comfortably carried in your pocket.

You can perform over...

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gimmick & PDF

Phil Shaw
The Comedy Helpline by Phil Shaw

Routines, visual gags and priceless advice from the top comedy pros.

If you want to create a comedy act, or are a comedy performer looking to supplement the fun that you already have, this ebook will provide you with all the inspiration, advice, effects, one-liners and visual gags that you need.

We have tapped into the knowledge and expertise of top comedy performers such as Scott and Muriel, Gaetan Bloom, John Archer, Alan Hudson, Nathan Kranzo, Andy Reay, Michael Finney and many more, all of whom have revealed what it takes to make your magic appealingly funny.

Reading this ebook will help to find the comic...

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Tony Griffith
Griff on Close-Up by Tony Griffith

Excerpt from the Foreword:

In this book, again you will find not only tricks that work, but more important, entertaining close-up routines, with the accent on entertainment. Some of the effects may not be new, but they all have a most unusual twist, or that little something that makes them different.

As long as I have known Tony Griffith, which is over ten years now, he has never been contented to purchase a trick and do it as per instructions. He is a firm believer in reading the mechanics of the trick, then throwing the working and routine away, and starting from scratch. These then...

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Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1954 by Laurie Ireland
  • Tricky Tidbits
  • For The Green Chlorophyll Card
  • Our Magician Of The Yearbook For 1954 - Del Ray
  • The Royal Assembly
  • Fourteen Effects With The Fourteen Of Clubs
  • Mickey Mouse And His Magic Coats
  • The Jackpot Cigarette Trick
  • The Magnetic Ball
  • Golf Ball To Silk
  • The Human Volcano
  • The Spectator Does A Card Trick
  • Perfect Diminishing Pack Of Cigarettes
  • Felix The Snake
  • Torn Smoke
  • The Ireland Handling For A Jumbo Two Way Forcing Deck
  • Bamboo Chinese Sticks
  • Sockard
  • What To Do With A Slick Ace
  • Sez You Giant Card Trick
  • The No Gimmick Slate Gimmick
  • The Foolproof Necktie Trick
  • The Ghost...
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Gregg Webb
Triplets 4 by Gregg Webb

In this, the second all-cards issue, of Triplets, Gregg Webb describes some old and some new in the news section, including a review of a rather old book Gregg thinks has good patter ideas for poker-themed card tricks, and some others that are quite recent, and a few things that are yet to come out but will soon.

Next Gregg describes a novel vanish of a card for standup manipulators, and then a card trick based on Schrödinger's Cat theory (from quantum mechanics), and a very direct new incarnation of Real Gone Aces, called Real Gone Queens, which includes a way to do it as Real Gone Jokers. ...

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Jon Racherbaumer
Devious Departures by Jon Racherbaumer

A deep dive into Elmsley's Point of Departure.

The original effect is the following. A card is chosen and placed face down on the table. The two black aces are then removed from the pack and with the utmost fairness, the chosen card is placed between them, and this sandwich is handed to a spectator to hold. On the magician's command, the chosen card vanishes and is found in the performer's pocket.

  • Point of Departure / Alex Elmsley
  • Card Vanish Supreme / Edward Marlo
  • A-E-I-O-U / Sam Schwarz
  • Last-Minute Departure / Jon Racherbaumer
  • Escapade / Max Maven
  • Between Your Points of Departure / Earl...
★★★★ $12
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