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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Andrew Steinmetz
The Gaming Table Volume 2 by Andrew Steinmetz

This second volume of The Gaming Table is from a magician's point of view much more interesting. It includes a history of dice and playing cards including a fairly detailed description of how playing cards were made. It has a chapter on fortune telling with cards. And it also features a surprisingly good chapter on card tricks with explanations for four sleights (false shuffle, false cut, glide, card change) and 18 very nice card tricks. Among them we find a version of the prearranged deck and two person codes.

For people interested in Erdnase it is interesting to note that at the beginning of the...

★★★★ $0
Dave Arch
Scientific Cold Reading Intro by Dave Arch

Why would anyone purchase another eBook or watch another video on the subject of cold reading? What could possibly be new that hasn't already been said? I too would be skeptical. After you've read Webster, Dewey, Scryer and others, what else could there be? Drawing on my ten years as a Pastor and fourteen years as an Executive Coach (and zero years as a psychic), please, if you're at all curious, take a few moments and watch as I share my perspective on cold reading, how that perspective evolved, and then a quick overview of the model I'm recommending in my series of five eBooks soon to be released...

Wiljalba Frikell
Hanky Panky by Wiljalba Frikell

This is a substantial collection of magic tricks in a wide variety of categories, including puzzles, stunts, and science experiments.

  • Preliminary
  • I.—Simple Tricks
    • Fly Away, Jack!
    • Dance, Boatman, Dance!
    • Buy A Bird
    • Little Watchman
    • To Add Five To Six And Yet Make But Nine
    • To Carry Hot Coals In The Hand
  • II.—Simple Tricks With Coins
    • The Coin Trick, From An Hibernian Point Of View
    • The New Trick Of Melting Money
    • To Reduce A Shilling To A Sixpence
    • The Uncrushable Flower
    • The Flying Cotton Reel
    • The Obedient Sixpence
    • The Invisible Transit
    • The Die And Dove Trick
    • The Coin Wand ...
Patrik Kuffs
Montreal Secret Kufference by Patrik Kuffs

Back Perception
This is a version of the drawing duplication classic plot. If you know me from lecture or in show you know that I hold this theme in high regard and consider it to be a strong plot. It is visual and straightforward, conceptually simple to understand; and when performed with aplomb, absolutely mystifying. What I think I have to offer is not the last word on the subject, but my humble take on the subject, using a specific tool. I have performed this effect over the years for literally hundreds of performances. The method I wish to share with you is one of my favorites for a multitude...

★★★★ $15
Dave Arch
Scientific Cold Reading 1 by Dave Arch

As an executive coach in Nebraska's largest privately held company, my day is spent in back-to-back one-on-one sessions with managers. Although I would never call it cold reading (at least not out loud in a corporate environment), I consistently use the principles of cold reading to help a client get comfortable in opening up to me as we work together on their professional development.

This first in a series of scientific cold reading documents and videos explains the scientifically accepted and proven model I've used for decades to accelerate the process of getting to know someone and grow...

Wiljalba Frikell
Parlor Tricks with Cards by Wiljalba Frikell

The subtitle reads: Containing explanations of all the tricks and deceptions with playing cards. Tricks with cards performed by skillful manipulation and sleight of hand; by the aid of memory, mental calculation, and the peculiar arrangement of the cards; by the aid of confederacy and sheer audacity and tricks performed by the aid of ingenious apparatus and prepared cards. The whole illustrated, and made plain and easy.

The first section of this book is identical with the card section in The Secret Out.

    • General Rules for Amateurs
Patrik Kuffs
Keep Calm I Do IMC 42 by Patrik Kuffs

These are Patrik's lecture notes for the International Magic Convention held in London, England, 2013. It includes a Foreword by David Acer. Note that there is some overlap in contents with Toronto Kufference 2011.

Lazy Malini
Ever since the very first time I saw David Copperfield perform a "newspaper card stab" in the movie Terror Train, I've considered the card stab revelation to be one of the more seductive presentation in magic as far as card tricks go. (Not quite as seductive as Jamie Lee Curtis in her prime, but close enough to make me watch that movie.) Many great versions have been shared and published...

★★★★ $15
John Alborough
Mainly Manipulative Magic by John Alborough

From the introduction by Lewis Ganson:

Seeing the late Edward Victor on stage at the now defunct Metropolitan Theatre in Edgware Road, London, when John was a small boy, started his interest in magic. Later he became enamoured with the manipulative magic of Geoffrey Buckingham, so it is not surprising that Victor's expert thimble magic and Buckingham’s excellent manipulation of billiard balls, should have had a marked influence on the type of magic John performs. Having met and enjoyed the confidence of these two magicians and studied their books, he built his own act. Certainly the Victor / Buckingham influence is there but John...

Various Authors
Occult by Various Authors

A collection of stories of the supernatural. These are great starting points to develop your patter for bizarre or otherwise weird and scary plot lines.

  • The Guide (Irene Amesbury)
  • Call of the Pool Goddess (John C. Craig)
  • The Room without Windows (W. P. Cockcroft)
  • The Bride of Yum-Chac (Henry Rawle)
  • The Fulfilment (Alexander O. Pearson)
  • Sir Rodney keeps a Date (Andrew Ringwood)
  • The Window (Winfred M. Carnegie)
  • Binker's Ghost (A. C. Bailey)

PDF 58 pages

Nick Conticello
Sleightly Cerebral 1 by Nick Conticello

Nick Conticello is proud to celebrate the fourth anniversary of his debut here at with the release of the first ebook of a new series, Sleightly Cerebral. This first book is devoted to a rethinking of the classic Do-As-I-Do card effect.

From the Foreword:

Welcome to the first episode of a new series, Sleightly Cerebral. As you might surmise from the crude humor of the title, these books will explain effects that employ sleight-of-hand, while continuing the vision of the material in The Cerebral Approach. Generally each volume will explore one or two simple but under-utilized sleights while frequently...

★★★ $7
Dave Arch
Interactive Matrix Formula by Dave Arch

No doubt you've seen this formula applied to magic tricks on television specials or internet websites where you've been encouraged to put your finger on any card showing on the screen. Then as you follow the magician's series of instructions - moving your finger from card to adjacent card (with a sense of free choice), the magician begins to inexplicably remove cards on which your finger isn't resting until only one clearly predetermined card remains.

Although the formula has been used for decades as the basis for creating variously themed magic tricks (from comedy to the bizarre), the sharing...

★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
1089 Refreshed and Reloaded by Unknown Mentalist

There would hardly be any mentalist or magician who would not be familiar with the old and well known 1089 force. At the same time, there would also hardly be any mentalist or magician who still uses this force in the old standard manner. In that sense this force seems dated.

But throughout the history of magic, this unique force has been extremely fascinating both mathematically and magically.

Here are some fresh and novel ideas related to this force which you can actually go out and use right today. There are 6 different ideas which are innovative and allow you to create full routines...

Kevin Parker
Shadowsight by Kevin Parker

Look into a deck without looking.

While your back is turned, spectator deals cards off a deck that they shuffled while you wait for them to reach a card that you 'sense' might be near their card. Then they are to deal a few cards from that spot onto the table side by side and they are to hover their hand over each one - your back still turned - while you tell them to slam their hand on a certain one. It is their card.

A few points to consider:

  • They have a free selection of card; no force or psy-forces.
  • You never touch their card, not before, during, or after they pick it. You never...
★★★★★ $6
J. G. Thompson Jr.
T-Formation by J. G. Thompson Jr.

J. G. Thompson, Jr's fabulous master-key to card control.

From the introduction by B. W. McCarron, "T-Formation (TF) is a monograph of card sleights that are not at all difficult for the average performer; yet they allow a nice range of performance possibilities. Forces, controls, peeks and even the versatile double lift are all given the 'Thompson treatment.' "

T-Formation teaches the average magician or mentalist an assortment of maneuvers with cards that are easy to execute but full of deceptiveness. In the author's words, T-Formation "enables the performer, with a minimum of effort, to perform...

★★★★ $8
Stewart James
Quick Hypnotic Tricks by Stewart James

This ebook contains twelve extraordinary, pseudo-hypnotic tricks that can be performed with sensational results by anyone.

Not true hypnotism, which requires long practice and frequently fails, but cleverly disguised natural principles that are little known. One of the most unusual collections of odd information ever assembled. So-called instantaneous hypnotic methods that depend on applying pressure to certain nerve centers to create temporary paralysis are strictly avoided in these instructions.

This series of science-baffling effects appear to be contrary to all natural laws. Deemed...

★★★★ $30
Ted Lesley
Mind and Magic Magazine by Ted Lesley

This is the legendary magazine by Ted Lesley. It is filled with contributions by people such as Larry White, Phil Goldstein (aka Max Maven), Ken de Courcy, Banacheck, Paul Alberstat, Toni Forster, Larry Becker and others. Of course, also Ted's own creations are featured.

ISSUE 1 (July 1997)

  • The Editor Writes
  • The Bermuda Bottle (Larry White)
  • Personal Possessions (Ken de Courcy)
  • Just Chintz (Phil Goldstein)
  • Psychokinetic Banknight (Ted Lesley)
  • Aura-Prediction (Prof. Dr. Toni Forster)
ISSUE 2 (August 1997)
  • Editorial
  • Add-A-Riggs (John Riggs)
  • Geller For Dinner (Ken de Courcy)
  • Double-Decker (Mike Porstmann)
  • Terry Goes Mental...
★★★★ $15
Patrik Kuffs
Toronto Kufference 2011 by Patrik Kuffs

Very First - Impression
This routine is meant to be as an opener. After some research, it appears that the clever Michael Weber has flirted with a very similar idea. He used the idea as a closer, while I offer here the idea as an opener. Note that the underlying principle behind this method has, inevitably, been alluded to in one form or another by Marlo and/or Vernon, or is buried within Tarbell.

Malini for Dummies
Ever since the very first time I saw David Copperfield perform a "newspaper card stab" in a movie, I've considered the card stab to be one of the more seductive presentation in magic as far as card tricks...

Dave Arch
Poor Man's EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) by Dave Arch

Finally a cost-effective method for establishing ambiance in the candlelit seance room by recording the proceedings and having them unexpectedly interrupted by a series of unintelligible guttural sounds.

Finally a routine that doesn't break the flow of the seance routine while the medium and the sitters make sense of the fully customizable sounds.

Based on an idea from Bob Cassidy, this video tutorial finally visually demonstrates step-by-step how to leverage the power of a free user-friendly laptop app (Windows/Mac Os/Unix) to achieve the above and more.

1st edition 2018, length 11 min 39...

★★★★ $10
Gerard Zitta
Camouflage by Gerard Zitta

"Hidden": A secret hidden in most decks of cards. You already have it. It can be used for magic or mentalism effects as it will add something "bizarre" or intriguing to your card tricks. Or as a double kicker. YOu will use it in your existing routines or invent new ones. Guaranteed. A typical example is "The Fine Print" by Jay Sankey. The difference is that you can do it impromptu, without buying a gimmick, and with some touch of mentalism.

"You remove a playing card from a deck of cards and leave it face down on the table as a prediction. A spectator then selects a card from the deck, but...

Abhinav Bothra
Timeline by Abhinav Bothra

Timeline is a 3 minute short, scripted and theatrical close-up act using a borrowed deck of playing cards.

With only 2 basic sleights and your script you're able to make people feel that they're watching an expert at work. You tell a short essay on time and magic happens almost by itself while the essay is being narrated.

Each action and revelation is perfectly supported by the script. Here are the opening lines - "If there is one thing no-one can escape from – it is time. In fact even if you go out into the space or deep under water, you’re still dominated by time because your oxygen...

William V. Ottaway & T. A. Whitney
Magic and Mentalism Mysteries by William V. Ottaway & T. A. Whitney

Originally published as Pleasure Moments with the Magic Man. A nearly impossible to find book of occult-themed magic and mentalism is now back and better than ever.

Updated text and graphics have been added to this vintage text, containing a nice bridge to the past and present. No difficult sleights are required. Instructions are included for constructing the necessary apparatus to present these fine demonstrations to your own audiences.


  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • "Spirit Guide" Card Location in the Dark
  • "Muscle Reading" Card Trick
  • No-Sleight Card Location
  • How to Use the "Peg Card"...
Roy Eidem
Santa's Magical Lump of Coal by Roy Eidem

A magic wand disappears and re-appears. Then suddenly a lump of coal magically appears. The lump of coal disappears and re-appears three times and on the third complete disappearance it jumps into the pocket. Then the lump of coal multiplies into two lumps of coal, then it multiplies into three lumps of coal. To simplify spectator observation, two lumps of coal are removed and the last lump of coal is squeezed tightly in the hand causing the coal to change "under pressure" into a diamond which is given to the lady as a gift.

1st edition 2014, 29 pages

★★★★ $7
Dave Arch
Gypsy Eradication Ritual by Dave Arch

Just in time for your Halloween shows. While the rest of the group stands in a circle reading in unison the ritual instructions printed on what appears to be an aged piece of parchment paper, the person who'll be receiving the benefits of the ritual sits at a small table in the center of the circle with a piece of paper, matches, pen, candle, and plate. As that person follows the instructions being read by the group, the ritual unfolds - working itself. The only suggestion is to collect the ritual instruction sheets at the end of the ceremony to keep the mystery in the experience - preventing...

★★★★ $0
Larry Brodahl
Scripted #22: vanishing figure 8 knot by Larry Brodahl

How to tie a vanishing figure 8 knot and a script that makes the process more enjoyable and entertaining.

Everyone probably knows how to vanish an overhand knot, or even a Chefalo knot. But how many know how to vanish a figure 8 knot?

How to tie a true figure 8 knot as well as the false figure 8 knot are both shown and are virtually identical. The script provided shows how it can stand on it's own, but it would also fit nicely into a routine with knots. An audience member can even help you tie the knot, and they'll be none the wiser.

Best of all, it's free.

1st edition 2018, 20 pages....

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