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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 7 (used) by August Roterberg

Beautifully illustrated catalog (prior catalogs had no illustrations) with a one-page list of books at the back. This softcover catalog is in good condition. A prior owner has added a clear acetate protective cover, which is likely the reason for the good condition it is in.

1st edition 1904 (date stamped on front 18th March 1904), 45 pages.

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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 8 by August Roterberg

A huge jump in size from catalog 7 to this catalog 8. Includes a separate section on books where he writes about Expert at the Card Table:

Without doubt the very best and most up-to-date treatise on the numerous sleights used by gamblers, concluding with a thoroughly interesting chapter on Card Sleights and Tricks with Cards. Among the various new gambler’s sleights will be found many which will prove of excellent service to the progressive conjurer. 205 pages; 101 illustrations.

The last section is for: Practical Jokes, Puzzles and Novelties.

1st edition 1904 (date stamped on front 15th July 1904), 170...

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August Roterberg
Roterberg Catalog 8 (used) by August Roterberg

The catalog is in good condition. A prior owner has added a clear acetate cover to protect it. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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David M. Roth
Roth Memory Course by David M. Roth

This is a wonderful course in seven lessons to improve your memory. It covers all fundamentals and shows how to apply these mnemotechnic tools to remember for example names, faces, spelling and numbers. It also gives applications for magic tricks. You will learn how to memorize a shuffled deck of 52 cards or how to remember the knight tour on the chess board. It is likely that Roth was a magician himself, since he mentions his friend Henry Hatton from Magicians' Tricks fame. Dai Vernon learned from this course and mentions it on the Revelations video tapes.

Written in 1918 and as good as any book on 'how to improve your memory'...

★★★★★ $7
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Joe Berg & Al Aldini & B. W. McCarron
Rough Stuff by Joe Berg & Al Aldini & B. W. McCarron

A great ebook for those interested in creating their own mechanical (rough and smooth) trick decks or restoring old ones.

The mechanical decks described in the first part of this ebook were brand new when first published, and represented a value - in today's dollars - of nearly $195 if purchased from a dealer. But that's not all. In this revised and expanded edition, you also get complete instructions for making your own Brainwave and Pop-Eyed Popper decks. While you can buy them ready-made from a dealer, making them yourself allows you to create custom decks, such as with airline or other...

★★★★ $8
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Dick Merryman
Round about our Coal-Fire or Christmas Entertainments by Dick Merryman

Most interesting for magicians is that the book contained a chapter on magic history, which covers mainly past magicians.

1st edition 1730, PDF 59 pages.

★★★★★ $3
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Al E. Smith
Round the Square by Al E. Smith

A 77-page overview and discussion of the perennially popular Magic Square and some of its family. Variations, tricks and applications aplenty. Simple, practical and workable stuff. No complex formulas required. Nothing beyond low doses of basic arithmetic.

  • Squaretro
  • Squareone
  • Altra Square
  • Altratoo
  • Instant
  • Alternative Instant
  • Altra-La-La-La-Lee
  • Patterns
  • Place That Number
  • Duplexing
  • Fromto
  • Howtosquare
  • Howsquare
  • Squaretooit
  • Colour Me Square
  • Squarefect
  • Squarecast
  • Origeightor
  • Origeightors Creed
  • Origeightor Plus
  • Crossing Outlines
  • Four-ther-more
  • Graphive
  • Graphorward
  • Sevensquared ...
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Ken de Courcy
Round the World with a Pack of Cards by Ken de Courcy

Stage card magic routines are relatively rare. In this ebook, however, you will find a complete stage card magic act with a lot of surprises and fun. The performer talks about a trip around the world. Six cards are chosen by six members of the audience. The performer then demonstrates how the cards would be found in several countries: China, USA, France, Russia and India.

A great routine packed with mystery, surprise and a lot of fun. Can be worked with the help of an assistant or solo.

1st digital edition 2013, 17 pages.

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Dave Forrest
Route 1 by Dave Forrest

Any card at any number.

At the beginning of your card set you display a blue backed deck and place it into your pocket for later. You then remove a red deck and blow everyone away with all your hottest stuff. Just before you end you suggest an experiment, a long shot if you will. Something that, should it work will guarantee many a sleepless night. You ask a spectator to just think of any card. Then you ask them to just think of any number between 1 and 52. The choices are written on the back of a Joker and left in plain view for all to see. You propose that you will, through shuffling and...

★★★★★ $10
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L. C. Collier
Routine Completa Con Due Palline Di Spugna ... che richiede tre palline by L. C. Collier

Le palline di spugna sono tra i migliori attrezzi magici a disposizione. Sono economiche, leggere, possono esser compresse facilmente, sono adatte a ragazzi e adulti e sono molto visuali.

Questa routine ha un grande effetto sia per il walkaround, il close-up e la magia da strada. Collier l'ha usata spesso come apertura per richiamare il pubblico. Avrete bisogno di tre palline di spugna. Il manoscritto include il testo utilizzato da Collier.

Con illustrazioni.

Traduzione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini.

★★★★ $5
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Juan Tamariz
Routine in Major D by Juan Tamariz

This is classic Juan Tamariz, a longer routine with four effects. It uses the Tamariz memorized deck. In the explanation part Juan gives you the exact sequence of his memorized deck. Important to know is that there are no difficult moves. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the stack itself and some false shuffles and false cuts.


Juan shows a full deck of cards and mixes face-up and face-down cards by shuffling, cutting and turning over packs. Then all the cards are assembled into a pile, the performer riffles the corners and the spectator peeks at a card. Without looking at the...

★★★★★ $9
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MP4 (video)

Nick Conticello
Routine Mentale Impromptu (Italian) by Nick Conticello

Il collaboratore del Tarbell Course Nick Conticello segue il suo debutto "Il posizionamento fantasma" con altri tre nuovi effetti sensazionali che richiedono solo un normale mazzo di 52 carte per esibirsi. È necessario un piccolo maneggio; includiamo The Widdershins Cut, un falso taglio efficace e semplice. I contenuti includono:

1. THOUGHT CAUGHT: un mazzo non preparato viene mischiato dall'esecutore e tagliato dallo spettatore. Vengono distribuite due pile di carte. Lo spettatore pensa a una carta in una delle pile e disperde lui stesso la selezione nel mazzo. L'esecutore scorre rapidamente...

★★★★★ $15
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Senor Mardo
Routined Magic by Senor Mardo

Two classics of magic: the Cups and Balls and the Egg Bag, are beautifully routined and patiently explained in text and illustrations, as only Senor Mardo can. Experts in magic agree that Mardo's "new thinking" in these routines make them a knockout addition to most any performer's act.

You get over a dozen effects and moves with coins, silks, thimbles, balls, cigarettes and a complete explanation of Mardo's improved gimmick for the Chinese Rice Bowls that will make you want to add it to your show. This is baffling, thrilling, entertaining magic with headline appeal.

Here's a partial list...

★★★★ $5
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Lewis Ganson
Routined Manipulation Finale by Lewis Ganson

The final book of the Routined Manipulation series. (Click here for Part 1 and Part 2.) More great hand magic for both close up and stage by some of the greatest magicians of all times.

  • Anti Gravity Glasses: A feature of Ganson's act for years. Three glasses suspend from a clear sheet of plexiglass. Everything is examinable. This was a marketed item by Unique Studios for many years and now you can easily make this up at home and use it.
  • Fred Kaps Coins and Glass Routine: This is the exact routine used by Fred Kaps throughout his career. One of the finest routines with coins ever!
  • Peter Warlock's Take a Bow:...
★★★★ $12
more than one
type to choose



Lewis Ganson
Routined Manipulation Part 1 by Lewis Ganson

This in combination with Routined Manipulation Part Two and Routined Manipulation Finale is one of the best magic books ever published. Each routine is clearly explained mostly with photos and some illustrations. Many classic effects are described in detail. And the essay "Presentation of Manipulation" is a must read for any magician. It includes presentation, dress and appearance, care of the hands, make up, stage setting, music, personality, lighting, a.s.o.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Readers of Expert Manipulation of Playing Cards (an outstanding treatise, published a few years ago, on back-palming, fan-production, card-fanning, and other types of "showy" conjuring...

★★★★ $7
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Lewis Ganson
Routined Manipulation Part 2 by Lewis Ganson

This is the second part of the masterfully written classic work on magic. Together with Routined Manipulation Part One and Routined Manipulation Finale it is an excellent work on sleight-of-hand magic. The effects taught are suitable from stage and parlor to intimate settings of close-up magic.

This volume has a large section on billiard ball manipulation. Barrows Mussey calls it 'the best thing in print on the subject'. And Al Koran's Blindfold Card Act is a beauty on its own.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This book is a sequel to Mr. Ganson's Routined Manipulation (examined in our Review No. 153), and, like its predecessor, covers a wider range of conjuring than one might expect to find...

★★★★ $7
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Timothy Hyde
Routines for Rascals by Timothy Hyde

Routines for Rascals contains 5 dynamic professional routines from the MagicCoach himself, Timothy Hyde. These routines are no pipe dreams from an armchair theorist. They have all been performed in hundreds if not thousands of performances in his 30 years as a full time mystery performer.

These are all high impact, stage filling audience participation effects suitable for Children's and Family Shows. Most of the routines are also suitable for roving / walkabout engagements and can be performed surrounded at picnic, social days, fairs and other outside events.

Timothy began performing full...

★★★★★ $17
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Martin Breese
Routines for the Bendix Bombshell Wallet by Martin Breese

This is a compilation of routines for the Bendix Bombshell Wallet contributed by some of the most recognized performers. The printed version of this booklet comes with every Bendix Bombshell Wallet produce by Martin Breese. A good place to get the wallet is directly from the manufacturer on the Martin Breese website.

  • Card to Wallet by David Bendix
  • A Roy Roth Alternative
  • Marlo Variation of Bendix Presentation
  • Two Selections and a Wallet by David Solomon
  • The Wallet Game by David Solomon
  • The Roy Roth Bombshell Routine
  • The Enigma Bombshell Routine by Bob Driebeek
  • Marlo's Wallet Combination...
★★★★★ $20
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Lewis Ganson & Rovi
Rovi Reveals Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Rovi

Al Koran convinced Rovi that it was the easy-to-follow plot with a strong magical impact for which there appeared to be no explanation, that had the greatest impression on audiences. Rovi has followed that dictum with great success, devising routines of his own, all of which are styled to entertain. Those readers who expect to have to learn difficult sleights or memorize long sequences of moves, can breathe a sigh of relief. Rovi's magic is not like that, it is based on simplicity and subtlety.

These are all card effects except one, "Watched Coins" a marvelous coin routine.

This was part of the...

★★★★★ $9.50
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Lewis Ganson & Rovi
Rovi Reveals Teach-In (used) by Lewis Ganson & Rovi

Stapled booklet in good condition. For details on the contents see the digital edition.

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Richard Owen
Rovi: The Story of a Man and his Magic by Richard Owen

The authorized book of Rovi's life, philosophy, and magic. The first part deals with Rovi's life from birth, through military service and marriage all the way to his success in magic. A fascinating story with over 50 tricks including the much-requested "Cowboy Trick." Wonderful effects for a variety of skills. Many sleights are thoroughly explained and discussed, including Rovi's fabulous forces, pass, side slip, peek and top change. Many of these ideas appeared in print in this book for the first time.

Wonderful illustrations by Tony Dunn; produced and partly edited by Anthony Brahams.

1st edition 2000, The...

★★★★★ $20
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Rovi's Exclusive Card Secrets by Rovi

Rovi is a Gold Star Medalist of the Inner Magic Circle and a Member of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He is an expert with a pack of cards and his particular brand of card magic has an enormous impact on magicians and members of the public. In this exclusive interview he has been persuaded to release several of his remarkable effects.

Featured in this recording are some of the card secrets that have earned Rovi regular engagements on TV and at exclusive hotels and private houses. The secrets he reveals are not for magicians out to amaze each other with manual dexterity but for...

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Ken de Courcy
Roy Baker's Time Flies by Ken de Courcy

Time Flies! And it's hard to time it because it flies so fast. Anyway, here is a routine with a borrowed watch that you will find fun to make up. Even the most ham-fisted should be able to complete the job in about half-an-hour. It's fun-packed and the magic content is strong. In brief a borrowed wrist watch disappears in a cascade of streamers and is found in a sealed tin can.

5 pages

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Allan Ackerman
Roy Walton's Think of a Card by Allan Ackerman

This is a Roy Walton's effect where Allan has slightly changed the method. A spectator selected card ends up between the two red kings.

runtime: 3min 56s

★★★★★ $4
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MP4 (video)

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