Once in a blue moon there comes an outstanding and fiendishly clever psychic routine, such as "The Astounding Prediction Reading" by Dr. A.
The effect is that the medium predicts three questions that the subject will write, with detailed data, before the spectator actually writes them! It is one of the most convincing mental routines to date. Diabolically clever is this bombshell prediction and reading that will knock the spectator off her feet with its accuracy and depth.
Dr. A's method overcomes the former handicaps of the private reader, by presenting "proof" of the written prediction....
A 100% improvised and hands-off original routine with business cards.
Effect: Two spectators (one liar and one truth-teller) draw two different objects (or names, words, etc.) on a business card. They swap their cards and pens as much as they want (or they are shuffled by a third spectator), and hide them between their hands or in their pockets. It is impossible (really) for you, to know which spectator has which drawing, which pen they used, who lies and who tells the truth, etc. You really know nothing. And yet, with only one question, innocent and justified, to only one spectator,...
The King Stack is a cyclical stack. Probably the world's easiest cyclical stack to date. As easy as the Si Stebbins stack. But much more random looking for both values and suits. If you can add 1 and 2 then you can instantly learn the King Stack, it is that simple and easy. It should not take more than 3 minutes to actually fully learn it. The real core principle of this stack can be explained in just 2-3 sentences. It is that simple and yet looks fairly random.
The King Stack is so named because the Kings have a special place in this stack and play a key role. A hidden beauty of the ...
Coin routines and moves explained in video and text.
Similar product from Fred Kaps but on cards is: Kaps on Kards.
PDF 10 pages; video length 20 min
The subtitle reads: An up-to-date program of selected tricks with handkerchiefs for magical entertainers playing Lyceum, club or stage engagements with humorous patter for all tricks introduced in the act, accompanied by instructions for gesture, facial expression and intonation to which is added a supplement explaining, and illustrating with diagrams, the construction and preparation of the apparatus, faked handkerchiefs and devices employed and their mechanical operation.
From the introduction:
Dear Mr. Magician,
In presenting our publicity before you, we do so with every confidence in our apparatus most of which is made exclusively in our well-equipped factory.
Whether you are an old or a new customer we know you will appreciate that behind each of our effects there is a wealth of practical experience which has taken many years to acquire.
We make no claim to cheapness as this is sometimes a sign of poor quality. Instead, it is our aim to supply the best for the most economic price.
Everything we manufacture, from Pocket Tricks to Full-size Stage...
Second only to the model of personality traits Dave shared in his previous release of Scientific Cold Reading 1, this video and its companion pdf document explains the proven concept that most consistently receives responses from his coaching clients of "You just described the relationship between my spouse and me!" or "How did you know that's how I relate to my children?".
Imagining yourself in the role of a sitter coming to Dave for counsel, first watch the seven-minute video where Dave presents to you as though you were sitting in the room with him - drawing on the screen what he's seeing in his mind about you...
The format follows Gregg's established style of illustrations and hand-lettered text. The material is classic Gregg Webb.
From the introduction:
People always ask me, "Where do you get those wacky ideas?". I'm finally going to reveal just where they do come from. It turns out that there is a whole town where future magic is invented. They are way ahead of us. It is called Magicville and it exists in a parallel dimension as it were. And it just so happens, I invented a phone with which I can call Magicville directly! It is a direct line to Magicville! In Chapter 1 I'll show and tell how...
With only a wireless doorbell, a stenographer's pad, and the routine you'll find here, your audiences will now get to enjoy listening in on your conversation with a child as you ask them a series of questions while they're supposedly holding a lie detector between their hands.
Please note that the way this is currently routined it is not a magic trick per se but rather an interlude that might be used to test your volunteer before using him/her in a magic trick.
And from a performer's point of view, here's what I believe to be the best part. This three to five minute routine requires NO...
From the Foreword:
Magicians who are seeking that evanescent "something new" which, like the Family Ghost, is very often talked about but seldom seen, will, I venture to prophesy, find "something new" in Original Magical Creations.
In penning this volume my aim has been twofold. In the first place, I have set out to describe in detail the methods by which certain experiments originated by myself are performed, and secondly my endeavour has been to teach how to perform them, which is a totally different proposition.
To carry out this plan in its entirety, the inclusion of the covering...
An apparent demonstration of total card mastery, this series of card effects entertains and baffles a lay audience. The magician names missing cards by glancing at a riffling pack, listens to the riffling cards to count packets or locate any card, and detects truth from lies by spelling with the cards.
1st edition 1988, 5 pages; PDF 6 pages.
An apparent demonstration of superior brain power.
Any number between 1 and 100 is cubed by a spectator, and the final result called aloud. The performer immediately extracts the cube root of this number without the use of electronics, stooges, or gimmicks. The calculation is performed immediately and entirely in the performer's mind, thanks to the secret master key.
This feat, performed on paper after a lengthy effort by a spectator, is considered quite an accomplishment, but performed instantly, it is a sensation. Performer knows only the number submitted by the spectator, and immediately...
Be the life of the party. Delve into the past, present and future for fun or profit with this ebook and a deck of playing cards. David J. Lustig, Dunninger's friend and confidante, reveals his "La Vellma" fortune telling with cards method. With this method and a few nights of practice you, too, can amaze your friends with entertaining "readings" of the past, present and future — all revealed by the cards.
[Note: The PDF includes both the original Reincarnation ebook as well as the new #2 edition. If you already bought the original version you do not need to purchase this version. Go to your digital shelf and simply download the new PDF.
This ebook is a sequel to Reincarnation. Here the performer not only divines the name of the country in which a random participant was born in a previous life but in addition is also able to divine the exact date of birth of the participant in that past life. And the participant herself will confirm that both the place and date of birth are absolutely true. Once again jaws will drop. Undoubtedly. ...
For decades magicians are on a quest to perform Any Card At Any Number from a borrowed and shuffled deck; which isn't always possible so they often settle for Card At Any Number.
The problem is that Card At Any Number when presented as a one-time feat can be mistaken as a co-incidence or the skill of the performer which takes away the feeling of it being pure magic. Caantastic counters just that by creating a mother of all co-incidences moment for the audience. Card At Any Number not just once or twice but thrice and when it happens the third time it dilutes any skepticism and evokes the...
33 pages
This is an excellent cross-section of some of Karl Norman's best routines.
From the introduction:
During a very exclusive lecture for about one hundred magicians Karl demonstrated the impact and the value of his routines. That day he was nearly 75 years old and at about the same time, David Copperfield received standing ovations at his opening performance in the Deutsche Theater in München, only a few miles away from that place Karl received standing ovations for his commercial and entertaining close-up magic.
18 pages; PDF 28 pages.
1st edition 1937, 29 pages; PDF 23 pages.
"It is with with profound pleasure that I can tell you the Logar Scrolls are now available! I have a lot of this material already. Bryn is one of the few creators whose material I actually USE in real shows. There is not one bit of filler is this book. There is not one weak effect. Everything is TOP NOTCH and totally professional. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am at this release." - Richard Osterlind"I love how Bryn has expanded a number of the principles as well (like BCP Wrist-Watch, Crystal Ball and the other one I won't mention out loud). These are all rock-solid routines,...
"Another look at the Three Of Clubs problem" and you will be hard pressed to find an easier, more practical application than this one. Performer places a card on the table, spectator thinks of and names any card in the deck. Performer turns over his prediction and wow...that's it!
The raw effect is impressive: Performer extracts a card from the deck, placing it face down to the table. Spectator now names any card that comes to mind, with the tabled selection revealed as the one thought of. Yes, as brief and as straightforward as that.
A firm favourite that has been making the rounds for...
Nach über zwei Jahren Entwicklung und sieben Jahre nach seinem Bestseller Weihnachtszauber hat Marc Dibowski ein neues Buch herausgebracht. Und das hat es in sich. Sie sind Künstler, egal aus welcher Sparte und ganz gleich für welche Zielgruppe? Sie möchten gegen Gage auftreten und sich zudem nicht unter Wert arbeiten? Dann müssen Sie lernen, sich zu verkaufen! Sie verlieren Auftritte nicht gegen bessere Künstler, sondern gegen bessere Verkäufer! Praxiserprobte Tricks, zahlreiche Kniffe, raffinierte Strategien, psychologische Prozesse und mächtige Redewendungen helfen Ihnen dabei. Selbst, wenn Sie...