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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $3.99
Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb
Blackstone the Magic Detective: Episodes 01-06 by Walter Gibson & Nancy Webb

All these episodes have been digitally restored and remastered. Each episode has had the major clicks, pops, and distortions removed while preserving the vintage sound.

  1. That Ghost That Trapped A Killer
    Blackstone is asked by the police to help prove a suspect is a murderer. He sets out to do so, with the help of a ghost!
    Blackstone teaches how to knock a match off a nickel while it is under a glass. Originally broadcast 10/03/1948
  2. The Reluctant Buzzsaw
    Rhoda, Blackstone's assistant, witnesses a robbery, and when the criminals return to silence her they find that they must deal with...
★★★★★ $16
Alan Rorrison
Pulled by Alan Rorrison

The Linking Rings effect is a classic of magic and for good reason: a direct and simple method coupled with the visual aspect of the props have made this a strong hold in most magicians' working arsenals.

So what is wrong with the original that a new one needs to be brought forth? Well, here are a few small points to take into consideration:

  • The old rings are too big for any real world worker
  • They are too expensive in most cases
  • Large rings simply look like a magic prop
  • The routine rarely has any motivation
  • People simply get bored of the routine
Pulled solves all these points and...
★★★★★ $14
Alan Rorrison
Misleading Mislead by Alan Rorrison

The best pen-through-bill routine you will find!

(If you are interested only in the first penetration phase you can also buy it separately with Real Pen-Etration for much less. You might also want to check out the same effect achieved with different sleights: Driven by Cameron Francis.)

In late 2003 / early 2004 Misleading Mislead stormed into the magic community and quickly gained its self-critical acclaim. However, the full routine had been trimmed down from a two-phase routine to a one-phase trick by the company who produced it. Alan was very unhappy about this as all the hard work and tested moves that took...

★★★★ $15
Dagmar Mussey & June Barrows Mussey
A Magical Upbringing: Collected Letters and Articles from June Barrows Mussey by Dagmar Mussey & June Barrows Mussey

If I ask: "Do you know June Barrows Mussey?" I get a blank stare. If I continue: "you know Henry Hay?" then suddenly the response is: "Certainly. He wrote The Amateur Magician's Handbook."

June Barrows Mussey, alias Henry Hay was a remarkable man who had a magical upbringing. Imagine, a boy of just 14 years old going on an international magic tour in the U.S. all by himself; a year later he went alone to Europe, the Dutch authorities made great trouble when he wanted to enter their country because they felt he was too young. His parents and particularly his mother supported his ambition and helped him with costumes,...

★★★★★ $15
David Berglas
David Berglas Interview: International Man of Mystery by David Berglas

In the 80s Martin Breese had the opportunity to interview David Berglas backstage after watching his one man show at Caesar's Palace in England. David captivated his audience with fast, skilled, entertaining and baffling magic.

Backstage Martin had the chance to talk to him for several hours and this recording, which has been digitally improved, was the outcome. Martin Breese tried to wrestle the secret of his amazing, Any Card at Any Number effect from him but with little success but he did perform it for Martin right there and then and every moment and move has been recorded live.


★★★★★ $5
L. O. Brown
Paper Tearing by L. O. Brown

All you need is a piece of paper and your hands and you can follow along the instructions in this ebook. It is organized into 27 lessons and teaches many wonderful and fun shapes from the anchor to the sword and from the lighthouse to the dove. The goal is to tear and not to cut which means that this material is appropriate for children as well as adults.

Each tear is accompanied by patter to teach many spiritual truths. Although not magic by itself, this material is appropriate to be considered by the gospel magician.

1st edition 1921; 27 pages.

★★★★ $6.99
Jim Coles
Quick Change by Jim Coles

Offering to demonstrate a secret exercise that master pickpockets use to sharpen their skills, a small coin purse, a half dollar and a metal washer are given out for examination. The magician explains that the idea is to place the half dollar in the purse, which he does, and cause it to change places with the washer. The first time he merely rubs the washer along the bottom edge of the purse, yet when he brings his hand away it’s seen he’s holding the half dollar. The washer is dumped from the purse.

For the second phase, the half is placed in the purse and the washer is held at the...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Symphony of the Rings by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

Lewis Ganson expertly and with care to minute details explains the famous six ring routine devised by Dai Vernon. Vernon first performed the entire routine in front of Ganson's cine camera. By studying the film in slow motion, they were able to determine the most suitable photographs to take with a still camera to illustrate the text.

Many considered the best and most beautiful routine for the Chinese Linking Rings. You can see Vernon perform this routine in Dai Vernon in Britain 1958.

1st edition 1958, PDF 31 pages.

  1. Introduction
  3. The Rings
  4. Arranging the Rings
  5. Performance
  6. 1....
★★★★★ $15
Larry Becker
Mentalism for Magicians by Larry Becker

More wonderful and baffling routines by the creative mind of Larry Becker.

1st edition 1981; original 66 pages; PDF 52 pages.

  1. Monte Inferno
  2. Ultimate Matrix
  3. Flip-Flop Flush
  4. Bucking The Odds
  5. The Stress Test & The Black Spot
  6. King's Row
  7. Heads Or Tails
  8. Money Monte
  9. The Little Black Book
  10. Headliner
  11. Mind Blaster-Stage Version
  12. Edmund E.S.P. Tester
  13. Dynamation
  14. Impromptu Espitome
  15. The Conversion Principle
★★★★★ $29
Larry Becker
World of Super Mentalism II by Larry Becker

This is the second volume in Larry Becker's series of mentalism. More of the same outstanding mentalism.

In the epilogue of volume 1 Larry wrote that this might be his first and last book depending on the response he will receive. Well, the response was overwhelming and Larry answered with an even larger volume of astounding routines for mentalists. There is enough material for several full evening shows. And with a bit of thought you can use Larry's methods and principles to come up with your own unique miracles.

Here is volume one: World of Super Mentalism I.

1st edition 1979; edited and new layout in 2004; 151 pages....

★★★★★ $19
Larry Becker
World of Super Mentalism I by Larry Becker

This was Larry Becker's first book which is now available in a new layout and design as ebook. Anybody into mentalism knows the name Larry Becker who was one of the most creative forces during the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Unbelievable are his accomplishments and honors. He was winner of the "Mentalist of the Year Award", "PEA Achievement Award", "Milbourne Christopher Foundation Literary Award", "The Lederman Award", he was inducted into the "SAM Hall of Fame" and the list goes on.

Here are some of his best routines. Study them! Learn from them! This is the best of the best mentalism has to offer...

★★★★ $27
Ken Dyne
10 Step Marketing for Magicians by Ken Dyne

Would you like to know the real secrets of success, the underground tactics that will allow you make more money than 99% of the other guys out there and have the secret to do that with a lot less work?

In this manuscript Ken is very excited to share with you for the first time his personal secrets of how he transformed his hobby in to a pretty good living.

Ken has selected 10 stellar tactics from his personal marketing arsenal that will not only allow you to launch your assault on the public, create more customers and money than ever, but every approach can be implemented immediately and...

Ken Dyne
Future Visions by Ken Dyne

Ken walks you through a method for predicting almost anything, that he developed to satisfy some of the most difficult conditions. Imagine being able to send an envelope out ahead of time and on the day of your big event the contents are found to predict that day’s headlines. There are a lot of methods documented already but he wanted a way of doing it where:

  • The performer never touches the envelope
  • The envelope is signed and sealed by the representative from the company
  • The method is real world and he uses it!
1st edition 2008; 28 pages.
★★★ $30
Ken Dyne
The Impromptu Mystifier by Ken Dyne

Have you ever been caught out when someone says "show me something"? Ken has put all of his ideas thoughts and feelings toward impromptu magic and mentalism in to this ebook.

Not only do you get his thoughts and theory around how performing impromptu can turn in to some of the most profitable performances, but he has included his entire personal impromptu act in detail.

You will never be stuck for something to do and what's more you will understand exactly how to turn that apparent off the cuff moment in to money and bookings.

This ebook will challenge the way you think and feel. ...

★★★★ $18
Ken Dyne
Gift Wrapped and Bank Night Delux by Ken Dyne

6 Envelopes. 1 Contains a cash prize. 5 Spectators try to win the money by freely and fairly choosing an envelope each. No matter how hard they try, you always end up holding the money.

The problem in past presentations of this routine is that the performer leaves the audience feeling like losers as they don't win the money. The presentation Ken offers here gets over that.

What's more they actually see you putting the cash in to the envelopes, there are no thumb tips, nail writers or strange selection processes.

Bonus routine - Gift Wrapped: 5 colored gift bags. 1 contains something...

★★★★★ $15
Percy Press
Percy Press Interview - A Traveler's Tale by Percy Press

Percy Press died in 1980 at the age of 78. He was probably the last of the English Street Conjurors and learned his craft working the streets of England. He was also a distinguished Punch and Judy performer. In this recording, Percy Press talks about the effects that he performed on the street and gives details of his routines for his Cups and Balls, his Funny Funnel, the Cap and Pence, a card trick using a card box, and his entertaining Coat, Ropes and Rings.

One of Percy's most baffling effects was his production of a full glass of water and, on this recording, he gives the complete routine...

★★★★★ $12
Influence (German) by Nathaniel

Der Magier erklärt dass ein Kartenspiel 52 verschiedene Werte beeinhaltet und er einen Kartenwert aus den 52 Möglichkeiten an den Zuschauer gedanklich übertragen hat.

Der Zuschauer soll sich nun verschiedenste Karten durch den Kopf gehen lassen. Er soll sich nicht die aller erste behalten die ihm in den Sinn kommt, sondern ruhig länger darüber nachdenken. Es steht dem Zuschauer während des ganzen Prozesses frei, seine Meinung noch einmal zu ändern. So das alles vollkommen fair und ohne das forcieren einer bestimmten Karte abläuft. Der Zuschauer denkt sich nun eine Karte und soll sie...

Raphaël Czaja
Transprint by Raphaël Czaja

Raphael's routine is a great effect and it should immediately score a big hit! - Aldo Colombini

A spectator chooses a card from a deck, for example the Jack of Hearts. The magician now shows a packet with four blank-faced cards and normal backs. The spectator freely chooses and signs two stickers of different shapes and colors and puts one on the face and one on the back of his card. From now, he keeps this card on the table under his hand. One by one, three of the blank cards change into a Jack of Hearts. For the climax, the magician makes a transposition between the faces of the last blank card and...
★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
Sleightly Mental by Bob Cassidy

From the introduction:

As far as I'm concerned, sleight of hand (or any other artifice for that matter) has but one purpose - to convincingly establish a false premise, which I believe to be the cornerstone of all effective illusion and deception. The more convincingly that premise is established, the more amazing the resulting effect will appear to be.

The subtleties and psychological approaches of mentalism can, when augmented by sleight of hand, provide a directness and clarity of effect that is too often lacking in mental routines. The fact that sleights are avoided by many performers...

Bob Cassidy
The Invisible Mirror by Bob Cassidy

Long unavailable, The Invisible Mirror is a large multimedia ebook (including four video clips) featuring an ingenious method - illustrated on video - for obtaining a spectator's hidden thoughts and for apparently predicting the future.

It also contains something you will never see anywhere else - an excerpt of a live performance - in a biker bar - by Dr. Bob!

The Invisible Mirror is a utilitarian technique with unlimited capabilities. Not only is the technique direct and convincing, but it is also easy and actually fun to do.

1st edition 2003; 14 pages + 4 video clips

★★★★★ $17
Stephen Tucker
Card Bored? by Stephen Tucker

Out of print since 1992, but now converted from printed form to e-book. Seventeen terrific routines - illustrated.

Within you will encounter thirteen of Stephen's very best card routines, three magic-square effects (with a difference) and one purely numeric item that is a step sideways from the original inspiration. That 'step sideways' is really the key here! Stephen has tried to look at things from a slightly different direction. One not normally explored. Sometimes with very interesting results!

  1. Introduction
  2. Out Of This Dimension
  3. The Square Comes Full Circle
  4. Doubly Impossible
  5. Back...
Bruce Cervon
Bruce Cervon by Bruce Cervon

Bruce Cervon had been a full-time professional magician since 1965. He won many awards including the Magic Castle Close-up Magician Of The Year, in fact, he won it more than once. This audio recording features some of the commercial card magic of Bruce Cervon.

Perhaps his most famous effect is "Dirty Deal". Here, for the first time, is the opportunity to learn Bruce's own handling. Bruce Cervon is also well known for his interest in topological card magic and he describes a very clean handling for "Cardwarp" using one card and a dollar bill. It's an excellent routine in which a playing card...

★★★★ $24.95
Peter Duffie
Mind Blasters by Peter Duffie

The ultimate collection of mind-blowing English mind magic! Some of the world's top mentalist's tip their mitt! After the success of Miraculous Minds - Scotland goes mental Peter Duffie pulled off an even bigger job covering England with 41 contributors and 57 sensational routines. Do the math yourself, this is the quality and quantity bargain of the year.

[There is also a sequel of similar quality to this extraordinary ebook: Mind Blasters 2.

The contributors in the order in which they appear in the ebook are: Marc Paul, John Archer, Wayne Dobson, Stephen Tucker, Paul Hallas, Christopher Williams, Abracadaver, Les Johnson, Harold Cataquet, Andy Nicholls, Shiv Duggal, James Ward, Stephen Jones, Russell Hall, Roni Shachnaey, Lewis Jones,...

★★★★★ $8
Val Andrews
Sherlock Holmes and The Prince of Ventriloquists by Val Andrews

A new century has dawned and for Holmes it signifies that he is soon to retire to Sussex to keep bees. Inspector Lestrade is already retired but looking for work as a store detective when he is informed of events concerning Arthur Prince, The Prince of Ventriloquists, which are so singular that he calls upon Holmes who demonstrates that his deductive powers are still as sharp as ever. Arthur Prince’s stage puppet has been stolen from his locked dressing room only to reappear some hours later. This strange event has now occurred on three different occasions, but stranger still is the fact that...

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