The material contained within this ebook was first released to an inner circle of mentalists at a price exceeding one hundred dollars. In 1980 the material was organised in the form of a booklet and offered to mentalists on a world-wide basis. In order to eliminate the merely curious from its readership, the booklet was sold at a high cover price. Despite this fact, the book sold out completely. In 1985 Martin Breese reprinted it and now it is available as ebook for the first time.
When presented properly this "SECOND SIGHT" test will have the impact of an atomic bomb. There is no doubt that...
A fine side line for the magician, especially a kid performer. This ebook can help put you in the business, increase your income, and insure you a lot of fun. Mr. Kern, who is a magician and clown, has covered every question about becoming a clown whether you do it for fun or for profit.
Contents include: Make up, the 'come in,' two man gags, circuses and parades, clown names, wardrobe, short bits, gags, costume gags, working for children etc. It contains many photographs of working clowns so you can see how the pros make up and dress.
1st edition 1960, 1st digital edition 2013, 44 pages....
This is primarily a mathematical treatment of the faro shuffle. It explores the principles and properties underlying the faro shuffle for decks with different numbers of cards. You will find some effects and routines as well. Foreword by Karl Fulves.
A new, updated handling of one of John's all-time favorite packet effects, Write You Are. Four amazing climaxes with very little effort and using very few cards. Best yet, all of the cards can be examined at the end of the trick! Check out the video demo!
Ebook features:
1st edition 2013, 8 pages.
Fred Darevil is a French professional mentalist and magician. Tryptik is a selection of three effects he's been using professionally for several years with success. Originally sold as a printed booklet by Magic Smith, this ebook version has been updated with more photos, new ideas and subtleties.
Larry Becker said about Taxi Gambler: "I like it very much. Your method is very workable. You have created an excellent piece of mentalism for which you have to be congratulated".ONE ONLY: Talking about feminine intuition, the mentalist gives an opaque envelope to a woman in the audience. There is a card...
Ken de Courcy's no gimmick version of Scalbert's "The Mystery of the Seventh Card".
The perfect telephone test to present under challenge conditions. No Feke's. No Gimmicks. Yet the medium at the other end of the phone unerringly names the thought of card.
Scalbert's "Mystery of the Seventh Card", sold many years ago, was a commercial principle applied to the transmission of a card to an assistant playing the role of a medium, waiting on the end of a telephone. The distinct novelty at the time was the fact that all communication with the medium was done by a spectator. The secret was an...
1 dispensa con le spiegazioni di 8 stupendi effetti + 1 calendario speciale da stampare
Wow, una bellissima opera in due dispense . Nella prima sono descritti ben 8 effetti da eseguire con un semplice mazzo di carte e lo speciale calendario ( nella seconda dispensa) raffigurante una carta da gioco per ogni giorno dell'anno.
I giochi possono essere eseguiti anche ricopiando le carte dal calendario alla propria agenda!
Le 8 routines sono di Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson e dello stesso Aldo Colmbini. Coincidenze, ritrovamenti di carte scelte, la carta che si trova al giorno di nascita...
Qualche semplice palloncino per modellare animali e un mazzo di carte ti premettono di presentare al tuo pubblico una divertente e intrigante routine in cui un palloncino “recita” la parte di un cane ammaestrato.
Il “cane” compie una serie di evoluzioni e di divertentissimi equilibrismi ed infine trova la carta scelta dallo spettatore. Il tutto condito da una serie di gags. Intrattenimento puro per il tuo pubblico…proprio quello che si richiede all’Artista di oggi.
Prima edizione digitale di questo ormai introvabile volumetto.
9 pagine con molti chiari disegni B/N.
3 belle routines che hanno in comune gli stessi oggetti: carte e monete.
La prima routine che fa la parte del leone e da il titolo all' opera è una versione dei "bussolotti " in ben nove fasi eseguita con le carte come "tazze" e le monete come "palline".
L'artista mostra tre carte. Una moneta appare tra due carte e compie numerose 'evoluzioni', penetrazioni, passaggi, etc. Alla fine due monete più grandi appaiono sotto alle carte! Facile da eseguire!
EFFETTO: Una moneta e coperta con una carta. Tre monete, in una scatola, passano, una dopo 1'altra, sotto alla...
Questa dispensa è dedicata, come si evince dal titolo, esclusivamente a stupende routines con le corde. Circa 40 pagine, 84 splendidi disegni, 9 routines!
Sicuramente Aldo Colombini è uno dei maggiori esperti in campo mondiale dei giochi con le corde.In questa dispensa illustrata con maestria da Tony Dunn, e contenente anche alcune routines di Ronald Dayton, Aldo ci illustra con la solita pignoleria e dovizia di particolari, 9 bellissime routines.
Eccovene alcune:
Tubuloso: Il prestigiatore taglia una corda in due pezzi distinti e poi li lega insieme con un nodo. Egli posiziona...
This is the famous perfected rope routine - three consecutive cuts and restorations - devised by that West Coast Magician, Eric Lewis. Mr. Lewis was one of the busiest magicians in England before he moved to Los Angeles. There he has been very busy editing the Bamberg books of magic, working at the Magic Castle and doing lectures. The Triple Cut Rope Routine uses a number of original and unorthodox moves that end up in a very smooth and convincing trick. A big hit in the Magic Castle and on lecture tours, where Eric has shown it to the most sophisticated and best informed of the magicians. ...
A practical and easy two-way out system.
Janus V3 is a very simple and practical two-way out system. It is impromptu and everything is examinable before and after. It allows you to leave your business card.
To describe it, we can compare it to another system by Scott Guinn called Assertive positive/negative.
Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.
Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.
Here is a selection of tricks created by Werner Miller from his ebooks. These are all tricks that can be considered more or less self-working.
A spectator is handed a theatrical review sheet and is asked to choose one of the hundreds of words that make up the various articles. There is no restriction of choice and the word is not written down. It is merely thought of by the spectator.
When the spectator is ready the mentalist begins to concentrate and slowly, letter by letter, reveals the mentally chosen word. It is that direct. A spectator things of a word and you reveal it. The spectator can choose a different word and you can repeat the effect right away.
Simple to learn, simple to perform, devastating in effect. What more...
These are all effects which use wipe-off or white-board pens. Terri Rogers uses the Velleda brand, but there are others you can use. She also uses two types of Velleda films, one white and the other transparent.
[30 years after this booklet has been published we have a lot more pens available. While not wipe-off pens some of these effects can be adopted to the popular Frixion pens which can be erased by heat.]
1st edition 1986, 1st digital edition 2013, 23 pages....
From the introduction by Edwin Hooper:
Stanton Carlisle is well-known for his many articles on mentalism which have appeared in The Magigram Magazine. Stanton is more than a mentalist, being a general all-round magical performer who has played practically every type of engagement - not only with mentalism but with magic, ranging from sophisticated Night Club dates to children's parties. At these parties, puppets have played their part.
We are delighted that Stanton has released some of his very excellent routines and bits of business for those children's entertainers who are thinking of adding a puppet or puppets to their...
Spettacolo Magico - Grafico per Bambini
Un intero numero che coinvolge il pubblico infantile, facile da preparare, eseguire e trasportare . Pochi fogli dei pezzi di cartone, un pennarello e alcuni articoli magici che forse si trovano in fondo al tuo cassetto inutilizzati da tempo per dare vita ad un bellissimo spettacolo , ricco e colorato.
Dall' Introduzione: "Mi sono sempre piaciute le vignette dei cartoni animati, ma ho provato ad introdurre degli effetti magici e delle gag nello spettacolo invece che dei semplici disegni...
...Ciò che segue è un numero adatto a spettacoli per...
Aldo Colombini introduce questa pubblicazione così: "Questo nuovo libretto ... ... affronta nuove (e vecchie) occasioni nelle quali hai bisogno di 'coprire' incidenti inaspettati e hai la necessità di una battuta pronta e sagace, trasformando questi spiacevoli inconvenienti in momenti di ilarità, dando prova di essere un intrattenitore esperto."
Si quante volte durante le nostre esibizioni accade un inconveniente, una distrazione un interruzione. Sorge spontanea la domanda del titolo...
27 buoni motivi per avere questo ebook
Eccoti gli effetti dei giochi che trovi spiegati in questo libro
Fuga : Tre carte vengono scelte e posizionate sul tavolo e vengono rivelate da tre Jokers (che agiscono come… spie!). Alla fine, le carte scambiano posto con i Jokers e vengono trovate in posti differenti!
Aria : Due carte vengono selezionate e poi rimesse nel mazzo. Un altro spettatore prende due carte qualsiasi e queste vengono mostrate agli spettatori che hanno selezionato le prime due carte. All’inizio essi non vedranno le loro carte, poi le vedranno in una serie di “ora...
Ten stunning packet tricks.
18 close-up card and coin effects plus extras taught. Over 145 pages of in-depth instructions with colour photographs. First in a series of new ebooks.
Some praise for effects included in Moments:
"Peter is the real deal. Buy everything this man sells!" – Justin Miller
"All I can say is Wow!" – Cameron Francis
"Not that I need say it but this is GENIUS!! Thank you Peter!!" – Ben Williams
"A must have! Amazing!" – Alan Rorrison
"BUY THIS! Very clever…" – Cody S Fisher
"Peter is a creator who totally gets it. Doesn't get any better than this." – Josh Zandman
Catalyst Got Your Tongue?...
As a purser for a French airline flying from his home base in Tahiti, to Sydney to Los Angeles, our author, Jean Fare, keeps up on everything in card and close up magic. He gets to the Magic Castle just often enough to keep from missing anything. Several times a year he uses his airline privileges to get back to Paris to make sure "French Style" in magic is moving right ahead.
You will enjoy Jean's ebook. He has carefully described his own handling on a number of excellent tricks. They include: