Canada has many great magicians and Tom Batchelor, the Card Artist, is one of the leading constructive card men among them.
He calls this, "An investigation into card controls, locations, discoveries, revelations."
Contents include:
Based on an old concept that has been seriously rethought to create a simple and practical device; it allows for complete vanishing of coin gaffs and regular coins of any size up to jumbo 3" coins.
A selection of lovely effects for weddings, Valentine's day, couples, etc. that will open hearts and doors...Most of them are impromptu.
Valentine day
A two phase 10' routine where two cards, randomly chosen face down at the beginning, will help to find two other cards. Each phase can be played independently.
ACAAN for couples
A perfect ACAAN for couples. Impromptu.
Men desiring women
This is Gerard's version of a classic spelling effect (impromptu), based on a mathematical principle. He will also reveal how to personalize it with your own words ...
Nice to meet you
A nice way...
An incredible effect based on a topological principle. Two cards are shown glued back to back. The spectator may examine them as there is nothing to find.
The performer takes the cards, gives them a few deft folds and then hands them back to the spectator ... but now the cards are face to face. It looks impossible because the cards are still glued together. What's more, they are the same cards that the spectator handled earlier. There is no switch of any kind.
You won't believe it yourself the first time you perform it.
[Note: Originally this booklet was supplied with a Jumbo cards already prepared and glued together. This ebook comes without a set of glued cards. However, the ebook has clear explanation of the construction. You can prepare a set from regular cards with a knife and tape in a few minutes.
1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2013, 11 pages.
[Below is a demonstration where the two cards are oriented in the same direction and not 90 degree rotated like Terri has originally designed it. The advantage of a 90 degree offset is that the card that is folded can at one time be seen partly from the front and partly from the back which is a very magical moment. This moment is missing from this version.]
This booklet details Terri Rogers' Boromian Link an incredible linking card effect based on Paul Harris' Immaculate Connection. The Harris original is a great impromptu effect but if you are not working impromptu and can use your own cards then you'll find Terri Rogers' method even better. The linking effect looks excellent and in fact fools those familiar with the Harris original. The effect can be performed with any size cards and looks quite spectacular if done with Jumbo cards.
1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 12 pages.
In the Burn the Witch not only will you find four great effects that are inspired by witchcraft, but you will see the creative fusion of approaches to magick that makes Rob one of the most exciting mystery entertainers in the UK. Ideas, technique and inspiration drawing on sleight of hand, mentalism and hypnotism.
1st edition 2013, 36 pages.
This recording was made many years ago by Patrick Page and released as a Trik-a-Tape Video. Martin Breese was able to purchase the full rights to the tape. It is now available as a video download.
The material on this download DVD consists of demonstrations and explanations of the following effects:
Ten routines, with cards and other objects.
Ten routines with large rings and finger rings. All effects are performed with rings and other props such as silks, ropes, padlocks and pens. They are suitable for close-up and walk-around magic, and most are impromptu and can be performed with borrowed objects.
Defy gravity! Learn the secret to levitate money, matches, cards, knives, canes, balls and even yourself.
You will learn:
Routines from a full-time pro that you can (and will) do!
Scott F. Guinn is a full-time professional magician from Star, Idaho (near Boise) who has been entertaining and amazing audiences throughout the US and Canada since 1978. Scott earns his living performing for "real people" in the "real world". Scott has also written several books and ebooks which you can find here at He was also featured in publications such as The Linking Ring, MUM, and AM/PM. On this DVD, you will find material from Scott's "A List", the stuff he performs for real people in real-world paying gigs. The...
A compilation of over twenty mental routines from U.K. sources, some well known names among them.
Se sei appassionato di mentalismo e desideri materiale pratico, testato e professionale, allora questo ebook è per te. Le routines che vi trovi al suo interno sono frutto di studio e di prove, quindi non dovrai fare altro che cominiciare al più presto ad usarle nel tuo spettacolo e avrai un sicuro successo.
Questo grande Maestro del mentalismo ci presenta nelle 66 pagine riccamente illustrate di questo ebook, con dovizia di particolari le seguenti meraviglie
Un libro semplicemente meraviglioso. Utilissima fonte di idee per tutti coloro che vogliono eseguire un book test.
Ben 20 Book Test sono spiegati nella pagine di questo libro.
Descrizione :Ogni prestigiatore o mentalista vorrà questo grande libro di Rachel. Un soggetto unico e popolare come il Book Test è qui analizzato in 20 routines da grandi contributori come: Ian Adair, Howard Adams, Len Belcher, Tan Hock Chuan, Rachel Colombini, Tom Craven, Maurice Fogel, Karrell Fox, Karl Fulves, Richard Himber, Setterington Arthur, Sleight Walter e Nick Trost.
L'effetto standard (a volte fatto come una predizione) è...
Ten easy card routines.
A comedy routine based on your buttons and their crazy antics - although they never leave your suit! Also routines and follow-ups for the famous Professor Cheer Comedy Rope Trick, and other hilarity by one of your favorite funny men.
1st digital edition 2013, 13 pages.
Vol. 8, No. 6, January 2013; 64 pages
Cover: Luke Jermay
Massey was the inventor of many mechanical magic tricks that have become part of the routines of modern magicians. Probably his most successful invention was the Finger Guillotine, which he sold to Max Holden. More than thirty of his tricks are explained in this beautiful and scarce publication.
There are 26 mechanical gems described and explained with enough detail to allow the home builder to construct them with little trouble. He explains six utility devices and seven sleights. His electro-magnetic drumhead loader uses technology which was innovative for 1922. The clockwork "automatic...
This publication is slightly different to a lot of his previous work in that rather than creating new methods for effects, he's honed in on the psychological side of things and is offering some of his favorite techniques to bring effects that you already perform to the next level.
Deadly Subtleties is a collection of subtleties that you can apply to your work to create:
This is a multi-stage multi-climax routine with a deck of cards. If you already know George Blake's Dream Poker, you will love this one.
There is a lot of magic here - very easy to do (it is almost automatic…). You repeatedly find a chosen card with seemingly impossible conditions, by logic, by spelling it out and by chance. Then you deal to the spectator a Royal Flush in Spades in a freely chosen position on the table. And finally the spectator finds his chosen card in the deck that he had shuffled, by spelling it himself!
From the foreword:
Frank Lane, in his book, "Help Yourself", published in 1931, wrote:...
Un esilarante parodia Giocolier-magi- comica (?) per intrattenere il tuo pubblico.