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Magic & Mentalism: page 25


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★★ $20
Liam Montier
Cherry Cola Queen by Liam Montier
  • Predict something incredibly personal to your spectator – the location of their tattoo. Then go one step further, and divine the design!
  • Cause an angel to visually melt from one half of a playing card to another in this shockingly visual application of Paul Harris's Twilight Angels.
  • Imagine causing the Hot and Cold water to transpose between your bathroom taps!
  • A spectator is offered a free choice from your stack of business cards, and signs the blank side. On turning it over, he finds it is the same business card that you signed earlier in this strange display of coincidence.
  • Use a...
★★★★★ $20
Ulysses Frederick Grant
45 Tricks by Ulysses Frederick Grant

This is a remarkable collection of 45 individual single sheet trick instructions, many of which are illustrated.

original 45 pages; PDF 49 pages.

  1. The Comedy Check
  2. Improved Psychic Padlock
  3. Any Card Called For Rises
  4. Jarrow Bill In Lemon
  5. Super Telephone Test
  6. Leipzig Cards Through Air
  7. Bag And Blindfold Trick
  8. Nu Ring Off String
  9. Hang-Ping-Ching Coin Trick
  10. Improved Gloves To Dove
  11. Half Dollar Through Ring
  12. The Spy Ring
  13. Head On Beer Trick
  14. Best Packing Box Escape
  15. Grant's Cut & Restored Light Wire
  16. Striking A Match On Air
  17. Leipzig Type Card Suspension
  18. Malini Card Stabbing
  19. Chinese Bowl Production ...
★★★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant
Tricks with a One Way Deck by Ulysses Frederick Grant

The ever creative and prolific Grant collected in this ebook 21 card tricks all based on the 'one-way' principle. Grant starts out with examples of decks which are one-way, how to setup everything, and how to handle the cards correctly.

1st edition 1935; original 23 pages; PDF 13 pages.

★★★★★ $5
Ulysses Frederick Grant
CLIP - Clever Little Ideas Presented by Ulysses Frederick Grant

U.F. Grant has collected 13 tricks involving a paper clip. Paper clips are available pretty much anywhere, are common objects and therefore make ideal magic props.

1st edition 1947; original 12 pages; PDF 9 pages.

★★★★★ $35
Al Mann
Al Mann Lecture by Al Mann

This DVD is a live recorded lecture Al Mann gave in Vienna, Austria, at the 1. Wiener Zaubertheater, on November 25th 1984. To my knowledge, this is the only footage available today showing Al Mann in action. The quality is remarkably good for a live unscripted recording from a single camera from the 80s. It runs for a bit over 1 hour and 40 minutes.

It is a wonderful video to watch and see Al in action, as well as pick up a number of tips and several excellent routines. He also explains a fantastic card force he credits to Robert Parrish. This force is so fair and completely absent of any sleight-of-hand,...

★★★★★ $15
David Misner
The Inversion Theory by David Misner

This ebook is all about reversing a card and includes five original ideas.

  • Minority: A chosen card is pushed flush in the center of the deck, and instantly reverses itself.
  • Flip Side: The deck is spread to show that it is completely normal, and then almost instantly a card reverses itself, the previously chosen card.
  • Don't Blink: A ridiculously visual reversal. An out-jogged card reverses itself with a flick of the wrist.
  • Wrong Turn: A card is lost, and the wrong one is found. The magician states that something must have been preventing the card from coming to the top, and when the deck...
Robert Kaldy-Karo
Manipulationsideen by Robert Kaldy-Karo

Karo kombiniert hier seine Kreativitaet mit seiner Fingerfertigkeit. Dieses Werk ist mitlerweile ein Klassiker und behandelt Seile, Tuecher, Muenzen, Baelle, Feuer and wie sie Blitz und Nebel erzeugen koennen.


  1. Inhalt
  2. Vorwort
  3. SEILE
  4. Faerbe Knoten
  5. Knoten Test
  7. Halter
  8. Falten
  9. Tuch Sprudel
  10. Penetration
  11. Smooky
  13. Halter
  14. Gone
  15. Nice 1&2
  16. Gigant coin
  17. BAELLE
  18. Halter
  19. Da - Wo?
  20. Ohne Titel 1 & 2
  21. Fooler
  22. Colour
  23. Gag
  24. Silver
  25. Smarter Krims Krams
  26. Exklusiv
  27. Elegant
  28. FEUER
  29. Feurio
  30. Super candle
  31. Perfekt
  32. Plexi
  33. Smokefan
  34. Coka Cola
  36. Nebel Maschine ...
★★★★★ $6
Andrew Loh
Royal Highness by Andrew Loh

This is one of the easiest four-of-a-kind productions with no finger-flicking moves or flourishes.

Effect: Spectator freely names a number between 10 and 20. After some byplay and counting the cards in the process, the spectator unknowingly produces the four Kings.

No crimp! No markings! No gimmicks! No extra cards! No rough & smooth!

I like this a lot. I haven't seen this combination of ideas before. They work very well to produce a strong effect. - Peter Duffie

It's a very novel four-of-a-kind production. The principle used is a simple one and makes the trick pretty much self-working. -...

★★★★★ $14.95
Peter Duffie
Obscurities by Peter Duffie

This new ebook is a collection of tricks that Peter published in various magazines and in books published by others. Now collected for the first time. These are not in any of his books or ebooks.

From the pages of: Linking Ring, Abracadabra, Griffin, Arcane, Magic magazine and other sources.

  • Blind Faith Mindful Mentalism, Vol.1. compiled & published by Paul Hallas.
    This is a double prediction effect with the second prediction coming as a surprise, despite the fact that you state you have two predictions at the outset! In effect; from a set of cards that spell the word 'prediction' a spectator freely...
★★★★★ $7
Practical Hypnotism - How to Hypnotize by unknown

Aside from some archaic word usage this ebook gives you all the fundamentals to perform hypnosis. No need to buy a high priced course. All the basics are here as well as hypnotism's historic background.

62 pages.

  1. Theories Regarding Hypnotism
  2. The Braid Method of Hypnotism
  3. Dr. Liebault's Method of Hypnotism
  4. Fascination Method of Hypnotism
  5. The Suggestive Method Of Hypnotism
  6. Hypnotism In Diseases
  7. Uses Of Hypnotism
  8. Illusions And Hallucinations
  9. Auto Suggestion
  10. Hypnotic Suggestion
  11. Telepathic Suggestion
  12. Post-Hypnotic Suggestion
  13. The Dangers Of Hypnotism
  14. Hypnotism For Scientific Practice ...
★★★★ $14.90
Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon
Dai Vernon's Tribute to Nate Leipzig by Lewis Ganson & Dai Vernon

This is a fascinating combination of biographical detail and carefully described magical secrets researched and recorded by Dai Vernon and Lewis Ganson.

Vernon was an intimate friend of Leipzig. Vernon not only saw many performances given by Leipzig, but Leipzig also explained Vernon in detail how all of his tricks worked and how they are to be performed. Vernon recorded this in his notebooks from which this publication was prepared by Ganson and Vernon. It is therefore fair to say that this is as close as you will ever get to learn from Leipzig.

Leipzig was a gentelman of magic who could...

★★★★★ $24.95
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type to choose


MP4 (video)

Peter Duffie
Move Mastery 3 by Peter Duffie

Move Mastery 3 contains 1hr 40 min of amazing sleights with playing cards. Demonstrations with explanations. Plus a bonus clip of Duffie demonstrating (no explanation) the Legendary Fred Robinson Middle Deal.

We also offer volume 1 Move Mastery 1 and volume 2 Move Mastery 2 in this series.

1st edition 2008.

Here is a low resolution demo. The video on the disc is higher resolution.


★★★★ $8
Pete Wilton
The I.M.P. System by Pete Wilton

A system to make remembering numbers as easy as one two buckle your shoe. Learn this system and remember numbers with ease.

After several years struggling to learn the memory systems from other sources Pete developed the I.M.P Memory System. Other systems require complicated rules to be learned before you can remember numbers. With the I.M.P Memory System you will begin recalling numbers of any length much sooner than with other systems.

Turn the boring abstract into a vibrant image easily with the I.M.P Memory System!

1st edition 2008; 30 pages.

  1. Introduction
  2. Other Systems to Remember...
Max Andrews
Sixteen Thumb Tie Gems by Max Andrews

The Thumb Tie is a classic that can be done in a number of ways using sometimes vastly different methods. In this ebook you will learn among others the Ten Ichi thumb tie, the Osman thumb tie, the Dunninger tie and variations by Victor Farelli and Max Andrews. You will also read about its history and many other important bits of information which will allow you to perform this classic proficiently.

Paul Fleming wrote:

This little booklet deals with a single trick - The Thumb Tie, in which the performer, despite the fact that his thumbs are apparently tied together securely, manages to catch on his arms several light hoops...

★★★★★ $7
Max Andrews
Sixteen Card Index Gems by Max Andrews

Classic text on effects that can be performed with a card index. This ebook does not describe how to make a card index. It describes sixteen effects achieved with the use of a card index. Many of these effects are original creations of Max Andrews.

Paul Fleming wrote:

A good many years ago, we witnessed a fine vaudeville act by Herbert Brooks, in which he presented, among other effects, his celebrated feat of producing from his pocket any card called for by the audience, after the pack had been shuffled, divided into two approximately equal parts, and the halves deposited in his side trousers-pockets....

Peter Duffie
Shadow Zone by Peter Duffie

The ultimate stapled card illusion. Very Easy to Do! Only one Minute of Preparation. Explained with 20 photos.

1st edition 2007; 9 pages.

★★★★ $10.50
Peter Duffie
SyncroMatic by Peter Duffie

When all is said and done ...
you are the lonely one!

A Do-as-I-Do effect that could not have happened!

The performer and a spectator freely select cards from packets that they each hold. Each time the cards are a perfect match. But in the end the audience is left with blank amazement! With influences from Patrick Page and Roy Walton, this is one you will keep!

5 pages.

Mystic Alexandre
Dr. Wendy Woo's Remote Viewing Experiment by Mystic Alexandre

Dr. Wendy Woo (current whereabouts unknown) will teach you how to fake her remote viewing abilities with an ordinary deck of playing cards and an extraordinary token (of your choice). Dr. Wendy Woo has been involved with remote viewing for nearly a decade and considers herself a "consciousness researcher who has sometimes experienced altered states of consciousness."

This experiment may be performed in person or OVER THE PHONE!

This PDF also includes the bonus routine ALEXANDRE'S DREAM # 102 DEMONSTRATION! An interesting "dream revelation" using a video or audio file you'll be recording...

★★★★★ $12.87
Dave Forrest
Smoke Rings by Dave Forrest

A one card link. Singled out by the legendary Paul Harris for inclusion on his 'True Astonishment' DVD set, Smoke Rings is a truly incredible impromptu miracle!

"If I only had one playing card with which to do magic, this is the routine that I'd do, bar none." - David Forrest (from the introduction of this manuscript)

Smoke Rings is a completely impromptu, 100% examinable linking card effect which requires no preparation whatsoever. Only one card is used, nothing else. No additional gimmicks are required, your hands are clearly empty. This is anywhere, anytime magic with nothing more...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 4 (September 2005) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 1, No. 4, September 2005; 72 pages.

Cover: Andy Nyman

  1. Welcome
  2. Letters
  3. News
  4. My Audience With Paul Daniels - show review by Anthony Boe
  5. News
  6. Rafael Benatar: Hitting All The Right Notes - interview
  7. Dirty Tricks: 4 Gets Dirty On Friday Nights - new TV series review starring Barry & Stuart, Pete Firman, Ali Cook, Jonathan Goodwin, Rajan and Binde - interview
  8. Radio Magic - Jay Fortune & Layman Steve - profiles
  9. Reviews
    • Edward George Brown: a magical life - Paul Gordon - book
    • Corporate Close Up With Martin Sanderson - DVD
    • Golden Welding - Practical Magic - effect ...
Gerritt M. Evans
How Gamblers Win - Secrets of Advantage Playing by Gerritt M. Evans

This is a pre-Erdnase description of moves and ruses to cheat at the card table by an unnamed 'retired professional'. However, Bart Whaley's research revealed that this retired professional was Gerrit M. Evans, that his real name was most likely Edward M. Grandin and that Evans/Grandin was not a professional gambler. (Bart is working on an upcoming book about Evans - The Mysterious Gambler.)

This ebook was created from the 1868 edition. There is also an earlier 1865 edition. The 1868 faked edition drops the name of the author who is, of course, Evans/Grandin, pretends that the "anonymous" author is a "retired"...

★★★★★ $10.50
Peter Duffie
Downfall by Peter Duffie

This is Peter's version of Roy Walton's classic packet effect Cascade and has been released with the permission of Roy Walton.

Downfall is also included as a bonus to Mental Deflect.

Effect: A packet of playing cards turn face up and face down at will. Finally they change into something completely unexpected. Everything can be examined. Nothing secretly added or taken away at any time. Fully illustrated.

1st edition 2007; 7 pages.

Peter Duffie
Dark Angel by Peter Duffie

This stunning two-part routine has no sleights and nothing to remember except the simple handling, and it leaves the deck ready for a repeat performance. What can you wish more?

After explaining that - not unlike humans - each playing card has a guardian angel that watches over it, you show a 6" x 4" card (can be laminated) that has a full deck of 52 cards printed on it - blacks on one side - reds on the other. These, you claim are the guardians. Against each card is another random card - these are the cards over which the guardians watch. This card is called "the card of the guardians" and...

John Rivav
Burning Angel by John Rivav

You show a pack of cards, shuffle it and ask two spectators to select each one a card. One of the cards is signed, lost in the pack and you put the pack inside the card box. You give the card case to the spectator to hold. The second card is in the spectators hand all the time. The magician explains that both cards are twin souls and everything that happens to one card will happen to the other. The magician asks for the card that the spectator holds and shows a lighter. The magician proceeds to burn the back of the card, specifically one of the angels on the bike. If everything works as planned...

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