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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 74


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★★ $8
Jonathan H. Green
Gamblers' Tricks with Cards by Jonathan H. Green

Scores of street scams, swindles, and card table ruses are explained in this 163 page ebook, guaranteed to separate a sucker from his money just as quickly today as when this tome was first written in the mid-1800s. Don't read this book to cheat -- instead, get it for protection so you don't become a victim.

This a fascinating study, filled with accounts of colorful, larger-than-life characters. Some were victims, others turned the tables and made suckers out of the swindlers. The author, "a reformed gambler," goes beyond playing cards to detail the inside work on thimbles (the precursor...

★★★★ $4
William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright
L. W. Card Mysteries by William W. Larsen & T. Page Wright

Every effect in the L. W. Card Mysteries is an apparent miracle. None of the effects requires long practice or more than a modicum of sleight of hand. Many require little skill at all. Just a rehearsal or two and you'll be all set to amaze and, most of all, entertain.

Just think!

You'll learn how to make two selected cards turn over in the pack without the use of skill and no false moves of any sort; to make a selected card vanish from the hands of the spectator and be found elsewhere; to make two cards change places - the positions of the cards being seen up to the moment of the change;...

Richard Gamble
Blooming Aces by Richard Gamble

A collection of four ace tricks.


1st edition 1995, 3rd edition 2013, 1st digital edition 2016, 20 pages.

★★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Red-Hot Mamas: 17 Ways and Means by Jon Racherbaumer

This manuscript is a compilation of methods in order to identify and track its history. In the process, it hopes to show how a given trick evolves, sometimes devolves, and ultimately reflects the periods of time this process has occurred.

The trick in this case is the "Red-Hot Mama" or "The Chicago Opener," a presentation that has been around for almost 60 years and has been a useful, dependable and enduring workhorse.

In its basic form it is an effect where a card is selected. Its back changes color and is set aside. A second card is selected, lost in the deck, and the initial selection...

★★★★★ $4
Ryan Shaw
Thoughtless ACAAN by Ryan Shaw

A brand new take on the classic ACAAN effect that will leave your spectators stunned. This is more than a trick. It's an experience. This effect is powerful with a good presentation and there are so many places you can take the ideas within this short ebook. For $4, you can't go wrong. If you don't like something, feel free to shoot me an email letting me know. I'm very open to new ideas and I'm excited to share this one with you. Oh and if you don't like it at all, it's a money back guarantee. This is Thoughtless ACAAN.

  • Completely hands off.
  • No forcing named cards.
  • No forcing named numbers....
Ferry Gerats
Orgasm of Astonishment by Ferry Gerats

A very funny version of the collector's plot. 4 Labracadabrador cards find 3 chosen cards instantly.

A version of Roy Walton's collector's plot, which has been in my repertoire for 25 years now and has made a lot of audiences happy. As the hilarious text makes everyone laugh out loud, the thought crossed my mind to call it: "The Funniest Collectors in the World". However because of the awe-inspiring moment that is felt by everyone at the climax when the three chosen cards appear between the collector cards it is more appropriate to call it: Orgasm of Astonishment

So what is Orgasm of...

Frankenstein: card restoration by Boiledz

This video is in Vietnamese. Instructions are translated to English by an interpreter.

A card is selected and signed. The magician tears out a corner of the card. Then the magician takes another corner with a different back and restores the selected card with that corner. The card can be examined. Detailed tutorial, making the gimmick, how to perform and variations.

1st edition 2016, length 23min

Change Volume 1 by MAG

You will learn four color changes. This is pure sleight of hand, no gimmicks.

  • Pum Change
  • Funk Change
  • Hop Change
  • Wall Change

1st edition 2016, length 19min

Nick Conticello
Potpourri 2: More Impromptu, Sleightless, Mathematical Tricks by Nick Conticello

After seeing several effects from this ebook, author and collector Doug Edwards said:

"The stuff you do with a shuffled deck and one or two key cards borders on the miraculous!"
1. TEN-IS MATCH: The performer removes ten matching pairs from the deck. These are mixed by both the performer and spectator and divided about in half by the spectator. Yet somehow all the pairs line up. Based on ideas of Howard Adams and Gene Finnell.

2. TALONS OF THE HAWK: Two volunteers each think of a card from a group of ten. The packets are lost in the deck by the volunteers themselves. The performer...

★★★★★ $15
T. Hayes
The Second Deal: Advanced Concepts for the Card Table by T. Hayes

This ebook takes an academic look at the second deal and its use at the card table, specifically in the game of Texas Hold’em poker. This is achieved by first examining the mathematical rules of the second deal. These rules are then applied to the basic structure of Texas Hold’em and the use of the move is advanced by also considering poker strategy. In addition to this, the probabilities of dealing target cards, when using a binary marking system, are derived. The use of the second deal in conjunction with stacking techniques is also considered, with a focus on the block transfer. Whilst...

★★★★★ $12.50
Richard Gamble
Cards For All Time by Richard Gamble

Moves and routines with a deck of cards.

  1. Cards For All Time
  2. Easier Cards For All Time
  3. The Jog-Top Change
  4. The Hofzinser Jog-Top (Visual) Change
  5. Smiling Mule Power
  6. Crab Sandwich
  7. Colour Blind Triumph
  8. Righting A Wrong Deck
  9. A Bottom Deal
  10. One Hand Fan Crimp
  11. Turnover Pass No 1
  12. I Do It This Way
  13. The Musical Deck
  14. Turnover Pass No 2
  15. The Flash-Cut-Half-Pass
  16. Zipper Prediction
  17. The Gloving Touch
  18. Cigarettes From “Know-Where”!
  19. Coin Card Or .... Card Coin
  20. Four Times Two Are Ate!
  21. A Series Of False Cuts
  22. Wilder Than Money
  23. The For-Tune-Ate-Deck
  24. Kicker Colour Change

1st edition 1995, 3rd...

Survive by Boiledz

This video is in Vietnamese. Instructions are translated to English by an interpreter.

The selected card is lost in the deck. The magician takes a pencil and stabs through the center of the deck. Every single card is destroyed, but one card remains unharmed, that's the selected card.

  • The deck can be examined
  • No force

1st edition 2016, length 12min

Sam Hoang
3 Leaves Post Devil by Sam Hoang

This video has no spoken instructions. You get visual video instructions plus some captions.

This is a gimmick to visually change the middle card of a three card display.

1st edition 2016, length 6min 52s

★★★★★ $67
Daniel Madison
Legacy by Daniel Madison

Legacy by Daniel Madison is the entire collection of some of Madison's publications and offerings to the 'Magic Industry' from between the years of 2000 to 2015. Each publication teaches his unique creations, discoveries, sleight-of-hand techniques and close-up deceptions with a deck of playing cards.

Cameo. Lapse. Monte Sonata. Selective. Heritage. Complete. One Eighty. Father Figure. Fatal. Scripture. Under the Influence. On the Cuff.

ONE was Madison's first ever independent publication. He originally published this booklet as a set of notes for his first ever Private Lecture,...

★★★★★ $4
TC Tahoe
The Witch Queens of New Orleans by TC Tahoe

A Storytelling card effect. An effective card mystery that also serves as an exercise to improve your improvisational storytelling skills.

1st edition 2016, 2 pages.

★★★★ $8
Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant
UF Grant's Lost Card Secrets by Devin Knight & Ulysses Frederick Grant

This new e-book contains five of U. F. Grant's forgotten and almost lost card miracles. The first four effects are from a booklet released in 1931 that contained what Grant considered to be his four best card effects. The release was called: Counterfeit Card Miracles. It is very rare and almost impossible to find today. Devin has taken the four effects and updated them and expanded the directions. These are real magician foolers!

#1- A spectator shuffles his own deck of cards and looks at one, remembering what number from the top that card is. For example, he may choose to remember the card...

Gerard Zitta
ACAAN'Z by Gerard Zitta

Tons of ideas in this manual...A compendium of effects, principles and methods related somehow to the "Any card at any number" plot, commonly called ACAAN. Even though they are not all 'perfect' ACAAN's, they are interesting, entertaining or original variants from an audience point of view.

  • Some are original, some are based on combinations of old principles, with some 'twists' or new ideas.
  • Most are card tricks, some are not.
  • Some are impromptu or even improvised, some need some preparation.
  • Some are hands off, some need some (easy) sleight of hand.
  • Some are direct, some are more convoluted. ...
★★★★★ $6
Unknown Mentalist
Suit Order Systems 4 by Unknown Mentalist

This series of Suit Ordering Systems is probably the world's first 'super store' for ordering suits. The main purpose of these various Suit Ordering Systems is to create a random sequence of suits while retaining a secret pattern visible only to the performer. The applicability of these SOS methods is for various stacks like memorized, algorithmic, mnemonic decks including Karma Deck, Rasik Deck, Yogik Deck, or Fun Stacks etc.

Initially SOS Vol 1 and SOS Vol 2 were released. Subsequently, SOS Vol 3 was released as part of Karma Deck Pro 11-ebook bundle. And now this latest volume contains a very easy method of randomizing...

★★★★★ $5
Senor Torino
Kardyro's Kard Konjuring by Senor Torino
  • T. K's Master Deal Supreme
  • T. K's Master Utility Sleight
  • The Peek
  • The Count
  • T. K's Kard Kontrol No. 1
  • T. K's Kard Kontrol Supreme
  • T. K's Master False-Cut Supreme
  • The T. K's One Card Drop Supreme Or The One Card Flip-Over Switch
  • T. K's Hole Card Switch Supreme
  • The Hindu Shuffle Throw-Off
  • Controlling A Selected Card
  • T. K's Hindu False Shuffle Or "The Slap Shuffle"
  • T. K's False Shuffle And Kard Kontrol
  • Using The Top Card As A Locator For The Selected Card
  • Controlling A Selected Card To The Bottom
  • T. K's Simplified Count Shuffle
  • T. K's Flip-Over Force No. 1
  • T. K's Hindu Shuffle...
★★★ $8
Percy Abbott
49 Easy To Do Card Tricks by Percy Abbott

From the introduction:

Included in the 49 effects are some that are new and some that have been favorites of professional Magicians for years, but all of them have been tested on their merits as entertaining and mystifying tricks.

All of these tricks can be performed with any deck of playing cards, with little or no preparation beforehand, and in compiling them, it has been the aim to include only such tricks as may be performed simply with a pack of playing cards, without the necessity of any extra paraphernalia.

These tricks are easy to do, and may be performed once you have the directions...

★★★★ $7
Eddie Joseph
15 Exciting Minutes with a Borrowed Deck by Eddie Joseph

From the introduction:

The routine comprises five different effects, each able to stand out on its own merit. When combined, you will confuse the sharpest mind, the logical reason being that you appear to be doing the same thing over and over again, but you vary your secret procedure with each repetition.

All sleights have been eliminated and even if one had not done a single card trick before, he will still be able to bewilder and earn the reputation of a highly skilled card worker. The tricks are so designed that at no stage do you appear to be taking any active part — your spectators...

Duc Thinh & Sam Hoang
Open Door by Duc Thinh & Sam Hoang

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. There are some English subtitles, but for the most part you will get the instructions of how to make the gimmick and how to perform with it from the visual contents of the video.

From the brilliant mind of Vietnams top magicians Duc Thinh and Hoang Sam comes a very clean mis-made card effect. A corner of the spectators signed card switches inside out and switches back with very little movement.

1st edition 2016, length 16 minutes.

Nguyen Long
Plus Ink by Nguyen Long

Please note that this video is in Vietnamese. There are some English subtitles, but for the most part you will get the instructions of how to make the gimmick and how to perform with it from the visual contents of the video.

A novel gimmick to achieve visual magic with cards and rubber bands. A rubber band appears impossibly wrapped around a deck of cards. Instructions provide the details of how to make the gimmick and how to use it.

1st edition 2016, length 36 minutes.

Tom Phoenix
The Next Best Trick of the Year by Tom Phoenix

Do a color change, while the card is on fire!

This is a really nice color change, with the added touch of changing a burning card into a different burning card. Included is a method to make the first card travel from the deck, into the box. The change will take some practice, as it uses some un-orthodox moves, but is well within the skill of the average card handler.

1st edition 2016, length 10 minutes.

Displaying 1204 to 1227 (of 2979 products)
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