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Gerard Zitta
The Other Color Mystery by Gerard Zitta

This is a hands-off and impromptu card effect.

This effect should be presented as a mental experience rather than a card trick. The patter could be around complementarity or duality. You can talk about Yin and Yang, Black and White, Heads and Tails, Male and Female, etc. At the end of your introduction, you explain that in a deck of cards, this is represented by the two colors RED and BLACK.

A Spectator shuffles the cards and cuts it in two piles. He thinks of a color RED or BLACK and counts secretly how many cards of this color are in his pile (for example 7), while your back is turned....

★★★★ $25
Paul Hallas
Still Small, Still Deadly by Paul Hallas

A new 2020 edition of the sequel to Small But Deadly and a continuing exploration of packet tricks, their creators and the evolution of plots and methods, discussion and analysis of effects plus routines to add to your repertoires. If you loved the first book, then you'll love this one too. This new edition now has 212 letter sized, information packed pages. Includes updated chapters, new chapters and now 668 packet effects get mentioned throughout.

Includes effect contributions from:

Gerard Zitta
PK Mysteries by Gerard Zitta

Three unusual gimmicks for PK mysteries.


This is Gerard's take on the classic bending spoon effect, but just between two fingers: the spoon visually melts. You will need to buy something you won't find in magic stores. (It will cost you just a few dollars.)


A borrowed beer mat is torn and folded in half by a spectator. The performer writes "ALCOHOL BREATH ANALYZER" on it. The beer mat will bend when approaching a pint of beer or a glass of wine but not with a glass of water for instance! Very versatile method that can be very useful and bring something...

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close Up Journey 2 by Paul A. Lelekis

Long-time pro, Paul A. Lelekis, presents the second ebook of his trilogy for the performing professional, Close Up Journey 2, and just like Close Up Journey 1, this one is a monster! No fluff, no filler! 7 MORE WORKERS!

Photographs of Paul's hands explain every nuance!

To begin with, Paul has graciously provided a 4-page synopsis on "How Do I Control My Spectators!" This section contains valuable information. Included is excellent advice on close-up performance, dressing up your presentations and patter, how to be in command of your spectators, putting them at ease, how to choose your spectators, how to...

Serial Flasher by Kannon

Serial Flasher is a demonstration of how a method and effect can become a training wheel for real skills. It's a look at the Serial Divination effect as vehicle for your own development.

The manuscript details the handling and routining for three currencies UK (arguably the quickest and cleanest) and US and EURO banknotes.

NOTE: This an effect designed and constructed to achieve a greater personal goal, and as such there are easier ways to divine a serial. But if you can look beyond merely revealing some numbers printed on a piece of paper this essay and lesson may be for you.


Martin Breese
Classic Indian Street Magic by Martin Breese

1920's film footage plus booklet revealing the closely-guarded secrets of the Indian Cups and Balls, the Mango Tree effect and much more. Together with attempts at the Indian Rope Trick plus bonus footage of Kuda Bux doing the Fire Walk.

Here is some amazing 1920's film footage capturing street magicians at work with some of the great Indian classics that are so rarely seen by Westerners. Much of the material on this download DVD (it is accompanied by an exciting musical track) is explained in the 40-page PDF (to download it see your digital shelf).

You will see great performances of the...

★★★★★ $8
Andy Cannon
Doodleology (Non-mental) by Andy Cannon

As we explore the meanings of doodles and drawings, Doodleology is the perfect ebook for someone who is interested in the way people think and would like to be able to define a person's personality based solely on their drawings and doodles.

The ebook is complete with in depth explanations of the different types and styles of doodles, mini articles, examples and sample doodle readings and ideas to profit from doodle reading.

By the time you've done reading you'll understand how to read people's drawing and doodles, how to apply the flow to create a seamless structured reading and more. ...

★★★★★ $15
Tony Shiels
Bizarre: Surreal Sorcery by Tony Shiels

Psientific Pseudo Psi, Mountebankery, Monstrosities and Horrors. Weird tricks for the magickal story-teller.

1st edition 1988, 87 pages; 1st digital edition 2012, PDF 62 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  3. Around The World In 80 Seconds

  5. Dreams And Destiny
  6. Automatism
  7. Le Jeu De Marseille


  10. Black Christmas
  11. Casting The Runes
  12. Over-Familiarity
  13. Tools Of The Trade
  14. The Knowledge

  16. The Witch's Web
  17. Psyche's Revenge
  18. The Irish Factotum ...
The Precursor Notes by Kannon

A compilation of select pet effects and touches. These notes are a precursor to Kannon's upcoming physical book "Nothing To See Here" and include some select pieces of his work, to introduce himself.

For readers and those wishing to make their performances more emotional and personal: You'll find the highly praised "Happy Place" script, a way of forming deep rapport and connection with your participants and people you share your mentalism with.

"I LIKE IT! and you can quote me on that" - Bill Montana

His "Coin Oracle", you haven't seen anyone use anything like this, it's highly...

Biagio Fasano & Michael Daniels
Jiggery Pokery by Biagio Fasano & Michael Daniels

Jiggery Pokery is a self-working three-phase Texas Hold 'em routine for mentalists and card workers and develops a principle by Ben Harris which he published as Psi Poker. This ebook is fully endorsed by Ben Harris

"This is great. I am thrilled. BRILLIANT." - Ben Harris

"A great self-working audience-participation routine. I like this ebook very much." - Peter Duffie

"Interesting and clever" – Gianfranco Preverino

"I appreciated your work (particularly the first part about the Prediction effect which looks excellent) … not only and simply for the work itself but for the passion I found in it. Only with research can...

Christian Scherer
Card News '82 by Christian Scherer

Diverse Kartentechniken, 25 verblüffende und unterhaltende Kunststücke. Detailierte, leicht verständliche Beschreibungen.


Erstausgabe 1982, 117 Fotos, 156 Seiten.

★★★★★ $10
Chris Wardle
Ten Mysteries by Chris Wardle

Ten routines, half close up, half stand up and like most of Chris's material it is easy to do and suitable for beginners.

The effects here share a common thread, they each have a little mental twist (there are a number of predictions for instance).


  • Smarty Pants
  • Paranormal Piles
  • The Laserdisc Prediction
  • The Perfect Match
  • E. S. Peasy
  • The Slick Silks
  • Great Mind Think Alike
  • The Giant Pencil Prediction
  • Odd One Out
  • What’s Your Poison?

From the introduction:

Anyone who has come across my type of material before will...

Stephen Tucker
Spell Binder Volume 1 by Stephen Tucker

A fabulous download DVD featuring four of the best tricks from Spell-Binder magazine. Martin Breese asked Stephen Tucker the creator of the magazine to choose four of the best tricks that he created for the magazine and he has selected four wonderful effects. Each is performed and then clearly explained move by move.

Watch the performances of all four routines below.

[Note: If you prefer a physical DVD disc please go to Martin Breese International.]

Peter Duffie & Aldo Colombini
That's Amore by Peter Duffie & Aldo Colombini

You give the four Kings to a spectator. You cut the deck saying that you'll now cut to one of the Queens. The spectator's task is to try to pick the King that will be the perfect mate for the Queen you cut to. Remove the top card of the deck and the spectator picks ANY King. The two cards prove to be the King and Queen of Clubs! This is successfully repeated with the remaining Kings and Queens. Then a big surprise occurs: On the back of the four Queens four hearts appear!

Requires four double-backed cards and heart stickers.

Phoenix Resurrection by Harrismatic

A bill and a playing card are signed and make an amazing effect happen. You set the bill on fire and throw it on the cards laying on the table. In a burst of flames the bill travels inside the signed card.

  • Easy to make gimmick
  • Ends completely clean
  • The bill is REALLY inside their card (spectator can remove the bill)
  • A memorable moment with an amazing souvenir
[NOTE: You will need flash bills in order to perform this effect.]

length 17 minutes.

★★★★★ $12
Chris Wardle & Paul Hallas
Beyond Svengali: applying the svengali principle to mentalism by Chris Wardle & Paul Hallas

Here, Chris Wardle explores the use of long and short cards (Svengali Deck style) for mental magic presentations. Whilst initially he gives some background to the Svengali deck and how to make and handle one, some routines use variants on the deck and several don't use playing cards at all. There are thirteen routines from Chris plus some additional commentary and a bonus routine from publisher Paul Hallas. Chances are after reading this you'll not think of the Svengali deck in the same way again.

Since the appearance of this booklet (his third) Chris authored Magic For Everyone (2006) and...

Bob Cassidy
Exclusive Routines by Bob Cassidy

These are three of the best routines Bob Cassidy has ever created:

  • Q and A 2000: A very strong sealed message reading routine employing several methods each one to disguise the other methods used.

  • The Medium's envelope test: This is basically Bob's own "Test of the White Dwarf" combined with George Kaplan's original preparation of the envelopes.

  • A Remote Peek: Bob originally sold this with his limited edition peek wallet which is no longer available. However, it may be performed with any Jaks style peek wallet, or, if you prefer, a slit pay-style manila envelope.

1st edition 2003, 15 pages....

★★★★ $25
John McLachlan
Goldfinger: Stand Up Coin Mysteries by John McLachlan

Develop your coin magic skills and presentations.

John McLachlan, and six of his magic colleagues in Toronto, present a 112 page eBook of coin magic to help you enchant and entertain. They begin with a dozen relatively easy Cool Moves which can be used almost immediately for impromptu quick effects at the coffee shop or in small groups. These are also used as building blocks for the more than a dozen Performance Pieces. (It is assumed the reader knows basic coin moves such as palming and your time is not wasted by repeating what most magicians know.) There are, however, some astonishing moves...

★★★★★ $8
David Britland
Card Kinetics by David Britland

Card Kinetics is a manual dealing with methods of making ordinary playing cards move, rise or jump. A number of different approaches are used, all practical and baffling.

In Card Kinetics, David Britland carries on the work detailed in his other manuscript, The Angel Card Rise Plus, and details several versions of this popular effect, each using a simple, disposable gimmick which can be added to your own or a borrowed deck. Users of David's Angel Card Rise should be pleased with its final incarnation, The Ultimate Angel, described in this ebook.

But there is more. Angel Aces, Spring Heeled Jacks, Inside-Out Angel, Business...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
Nick Trost's Trick Kards by Aldo Colombini

Four amazing distinct changes: First, four cards of one value (say the four Fours) are shown. They have blue backs. One by one each of these blue-backed cards turns face down. Second, all the cards change to red backs. Third, the faces all change to red suits. Fourth, the backs are now marked, each has a large X printed on it! Instead of the X's any message can be revealed.

Requires three blank backed cards.

video 5:10

★★★★★ $10
Matteo Filippini
Dai Vernon: L'Uomo Che Inganno' Houdini by Matteo Filippini

Dai Vernon… Il Professore, The New York Card Expert, Cranky Old Man Of Magic ed altre numerose definizioni che amici, estimatori, colleghi, discepoli e avversari gli hanno dato nel corso dei suoi gloriosi 98 anni di vita.

L'UOMO CHE INGANNO' HOUDINI è il primo saggio bibliografico su Dai Vernon in italiano; un'opera dedicata a colui che è stato il punto di svolta epocale per lo sviluppo e la maturità della cartomagia e del close-up moderni. Il pioniere di una magia d'altri tempi eppure ancora così moderna: efficace, naturale e misteriosa. Proprio come dovrebbe essere.


★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Close Up Journey 1 by Paul A. Lelekis

Paul A. Lelekis has released this first of a trilogy (three e-books altogether) of some great magic for the magician who is serious about performing close up.

Included is some excellent advice (without any advertising!) on increasing, not only the number of shows you do – but also the number of venues. (This alone is worth the modest price of this e-book!)

Photos of Paul's hands give every nuance for all of the sleights involved.

In addition to seven excellent, time-tested effects, Paul has included an introduction that deals with HOW to perform, HOW to address your spectators and...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 2, Issue 3 (Dec 2012 - Jan 2013) by Solyl Kundu

This 3rd issue of volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette e-zine published from the Land of Magic - India is yet another magical mélange boasting contributions from the eminent artistes of the art. Just see the contents below:

  • The Universal Zero card Stab - by Loch David Crane is from his book Captain Kirk and Star Tricks may inspire you to buy the book.
  • An Act for Every Season - is an article that gives ideas to use same effects for different occasion--clever indeed!
  • Puppetry - here Ernie Jones teaches how a nice puppet is made out of a bottle for use. One will be tempted to try it. ...
(Benny) Ben Harris
Monsterbox #4: Cards, Cards, Cards by (Benny) Ben Harris


The EBOOKS in MONSTERBOX #4 cover a wide range of CARD MAGIC and CARD SLEIGHTS. Ben has created several original effects, plots and methods that have added to the vocabulary of the card magician's art. Sleights like SUPERFIP and FANDANGO are used by today's leading card workers. Harris also created the INVERSION plot and his TORN & RESTORED CARD (Hoodwink) is considered a classic, as is his handling of OIL & WATER. Works like XRAY, CROSSROADS and SILENT RUNNING have also been embraced by workers the world over!

MONSTERBOXES are simply the best...

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