This lesson in telepathic experiments makes mind reading an understandable and practical thing. A method of reading one's thoughts that you can learn and apply. The secret mental equipment needed for your success as a mental performer. The late Axel Hellstrom, a German mental marvel, astounded the entire scientific world with his uncanny ability to read the thoughts of a person with whom he was in contact and to interpret these thoughts correctly. He would execute mental (not written) commands with lightning rapidity - find hidden articles wherever they were secreted - deliver sealed messages...
This is the fourth e-book in this series of Classic Card effects. Check out Classic Card Magic I, II, and III. Included are six more classics of card magic that will truly elevate your performances to another level. Look what's included:
1) THE KANNIBAL KARDS - This is probably the greatest and most entertaining routine of all time. The full routine, all sleights and all of the patter is included with a fantastic ending. Every magician should perform this excellent is truly a monster.
BONUS! Learn the real deal of the Ascanio Spread. This important sleight scares some people...but Paul will teach...
If you already own Karma Deck Pro or buy along with this, you will get this ebook for $3 only.
This ebook gives you 7 cyclical stacks based on the Karma Deck. The stacks have random sequence of values and suits and it is very easy to know the next card given any card in the stack.
Basically the Karma Deck was designed for use as a memorized deck without the sweat of actually memorizing it. One could learn the Karma Deck in 5 minutes and then know which card is in which position and vice versa. The basic principle was simple enough for that and at the same time powerful enough to generate 7 different...
A ten phase, powerhouse visual routine, done with just one ring. Each phase is modular leaving you the opportunity to do each phase, one phase or mix them up.
Damn Gum
Remove a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Simply change it into the inner wrap of the gum package; change it again into a full, store bought pack of gum. Take out a piece of gum, eat it or give the piece to your spectator.
S.C.T.B (Signed Coin Thru Bill)
Borrow a bill, borrow a coin. Have the spectator sign the coin. Fold the bill in half and place the coin inside the bill. Crimp the coin inside...
Ravi has a real knack for making use of normal, everyday objects as part of his repetoire. His tricks are highly visual, easy to do and they get great reactions in the real world. It won't take you an age to competently perform Ravi's effects - invest a short time to practice and then you can deliver accomplished results without any complicated sleight of hand or unnecessary, complex routining. In short, you'll be amazing people before you know it!
'Real Counterfeit Money' is a terrific money change effect and 'Corner Light' is a spectacularly devious little number - leaving part of a spectator's...
If you love scams, hustles, cons, bar betchyas, flim-flam, stings, snow jobs, bamboozles, chicanery, shams, fixes, baloney, and other dirty tricks then this ebook is for YOU!
In this follow-up to his popular eBook How to Sell Bridges, David Devlin teaches the finer points of some of the many scams and hustles that have made him a lot of money. He also discusses some of the more elaborate cons that have been used throughout history and the cons who pulled them off. Also discussed are cons used today including selling ridiculous products, phony business "opportunities", scamming major corporations out of thousands...
A fairly forgotten classic turned into a beautiful performance piece for any group. Includes the script, full instructions, and a performance video.
One of the more difficult tasks facing magicians is coming up with scripts - of any sort. How do you explain to an audience in a reasonable manner how and why this fabulous magic is happening?
Well, the author of How To Write A Script shows you how he used his methodology to write a script that successfully a bare minimum of script...the Sympathetic Silks.
Part of the scripts' charm is that the audience sees a trick performed in just FOUR words. ...
This is a fun, interesting effect, in which a free selection multiplies itself, leaving you with 3 of the same selection. It ends with a 3 card change, followed by a surprising transposition!
This is entirely clean, requires no forces, and is sure to astonish and amaze your audience.
Vol. 12, No. 2, May 2016; 60 pages
Cover: Joshua Jay
Eine aussergewöhnliche Routine mit 8 verblüffenden Effekten - und zwei 32 Blatt Spielen - Rot und Blau.
Erstausgabe 1976, 16 Seiten; erste digitale Ausgabe 2016, 17 Seiten.
A collection of more than 100 routines, tips, presentations, gags, suggestions, ideas for the "vanishing milk pitcher".
Important: These are not directions for making this yourself. These are the instructions that came with this trick that sold for $89.00 and included the civil war book: The Road To Gettysburg. These directions are geared ONLY for that book. This PDF is designed for collectors who may have the props, but no directions, magic historians, and those simply curious as to how this trick was done. If you want to make this up using any book then check out this PDF: Double Coincidence.
Mentalist tells the audience that before the show, he gave a lady a dictionary, a red crayon and an envelope. He asked her to secretly...
This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. You get 3 beautifully produced plastic cards in wallet size (one additional card you will have to print out yourself), which should last you for a very long time with reasonable care. The accompanying PDF can be downloaded from your digital shelf instantly.
According to the dictionary, Trialogue means a dialogue between three persons or groups. But here the trialogue is between the past, the present and the future of the participant.
The basic principle is an old classic. But the premise, presentation and props are very novel and...
"The most visual balloon trick I've ever seen" - Dan HaussYou borrow a coin from a spectator. You ask the spectator to sign the coin, on both sides, to verify that it is their signed coin that you are using. You show the spectator a balloon and ask them to place their signed coin inside the balloon. You then inflate and tie off the balloon. For effect, you can shake the balloon to verify that the signed coin is still inside. You then proceed to do the impossible; you start to pull..."BIG THUMBS up on this. It's clever, it's easy and people are amazed by it." - Zombie Magic (themagiccafe)
"The DVD does a very good job of explaining the Bottom Deal and Shade executes the deals very well. The advice he offers is solid. I would say that anyone who wants to learn a good practical Bottom Deal - or anyone who wishes to explore it further - would benefit greatly from this DVD." - Peter DuffieAny serious exponent of the pasteboards would consider this the ultimate move in card artistry achievement. The bottom deal is one of the most difficult sleights to master and opens a world of possibilities to advanced practitioners of card mechanics.
This download DVD provides an in-depth thesis on...
Rock Paper Scissors Time Full Routine is a seven-phase routine intended for audiences consisting of at least 30 people. This routine is presented as mentalism and is best suited for adults. The first three phases are kinds of Macro Effects which lead into the next four phases which are best perceived as kinds of Micro Effects.
The first three phases utilize true strategies used by professional Rock Paper Scissors Players (yes, there really IS such a thing!). These Phases are best used with a group of at least 30 people in order for the effects to be successful and to advance the routine to...
Three photographs are displayed; each is of a different statue of Marcus Aurelius. (The photographs can be any 3, so presentational possibilities are endless) It is explained that Marcus Aurelius was a Roman Emperor, and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. One of his most famous quotes is displayed:
"Everything is unfolding as it must, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so."
The mentalist explains that this philosophy will be put to the test. A man and a woman are asked to help. The woman is asked to choose a photo...any one...a...
In 2011, Paul Voodini changed the face of the Q&A show with his groundbreaking Pure Q and A. Returning to the arena of the Q&A show, Paul now brings us 3rd Dimension Telepathy: Q&A for the Naked Generation!
Imagine an ungimmicked Q&A show with no one-aheads, no stooges, no pre-show, no peeks, and no electronics! Now imagine that same Q&A show, but utilising imagery from a classic two person telepathy show. The performer and a legitimate volunteer work together to answer questions posed by the audience, questions that are genuinely unseen and unknown to the performer.
Paul also covers the use of Tarot...
Music is an element that can take a simple show and make it fantastic. This text will identify the various uses of music. I will go into detail on a simple "start up" system you can use. Sources for music will be identified as well as editing materials. A system you can control while on stage, using music that has been edited to fit your performance might already be near your fingertips.
1st edition 2016, 22 pages.
From the introduction:
This is not to be considered an encyclopedia on napkin folding, it is the fulfillment of the Author's desire to preserve for the future some of the most interesting of the napkin folds with his own illustrations and descriptions. These folds have been gathered from all over the world. Some are the Author's creation, but the majority of them appear to be the Property - of Public - Domain, and of this latter group the Author has made an honest effort to trace the origin of the different folds, and in every case they seem to be lost in antiquity.
Only an experienced performer could write a practical book of this kind. No theories, but facts and tested procedures - that are invaluable when put into practice. Therefore, you are not only getting an ebook containing original tricks, moves and routines, but information that will pay you dividends, be you beginner, amateur or professional.
You will love Monk's natural breezy style - and while you are absorbing the splendid advice on acquiring the professional touch in your performance, you will get many a chuckle in the bargain. Chapters embrace the following subjects:
A comedy warmup that always gets laughter from an audience as the magician explains a test he uses to hire assistants.
Technically, this is not a magic trick. It is something that magicians and entertainers of all types can use. It never fails to amaze, amuse, entertain and create laughter. It will often generate smiles from the most stone-faced spectators. I know this from experience, as I have used this bit of comedy in my shows for over twenty years.
The magician tells a short story about a simple aptitude test that he always gives potential employees that want to work in his show,...
Three game cards from the (fictitious) board game, "Farmtown" are displayed. Each card is printed with four different items. One has four animals printed on it, one has four colors, and the last has four locations.
The performer explains that the game is a guessing game of sorts, in which one player tries to guess the selection of their opponent. The performer explains that due to his mind reading abilities, he's always had an unfair advantage!
The participant is asked to think of one item on each of the cards. With no questions, fishing, cueing, pumping, guessing, etc., the performer...