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Magic & Conjuring: page 39


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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David Gish
Modern Object Lessons 1 by David Gish

Legacy Magic released this book originally in 2012 and it was a huge success. This revised edition includes some minor edits and enhancements. Here you'll will find three simple yet poignant object lessons valuable for use with both children and teens. David is a performing magician who has spent years working in both churches and a broad array of secular venues. Let him pass on his insight to you on using magic to convey messages. Don't own expensive props? No problem!

David is a master at taking the simple and small and making it play BIG!

Don't forget to see the Appendix, which has...

★★★★★ $3.75
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Robert Parrish & Oscar Weigle
Do That Again! by Robert Parrish & Oscar Weigle

Includes four sections, one on mental magic, card magic, silk magic and rope and lace magic respectively. All effects are easy to perform and do not require any exotic requisites.

    1. Wrong Number
    2. A Prediction to End Predictions
    3. The Payoff Prediction
    4. . . . Things to Come
    5. The "Direct" Divination
    6. The Phantom President
    7. Picture Projection
    8. Transposed Minds
    9. Comedy Color-Changing Slate
    10. Two Routines
    1. Thought on the Line
    2. "Picture This"
    3. Name Your Favorite
    4. Remote Re verso
    5. Synchronism
    6. Dual Impulsion
    7. Duo Prediction
    8. The Triple Enigma
    9. Nu-Locato
    10. Simplex...
★★★★★ $3.60
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Kirk Kirkham
TV Dove Classics by Kirk Kirkham

More than 25 tricks, tips, and ideas for performing with live as well as life-like rubber doves. Tricks for TV, nightclubs, schools and theaters. If you are a dove worker, you can't afford not to own this wonderful, exciting ebook.

  • "About The Doves"
  • The Classic Glove To Dove
  • Technicolor Doves
  • Passe-Passe Doves
  • Hypnotizing A Dove
  • Challenge Vanish
  • Air Mail Dove
  • The Dove In The Balloon
  • Cone And Dove
  • The Supreme Gimmick
  • Bags Of Doves
  • Cane To Dove
  • Mexican Doves
  • Jap Doves
  • Blackstone's Vanish
  • Dove From Newspaper
  • Devil's Dove
  • The Doves From The Hat
  • Silken Dove
  • Crystal Dove Bag ...
★★★★ $3.60
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Ted Annemann
Annemann's Complete One Man Mental and Psychic Routine by Ted Annemann

Another great booklet from Annemann. It describes in detail his one man routine. Annemann wove together some of the greatest mental tricks. He discusses the question Magic vs. Mindreading and shares other invaluable advice with the reader. If you do mental magic you already know that anything from Annemann is a must read. If you just start with mental magic, read as much from Annemann as you can get your hands on.

Paul Fleming wrote:

No one who knows about the work of Joseph Dunninger and the size of the fees he receives for his performances is likely to doubt that the public is interested in "mental...

★★★★ $3.50
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Harry Houdini
A Magician Among The Spirits by Harry Houdini

Houdini writes about the famous mediums in his time. Names like Palladino and Ann O'Delia Diss Debar should ring a bell. He also elaborates on his exchanges with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who was a firm believer in spirits and paranormal phenomena.

1st edition, 1924, Harper & Row, New York; reprint 1972, Arno Press, New York; 296 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. Preface
  3. I. The Founders of Modern Spiritualism
  4. II. The Davenport Brothers
  5. III. Daniel Dunglas Home
  6. IV. Palladino
  7. V. Ann O'Delia Diss Debar
  8. VI. Dr. Slade and His Spirit Slates
  9. VII. Slate Writing and Other Methods
  10. VIII. Spirit Photography ...
★★★★★ $3.50
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Ted Annemann
Assolo Mentale by Ted Annemann

Un intero numero (anzi 2) di straordinario Mentalismo subito pronto senza preparazione sul luogo dello spettacolo e con oggetti comuni.

Il sogno del Mentalista : un numero da fare senza dover fare ore di preparazione. Bastano pochi minuti e pochi oggetti per stupire il tuo pubblico. Non devi trasportare pesanti attrezzature. Praticamente porti tutto addosso !

"Veramente incredibile" ecco l'esclamazione di molti che leggeranno questo volumetto pubblicato per la prima volta in Italiano

Abbiamo scelto questo classico del grande Maestro del Mentalismo perché lo troverai assolutamente...

★★★★ $3.50
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Jason Sheng
Royal Poker Deal by Jason Sheng


You remove 10 cards from the deck and play a Poker game with your spectator. Here the magician deals cards and allows a spectator to freely choose the face down cards that they wish to build their hand from. During the last deal, the spectator gets to look at his existing hand and choose from the remaining cards to build the best hand. Alas, the magician wins even though the spectator did all of the choosing. The magician will always get a royal flash.

  • perform it with any deck of playing cards
  • without difficult sleight of hand
  • use only ten normal playing cards
  • force the card...
★★★★ $3.50
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Something Old, Something New by Magus

This ebook contains lots of comedy for any age group with new patter and routines with apparatus, which you may already own. Entertaining children is generally known, to be one of the most lucrative branches of magic - and this contains plenty of kid stuff. Also contained herein are Gospel Lessons, Mental Effects and Escape Ideas. Everything with a novel setting for some of our most popular standard effects - such as: The Milk Pitcher, Egg Bag, Dove Pan, Vanishing Canes, Liquid Appear, Bang Gun, Six Card Repeat and more. All audience tested.

  • Introduction
  • What Is An Orange Made Of???
  • Polluted...
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Satish B
Girl Power by Satish B

This is a woman empowered card trick. The spectator (preferably a woman) randomly selects a group of cards from the middle of the deck and deals them into four face-down piles. The top card of each pile is turned over to reveal the four Kings. Suddenly she finds the matching Queens. Sounds familiar, right? But this routine goes one further. When all the cards under the Queens are spread, they are of matching suits. This trick is free of any sleights.

1st edition 2021, PDF 7 pages.

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Satish B
Couples CAAN by Satish B

ACAAN (Any card at any number) is regarded as the holy grail of card magic. Every magician out there has a version or two of his own. Couples CAAN is my addition to the plethora of work already existing on the subject. This trick is best done for a couple on any special occasion such as their anniversary or birthday. John chooses a card from the deck and Nancy thinks of a number. The chosen card is shuffled back into the deck and lost. The cards are dealt one by one. John’s chosen card is found at the number Nancy is thinking of. The magician congratulates the couple on being well connected. ...

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George Jean Nathan
The Old-Time Train Gambler by George Jean Nathan

Stories of card and revolver play, told by a man who "worked" the trains with his confederates in the days when stakes ran high.

If one believes this account, then a lot of the crooked gambling on trains was simply theft at gunpoint rather than sophisticated sleight-of-hand card advantage play.

1st edition 1910, PDF 7 pages.

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Cathy Shadows & Paul Voodini
Coffee Break Mental Magic: Pet Readings for Mind-Readers by Cathy Shadows & Paul Voodini

Pet Readings 4 Mind-Readers outlines a fascinating and engaging personality profile reading system suitable both for beginners and more experienced cold readers. Devised by Cathy Shadows and expanded upon by Paul Voodini, this very special edition of Coffee Break Mental Magic describes in detail the actual reading method which is based around pet animals. Following these details, the manuscript goes on to demonstrate how the technique can be used to win over a table of guests at any kind of function in a matter of moments, to provide insightful and fascinating stand-alone readings, and to augment...

★★★★ $3.25
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Dave Forrest
Fandango Part 1 by Dave Forrest

Part 1 in a series of releases containing all new material designed with the intent of providing real world close up magicians with fresh, practical material.

Six brand new, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been carefully selected to be both entertaining and practical. This is not a 'read it once' release. It is filled with effects that you will actually use in the real world for real people. Fandango Part 1 - all killer, no filler!


  • Missing the Aces - An attempt to cut directly to a selected card goes awry...
★★★★★ $3.22
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Dave Forrest
Fandango Part 2 by Dave Forrest

Part 2 in the ‘Fandango’ series continues with yet more innovative close up magic with the focus firmly fixed on practicality and real world performance.

Six more, never before published effects fresh from the mind of Dave Forrest. The material contained within has been carefully selected to ensure that the ‘Fandango’ ethos remains true. This is not a 'read it once' release. These are effects that you will actually use in the real world for real people.


  • Four Found Fast - An extremely visual yet relatively easy production of four of a kind. While it looks very flashy...
★★★★ $3.22
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Sam Dalal
Chinese Linking Rings by Sam Dalal

No one knows the originator of this mysterious effect. Linking Rings were introduced into Europe about a century ago by a troupe of Chinese Magicians, and have been named the "Chinese Linking Rings" ever since.

The basic effect is that a number of solid metal rings that have been examined by the audience magically link and un-link at the magicians' command. The rings are linked into chains and designs comprising of two to eight rings. The effect is capable of infinite variations, and the routine can be as short or long as you like. It can be performed silently to music, or with a patter...

★★★★★ $3
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Sam Dalal
Magic with Thimbles: Nested Thimble Outfit by Sam Dalal

This ebook explains some routines, that will teach you the standard moves with ordinary thimbles, and also the handling of the nested pair.

No thimbles are included with this PDF. Regular thimbles can be bought in any sewing shop. For the nested thimbles check any well-stocked magic shop.

  • Nested Thimble Magic Outfit
  • Magic with Ordinary thimbles
    • Thimble vanish and production
    • See through vanish
    • Finger Switch Color Change
  • Routines Using the Nested Thimbles
    • Thimble Penetration
    • The Roll Over Finger palm
    • Multiplying Thimbles
    • Nested Color Changing Thimble

1st edition 2004;...

★★★★★ $3
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Multiplying Balls Tutor by Someeran

The Multiplying Balls is a favorite trick all over the world. Though a very old trick, it is popular because magicians are regularly adding their own presentation and moves to it, to make it something new and different. The basic effect is that one ball held between the magician's fingers multiplies to two, then three and finally four balls.

No balls are included with the ebooks. Any well-stocked magic shop will be able to supply you with the necessary balls and gimmicks.

  • Multiplying Balls
    • The Basic Multiplying Move
  • Palming
    • The Regular Palm
    • The Finger Palm
  • Productions ...
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Sam Dalal
Menta Color by Sam Dalal

A collection of self-working tricks based on a simple mathematical principle with multi-colored chips.

You will need to make the 5 chips yourself. Each chip has a color on the front and back. These chips can be easily made with stickers or permanent makers.

1st edition 1975, PDF 11 pages.

★★★★★ $3
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B. Das
Chopper Secrets by B. Das

Magic with choppers, guillotines, cutters, knives, etc., found a place in the programs of famous magicians like Virgil, Dr. Satan, Sorcar, Kalanag, Blackstone, and many others. In this compilation, we give you the secrets of more than ten such tricks. With some magical sense, you can get your illusions of decapitation or beheading made by a good carpenter, or else you can buy one ready-made for your show.

Illusions featured:

  • Just A Few Words
  • Cigarette Cutter
  • Finger Chopper
  • Wrist Chopper
  • Mino Hand Wrist Guillotine
  • Goodliffe's Leg Chopper
  • Will Ayling's Leg/Head Chopper
  • Virgil's Head Chopper
  • Lester Lake...
★★★★★ $3
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David de Léon
Some Uses for Smoke Machines in Mentalism by David de Léon

A short and whimsical booklet that explores the uses of smoke machines in mentalism. Even if you never chose to use smoke in your performances, the examples will inspire you to think about ways in which your mentalism might look to your audience.

You will read about ways in which smoke can be used as a visual metaphor, for gags, or to illustrate your "fauxcess" (a term that Derren Brown and Andy Nyman coined to denote the implied method that you want your audience to think you are using).

Fun fact: Derren Brown read the ad text for this book (back when it was a small Xeroxed and hand-cut...

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Houdini Takes Magic Secrets to His Grave by unknown

This is the article that ran in The Sun on November 1st, 1926 after Harry Houdini's untimely passing.

  • Friend of Ingersoll
  • Body Coming Here
  • Born in Wisconsin
  • Tricks of Every Kind
  • Mediums Interest Him
  • Investigated 'Margery'
  • Deny Injury in Montreal

1st edition November 1st, 1926, PDF 5 pages.

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Multiplying Balls Tutor (used) by Someeran

Small format stapled softcover booklet in good condition. For the content see the digital edition.

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Cups and Balls Magic Tutor (used) by Someeran

Small format softcover stapled booklet in good condition. For the content see the digital edition.

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Chop Cup and Chop Cup Combo Tutor (used) by Someeran

Small format softcover stapled booklet in good condition. Some soiling around the staples. For the content see the digital edition.

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