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★★★★★ $14
Stephen Tucker
Omega by Stephen Tucker

The world's only examinable B'Wave - Two sets of blue Bicycle backed aces are shown. You table one set face down and have someone name any ace. With the other set behind your back, you manage to reverse their named ace (big deal!) However, you now spread the tabled set and their ace has magically reversed there too!

Next, you hand someone your set of aces and, whilst in their hands, the face of their ace vanishes and the backs of the other three change from blue to red! (They are now examinable!)

Finally, someone picks up the tabled set and, with the cards in their hands, their ace becomes...

★★★★★ $14
Stephen Tucker
Red Hot Poker by Stephen Tucker

The core effect is that you play a game of Poker, using just ten cards, with one other player. They choose which five cards they would like, and you take the rest. Incredible as it sounds... they receive a Full House, whilst you always win with a Royal Flush!

NOTE: please don't confuse Red Hot Poker with the old "ten card poker" routine played with three sets of 'three of a kind' and a single 'odd' card. There you had to make them choose the 'odd' card in order for you to win. The routines here are nothing like that!

As a special related bonus item, Peter Duffie has very kindly allowed me to include...

Stephen Tucker
Quartet by Stephen Tucker

Four cards (you could use jumbos) are shown. They are all the same on the face, but one has flipped face down. They are shown again and a second has flipped face down.

This is repeated until only one remains face up. You now ask if they'd like to 'see' the final card visibly flip face down? They would, but aren't too impressed when you simply remove it, and openly turn it over!

However, when the four cards are dealt face up to the table... they are now all completely different, and match the four freely 'forced' cards that they chose earlier!

This routine is great for mastering the...

★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Fade Away: the three card trick by Stephen Tucker

Three face down cards are show and tabled to one side for the moment. Introducing a regular deck of cards, you have one selected, signed across its face, returned and then lost.

The deck is now set aside, as you show the three cards tabled earlier. Incredibly, all three appear to be the signed selection! Then the cards become shy and refuse to show their faces in public, backing away from everyone (all three cards now have backs on both sides!) Finally, they all return to normal!

This is a brilliant routine and easy to perform. Only three cards are used - apart from those in your deck...

Stephen Tucker
The Vortex Cards by Stephen Tucker

Two full-color laminated Visa-type credit cards are shown. As you hold one, and move it in a circle, the image of a silver coin appears at its center, which (incredible as it sounds) you then shake off into reality!

You then explain that it can just as easily be deposited back into your bank-account and removed whenever you want it.

Once you've produced several coins, you can use the two Vortex Cards as covers for your favorite matrix routine. Stephen includes his Vortex-Matrix routine.

This is an optical oddity that you will love and use! Pop the two Vortex Cards in your wallet and...

★★★★★ $4
Mystic Alexandre
Target Card in Painting by Mystic Alexandre

This is a wonderful presentational idea for the "Invisible Deck". (If you do not know what the "Invisible Deck" is ask around or visit a dealer. It is a very common prepared deck of cards.)

This routine will require some creativity on your part, but more so on the spectator’s part ... but this is part of the fun. It can really go anywhere and it’s usually just as interesting to the performer as it is for the participant.

1st edition 2008; 3 pages.

★★★★ $1
Rannie Raymundo
Sencillo by Rannie Raymundo

A super visual coins across routine.

The profits from the sales of this routine will go to various organizations that are helping victims of the earthquake in Si Chuan, China. Originally this routine was available for $15, but now Rannie has decided to make it free with any amount of donation. That is why the 'price' of this ebook is set to $1, the minimum donation. We hope that you will donate more than the minimum. To do that you only need to change the quantity in the shopping cart. Say you wanted to donate $15, the original price of the ebook, you would enter 15 as the quantity in the...

Edwin Ash
Hypnotism and Suggestion by Edwin Ash

Edwin Ash was a celebrated medical doctor who practiced and lectured in London. He was published in the Lancet which is to this day the most important and respected peer reviewed medical journal.

As the subtitle 'A Practical Handbook' suggests, this is a work for the practitioner. It covers various methods to induce hypnosis, describes muscular and sensory phenomena, post-hypnotic influence, suggestive therapeutics, and a lot more.

1st edition 1906; PDF 118 pages.

★★★★ $17
Stephen Tucker
Complete Torn and Restored Card Ebook by Stephen Tucker

Way back in 1984 Stephen published a strange looking booklet on the 'Torn and Restored Card' effect called The Torn and Restored Card Book. Three routines formed the content, but the most striking thing about the publication was that the booklet was actually torn in half!

It was still a complete piece of work, but the appearance was that of half a book. It soon sold out, probably due to its novelty value. It was updated and re-printed in 1986 with additional material.

Around that time Stephen's good friend David Britland published a solution to a card-problem of his in his Tearing A Lady in Two manuscript. However, it did...

★★★★★ $12
Stephen Tucker
Mind Power by Stephen Tucker

A fork and a spoon are shown. Someone chooses one leaving you with the spoon (ho, ho!), which you now bend using 'the power of your mind' alone. Actually you do bend it, but by pressing it against your forehead! However, it now visibly straightens (all by itself!) then slowly bends again, whilst held in one hand only, snaps in two and is handed out for immediate examination!

Self-working...nobody does it for you! It is all in the most simple and ingenious gimmick that costs you a penny if you don't already have the right thing somewhere at home.

1st edition 2005; 3 pages.

★★★★ $15
Richard Webster
Mastering Cold Reading: Volume 3 by Richard Webster

Richard Webster's third volume on cold reading was recorded in May 2004 in New Zealand. It contains more on the subject for professional cold readers and those wishing to learn this interesting and profitable subject. In this volume Richard concentrates on the future and provides sets of readings based on numerology and star signs. Detailed but easy-to-learn readings are given. Richard is almost always cited as being one of the world's most experienced cold readers and has a vast knowledge drawn from his personal experiences as a professional cold reader.

This is a licensed reproduction of...

★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
The Floating and Dancing Cane Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Including R. C. Buff's original routine for the Floating Walking Stick and Lewis Ganson's routine for the Dancing Walking Stick. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977; original 27 pages; PDF 34 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. The Floating and Dancing Walking Stick
  3. The Stick Dances
  4. The Stick Floats
  5. The Floating Walking Stick
  6. - "The Balance"
  7. - The Floating Moves
  8. - The Stick Rises And Falls
  9. - The Stick Floats ...
★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
Three Chinese Rings Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Rex Taylor's routine plus linking and unlinking moves plus Aldo Colombini's moves. Photographed and written by Lewis Ganson. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977; originally 20 pages; PDF 23 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Foreword
  3. The Twisting Move
  4. Linking Two Rings
  5. Spinning the Rings
  6. Unlinking Two Rings
  7. Three Ring Routine
  8. - Introduction
  9. - Requirements
  10. - Set-Up
  11. - Routine
  12. Aldo Colombini's Linking Ring Moves
  13. - Two...
★★★★★ $1
Donation by various

We are a for profit business, but we do work on non-profit projects, which we do simply because we love magic. For example, many of the old books we convert cost much more to convert than we would ever hope making selling digital versions. Nevertheless we have chosen to digitize and preserve many of these books and magazines as a service to the magic community. We are also thinking about making some of these ebooks free if we can raise enough money through donations.

Any donations made here will flow directly to preserving magic literature. If for whatever reason we are not able to use the...

Bob Cassidy
Confessions of Dr. Crow by Bob Cassidy

Most cyclical stacks are based on either mathematical progressions (Si Stebbins) or nonsense rhymes ("Eight Kings" and John Mulholland''s "Hungry Jackass.") While memorized stacks, such as the Nikola explained in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, allow for the fastest determination of a cards position in the pack, performers who don''t use the set-up generally seem to avoid the memory route. The mathematical systems, which serve as substitutes for memory, can sometimes be difficult in performance situations. Furthermore, many of the mathematical formulas only allow you to determine the position of a given card, and not the card...

★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson
Zombie: The Floating Ball Teach-In by Lewis Ganson

Supreme moves, Will Ayling's routine, Luis Gavilondo's "Sacred Sun Ball". Photographed and written by Lewis Ganson. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1977; original 35 pages; PDF 44 pages.

  1. Contents
  2. Introduction
  3. Supreme Moves
  4. - Requirements
  5. - Set-Up
  6. Performance
  7. - The Get-Ready
  8. - The Ball Rises
  9. - The Ball Rises Into View
  10. - The Ball Floats Along The Arm
  11. - Around The Body
  12. - The Ball Suspends...
★★★★★ $9.50
Lewis Ganson & Bobby Bernard
Bernard's Lesson on Coin Magic Teach-In by Lewis Ganson & Bobby Bernard

Bobby Bernard teaches palming, sleights, stratagems, and T. Nelson Downs' Coin Star. Photographed and written by Lewis Ganson. This was part of the famous Ganson Teach-In series originally published by Supreme Magic Inc. Rights are now owned by Martin Breese whom we thank for the kind permission to reproduce this booklet.

[Get the full collection of all 17 Teach-Ins at a huge discount.

1st edition 1978 by Supreme; original 35 pages; PDF 43 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. The Coins
  3. The Hands
  4. Palming A Coin
  5. Thumb Grip
  6. Stretch Palm
  7. Crease Palm
  8. After Ramsay
  9. Production In The Air
  10. Double Production
  11. The Miser's Misers Dream
  12. The Spellbound Move
  13. The Hummer...
★★★★★ $3
Mystic Alexandre
Aeon Reading by Mystic Alexandre

The Aeon Reading is a mysterious Tarot card reading/experiment that will leave your participant wondering about the mystical powers of the Tarot. It will also leave them with an important message. If you perform at all with Tarot cards, you’ll surely be using this routine which has been in Alexandre's repertoire for years.

Written for the Thoth tarot deck (where the Aeon card is the 20th card) it can be automatically adapted to any tarot deck you might already own. This is based on a self working principle - no sleight of hand required.

1st edition 2005; 3 pages.

★★★★★ $8.88
Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre
Beneath the Mask by Anabelle & Mystic Alexandre

Beneath The Mask, co-written with Alexandre, is the last manuscript Anabelle chose to release to the community back in 2007! It's been off the market for a number of years, but now it's back! IMPORTANT NOTE: This is the original 2007 release with the original cover on the PDF and original content.

11 Fun Routines

Chance Sandwich: A unique playing card prediction experiment where a subject makes a couple of crystal clear choices, no doublespeak by the performer, and in the end the performer proves to be eerily correct! A classic card effect with an Anabelle twist that improves it tenfold!...

★★★★★ $25
Bob Cassidy
Bent On Strange by Bob Cassidy

The Ultimate Key Bending Routine.

In the early 1970’s, at the "dawning of the Age of Aquarius," a young Israeli named Uri Geller attracted worldwide attention with his "psychic" abilities. While he demonstrated several paranormal skills, it was his "psychokinetic" ability to bend silverware, borrowed keys, and nails that set him apart from other "New Age" psychics. In the years that followed many mentalists and magicians added "metal bending" routines to their repertoires, and many sleights and gimmicks have been devised to facilitate the effect.

You may have noticed that most of the...

★★★★ $11.50
Dee Christopher
Cold - The Telesthesia Cards by Dee Christopher

A card merely thought of from the spectators own hands is eerily revealed by the magician. A foolproof method utilizing clever wording and suggestion allows this incredibly solid effect to manifest.

No Sleights, The spectator has a free choice of any of the cards in their own hands, the magician doesn't even touch the cards once they've been handed over and the card is never spoken until it finds it's way out of the magician's lips.

1st edition 2007; 10 pages.

Dee Christopher
Shift - Signed Card Transportation by Dee Christopher

This is a really nice card transportation. It's a simple method, simple effect and with the correct patter and theatrics it can be made in to a miracle. There are many creative ways the concept of this effect could be used, it's such a versatile move. The good news is there's absolutely no palming involved!

The spectator selects and signs the back of a card, which is lost in the middle of the deck. The card is then immediately, with empty hands and no funny moves, removed from your top pocket or your wallet or practically anywhere else.

The spectator verifies the value of their card, the...

★★★★★ $15
R. Shane
Five by R. Shane

The final volume of weird and wonderful magic!

A lucky coin that becomes as scarred as its owner, a murdered woman kept alive in a photograph, dice that tell the future just for starters, a Chinese magician who gets his revenge in the most horrible of ways, an obscene thing which hides beauty and reveals hypocrisy -- and that's just the beginning of what you'll find in Five, the last volume of the strange magic series!

13 routines of bizarre, touching, weird, scary, and entertaining magic!

  • Demonstrate the transparency of the human personality with the most horrid of tests!
  • Show just...
★★★★★ $15
R. Shane
Four by R. Shane

More weird and wonderful magic to amaze and entertain!

A woman who suffers from growing agoraphobia and finds more to fear inside than out, a miser who knows the true value of things, a poor woman brutally murdered in reality and imagination, gods tired of the fickleness of man, science and magic meeting and melding -- all of these and more await you in "Four", the latest volume of strange magic! 13 routines of frightening, weird, and plain enjoyable magic!

  • Consider the separation between genius and insanity as the spectator visibly makes the trip from one to the other!
  • Explain that...
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