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Wolfgang Riebe
Blank Card Surprise by Wolfgang Riebe

Wacky, incredibly visual and totally impossible. Only a few words can describe this reputation maker. Ever wondered what to do with those double blank cards you've collected over the years? Here's the ultimate trick for you.

A spectator can chose any 4 double blank cards from a deck, or you can hand out 4 cards for inspection. Any one card is signed and placed aside. The remaining 3 cards all change to the spectator's signed card and can be clearly shown one at a time. In the end, they all become blank again and the spectator keeps his original signed card as a souvenir.

A packet card...

★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Elective One-Eyed Jacks by Ian Baxter

That popular card plot One-Eyed Jack Sandwich is given a new lease of life here, with the assisting spectator being asked where the magic is to take place – within the deck or out of it. Themed after a 1930’s classic The Charmed Watch, this smooth handling is sure to delight the most fastidious card man.

The One-Eyed Jack Sandwich theme was popularized by Harry Lorayne. However, it was none other than the Australian Charles Wicks who started the ball rolling, with his contribution The Charmed Watch appearing in The Magic Wand journal over eighty years ago. Ian's streamlined version keeps within the guidelines of...

★★★★★ $4
Ken de Courcy
Auto-Find by Ken de Courcy

Based on a Bob Hummer and Karl Fulves principle. A spectator is handed seven playing-cards. He shuffles them, then places one of them aside face-down without looking at it. Now squares of cardboard are shown with cut-out windows. Spectator follows the magician's instructions and, at the end, looking through the cut-out windows in the cards, an index of a card appears. The chosen card is turned over and has been correctly revealed.

You will have to make up the squares of cardboard for this. The trick itself is self-working, the real work having been put into the evolution of the effect, but they are useful for...

★★★★ $6
Chuck Smith
Nite Club Thimble Magic by Chuck Smith

Here is an amazing and entertaining magic act that runs a full five minutes, yet it leaves the audience wanting more. An ebook every magician should have. Chuck Smith's routine includes beautiful vanishes, appearances and color change transformations. It looks so incredible to the audience, yet the entire act relies on only two, easy-to-master sleights. Everything can be examined (should the performer wish) before and after ... the thimbles really are ungimmicked.

If you're an enterprising conjuror, use the corporate colors of your sponsor for the color changes for even more applause. Also...

★★★★ $4
Jimmy Muir
Funny Stuff by Jimmy Muir

Have you ever wanted to be the life of the party? The fellow everyone counts on to deliver a good laugh? Or make light of a situation at just the perfect time?

Jimmy Muir has this knack. And he reveals all in this worthy successor to his Laugh Lines manuscripts with this booklet, packed to the gills with great material, including gags, one-liners, and good-natured heckler-stoppers which you can put to immediate use.

If you didn't know better, you'd think that Jimmy was Johnny Carson's brother, for they both had a knack for perfect timing and were masters of having fun ... more often at...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Braided Bill Collection by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Get two of Ralf's incredible and impossible bill braids.

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossi-Bill Braid-3+2 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

If you want the latest and most impossible bill braid then this is it. Not three, not four, but five strands are braided together.

1st edition 2018, length 13:14 min

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Impossi-Bill Braid-3+1 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Years ago Robert E. Neale came up with his method on how the make an impossible gift out of a borrowed banknote using three strips and a few folds. Now it's time to bring this idea to the next level by using four strips! This makes the braided bill look even more impossible then before!

  1. You could use almost any borrowed banknote or paper. (It does not work with Euros.)
  2. Totaly impromptu.
  3. No glue or hidden cuts. Make this impossible object right under the nose of the audience. Even if they look very close, they can't rebuild it.
Note: The folding technique of Robert E. Neale's version is totally different...
★★★★★ $12
Larry Brodahl
Scripted #20: Linking Rings by Larry Brodahl

A routine, script, and performance video of the Linking Rings that restores the mystery and magic to this classic trick while still being entertaining. All of the rings are examined! Includes a performance video.

  • Preface
  • Effect
  • Methodology
  • Moves, Sleights, and Subtleties
  • Script
  • Analysis of the trick
  • Script Insights
  • Modified Handlings
  • Performance Notes
  • Credits
  • An Additional Service
  • Final thoughts

1st edition 2018, PDF 48 pages, performance video 4 min 35s.

Zac Eckstein
The Loudmouth 1 by Zac Eckstein

A new series in Magic and Mentalism, here comes the Loudmouth. A short and direct ebook series striving to give you not only quality and tested material, but thoughtful pondering's on issues and subjects involving the magic world.

A demonstration of either incredible memory ability or a "remote viewing" act. You can accurately take a shuffled deck (by you and your spectator if desired) and either memorize, or remote view any suit called for over and over again to the decks completion. (Can even be done blindfolded.)


★★★★ $7
Aldo Colombini
Il Segno Dei Cinque by Aldo Colombini

Questo è senza dubbio uno dei lavori di maggiore successo di Aldo Colombini.

Un piccolo tesoro che ti permette di eseguire cinque effetti concatenati senza alcuna abilità che hanno dell'impossibile. In pratica l'artista ritrova in maniera incredibile delle carte scelte dagli spettatori in un mazzo ripetutamente mescolato dagli stessi.

Per dirla con le parole di Aldo:

"In questo piccolo libro sono contenuti cinque effetti che hanno del miracoloso agli occhi del pubblico. Essi possono essere presentati separatamente, tuttavia ti esor¬to ad eseguire l'intera routine così com'è qui presentata,...

★★★★ $5
Ottokar Fischer
Die Wichtigsten Kunstgriffe des Kartenkünstlers by Ottokar Fischer

Von der Vorbemerkung:

Es gibt Kartenkunststücke, die ohne viel Übung vorgeführt werden können. Ihre Anzahl ist jedoch eine beschränkte. Wer sich aber der Mühe unterzieht einige spezielle Kunstgriffe zu erlernen, dem erschließt sich eine unerschöpfliche Fundgrube neuer überraschender Karten-Experimente.

Die Zahl der bestehenden Kartenkunstgriffe ist eine sehr große, aber verhältnismäßig nur wenige sind erforderlich, um ein relativ guter Kartenkünstler zu werden. Auf Grund meiner langjährigen praktischen Erfahrung habe ich in vorliegender Broschüre die wichtigsten Kunstgriffe,...

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 14 by Werner Miller

The highlight in this collection of sleight-less magic, is the Point Reflections principle, which is a new mathematical principle Werner Miller has introduced to magic. So far nobody has made use of it, except Miller. This ebook will likely change that. This principle opens new doors for new ideas, a fertile ground for trick creators. Miller's point reflection routines come with beautiful print templates. You can go from printing to performing in literally seconds. You will also get some bonus ideas by Chris Wasshuber.

  • 5 Symbols, 1 Question
  • Trias
  • Twinnie Clue I
  • Twinnie Clue II
  • Pairade
  • ESPadrilles ...
★★★★ $4
Ian Baxter
Vernon's 1-2-3 Revisited by Ian Baxter

A perennial favorite in card magic: A chosen card is lost in the deck and the performer, showing the Ace, Two and Three of one suit, offers to change whichever is picked into the selection. That is exactly what happens, with Baxter’s smooth method making good use of The Ascanio Spread, achieving just that. Full instructions given, straightforward and easy to learn.

This revision of the Vernon classic not only underlines the all-important simplicity angle by using a shortcut display move, but dispenses with Vernon's need for Palming. Bruce Elliott briefly touched on this in the concluding lines...

★★★★★ $8
John Booth
Forging Ahead in Magic by John Booth

John Booth takes you behind the scenes with 136 top-notch magicians, revealing a whopping 555 methods to improve your act and make it more profitable.

A true classic of magic, available in a revised, updated edition for present and future generations of performers of all skill levels and abilities. The author, a professional magician and author of Marvels of Mystery, bares the secrets of these eminent performers. These are secrets that are not to be found in other books. He tells you what they did to achieve success as a magician. He gives you facts and figures on how to use magic, how to "sell" yourself and...

★★★★ $14
Paul Voodini
Five Haunted Keys by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents five perfectly frightful presentations for the haunted key. Stories to chill the blood, prick at the conscience, and send shivers down the spine, all eloquently scripted in the inimitable Voodini style.

Contained within this PDF are presentations for ornate haunted keys, and presentations for the more common 'ordinary looking' haunted key. These are stories you will take delight in telling, and your audiences will be mesmerised and terrified in equal measure.

If you have a haunted key that is currently unused, or if you want some truly novel and inspiring presentations...

Brian T. Lees
The Opening by Brian T. Lees

Professional, high quality performances use strong openings. Entertainers use everything at their disposal to insure their opening is one of the most impressive features of their show. They hold nothing back. Music, flash pots, fog machines, lights and other effects have been used to enhance the opening impact.

This text will cover the functions and objectives of the opening. It will identify the primary goals and provide suggestions to help you reach them.

  • Opening Objectives
  • Opening Tools
  • Opening Announcements
  • Sample Openings
  • Plan Your Opening
  • A Word About the Close
  • Wrapping it...
★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Optik Deck by Unknown Mentalist

Optic Deck is an optical/visual memorized deck. You 'see' a number 1-52 in your mind's eye and you 'optically' or visually know what card is at that number. Similarly you 'see' any card in your mind's eye and you again 'optically' know what position the card is at.

The stack looks very random, the suits look random, there is no red/black alternating pattern and even after reasonable scrutiny it would be almost impossible to spot a sequence because there is none. Even magicians after being told that there is a stack involved will find it extremely difficult to spot the stack.

This is a...

★★★★ $6
W. G. Magnuson
The Ellis Mindreading Act by W. G. Magnuson

EFFECT: The performer delivers a short lecture on mental telepathy and introduces the lady medium, whom, he explains, can with mental telepathy, answer any short question of a serious nature.

Small pads and pencils are passed out to interested spectators, requesting that they write their important questions, sign their name and fold the paper two times to make a small billet, with the question concealed inside. While the questions are being written, the medium is blindfolded and seated behind a small undraped table on the stage or raised platform. The folded billets are now collected in an...

Tom Phoenix
Of Paradise by Tom Phoenix

Here is a collection of Open Prediction methods, for the working mentalist or magician. Each method is clean, using no gimmicks.

These methods employ unorthodox techniques, and will take some practice. Since only sleight-of-hand is required, you no longer need to carry extra gimmicks or special decks to perform this type of effect. A spectator makes a free selection, the selection is replaced, and is then shown to match your prediction.

Four methods are included. Each one is 100% clean. You can use a borrowed, shuffled deck. There are no gimmicks, no R/S, no SF, and no sticky stuff. These...

★★★★★ $6
Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Five: Twin Killing by Nick Conticello

Problem: To divine or locate two cards that are merely thought of by two persons.

This effect has intrigued me for many years. I've published several approaches in the past ("Think Stop" in Automatic Placements, "Talons of the Hawk" and "Talons of the Bat" in Potpourri 2, to cite a few) but these tricks smack openly of mathematics. They lack the directness of selection and revelation I would deem ideal.

Two classic but widely divergent approaches are Ed Marlo's "Double Thought, Single Deck" and Simon Aronson's "Simon-Eyes." Recently, I combined Marlo's basic premise with a concept of Aronson's and a hitherto unpublished key card...

★★★★★ $6
J. G. Thompson Jr.
Strongest Thought by J. G. Thompson Jr.

We're going to let the words of the immortal Robert A. Nelson describe this amazing psychic demonstration.

A volunteer assistant (not a confederate) hands out to any spectator of his choice, white cards and envelopes and the performer requests these persons to "write something." The spectators comply and seal their cards in the envelopes provided, after which they are gathered by the volunteer who passed them out. All this is perfectly fair, for the performer doesn't leave the stage at any time. The volunteer assistant takes care of everything.

After securing all the envelopes, the volunteer mixes them...

Loo'Pen' by Sandeep

Loo'Pen' is an elastic loop holder that is disguised as a normal pen. Loo'Pen' allows you to carry the loop with you all the time without worrying of breaking it. With Loo'Pen' you are ready to have your Loop at moments notice. So make yourself a Loo'Pen'.

1st edition 2018, length 10 min.

★★★★★ $18
Unknown Mentalist
The 59 Second Birthday Divination by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical product, a poker size gimmick, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be instantly downloaded from your digital shelf.

True, there are many star sign divination methods on the market. But very few exact birthday divinations. There are quite a few by this same author like Zodiak Gods, Birthday Calendar, Elemental, Elemental 2, Signature, Star Signature etc.

The 59 Second Birthday Divination is a unique combination of classic methods which is constructed in such a way that divining the exact date of birthday becomes a breeze for the performer and yet strikes the participant like a bolt from the blue. The special poker size gimmick...

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