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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Card Conspiracy 2 by Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

14 Chapters, 70+ tricks, 150+ illustrations by Joseph K. Schmidt.

  1. Interlocked Principle: Topmost; Blackjack Aces; Between 2 Worlds
  2. Jog Switch: The Producers; JS Ace Production; Rags to Riches
  3. Kosky Switch: Compression Agents; Compression Agents Revisited; Fan Dancing Queens; Infallible Foolable Kings; Self Correcting Sandwich & variants
  4. Misc. - General: Bottom Biddle Following Orders; Change-Over Queens; Clockwise; Con-found; The Piston; Shiftless Royalty; Impaired Royalty; The Ringmaster; Return to Sender; Traveling Queen; Vollmer Variant; Ambitious & Overworked
  5. Misc. - Set-ups: Flexible Choice; Harvey's...
★★★★★ $19.95
Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson
Card Conspiracy 1 by Peter Duffie & Robin Robertson

12 Chapters, 50+ tricks, 150+ illustrations by Joseph K. Schmidt.

  1. Biddle Force: 26 Faces North; Double Knavery; 25 Faces North + 1 South
  2. Concealed Allerton Control: CAC Visitor; Only Joking; Anti-Matter; Anti-Matter Revisited; Final Control
  3. Cut Force: Diminishing Matches; Beastly Assembly; Faith Counter; 51 Faces North
  4. Daley's Delight Switch: Hotel Daley; Shifty King; Repelling & Attracting; Double Rouge et Noire; Daley's Do-as-I-Do
  5. Daryl's Diminishing Count: Bad Guys Wear Black; Just a Little off the Top, Please; Repligator; Blackjack & Blackjacks
  6. Divide and Conjure (Marty Kane)
  7. Double Deal Turn-over:...
★★★★★ $10
Ottokar Fischer
Illustrated Magic by Ottokar Fischer

This is a magnificent magic ebook. Some put it among the top 10 or even the top 3 magic books ever written. It was translated by Barrows Mussey, of Amateur Magician's Handbook fame, from the German original Das Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst. It has many photos and beautiful illustrations and covers all disciplines of magic.

With an introduction by Fulton Oursler and an unpublished chapter by Harry Kellar.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This is one of the handsomest books thus far produced on the subject of magic. It is a volume of 206 large pages, excellently printed on coated paper, illustrated with 234 line-cuts and halftones (chiefly the latter), and well bound in sturdy, attractive cloth....

★★★★ $20
Craig Matsuoka
The Gaff Factory: A comprehensive dry-mounting tutorial by Craig Matsuoka

Making dry-mounted gaffs just got a whole lot easier!

This new 80 page ebook introduces you to the wonders of dry mounting tissue (a.k.a. "DMT"). What's DMT? It's an adhesive that lets you make gaffs that look, feel, and snap like a normal card. If all you've ever known are rubber cement, sprays, and glue sticks, then you've been missing out big-time. This book will open your eyes.

On the other hand, perhaps you heard of DMT, but never bothered to try it because the equipment costs turned you off. Or maybe you gave up on it after getting horrible results with a clothes iron. Well, it's...

★★★★★ $20
Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Talk by Joseph Dunninger

A recording, wonderfully introduced by Goodliffe, of Dunninger giving his only lecture ever to a group of magicians in the United States. The recording was taken on June 16th 1965 as a part of the 37th IBM convention in Des Moines Iowa. This is an opportunity to hear what one of the world's most successful magicians has to say about his art to fellow magicians.

This is a digitally re-mastered (MP3) version of the original MagiCassette™ by Martin Breese - now owned by

★★★★ $10
Andrew Loh
Healing Portal by Andrew Loh

This is an impromptu ripped and restored signed card effect. This is a flash restoration and the restored signed card can be immediately given out as a souvenir and you end clean.

In this version, there is no extra card required, palming, etc. The restoration is very visual. The deck can be examined before and after the routine! Best of all, the spectator has a total free choice of the selection and no special setup of the deck. You end clean!

I was really pleased to read your excellent effect. I liked the effect of the tear disappearing. - Peter Duffie

I liked your handling of Healing Portal...

Mark Leveridge
The 9th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

This is the ebook released to coincide with the 9th Symposium which took place in April 2005 at Bath University and it features the magic of those taking part on the day. Here is a breakdown of the contents:

  • David Stone offers two items. One is an elegant version of the broken and restored cigarette. The other is a thought provoking article on how to make coin magic more accessible. (No Smoking 1 & 2; A Few Reasons)
  • Brian Glover explains his variation on the classic 'Reset' card routine. (Reset Revisited)
  • Richard Sanders gives the lowdown on a very simple yet strong effect in which a spectator...
★★★★★ $10
Mark Leveridge
The 8th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

This is the ebook released to coincide with the 8th Symposium which took place in April 2003 at Bath University and it features the magic of those taking part on the day. Here is a breakdown of the contents:

  • Richard Pinner offers a novel color changing penknife idea. (The Opening Colour Change)
  • Lee Davis explains a clever way to reproduce two drawings made entirely at random by two spectators. (Roving Duplicates)
  • Sean Carpenter gives the lowdown on his behind-the-back card stab. (IBM Card Stab)
  • Roger Curzon provides no less than three items, two strong card effects and a well thought out...
Mark Leveridge
The 7th British Close Up Magic Symposium by Mark Leveridge

Several of the conventioneers who attended the 7th Symposium said they thought it was the best yet! So you know that the quality of the contributors to the 7th Symposium ebook are top rate.

You will find magic from Roberto Giobbi, Pit Hartling, Sean Taylor (2 items), Mark Leveridge, Kevin Gallagher (2 items), Nicholas Einhorn and Chris Priest. Everything is fully explained and illustrated where necessary.

  • Introduction
  • Card Through Body - Chris Priest
  • Gold Rush - Nicholas Einhorn
  • Wild Business - Roberto Giobbi
  • Worlds Collide - Sean Taylor
  • The Make Weight - Mark Leveridge
  • Colour Changing 3 Card Monte - Kevin...
★★★★★ $45
Mark Leveridge
The Complete Magic Party by Mark Leveridge

Mark Leveridge's two classic works on entertaining children have been combined and totally updated in one ebook! It comes with over 70 color photo illustrations, 10 warm-up routines, over 40 games for all ages, and 20 magic routines.

The Complete Magic Party is a highly detailed ebook dealing with many aspects of entertaining children with games and magic. Based on Mark's previous best selling tomes The Magic Party Volumes 1 and 2, this new work provides children's entertainers with a huge amount of information based on his 30+ years experience of providing lively, marketable parties for...

★★★★ $13.50
Mark Leveridge
The Strolling Magician by Mark Leveridge

Mark has been working close up commercially for over 25 years and in that time he has gradually amassed experience of working in a huge variety of venues and working situations. Exactly how to cope with everything that the modern day close up worker encounters requires thought, planning and expertise if you really wish to do it well, and in this book he has tried to give as much real world advice as he can to help make your job that much easier.

There are 8 chapters of highly detailed advice on all aspects of commercial close up, the chapter headings being:

  • Is Strolling Magic Right For...
★★★★ $21
Mark Leveridge
The Master Routine Series: Collected Works by Mark Leveridge

The Master Routine Series first began in 1984 and over the next 20 years a total of 12 routines were released. Originally available as separate instruction booklets, all 12 have now been brought together into one ebook thus providing a worthy format for some of Mark's best work.

All the text has been looked at and re-written where necessary and every diagram has been completely re-drawn by magician artist James Fortune, and his excellent illustrations make a helpful and stylish addition to the text explanations.

The 12 routines encompass a wide variety of themes for both close up and stand...

Mark Leveridge
A Simple Guide to Creativity by Mark Leveridge

A thoroughly understandable explanation about how to create new magic and the techniques for improving the magic that you already do. De-mystify the creative process and open up your mind to simple yet effective ways to improve your magic.

Over the years there have been a number of books which have sought to create some sort of ‘system’ to explain and to formalize the process of magical creation. The problem is that in seeking to explain and elucidate the process so much jargon and complex theorizing takes place that the average reader is left with little that is understandable to work...

★★★★★ $3
Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Interview #1 by Joseph Dunninger

This is a 1944 radio interview with Dunninger. This recording seems to be not entirely complete but it nevertheless is a fascinating historical marker.

★★★★★ $8
Andrew Loh
Meltdown Cardbox by Andrew Loh

A card is freely selected and it is placed in between the four Kings. The Kings packet is then placed in the card case and the flap is closed. Performer snaps the card case with his fingers, a card seems to melt through the card case. The card case is opened and four Kings are found inside. You end clean!

  • No setup.
  • Great opener.
  • No gimmicks or duplicates.
  • It's impromptu and can be performed at any time.
  • The deck can be borrowed - visual magic at its best.
This is professionally illustrated which is quite rare in the days of quick shot digital cameras.

I performed your trick for...

Bob Cassidy
The Heresies by Bob Cassidy

Rules are meant to be followed - most of the time. The Heresies are those effects that break every rule of mentalism and become even more powerful for it. Perhaps it's just the contrast - but as you will discover in this exclusive ebook - it's much, much more.

1st edition 2003; 25 pages.

★★★★ $7.50
Jim Coles
Spookey by Jim Coles

Imagine, you show your hands empty front and back. You give a key on a key ring to the audience for examination. You take the key ring back and gently stroke the key. Suddenly the key begins to move on its ring. It jerks and bobs as if manipulated by invisible fingers. It rises in an eerie fashion until it’s extending horizontally from the ring. Then with a mere snap of your fingers the animation ceases. You give the key out for examination once more and show your hands to be unequivocally empty.

This ebook comes with clear and descriptive photos. Points To Remember:

  • Starts clean and...
★★★★★ $5
Martin Breese
Magicassette Catalog by Martin Breese

This is the catalog of Martin's Magicassettes from 1986. It describes about 70 of his tapes and includes price list and ordering instructions at the end.

All of these recordings are available here at the Lybrary as MP3 downloads for your iPod. Please check the Audio section for more details.

1st edition 1986; 26 pages.

★★★★ $15
Jozsef Kovacs
Cardophilia by Jozsef Kovacs

This ebook teaches 16 card tricks. Some of the tricks need special accessories but you can easily print them on your home computer.

Angle on Angle on Angle on
With the help of two cards, the magician predicts which card will be randomly chosen by the spectator and predicts the sum of the value of the helper cards and the chosen card and the named number.

A clown card jumps three times through three blank faced cards and after this the performer explains the trick: the blank faced cards are really three coiled springs (the blank face cards change into three coiled springs).


★★★★★ $39
Chris Wasshuber
Samuel Cox Hooker and his Rising Cards by Chris Wasshuber

Dr. Samuel Cox Hooker's Rising Cards have been an unexplainable fascination for nearly a century. Hooker first showed his effect in 1914, and in 1993 and 2007 John Gaughan gave abbreviated performances. Nobody who has seen the Hooker Rising Cards performed has ever been able to explain how such effects can be accomplished. This includes the most notable and most knowledgeable magicians from past and present. How can, from a borrowed and shuffled deck, any card called for rise in the fairest possible manner on a well lit stage only a few feet from the spectators?

This work is not just about...

★★★★ $30
Al Mann
Al Mann on Mentalism by Al Mann

Al Mann was one of the most creative minds in mentalism. Author of over hundred pamphlets with such intriguing titles as 'The Tesseract', 'Page of Swords', 'The Kolophon', 'Acidus Plus' Martin Breese managed to persuade him to make an audio recording in order that mentalists may get to know him better. You will hear Al Mann describe how he first became involved with magic. He details some of his experiences and early influences and describes an effect which is seldom seen today - reading a message in the dark.

Bert Reese is discussed and his methods described. Al knew Dunninger and often...

Paul Romhany
Ultimate Personal DVD by Paul Romhany

Romhany Studios bring you the ultimate marketing tool! Find out why so many top professionals are using this DVD to sell their own personalized magic teaching DVD and making their money back from this product and more.

This DVD is used by cruise ship magicians, birthday party magicians, stage magicians and even trade show magicians who want to sell or have a product to use as a special give-away.

Once you receive your original master copy you own the DVD and can produce as many as you want for as long as you want, you can sell them for as little or as much as you want.

Throw away the...

★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
Dreams and Devices by Bob Cassidy

"The Dream" is a routine that is best performed before smaller audiences or in an impromptu setting. The key principles, though, have great utilitarian value and should find use in many of your presentations.

The basic idea evolved from an old card routine by Stewart Judah. [Don't go away yet, the finished routine can hardly be considered a "card trick".] It was the type of effect that has fallen out of fashion lately due to the amount of dealing and counting involved. It struck Bob, though, that the dealing was acceptable if the effect was presented as a type of card game. But while the card game presentation was natural and deceptive, it was hardly earth shaking and...

★★★★★ $6.50
Jim Coles
Psychokinetic Deceptions by Jim Coles

A number of cool metal bending, breaking and joining effects.

A nail, first given out for examination, is held in the left hand and stroked with the right index finger. The nail is seen to visibly bend backward and is once again given out for examination. The performer’s hands are otherwise empty.

A nail is shown and may be examined, dropped to the table, and covered with the right hand. Directing a burst of mental energy at the nail, the performer moves his hand away to show the nail is now broken into pieces. Everything may be examined and the performer’s hands are...

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