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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Dave Arch
Tested Trade Show Tactics by Dave Arch

Have you ever dreamt of performing your magic and making upwards of $3500 per day plus expenses? If so, then the trade show market might be something to consider. Watch as trade show veteran Dave Arch shares his top trade show tactics - including how he started and built his client base. And in addition to the video, this package provides you with a seven page MSWord (.docx download from your digital shelf) document that you can customize to use as a handout in training the sales team who'll be partnering with you in the company's booth - adding to your brand of expertise as a true sales professional...

★★★★★ $4
Bob Hummer
The Whispering Spirit by Bob Hummer

An entertaining mental feat with a borrowed deck of cards.

From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes a divination mystery that seems impossible, yet you do it every time. The performer takes the spectator on an adventure with a borrowed deck and a dead person's age (which is furnished by anyone in the room). In some uncanny manner, the "Whispering Spirit" aids the performer in solving the mystery. The performer does not need to touch the deck while they are in the spectator's hands.

There are no setups, stacks or cyclical rotations. The cards may be borrowed. The cards are not marked....

★★★★★ $8
Victor Farelli
The Odin Rings by Victor Farelli
  • Foreword By The Publisher Of The Present Edition
  • Translator’s Preface
  • Inventor’s Preface
  • Note By The Publisher Of The French Edition
  • Note Regarding Illustrations
  • Technical Terms
  • Chapter I. Outline Description Of The Effect
  • Chapter II. The "Odin Count"
  • Chapter III. Linking
  • Chapter IV. Unlinking
  • Appendix I. "Tips" And Ideas
  • Appendix II. A Chung Ling Soo Method
  • Appendix III. Final Notes
  • Bibliography

1st edition 1931, 68 pages; digital edition 2018, 73 pages.

★★★ $12
Dariel Fitzkee
Rings In Your Fingers by Dariel Fitzkee

A complete text on methods, mechanical devices, moves, techniques, figures, artifices, routines, etc., for performing one of the great classics in the repertoire of magic. It includes modern improvements, suggestions and ideas, together with routines eliminating the use of the key.

Paul Fleming wrote:

Once Dariel Fitzkee has determined to track down a magic trick or a principle of conjuring, there is virtually no stopping him until he has exhausted his subject; and the poor quarry has little chance of escaping its pursuer and the searching inquiry which will pierce its innermost secrets and bare them...

Arno Gölzer & Frank Holweck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 15: Chips - Chips - Chips by Arno Gölzer & Frank Holweck

Ein umfassendes Werk über Chips: Griffe, Gimmicks, Routinen, und Tips.



  • 1. Der Jeton
  • 2. Überleger
  • 3. Becher und Dosen
  • 4. Haltemittel
  • 5. Chipstapel
  • 6. Schwebemittel


  • 1. Die Wendegriffe
  • 2. Scheinbares Vorzeigen, mehrerer Chips, von beiden Seiten
  • 3. Griffe mit Shell und Chip
  • 4. Wanderungen
  • 5. Verfärben
  • 6. Chipverschwinden
  • 7. Chiperscheinen
  • 8. Chipvergrößerung
  • 9. Chipverkleinerung


  • 1. Der Schnuller
  • 2. Chiplift
  • 3. Der Traum eines Chip-Magiers
  • 4. Der Eröffnungstrick
  • 5. Lift - Chip
  • 6. Finale ...
★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof December 2018 by Brian T. Lees
  • Second Booking
  • Spare Parts
  • 20th Century Silks - Single Person
  • January Planning/Budget
  • Trade Show Work
  • Common Mistakes
  • 2019 Is Coming Are You Covered?

1st edition 2018, 10 pages.

★★★★ $6
Will Goldston
Stage Illusions by Will Goldston

From the introduction:

This is an age in which, in order to succeed, one must specialise. One conjuror will specialise in thought-reading tricks, another in silent illusion acts, another in sleight-of-hand tricks, another in the presentation of what I may call “large apparatus” tricks. This book will appeal primarily to illusionists, but I fancy that other magicians will find that it is well worth perusal. I have heard of illusionists who have produced some of their best effects by merely enlarging small sleight-of-hand tricks, and I have no doubt that some sleight-of-hand performers...

★★★★★ $5
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 83 (November 2018) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 14, No. 5, November 2018; 60 pages
Cover: Mike McClean

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. Notable Quotes from Magicians!
  5. Mike McClean: Mentalism with Big Laughs - cover article/interview
  6. In The Phonebox with Captain Kirk [William Shatner]
  7. Group of Three: How to Turn Your Magic Tricks into a Polished Show - Aaron Fisher
  8. A Beginner's Guide to ... Pocket Management - Mark Leveridge
  9. My Guilty Pleasures! - Ian Adair
  10. Masterclass
    1. Back in Time - Luca Volpe
    2. A Most Startling Transposition - Morgan and West
  11. In the News - Paul Daniels Illusions Found in a Welsh Barn!
  12. Comedy...
★★★★ $50
W. G. Magnuson & Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight
Forbidden Knowledge by W. G. Magnuson & Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight

You too, can apparently have the legendary psychic powers of the seventh son of the seventh son. This release will show you how and take your abilities to the next level. Learn advanced techniques from three of the legends in cold reading and mentalism: Magnuson, Nelmar and Knight. Techniques so advanced that Magnuson said you will make other mediums look like rank amateurs.

Back in the 40s, W. G. Magnuson dared to expose these secrets. Just as mediums threatened Houdini for his exposures, successful mediums also threatened Magnuson with bodily harm and threats of ancient curses if he exposed these...

Aldo Colombini
Close Quarters by Aldo Colombini

A coin trick done without coins, or a card trick done without regular playing cards. However you want to look at it - a pretty unusual trick.

You show four cards each with a quarter printed on its face. One by one the quarters vanish and reappear on one card which now has four quarters on it. The card is left on a spectator's palm and, while there, it changes into a card with a dollar coin on it.

[Note that you will receive a PDF and a video, but NO cards. The PDF includes a photo of the custom card faces, but you will have to make the cards yourself using stickers, transfers, hand-drawn or printing. You will need two double facers and three blank faced cards to start with.]

1st edition 2000, DVD 2012; PDF 3 pages, video length 5 min 46 s....

Dave Arch
Volunteer Game by Dave Arch

The next time you select a volunteer for one of your magic routines, why not play a quick game of chance to decide who the volunteer's going to be? Yet . . . do so with total confidence that the person you want to use in your show is always the one who wins the game.

Here are two different versions where numbered word cards are selected by various members of the audience and then read aloud in numerical order by the audience members. From experience, it is strongly suggested that you consider using both versions in the same show. Both times you use these cards the audience laughs louder...

★★★★★ $8
J. G. Thompson Jr.
Improved Question Reading by J. G. Thompson Jr.

Mentalists, here's the last word in question reading, using no chemicals, no stooges and no apparatus.

Any number of spectators write questions or other data on plain white cards, all of which are sealed by their writers themselves in opaque envelopes. Each spectator is designated by a number and these numbers are written on the envelopes. The performer gathers the questions, which are at no time out of sight of the audience, and begins to divulge the contents!. As soon as each question is answered, it is returned to the writer who acknowledges the card as the one on which he wrote and verifies...

J. G. Thompson Jr. & Ned Rutledge
Card Party by J. G. Thompson Jr. & Ned Rutledge

Excellent work filled with strong card routines. Explanations are detailed and supported by photo illustrations. From the preface by Ned Rutdlege:

Jim and I have complementary minds. An idea from one of us sets up echoes in the brain of the other. Jim has a fantastic grasp of magical literature, and a high intelligence that puts his knowledge to work. The methods he comes up with are often unusual and always interesting. For me, they start wheels turning. I take the method, or nucleus of method, and begin re-shaping it for entertainment value...then I lay it in the laps of a live audience. ...

Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 4: Die Vierte Dimension by Christian Scherer

Eine völlig neue Interpretation von Silent Moras Routine Four Balls and Net – ohne Netz.

Der Vorführende zeigt einen Plexiglasring mit einem Durchmesser von 18 cm vor und erklärt, es handle sich um eine Art Portal zu einer anderen Dimension, einer anderen Seite, wo unsichtbare Gegenstände lägen, die er zum Zaubern verwenden könne.

Als Beweis dafür greift er durch den Ring und produziert zunächst – irrtümlicherweise – einen Würfel, dann zwei weisse Kugeln. Wird die zweite Kugel auf den Tisch gelegt, verschwindet sie und wird aus der Jackentasche des Vorführenden wieder...

★★★★ $10
Jochen Zmeck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 14: Das Pendel by Jochen Zmeck

Das Pendel und seine Anwendung in der Zauberkunst.

  • 1. Grundsätzliches zum Pendel
  • 1.1. Geschichtliches
  • 1.2. Der Testversuch
  • 2. Männlich oder weiblich
  • 2.1. Kings and Queens
  • 2.2. Dr. Jaks Geheimnis
  • 2.3. Der Zuschauer kann es auch
  • 2.4. Der Jochen Zmeck Sex-Test
  • 2.5. Der unfehlbare Zuschauer
  • 2.6. Die unheimliche Beeinflussung
  • 3. Geheimnisvolles Finden
  • 3.1. Farbenfinden
  • 3.2. Mental-Farben
  • 3.3. Die erratene Spielkarte
  • 3.3.1. Die gefundene Karte nach J.Z.
  • 3.3.2. Methode nach Dr. Jaks
  • 3.3.3. Verschiedene Methoden
  • 3.4. Sie lügen
  • 3.5. Die Zahlentäfelchen
  • 3.6. Welcher Ball?
  • 3.7....
Will Goldston
More Tricks and Puzzles by Will Goldston

From the introduction:

I will introduce this book by a little story told to me by a certain well-known conjurer. It concerns an experience of his while on tour in the north. By some mischance his luggage, including all the elaborate apparatus used by him in his tricks and illusions, went astray on the railway. He telegraphed for it up and down the line, but without result. For the time being it was hopelessly lost. What was to be done? The position was as awkward as it well could be. The bills announcing his performance had been out several days. Most of the reserved seats had already been...

Will Goldston
Looking Into The Future by Will Goldston

This is a collection of cold reading methods including palm reading, astrology and preparing horoscopes. It also includes a collection of news reports about spirits, ghosts and other weird and unusual occurrences.

    • The Horoscope Of Will Goldston
    • Practical Points on Palmistry
    • Rules and conditions for the Spirit-Circle
    • Weird Happening At Lamberhurst
    • Locks And Bolts Of No Avail
    • Spirited Away
    • Wonderful Proofs
    • Robert Houdin Mystified
    • Remarkable Test
    • Majuba Visions
    • Curious...
Wilbur Kattner
The Prolix Spirit Writes by Wilbur Kattner

Audiences and critics alike love this mysterious psychic entertainment stunt. A reputation-maker. Like all good mentalism, it has a simple premise. A female spectator secretly writes a question about her future. Another spectator examines a blank piece of paper, then initials and holds it for safekeeping. The lady now reads her written question aloud and the performer (that's you) calls upon the spirits to reply. The blank, initialed paper is opened by the spectator holding it, who discovers that it's no longer blank. He reads the lengthy reply the spirits have written in answer to the lady...

★★★ $4
Lu Brent
Novel Magic by Lu Brent

This famous book is once again available in a new, revision edition.

Professional magicians and reviewers have given this book an amazing reception. The reason is plain to see, for here is a collection of the very smartest magic, devised and used in his own act by Lu Brent, the topnotch Philadelphia professional. Those who know have called the book sensational, others, novel and original, while all highly endorse the practical value and the effectiveness of the magic that is so thoroughly explained and illustrated. There is something of value for every performer, as the table of contents...

★★★★★ $20
Devin Knight
East Coast Tour 2017: Lecture Note Bundle by Devin Knight

All the PDFs and videos from the CD that Devin Knight sold at his final East Coast Lecture tour. This is the bargain of the century as it would cost you $91.00 to buy these separately. Each PDF fully explains how to make up each trick. To buy these tricks ready made from a magic dealer would cost over $300.00.

QUADRUPLE PREDICTION - An amazing mental effect where the magician correctly predicts cards and colors despite odds of over 16,000 to 1 against it. A real stunner you can close a show with.

PSYCHIC MONEY SENSE - Designed for an intimate close up show, this experiment apparently shows...

★★★★ $55
Carlos Emesqua
Emesqua Spirit Bell by Carlos Emesqua
"With the Emesqua Spirit Bell, Carlos introduces some classic concepts to a modern audience, once again demonstrating that the old methods are often the best! No serious student of seance and bizarre magic should be without this knowledge and these skills." - Paul Voodini
In this new work from Carlos Emesqua you will NOT find:
  • A magic trick
  • Electronic gizmos
  • Expensive props
  • Self-working routines
BUT, you will learn:
  • Authentic ways to create contact with the spirits
  • Spirit Bells in your command, without any risk of batteries
  • Simple ideas that you can apply immediately that will create...
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Masterfoldings by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Learn to braid two cards together. The four 'impossible' card sculptures consist of two cards each. Take two cards, cut and then braid them together. Ralf takes you step by step through each of the folds. You will also be able to download the templates for the four designs.

1st edition 2018, length 17 min

Dave Arch
Scientific Cold Reading 5 by Dave Arch

Whereas the previous releases in this series have addressed individual personality traits (#1), managing relational drama (#2), maintaining positive feelings of self worth (#3), and minimizing worry (#4); this module addresses the dynamics of stress and frustration in the life of a sitter. As with the previous ebooks and videos, the reader first draws a picture of what s/he is sensing from the sitter. After seeing the picture, the sitter can then help interpret the drawing - speaking to the specifics of the stressful situation sensed by the reader.

As with the previous releases, the content...

★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
The Red and Black Computation by Ken de Courcy

You correctly guess how many red and black cards a spectator has casually put into four pockets with an unexpected climax. No skill required.


A spectator is given a pack of cards, or he can use his own. He shuffles it, removes some cards, splits them into blacks and reds and places the blacks in his left trouser-pocket and the reds in his right. He takes some more cards, splits them as before and conceals the black cards in his left jacket pocket and the reds in his right. All this has taken place while the performer's back is turned.

The magician asks the spectator to again...

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