More strange magic to engage and entertain!
A man who forgets what it means to be human, a spectator who may be more than she seems, a legendary and quite dead lover seeking an evening's diversion, the real and quite visible essence of nightmares -- all of these and more await the intrepid in "Three", the latest volume of strange magic!
16 routines of frightening, weird, and fun magic!
The strange magic continues!
Well, Shane has done it again! His second book, Two, is another must-have winner. Anyone and everyone with a sincere interest in bizarre, storytelling, magic should read this book and I assure you there is something in it for everyone. Shane employs Cups and Balls, Himber Wallets, coins and cards, dice, mirrors, math, scents, liquids, limericks, jokes, wagers, and even scorpions in his routines... The variety will please you. You will laugh, cry, wonder and worry. You will be entertained just reading the pages. In short, this book is for you. Buy it! -- Larry...
Strange magic to amuse, frighten and entertain!
"One & Two are simply the most impact-laded and thought-provoking books I've read in ages!" -- Ben Harris, creator, "Exit51", "Cosmosis"
"One absolutely dazzles me. I am quite taken by the effects, the methods, the props, the presentations and the advice on performing. The results are novel, thoughtful, funny and scary. To be blunt, I wish I had created it all myself... This is the best thing in bizarre magic to have happened to me in years." -- Robert Neale, Author, "Life, Death, and Other Card Tricks", "Tricks of the Imagination", "The Magic Mirror"
A collection of twenty essays on the subject of cold reading covering methodologies, techniques, anecdotes, and philosophies. Also includes a great list of other good books on cold reading.
Contributors are: Fred Crouter, Chris Handa, Sheila Lyon, Raven, Tony Razzano, Brother Shadow, Mark Sherman, Dr. T, William Thomas, and Philemon Vanderbeck.
Gene Poinc, author of "The Practitioner: Journeys into Grey" writes:
No, not the name of an alien creature from another world, but a kind of arcane world is involved and comprehensively illuminated. The initial inclination of most magicians...
This was the first magic book written by June Barrows Mussey and the only one under his real name. All other magic books appeared under his pseudonym Henry Hay.
Here is a practical and fascinating ebook which shows you how to master simple and complex conjuring tricks for your own pleasure and the entertainment of your friends. Mussey stresses the proper presentation of magic stunts and tricks, rather than the mere mechanics. He shows you how to progress from comparatively simpler tricks to those which require diligent study and practice.
In the majority of the tricks described, little or no equipment...
Over the course of nine weeks, Keven convinced Philemon to become his magical mentor. This ebook chronicles his journey into the world of mathematical magic; each effect presented in a story-telling manner. Philemon breathes a new life into these numerical classics by giving a reason for each excursion.
Originally conceived as a lecture for middle-school students in an attempt to foster a renewed interest in mathematics through the vehicle of magic, the routines include:
There are many kinds of methods devised over the years for catching a glimpse to secretly written information anything from doing peeks, billet switches, center tears, pocket writing, using specially made covert type of cuing systems. Alternatively you could just as easily obtain information with a swami gimmick, or stooge, double-writing, mnemonics sound or muscle reading etc.
Now with A Timely Reveal you will learn how to perform some of Erick's most closely guarded mentalism routines. These are strong mentalism routines you could perform anytime and anywhere. You'll learn different ways...
Learn how to mark your cards with a professional card cheating system. Daniel has been a professional card cheat. He has the injuries to proof a near fatal beating due to an exposed sleight. If you want the real stuff, then here is the manuscript to read.
Bicycle Rider Back; Bicycle League Back; Tally-Ho Fan Back; Tally-Ho Circle Back + The first ever marking system for the David Blaine Split Spades.
Blood is a system for applying secret markings to the back of playing cards that can only be distinguished by the performer and are invisible to the naked eye of the spectator.
The system...
A collection of Daniel Madisons' creations, props, gimmicks, gaffs and effects that you can make and develop within minutes: 1 ebook; 11 effects; over 40 variations; 90 pages of modern magic.
Deception, subterfuge, sleight of hand: 30 entries, 171 illustrations, 37 pages, 1 in depth lesson on the deceptive sleights of Daniel Madison.
Deception, subterfuge, street magic.
The lecture notes from the hidden lecture that toured Europe's underground magic scene in 2006; UK, France, Amsterdam, Ireland. Going back to his roots, throughout Two, Daniel explores a more realistic approach to street magic.
Massively superseding its predecessor, Two completely sold out over night within it's first 12 hours on sale, the notes were shortly released as a PDF instant download. The follow-up to One and 2nd in the trilogy hosts a massive 18 all new high-impact effects now in its 2nd edition - praised by some of the worlds leading magicians...
Deception, subterfuge and a deck of cards.
The debut lecture notes from Daniel Madison. In 2005 Daniel held a private and invite-only lecture called ONE held at a secret location at the Blackpool convention, it was the success of this lecture that launched Daniel into the underground magic scene as a leading underground artist.
The 45-minute lecture led to his notes completely selling out. The lecture went down in history as the first of it's kind and the notes continue to sell to an audience of underground magicians across the world. Now available as an exclusive PDF instant download,...
To subscribe to Magicseen click here.
Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2008; 72 pages.
Cover: Singh
"The Man at the Crossroads" is a close-up routine based on a uniquely American form of folk magic known as "hoodoo". Sometimes used as a synonym for Voodoo (a term related to the Dahomean word for spirit, vodun, and the more generalized West African juju), "hoodoo" technically refers to magical practices sometimes known as "conjure" - a hybrid of African and European beliefs nowadays far removed from their original West African religious roots - and is comprised of complex magical practices as well as simple medicinal procedures. (Practitioners, however, usually refer to the latter as "signs"...
The title is apt. This ebook contains three completely inexplicable mental effects: "Quarterforce", "Boxed Thought", and "The Impossible Switch".
In Quarterforce a pack of cards is fanned out before a spectator. There are no duplicates or specially printed cards. The spectator simply thinks of one and the mentalist names it. That's it and it's that clean. Mentalism doesn't get any bolder or more powerful than this.
Boxed Thought is a completely routined demonstration of telepathy and clairvoyance and The Impossible Switch is just that - a billet move so clean and simple it is never detected. ...
Mind Burners - illustrated with color photographs and videos of each critical move, features two completely routined performance pieces from Bob's own working repertoire. "The Manchurian Gambit" is a demonstration of "psychic brainwashing", based on Richard Condon's novel and John Frankenheimer's 1962 film classic, "The Manchurian Candidate". An audience member, completely unaware of what he or she is doing, follows the mentalist's psychic commands. Not only completely amazing, this is one of the funniest and most memorable routines Bob has ever performed.
In "A Place to Die For" an ancient...
Near the end of the 19th century - a time believed by many to be the birth of a "New Age"- presentations of mediumship and other so-called psychic phenomena had already become standard theatrical attractions. Samri Baldwin ("The Only Real and Original White Mahatma") had long since developed the one-ahead based question answering act, and the secret writing techniques of Henry Slade and other early mediums had become standard items in the repertoires of many conjurors. Some engaged in actual and pseudo exposures of mediums and psychics, while others, recognizing the power of such presentations,...
This ebook consists of a PDF and five WMV videos demonstrating the techniques. Bob also included his personal brainstorming notes, much of which is incomprehensible, but it allows you a unique peak into this creative mind and might help you develop and personalize your own routines.
Script: David Britland: Narrator: Dave Kelly: Producer: Martin Breese
You have probably read all of the books on Chan Canasta and now you can actually hear Chan Canasta performing some of his classic effects on this amazing recording.
In fact this is a complete program on Chan Canasta. It draws on Martin Breese's extensive archive of sound recordings of Chan Canasta.
You will hear Canasta live and then you will be given a complete description of each effect by the narrator. The book test, for example, can be heard exactly as it was performed more than forty years ago and then each move is carefully...
Perhaps no other effect is so much associated with the magician as that of producing a rabbit from an empty hat. And, oddly enough, so few magicians today use a rabbit in their act.
Where the idea of producing a rabbit from a hat originated is not certain. The favorite story seems to be about the 18th-century English woman who felt that she was not getting the attention she deserved. She told her husband and neighbors that she had been accosted by a rabbit and some time latter she took to her bed. The story immediately went out that she had given birth to several rabbits. The story naturally...
Features "The Elementulum", "Bottled", "Dunningered", and "The Cooperative Almanac" - four completely routined original performance pieces.
The performer writes a prediction which is placed in full view. The balls are...
The art of presenting mental miracles under apparently foolproof test conditions.
Four completely scripted original and entertaining routines designed to demonstrate your mental abilities under conditions that apparently preclude the use of trickery or fraud. In addition to the routines is a complete analysis of the psychology underlying "Brain Buster" and "test conditions" effects.
Time Stop - This miracle is performed with any unprepared borrowed watch that has a second hand. There are no magnets or gimmicks of any kind required. The effect is totally impromptu.
This is a PDF plus five Real Media video clips demonstrating the moves and handling. Bob works with black cards and black tickets, a nail writer, a fiendishly gimmicked dictionary, a voodoo doll, black clipboards and index cards.
He mixes and matches methods where he finds them most appropriately. A move here, a clever use of ordinary props there and a gimmicked item when the effect calls for it.
1st edition 2003; 20 pages.