Stories of card and revolver play, told by a man who "worked" the trains with his confederates in the days when stakes ran high.
If one believes this account, then a lot of the crooked gambling on trains was simply theft at gunpoint rather than sophisticated sleight-of-hand card advantage play.
1st edition 1910, PDF 7 pages.
Engineers will like the resolution of this locked room mystery. Dr. John Evelyn Thorndyke, a former medical doctor who became a forensic investigator of crimes, has to deal with murder behind locked doors. The only clue he has is an aluminum dagger shoved into the back of the victim.
One of the unique aspects of detective stories by R. Austin Freeman is that Freeman personally tested the methods described in his stories. The top floor of his house was a workshop and laboratory where he could try out and investigate sometimes arcane scientific knowledge from areas such as tropical medicine,...
This short compilation follows on the heels of another compilation titled Dreamwork. Both relate to Bob Hummer's "The Midreader's Dream." Bob Hummer introduced to the magic world many interesting principles and effects. One of the first to make a splash was introduced in 1952. The dreamy dealer ad seemed too good to be true: A spectator merely thinks of a card and then performs a few, unseen dealing procedures with a deck of cards. The magician, whose back was turned throughout these actions, turns and faces the spectator. He takes the deck, briefly scans the cards, and consults a "dream book." He then names...
A collection of magic tricks using your card case.
This booklet has it all - from visual routines to the purely baffling, with detailed instructions on how to make the gimmicks required for the 8 killer ideas that you will be performing in no time.
Visually change a mini card that is stapled to your card case. Heal burn marks on signed cards and the box. Make your spectators visually see the deck expand, so much so it won't fit back in the box. Expose a 'secret slit' in your card box, before it magically seals up when a spectator tries it.
These routines are just a sample of the effects...
A unique approach to the extraction of the last coin from cord for a Charming Chinese Challenge Routine or similar magic presentation.
The extraction occurs in the hands of two spectators after being inspected by several others as the coin being actually on the cord. This end-phase is cleaner and "stronger magic" than traditional methods but does require mastering new sleights and experienced audience management skills.
A single Chinese coin swings from the end of a doubled cord like a pendulum following a series of effects where a coin was magically extracted for the...
A "Horse Race" in which you always win under impossible conditions.
The aces represent horses and the performer and three spectators run an exciting race, moving their horses on the “course” as indicated by a fourth spectator dealing the cards. The performer always wins and the effect can be repeated as many times as desired, with the same result every time.
Unsettle anyone who owns a pack of cards!
You bought a box of vintage things in an estate sale and inside the box you found a creepy old cassette tape. You managed to find a tape player and what you heard was somewhat unsettling causing you to go quickly look at the pack of playing cards you have sitting on your coffee table. It's apparently a recording of some kind of preacher responding to a friend who wrote him a letter, concerned that his daughter was getting into playing cards. As you know, playing cards are sinful, evil, and the Devil's work.
They're not called the Devil's Pasteboards...
A new approach to the Stewart James classic Miraskill.
Theo Annemann's journal The Jinx, September 1936, was where Miraskill was first published. Subsequently reprinted in various books and magazines over the years, this Stewart James creation still baffles one and all. The years have not dulled the remarkable impact it can have on today's audiences.
Courtskill is a brand-new version of Miraskill. Australian card man Ian Baxter has concocted a totally new version, with some very distinct advantages.
Barely half the deck is used, trimming the performance time considerably, not to mention a surprise approach involving court...
PDF 48 pages.
A wonderfully illustrated collection of 100 interesting and easy-to-replicate science experiments, tricks, puzzles, and the like.
Excerpt from the preface:
Each of the hundred sections embodies a distinct scientific recreation, sometimes a mere puzzle or test of dexterity, but more often illustrating, in a magical or quasi-magical form, the operation of some natural law. Chemistry, Mechanics, Optics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics.
Translated and edited from the French Science Amusante by Professor Hoffmann.
A system to memorize a deck of cards.
Excerpt from the preface:
We are indeed happy to have the privilege of publishing this Classic in the realm of Card Memory Systems. This book provides a perfect explanation of a perfect plan for mastering what Adrian himself so aptly terms "the gentle art of never forgetting". The word "perfect" when uttered by a publisher or dealer is a mouthful we know, but we use it with consideration aforehand, and use it because we know that the practicable plan set forth in this book merits it.
In this brochure, he counsels in Mental Magic and presents you...
The Exlibris 1 effect at the end of this ebook is a wonderful magic square effect that incorporates a book and thus lends itself to be combined with a book test but can also be performed stand-alone.
Imagine the following. You are invited to a friend's or colleague's home. (Another great place to perform this would be in a library.) Ask them to pick any book from their bookshelf and open the book somewhere in the first half. The two visible page numbers are entered into a 4 x 4 grid. Ask them to open the book anywhere in the second half and you enter these page numbers also in the 4 x 4...
Dieser Band schließt die „ad rem“-Reihe ab. Auf 878 Seiten wurden Ihnen 485 Tricks vorgestellt (die meisten davon in mehreren Versionen). Der Trick-Index am Ende umfaßt die ganze Reihe.
[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.
PDF 51 pages.
Translated from the French by Henry Frith. The French original from 1880 is considered the very first title in the genre of books of simple science experiments that anybody can conduct in their own home. But this book is much more than a collection of kitchen sink science experiments. It is an engineering and science primer that touches on many topics of physics and chemistry including organic chemistry, material science, heat, light, sound, gases, aeronautics, and a lot more.
Based on page numbering it appears to be a compilation of several books:
Darren McQuade and Liam Montier's superb ebook features seven new ideas using a Frixion pen. You can obtain a Frixion pen from most stationary stores worldwide. You will learn some superb and off-beat magic using the Frixion principle in totally commercial and practical routines, as opposed to half-baked pipe dreams that similar publications on the same topic offer.
This ebook takes you through what the Frixion principle is, how to conceal it, how to activate it, and then six killer real-world routines. These include:
Visual Voodoo - Help a spectator out by performing a visual voodoo...
Doctor Edward George Ervin was a dentist and amateur magician whose mentor and teacher was famous William Robinson, aka Chung Ling Soo.
Excerpt from the introduction by T. Nelson Downs:
Nearly thirty years ago, when I first met Dr. Ervin I was not only greatly impressed with the man himself, but also the type of magic he stood for. During the passing years this impression has become increasingly strengthened. To me the words "Ervin" and "subtle ingenuity" mean one and the same thing, for I have been privileged to share the greater part of his choicest magical inventions during a long period.
As per the old proverb,...
An impromptu effect of mentalism and vampire-themed bizarre magic that just makes use of six playing cards.
The title of this eBook suggests the vampire theme underlying this impromptu mentalism/bizarre magic effect. Simply by using six playing cards, it empowers the illusionist to be always ready to perform with eyes closed (while blindfolded, without any trickery whatsoever, or otherwise remaining turned to one side for the entire duration of the experiment), with no need whatsoever to see the cards.
A female spectator is chosen in the role of the first victim, the only one who survived...
Un effetto impromptu di mentalismo e bizarre magic a tema vampiresco che semplicemente fa uso di sei carte da gioco.
Il titolo di questo eBook suggerisce il tema vampiresco alla base di questo effetto impromptu di Mentalismo / Bizarre Magic.
Semplicemente utilizzando sei carte da gioco, mette in grado l’illusionista di essere sempre pronto ad eseguirlo ad occhi chiusi (da bendato, senza trucco alcuno, o comunque rimanendo voltato da una parte per l’intera durata dell’esperimento), senza necessità alcuna di vedere mai le carte!
Una spettatrice viene scelta nel ruolo di prima vittima,...
This is a strong self-working routine. It comes with a mysterious old audio recording, and the routine only uses four playing cards. The subject will undergo the ritual of destiny to find out if a wish of theirs will come to fruition.
The four cards represent the seasons of the year. The ritual represents personal choices and the general chaos of life. By the end of it it'll be clear whether a wish the subject has focused on will come true.
The audio recording does all the work for you. Naturally, you can forgo the...
A great manuscript describing manipulative magic with cards, coins, and balls. Included are several moves and effects by legendary trade show magician Tommy Tucker, including the first release of his classic "Six Card Repeat".
Excerpt from the foreword:
In answer to their numerous requests for the latest sleights, tips and "dodges" used by the up-to-date card manipulator, I'm giving them a selection of forty items to choose from. All of them have been used by the writer, so therefore will be found practical. Every reader, be he "an expert" or a young enthusiast, should find something...
Un gran finale per la tua routine cartomagica o un singolo trucco che lascia tutti di stucco, scegli tu come vuoi usare questa routine. Una cosa è certa, difficilmente troverai qualcosa con un effetto maggiore. Il finale lascia tutti a bocca aperta!
Leggi cosa dice Aldo stesso nella prefazione di questo suo lavoro :
“La routine che ti viene proposta in questo libretto se presentata con la dovuta abilità può crearti la fama di grande manipolatore. Il gioco appartiene a quel genere di effetti che rafforzano nella mente del pubblico l’idea che il mago ha il completo controllo sulle...
An exciting adventure and game of espionage featuring among others Judy Gray from New York, a typist who writes imaginary adventure novels in her spare time, John Savidge from Chicago, employed by the Eastern Securities Company to secretly survey and plan a trans-Persian railway, Serge Wolkonsky an agent of the Russian Secret Service, and Tom Jaggard from America, a magician who travels the Middle East under "The Great Jaggard, the World's Master Mage of Magic".
The backdrop is Persia at the beginning of the 20th century. All the powerful nations, first and foremost Russia, want to build...
Excerpt from the preface:
It is my hope that my efforts will give many hours of pleasure to those who like to do card tricks but have neither the time nor the patience required to practice intricate sleight of hand. But: Don't sell the stripper short! Once you learn to handle it well, you may find the necessary time and patience and - combined with sleight of hand - a stripper deck will make it possible for you to do apparent miracles.