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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $12
Influence by Nathaniel

The magician explains that a pack of cards includes 52 different values, and one of these card values he had imprinted in the spectators mind.

He tells the spectator that he should think about different cards. He shouldn’t take the first that comes in his mind. During the whole process the spectator is free to change his selection, so that everything is fair and without forcing a certain card.

The magician takes a closed pack of cards and a thick black marker. He draws the outline of a playing card on the back of the card-box. He shows this outline and announces that he will now draw...

★★★★★ $15
Fred Kaps
Fred Kaps Lecture - It's So Simple by Fred Kaps

Back in 1965 Fred Kaps gave a landmark lecture at the Magic Circle and now this lecture is available as MP3 download including a PDF which is a transcription of the lecture with additional illustrations. Bearing in mind Fred Kaps' reputation, it is strange that so little has been written about the man and his methods. Just the first ten minutes of this recording holds a fundamentally important lesson every serious student of magic needs to know.

Other than several magazine contributions, little of Fred Kaps' work exists in the English language. There are two sets of lecture notes, one dealing...

★★★ $15
Tony Shiels
Bizarre Magic by Tony Shiels

Stephen King in his book Dance Macabre, a book that deals with horror in literature and film, pointed out that the only two kinds of movies which produced an audible reaction from an audience were comedy and horror.

It was Tony Shiels who pushed magic in the direction of horror and, long before magic-as-theatre became the latest fad, suggested that tricks could be made more entertaining if their presentations were more dramatic; perhaps a little out of the ordinary. Few took up the suggestion but those that did went on to found what is today known as Bizarre Magick; magic which involves those...

★★★★ $15
Al Koran
Al Koran by Al Koran

If you are an Al Koran fan you will totally and completely be absorbed by this recording. The first half consists of Goodliffe (the founder of Abracadabra Magazine) recounting his experiences and many meetings with Al Koran. Following Goodliffe's fascinating introduction you will then hear Al Koran performing many of his now classic routines in front of enthusiastic audiences. You will be put into a state of wonder as you hear the amazing Al Koran baffling and entertaining with his own brand of magic. If you are into mentalism this is an essential recording to own.

This is a licensed reproduction...

★★★★★ $15
Daniel Madison
Burn by Daniel Madison

Cards will burn...

Burn explores ideas of the performer physically affecting playing cards in many different ways through the medium of heat/fire/voodoo...for example, the magician causes an image of a spectators chosen card to appear burnt onto another playing card at his will and command...

The ebook is packed with 22 different concepts that will guide you through the methods for creating your own unique tools and gaffs and teach you step-by-step the techniques and mechanics for achieving the impossible voodooesque card magic that has become Burn.

  • IN THE SMOKE 1: A card is selected...
★★★★★ $25
Mark Parker
Vivisectioned by Mark Parker

This is a beautiful and professional illusion. The effect is stunning and would fit into any Las Vegas type illusion show presented by headliners such as Lance Burton, Copperfield or Siegfried and Roy.

This ebook tells you how it is performed and how the apparatus works. However, this is not an easy illusion to build. This ebook does not include detailed blueprints you can immediately work from. You will understand how it works and you do get some very good illustrations, but you will need experience building illusions to actually build this.

1st edition 2008; 15 pages.

★★★★ $8.50
Simon J. Lea
Real Fake Hand-Writing Analysis by Simon J. Lea
  • You will demonstrate your ability to look at a person's signature and then be able to identify pictures that they have drawn.
  • You will be able to tell from signature alone which words, symbols and ideas an individual person will be attracted to.
  • By just feeling the muscles of a person's hand you will be able to point to a piece writing that has been written by that hand.
  • You will even be able spot a liar just from the way they sign their name.
You won't... but you'll be able to fake that you can!

This effect is all about you demonstrating your amazing hand-writing analysis skills....

★★★★ $6.66
Philemon Vanderbeck
A Wicked Pack of Cards by Philemon Vanderbeck

"Madame Sosostris, famous clairvoyant had a bad cold, nonetheless was known to be the wisest woman in Europe with a wicked pack of cards." - T.S. Eliot, "The Wasteland"

I've been working on an act designed specifically for comedy clubs based on the premise of "a wicked pack of cards." I have a 'volunteer' select a card, and I then proceed to give the worst possible interpretation of it.

The deck I'm using is "Morgan's Tarot," an unusual 86-card deck that bears little relationship with a normal Tarot deck. I found its simple black and white drawings and irreverent card titles to be apropos...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 21 (July 2008) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 4, No. 3, July 2008; 68 pages.

Cover: Michael J. Fitch

  1. Welcome - editor's letter
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. Chris Priest, The Man Who Knows Too Much! - interview
  5. News
  6. Location - a visit to the locations used for The Illusionist movie
  7. Christopher Howell Offers High Hopes - interview by T. Howard
  8. Russ Stevens, illusion is where the heart is ... - interview by Graham Hey
  9. News
  10. Beyond Compere, The Art Of The MC - Mark Leveridge - article
  11. Michael J. Fitch, at home on the streets - main feature
  12. Dealer's Booth - Big Blind Media
  13. Reviews
    • Nestor Hato - DVD
    • Twister Continuum - Steven...
★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Magic Purse by Stephen Tucker

Three coins, one at a time, penetrate a purse and land in a glass tumbler. You will need a zippered cloth or leather coin purse and a magnet of the right strength.

  • magnet reduces sleight of hand to a minimum
  • resets automatically
  • ideal for table hopping
1st edition 2008; 2 pages.
★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Exhibit A & B by Stephen Tucker

This is a really funny murder mystery routine. The zippered "case" (used to house everything) is "re-opened" and the possible weapons and five laminated clue-cards are removed. With your help, the spectator now deduces which of the weapons was used. Once he's done so, you explain, humorously, why the other weapons couldn't possibly have been used, so he's effectively solved the murder! This means that everything can be returned to the case, which can then be officially closed.

  • No re-set is needed.
  • Ideal for close-up or "murder weekend" shows.
  • Not suitable for non-english speaking countries. ...
★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Impossible by Stephen Tucker
  • 100% self-working
  • instant reset
  • everything can be examined at the end
Effect: You table a coin, a folded up Lotto ticket and a key-ring, then turn your back on proceedings. Someone mixes the three objects around in the row. You now ask that they 'switch' the three objects around even more, as you direct them (sight unseen). They are then asked to pocket two of the objects, in different pockets, and hold the remaining object in their hand.

You now turn to face them again and, after suitable concentration, reveal that they are holding the coin in their hand - they are! You then continue...

★★★★★ $20
Stephen Tucker
Abacus Tuckered Up by Stephen Tucker

A collection of Stephen Tucker's 18 contributions to Al Smith's Abacus magazine.

1st edition 2007; 37 pages.

  1. Play It Again Sam
  2. Out Of His Dimension
  3. Blackpool Blockbuster
  4. Imogination
  5. Spell My Number
  6. Thotdek
  7. Lady Luck
  8. Done Up Like A Dog’s Dinner
  9. Matterix
  10. Polygraph Pasteboards
  11. Pretty Polygraph
  12. The Return
  13. Shirning
  14. Faro Hate
  15. Staid Stacked
  16. Utility Poker
  17. Utility Poker Utilised
  18. Two Keys To Baldpate
★★★★★ $17
Stephen Tucker
ACAAN by Stephen Tucker

Any Card At Any Number - You table a cased deck, then remove a small, thin note-pad from your shirt pocket and ask one person to name any card. Let's assume he says, "The Queen of Spades." You record this on the pad. You next ask a second person to name any number from 1 to 52. Let's assume this person says, "22". You record this too, then pick up the cased deck. You remove the cards and show that they are all different. You hand the deck to one of them, and ask that he deals down to the 22nd card... it's the Queen of Spades!

If you would like to inject a little comedy, once the card and...

★★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
The Lazarus Card by Stephen Tucker

This is the strangest rising card method ever. Why? Because the card that rises is the actual gimmick. Also, the selected card rises and (to amusing patter) its back changes from red to blue. This means that you only have to pocket it, which is logical as its back no longer matches the rest of the cards, and the deck is clean.

  • No weights, threads, elastics, springs, electronics, cut-out cards or anything like you've ever seen before!
  • Add the gimmicked card to any red backed Bicycle deck!
  • Bonus routine: Hallucination Plus
  • Bonus routine: Impromptu, Borrowed Rising Cards
1st edition 2005;...
Stephen Tucker
Leketenem by Stephen Tucker

With a regular deck, in their own hands, two people each look at a card. They have a 100% free choice of any card. Their cards are lost - you genuinely don't know where they are in the deck!

You now put the cards into your empty pocket then, seconds later produce both selections. The rest of the deck is now removed and you are able to continue with any other card routines that you have mastered.

The instructions detail four presentations - the one above, one performed with a face up deck, one involving four people (ideal for two married couples - to see if they are compatible) and a 100%...

★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Hash-Town-Ding by Stephen Tucker

Someone shuffles an examined blue backed deck (which also contains four red backers). You take it back and, in seconds, produce the four aces. However, this production results in laughter from your audience, not stunned amazement.

You next explain that you are thinking of a word, and ask them to try and read your mind. They say that they think your word is SOAP. You act astonished and say that it was. You then remove the four red backed cards, seen earlier, and a letter has appeared on the back of each of them. The four letters are S, O, A and P!

The deck can now be examined. Hash-Town-Ding...

★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Lotto Flash Wallet by Stephen Tucker

This is an absolutely incredible transposition of a 'winning' lottery ticket (you say that you had three of the numbers drawn), which is isolated in a wallet and a £10.00 note held in your hands!

Believe it or not it's an even faster transposition than the one you saw the Pendragons do on TV with their 'Metamorphosis' sub-trunk illusion. Best of all it's 100% self-working, but looks like incredible sleight-of-hand or real magic.

  • automatically resets
  • very topical as virtually everyone does the lotto (lottery)
  • you can use any country's lotto ticket and currency
  • comes with Flash Cash...
Stephen Tucker
Matrix Reloaded by Stephen Tucker

Four laminated cards are shown to each bear the image of a coin. (Included are images of cards bearing either 50p coins or Kennedy half-dollars).

They are tabled, one at each corner of your mat or, if strolling, one on each of four up-turned palms. The coins on three of the cards vanish and appear on the fourth card - in true matrix fashion. Then the four images are shaken off the card into reality. This leaves you with four double blanks and four real coins!

If you like, you can now perform your favorite coin-matrix with the 'real' coins using the blank cards as covers.

  • easy to perform...
Bob Cassidy
Mentalism and Magick by Bob Cassidy
  1. Telepathy in the Third Dimension
  2. The Bullwhip Approach
  3. Under the Table
  4. Split
  5. Thought Card in Pocket
1st edition 2002; 24 pages.
Stephen Tucker
The Mind Map by Stephen Tucker

You remove from your pocket four sections of a large, full-color, treasure map and jig-saw them together. There are 58 possible locations, and someone is asked to imagine that they have buried all their worldly goods at one of these locations.

You now start to deduce, letter-by-letter, the name of their thought of location. However, way before you have called out all the letters, you stop, pick up the four pieces, stick a label onto one of them and hand it to the spectator face down. He reveals where he mentally buried his things, and discovers that you stuck the label, with an X drawn on...

Stephen Tucker
The Missing Link by Stephen Tucker

Three playing cards (or business cards) are shown and then, with herculean strength, you tear out their centers - in order, you explain, to magically link them together.

Once they have been linked, they are then torn apart (to break the chain), then the "hoops" are restored and handed out for immediate examination.

You can make gimmicks in less than five seconds! Now also supplied with a 100% impromptu handling.

1st edition 2005; 4 pages.

★★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Paradox by Stephen Tucker

This is an incredible topological curiosity with a playing card and a third!

Four odd shaped pieces, cut from Bicycle playing cards, are tabled. You explain that three of the pieces marry together to form the shape of a complete playing card. The extra piece is only supplied in case of emergencies (i.e. if you lose a piece!) The extra 'emergency' piece is shown to be the same shape as one of the other pieces and is then set aside.

Strangely, although you easily solved the 'apparently' simple jig-saw puzzle, no one else can!

Comes with a bonus routine: Bomb$hell Deluxe.

1st edition...

Edwin Ash
Hypnosis in the Lancet by Edwin Ash

These are two articles published in the famous Lancet:

  1. Some Experiments in Hypnosis, January 27th 1906.
  2. The Induction of Hypnosis, August 25th 1906.
1st edition 1906; 9 pages.
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