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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
The Empirical ACAAN by Abhinav Bothra

Love it or hate it but most of the numerous versions of ACAAN out there end up in the same ball park -- look what I can do or I manipulated your choices without your knowledge or simply as a coincidence. The Empirical ACAAN drifts from all of that, here is an ACAAN that makes people connect to each other. An ACAAN that is not about you but about the audience with virtually no sleight involved.

What’s great is that 70% of the times you'll have a hands-off / clean ACAAN and for the rest 30% you have to do something logical which is covered by the presentation to make it look like a hands-off...

★★★ $8
W. G. Magnuson
20th Century Mindreading by W. G. Magnuson

20th Century Mindreading is a classic and is considered to be one of the best things that G. W. Magnuson ever released. It is the Holy Grail when it comes to cold-readings. It contains the Alain DeLysle cold reading spiel which many mentalists consider the best cold reading ever written.

The DeLysle reading is brilliantly conceived and will hit 99 out of a 100 sitters. When you first read it, you will think someone has written a detailed life history of you! It's that good. This is considered a full-blown reading and goes from cradle to grave.

All you have to do is read it over a few times...

★★★ $10
Lucas Carlson
E.R. Redux by Lucas Carlson

The best magic happens in the spectator's hands when the magician never touches the cards. Imagine ... The spectator secretly picks any card and shuffles it back into the deck themselves. The magician doesn't even need to be in the room while this happens. The spectator then turns the deck over and the magician gives a custom card reading culminating in the ultimate and surprising reveal of the spectator's card. The magician never needs to touch the cards.

In this 23 page PDF, you are given 6 different selection procedures, 4 different revelation alternatives, and 3 presentation ideas (coincidence,...

Gamagic Catalog No. 13 by Gamages

Gamages was located in London. This catalog is roughly from the 1930s.

  • Accessories
  • Books
  • Card Tricks
  • Children's Effects
  • Cigarette Tricks
  • Close-Up and Pocket Tricks
  • Coin and Money Magic
  • Comedy Props
  • Magazines
  • Miscellaneous Tricks
  • Mental Effects
  • Punch and Judy
  • Rope and Tricks with String
  • Silk Tricks
  • Workshop Plans of Illusions

48 pages

KC Card Co
Blue Book 1961 by KC Card Co

KC Card Company specialized in legit and crooked gambling supplies.

  • Dice and measuring tools to make sure they were properly manufactured.
  • Game layouts
  • Marked cards
  • Crooked dealing boxes
  • Holdouts
  • Books on gambling
  • and more

1st edition 1961, 77 pages.

Brick Tilley
Going Nowhere: dime and penny matchbox by Brick Tilley

A totally self-working mystery that can be constructed for very little time and expense that leaves your audience completely puzzled.

Display a penny. Cover it with a matchbox. The penny has changed into a dime. Open the matchbox. The penny has traveled into the matchbox.

1st edition 2018, 3 pages + video

★★★★ $20
Jon Racherbaumer
Timely Trickery by Jon Racherbaumer

While we all intuitively understand what time is, even a child can tell you what time it is, it is a hard concept to fully understand from a scientific point of view. It is hard to define, and wrap your head around. That is part of the intrigue of making it the topic of a magic effect. Particularly for an interested and sophisticated audience it can be a very effective plot line. Jon Racherbaumer explores how magicians have made use of it over the decades, and he has unearthed some remarkable gems.

  • Preface
  • Foreword
  • An Unusual Plot Emerges
    • The Charmed Watch
    • Charles Wicks
  • Precursors ...
★★★★ $3
W. G. Magnuson
How To Make Money with Mind Reading by W. G. Magnuson

Here is a rare release from the past by G. W. Magnuson. In the 40s, he put out a booking system for mentalists. It showed an easy way to get into theaters with your mind reading show. This system was used by most of the prominent mentalists in the 40s and 50s including Bob Nelson.

Believe it or not, this almost forgotten system still works today, but on a more limited basis. If you are a mentalist looking to fill in some of your open dates, then you may find Magnuson's ideas to be of use.

In the 40s and 50s, many top names mentalists were using this system to make a good living, while others not...

★★★★ $4
Ken de Courcy
New Zealand Brag by Ken de Courcy

A close-up "lay-out" type effect based on a mythical game, "New Zealand Brag".

You deal out the shuffled Aces, Kings and Queens, yet miraculously when the hands are turned over they have separated into suits and, what is more, each hand is in their right order, Queen, King, Ace! Something very different in card magic.

1st edition 2018, 5 pages.

★★★★★ $3
Will Alma
More Magical Patter by Will Alma

Over 70 more good gags. This is a continuation of Magical Patter. Every gag has been tried and tested.

PDF 8 pages.

★★★★★ $3
Will Alma
Magical Patter by Will Alma

Contains over 70 sure fire patter gags. Up to the minute humor that will liven up your act.

PDF 8 pages

★★★★★ $10
Wolfgang Riebe
Joker Surprise by Wolfgang Riebe

If you are searching for a visual 'packet style' card trick with normal (even borrowed) cards, then this is the trick for you. Three red numbered cards are removed from a regular deck of cards and all simultaneously shown to be normal cards. One at a time, each card changes into a Joker. The last change is the most visual of them all. The cards are clearly all shown to be jokers and instantly they change back into the original three normal red numbered cards.

A packet card trick with normal cards. Can be done impromptu with a borrowed deck.

The video instructions include:

  • Two full performances...
Wolfgang Riebe
Discover Your Magic by Wolfgang Riebe

This is basically Wolfgang's life story, a great motivational blueprint to achieve your dreams.

How to gain the competitive edge in your life and business. Become aware of everything around you. Clarify and achieve all your goals. Learn to adapt to change. Create a positive image with every one around you. Wolfgang has inspired and motivated more than a million people around the world. This is a comprehensive study on how to gain mastery over your own life, whether in the corporate, or personal field. Every aspect is clearly presented, without losing the true sense or heart of the matter....

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof June 2018 by Brian T. Lees
  • Magic Coach
  • Flash Products
  • Taking the Stage Column
  • Take Me Out to the Ball Game
  • Magician's Numbers
  • Encore
  • Performance Journal
  • Stage Set Up
  • Cassette Tape
  • June is Support Month

1st edition 2018, 10 pages.

★★★★ $5
The Play Room by unknown

This is an interesting book with beautifully weird games, stunts, experiments, puzzles and magic, some of which I have not seen described anywhere else.

  • Play Room Games
    • Blind-Man's-Buff
    • How D'ye Like Your Neighbor?
    • One Old Ox Opening Oysters
    • Magic Music
    • Twirling The Plate
    • How Do You Like It? When Do You Like It? And Where Do You Like It?
    • What Is My Thought Like?
    • Cupid's Coming
    • Cross Questions And Crooked Answers
    • Consequences
    • I Love My Love With An A
    • Proverbs
    • The Emperor Of Morocco
    • Buff
    • The Family Coach
    • Earth, Air, And Water
    • Oranges And Lemons
    • Pigeons Fly
    • Red-Cap And Blue-Cap ...
★★★★ $10
Paul A. Lelekis
That's Impossible! by Paul A. Lelekis

This e-book has four beautiful routines with patter, by some of the masters of magic, brought up to date by Paul, and presented to the magic community. Do not pass this up. These are professional routines that will make you smile. 3 videos included!

THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! - The "title cut" from a Jack Avis effect. Marlo marveled at the genius of this effect...he loved it. This full routine features an impossible transposition of selections. The cards may be borrowed and signed by the spectators. This is devious. Wait until you see the ingenious method employed.

CHANGES - Al Leech (creator of Red Hot Mama), presents...

★★★★ $6
Unknown Mentalist
Mind Spark 6: Audio Peek by Unknown Mentalist

Audio Peek is an unconventional peeking technique using the auditory sense and not the usual sight/vision sense. This simple and easy technique/method/habit can be comfortably incorporated into one of our most common everyday activities.

The Audiopeek technique consists of 3 steps, which are as follows.

  1. Creating conditions for performing an Audio Peek.
  2. Actually doing an Audio Peek when the conditions support.
  3. Using the information thus gained in an appropriate and impactful manner.
Audio Peek will yield some tremendous results to you in the long run without you having to invest any...
★★★ $4
W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight
Silent Two-Person Codes Revealed by W. G. Magnuson & Devin Knight

Imagine being able to secretly transmit information to your assistant in complete silence and without having to learn a lot of code words. Imagine you could do this without any electronics and very little practice.

Ordinary spoken (verbal) codes are more or less known to modern audiences, but the methods herein described defies detection, even if the method should be known to the party who sees it. Normally, to do this today requires secret electronic equipment costing hundreds or even thousands of dollars capable of sending secret impulses to your assistant. Such is not the case with these...

★★★★★ $8
Numerology for Everybody by Montrose

Discover the fascinating subject of Numerology and see what your personal numbers reveal about you.

This ebook is an excellent introduction to the fascinating world of numerology. With no special equipment or training, the student can use the methods revealed in this handbook to determine if his or her date of birth is considered "lucky" or if their name or address used in correspondence or business carries a favorable impression on others.

The author also identifies common personality traits associated with specific numbers, allowing the reader a unique opportunity for introspection....

★★★★ $49
B. W. McCarron
Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart Pitch Book Kit by B. W. McCarron

Sell this pitch book and give private readings to clients after your show to double your performance income!*

If you're not selling "back of room" books and merchandise at every show, you're leaving money on the table - money that should be in your wallet. All the pros are doing it. Now you can, too. And it costs so little to get started.

This package enables you to become an instant author, with full reprint rights for printed copies of the Your Personal Solar Zodiac Chart booklet. Charge as little or as much per copy as you want: it's up to you.

Your audiences will flock to the sales...

★★★★★ $6
Harry Houdini
Houdini: The Adventurous Life of a Versatile Artist by Harry Houdini

A promotional book with photos and newspaper reports retelling various stunts and performances of Harry Houdini.

  • Official Police News From Germany!
  • In The Name Of The King
  • Royal Police Presidium
  • Mighty Audience
  • Houdini Handcuffed
  • False Hope Overthrown
  • A Welcome Concession
  • Frock Coat Sacrificed
  • Victory
  • Presentation Model
  • A Sportsman's Telegram
  • An Episode In Houdini's Life
  • Condemned Murderers Released By Houdini
  • Crowd Quickly Gathers
  • Ponderous Barred Door
  • Prisoners Are Dumbfounded
  • Some Of The Great Feats Accomplished By Houdini
  • Wizard In Gaol
  • Surrenders To Police
  • Startled...
★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
Turnantula by Bob Farmer
"The sleight ... is to my knowledge new and is certainly a lovely maneuver promising wide applicability. If anything can shine through the welter of material being published today, I should think this sleight deserves to. It is quite simply, very, very good ... your applications ... [are] ... excellent in their construction." - Stephen Minch

"... [Turnantula] ... is quite excellent and I have never seen anything like it before." - Roy Walton

"The venomous bite of the Turnantula caused me to see outstanding close-up card magic that may not have been possible otherwise. Buy it now before an antidote is discovered and spoils...

★★★★★ $36
Unknown Mentalist
Multilateral by Unknown Mentalist

This includes physical products, a set of 3 special business card-sized gimmicks and a cute little wallet/case to hold them all together, which will be shipped to you. The PDF can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.

Main Effect - A participant merely thinks of anyone from among 4 or 6 famous personalities. This is a completely free choice and there is absolutely no force. Then the performer divines the participant's thoughts and writes it down on a business card and hands it over to the participant to hold. When the participant reveals her chosen person, it matches with what...

Will Goldston
Magic for the Forces by Will Goldston
  • Preface
  • The Penny And Box Lids
  • Another Coin Trick
  • Thought-Reading With Cards
  • Sense Of Touch
  • Card Changes To A Rose
  • The Fountain Of Cards
  • The Ribbons And Flag
  • One From Fifty-Two
  • A Thought-Reading Trick
  • Passing A Thimble Through A Borrowed Silk Handkerchief
  • The Deceptive Half-Crown

PDF 16 pages

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