Learn six different marking systems for a Bicycle Rider Back design. There are both reader back and coder back marking systems shared here. Each marking system is unique and is suited for varying performing scenarios.
This is a compilation of all three volumes of Pigment and Pixel for the price of two individual ones.
[Reader Backs are marking systems where the value and suit are explicitly written on the back of the card (often hidden within the design). Coder Backs are marking systems where the back patterns/design is used to tell the value and suit of the card.]
There are no tricks with a marked deck taught in this ebook.
1st edition 2022, originally titled "Pigment & Pixel 1, 2, 3", PDF 35 pages....
The effects of "remote" mentalism (with the performer blindfolded, in another room, or, even, on the phone, with only the audio connection) generally use mathematical principles. Often, with a little pack of cards (or billets) real miracles can be performed: if the cards are to be shuffled by the spectator, it is necessary that the shuffle appears as random as possible, even if it must necessarily be a mathematical one.
With this publication I have addressed some well-known moves, used in different ways, alone or in conjunction with other shuffles or other principles; once the principle...
Magic Inc. always emphasized books in their offering. They published a lot of books themselves, imported books from foreign countries, and carried a large selection of publications related to magic. This of course was driven by Jay Marshall's passion for books.
1st edition ~1982; PDF 165 pages.
A spectator writes any word of their choice onto a sticker which is placed on their playing card. The card is then replaced somewhere into the deck - the magician genuinely doesn't know exactly where the card is. The deck is placed back into the card box and the magician proceeds to correctly discern what word has been chosen. A different word every time. Can also be a drawing, number, etc. Five-second re-set. No-brainer.
What people really love is that there's a fantastic visual gag (or two) in the middle of this routine which we don't want to spoil. But you will get big laughs, guaranteed....
Two effects: Ticklish! and Pizza Time.
A fantastic comedy opener and closer to any stage or parlor show, guaranteed laughs, and easy to do. These are comedy routines and not mind-blowing magic effects but ... if you are looking for routines that play strongly and entertain then these are for you.
Ticklish! Is an easy-to-do and simple-to-make opening routine that you don't have to be a comedian to get laughs from.
Pizza Time is the perfect comedy encore item or closer for a stand-up show.
After nigh-on two decades as a pro-comedy performer, Jay Fortune is now releasing many of his...
Volume 1, No. 8: August 2022, 48 pgs.
The eighth issue of The Hermit Magazine features:
Gregg Webb discusses some aspects of coin magic that have bothered him for a long time. How to best get rid of an extra coin without arousing suspicion? What is the problem with the Bobo Switch? Why do Jumbo Coins make no sense? What to do about the disappearance of the Half Dollar, the basis of so much classic coin magic?
1st edition 2022, PDF 3 pages.
The All Backs Motif is odd. For one thing, it casts a revealing light on we magician's claim (when it suits our purpose) that we use ordinary cards. That is our decks, which we prefer to borrow, consist of cards that have faces and backs on both sides. Therefore, if we show a deck that consists of all backs and faces we are admitting that such anomalies exist and the cards being used are probably gimmicked in some way. Why do this?
A better question may be - What motivated someone to create such an effect using this kind of deck? That "someone" was Dai Vernon and my guess is that he wanted to...
Progressive anagrams
In Null Fraser shares his work on the progressive anagram. However, as we have come to expect from his previous releases, this is not the standard fare or typical approach to this system. In fact, you wouldn't even recognize the classic tool at play in these effects from the performance, unless their secrets were revealed to you fully.
This manuscript contains entirely new ideas and presentations that turn the basic concept of the anagram on its head to create a streamlined and efficient way to divine information.
No letters are spoken out loud and there is no...
The "Magic Ink" line of book catalogs.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Welcome to the world of MAGIC! It is one of the oldest performing arts and yet it is as up to date as tomorrow. You have been seeing some wonderful magical spectaculars on TV, with Henning, Blackstone, Copperfield and others and you know how great magic can be.
Magic is important and it can make YOU important. You can learn all about the great magicians of the past, study the art of magic so you can learn to be a performer, and meet and know the great magicians of today. New books are constantly being issued on magic...
A comedy magic routine that really packs a punch. Plus bonus routine with a kicker-ending.
A terrific comedy routine with audience participation and plenty of laughs. Direct from Jay's one-man show. Different from the mainstream - you won't have seen a routine like this before.
The magician tells about a recent incident that led him to create his Criminal Catching System. A mock-mugging takes place between you and a participant. At the finale, you reveal your system worked with a brilliant prediction and a guaranteed laugh.
Plus a more light-hearted bonus routine with a kicker-ending. ...
Here is a small collection of automatic and semi-automatic out-of-hand card effects, empowered by the "chaos" philosophy brought forward by Lennart Green and Dani DaOrtiz.
The effects are easy to do and they don't require you to be another "David Wiliamson" or "Dani DaOrtiz" in order to perform them. Just a regular, normal magician. More important than the routines you will see and learn how the chaos handling is applied to this type of effects - you will be able to apply those ideas later in many of your effects to make them more fooling and fun.
The effects included are:
Mr. Green Goes Red:...
Excerpt from the preface:
Many magicians have told me they would like to obtain a good book on patter, that would fit some of the more modern tricks, and patter that could be used for various tricks.
Feeling that such a book would have a big sale and wishing to accommodate these seekers after original patter, which could be made use of while presenting some of the very latest tricks, I have taken upon myself the task of producing this handy vest pocket volume and trust it may be of much value in improving the acts of many magicians.
Although you may not care to use it word for word...
A fascinating glimpse into Okito's (Theo Bamberg) life and creations. The Bamberg dynasty had magicians spanning seven generations. Okito was a prolific inventor, builder of tricks, and exceptional performer. Learn the details of many of his most cherished secrets.
From the introduction by Dorny:
As the inventor of more magical effects than anyone else in the past half-century, he is constantly planning and building new tricks and illusions. In the construction of his miracles, he is a perfectionist. His finished work is always a masterpiece. Nothing is left to chance. With Theo, it must work. ...
An unexplored "classic": this has been for me, for many years, the "Australian shuffle". I learned it as a young man from Aldo Colombini, who often included it in his impromptu effects; later I studied John Scarne (and his wonderful idea in Phone Miracle, which we will comment on together later) and Max Maven.
Then I read Nick Conticello, and a new world opened up: I discovered that all the greats of card magic have tried their hand at the Australian deal; Nick, however, made me wonder a bit more: today I don't think there is more space to invent, but a lot to develop new routines, putting together various principles.
In my...
Update on the 'Azlan' Card At Any Number.
"F**k me!!! This is ridiculous! Mate it's so, so, so fooling! Even after knowing the original method and watching it play out countless times." - Nathan Chandler
"Just watched the demo you sent for the Card At Any Number and I have no idea how it works." - Dreygon Hibbler
"I can't wait to learn it. Owning your previous work on this, I feel like I should be able to work it out but can't get my head around it LOL." - Matt Overd
This is not the same update for 'Azlan' which was taught in God Mode Sui Generis 2.
A prediction envelope...
The contents of this series, for the most part, emphasize the history of effects and ideas. There are effects and methods in some of them, though.
1st edition 2014, PDF 30 pages....
The contents of this series, for the most part, emphasize the history of effects and ideas. There are effects and methods in some of them, though.
From the introduction:
Dustbin Dossier will service a distinct minority interested in examining documents (letters, notes, booklets, diaries, journals) in their original, "aboriginal" forms. Personal letters, for example, are a primary source of raw, unfiltered knowledge - seasoned with salt, not sugar. They are usually characterized by their spontaneous candor and unguarded subjectivity. After all, most of them were written for one person...
"Art," according to Webster's New World Dictionary, is the human ability to make things - the creativity of man as distinguished from the world of nature. It is set apart from "craft" in that the latter applies to a lesser skill involving little or no creative thought.
The performance of mentalism is necessarily a creative process. To be successful the performer must tailor each presentation - not only to a particular audience but to the individual volunteers he uses in his program. No two performances of a mentalist are exactly the same. He must always be ready to capitalize on unexpected...