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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 79


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Three by Nick Conticello

New Century Pairs Re-Paired

  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1: A Bit of History
  • Chapter 2: Judah's Mutus Nomen (S.J. Mutus Dedit Trick)
  • Chapter 3: Thoughts on the Classical Effect
  • Chapter 4: Third Person Singular: 30 cards in play, 3 selections. After the Judah shuffle, top ten cards are put aside and the rest laid out. Performer reveals the third card without seeing any of the faces.
  • Chapter 5: There Are No Words: The basic effect with no code words, just a modified shuffle and a few simple arithmetical rules.
  • Chapter 6: Poker Four-ay: 20 cards, 4 selections by four different people. All four indicate...
L. Widdop
Card Tricks without Sleight of Hand or Apparatus by L. Widdop

An excellent collection of sleight-less card tricks. Some require a confederate but in all cases the author provides alternative methods and presentations to eliminate the need for a confederate. Each effect is taught with an effective presentation.

  • I: The Four Burglars
  • II: Divination
  • III: An Exhibition Of Thought-Reading
  • IV: The Disappearing Ace
  • V: Another Thought-Reading Trick
  • VI: Hypnotic Selection
  • VII: The Four Burglars Again
  • VIII: Another Method Of Divination
  • IX: Bringing Back The Ashes
  • X: Thought-Reading Extraordinary
  • XI: Telepathy

1st edition 1914, PDF 32 pages

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Pocket Cartoon Card Through Window by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You show a little notepad where an empty drawn window is depicted. Have a spectator pick a card and mentally tear off a corner. You now throw or cascade the cards towards the notepad and suddenly the chosen card is seen behind the window. However, a corner is missing. Snap your fingers over the missing corner and it appears behind the window.

Ideal for strolling and street magic.

You will receive PDF templates to print out and an explanation video which explains all the details for preparation and performance.

1st edition 2017, length 41 min

Joseph Ernest Meyer
Protection: the sealed book by Joseph Ernest Meyer

An underground classic, now available as an ebook! This amazingly insightful book, written by a newspaper reporter, contains full details of gambling devices and methods used by professionals to beat and cheat casinos and other players.

Also described and illustrated are rigged carnival and gambling games, card gambling games, marked cards, holdouts, and much, much more.

Not content to describe methods that others may also have exposed, Meyer went the extra step to purchase the rights to gambling systems that sold for as much as $25 each. These are also detailed, in their various author's...

Nic Holson
Spellbound Deck by Nic Holson

Nic Holson brings you a novel way to reveal any card ... before it has been chosen with one cut and a pair of scissors. It's not your usual pick a card trick. It goes further than this and your deck remains intact.

  • Perform Hands on or Hands off
  • With or without scissors
  • Close up, Parlor, Stage
  • Use a standard deck; one time set up
  • Ideal for walk around
  • Easy to do

1st edition 2017, 10 pages.

H. G. Sparks
Pack a Deck by H. G. Sparks

Two card routines and a couple of tips and stories from the recollections of the author.

  • Shifting Sands: a routine using a sand frame
  • The "Three-Repeat Tenner"

1st edition 1939, 14 pages; PDF 11 pages.

★★★★★ $2
Devin Knight
Improved Jumbo Pop Eyed Popper Forcing Deck by Devin Knight

NOTE: These are the instruction sheets that come with the trick. This PDF does not explain how to make up a deck.

The Jumbo Pop Eyed Popper Deck is one of the most used "trick decks" of professional magicians and mentalists from all over the world. This "secret weapon" is one of the cleanest ways to force a card without sleight of hand. This deck is drastically improved over older versions.

No more fumbling to separate paired cards. This has been a problem for many magicians. These cards have been especially prepared so you only have to place your thumb on any of the four corners and the...

★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Debits, Credits, and other Leftovers by Jon Racherbaumer

Polishing and old principle of mooted origin ...

Jon Racherbaumer explores an old but fascinating self-working trick which can be performed with any set of counters, be they cards, sticks, stones, coins, matches, business cards, bottle caps, gummi bears, ...

  • Prelude
  • Introduction
  • My Introduction To The Version With Playing Cards
  • The Quickie Card Trick
  • Beginnings
    • A Novel Card Trick (Howard L. Grant)
    • Toothpick Magic (U. F. Grant)
    • Counting Trick (Rufus Steele)
    • A Matter Of Debit And Credit (John Northern Hilliard)
  • Spin-Offs
    • Balancing Debit And Credit (Ian Baxter)
    • The Trick That Fooled Einstein (Harry Franke) ...
David Devlin
Nobunaga Rising by David Devlin

Many performers like to end their Ambitious Card routine by making the card vanish from the deck and cause it to reappear in some impossible location such as their wallet or the card box. The problem with that is that the effect of the Ambitious Card is that the selected card continuously rises to the top of the deck. Once the card vanishes from the deck, it is no longer the Ambitious Card. It is a vanished card. When it is produced from the wallet or wherever it becomes a reappearing card.

Nobunaga Rising is a perfect ending to the Ambitious Card because it seems just as impossible as the...

★★★★ $10
Professor Miller
Tricks and Diversions with Cards by Professor Miller

Interesting here are not only the many card tricks described but also a section on crooked gambling at the very end.

[Note that pages 11-14 are missing in our original from which this digital edition has been prepared.]

  • Instructions For Amateurs
  • How To Make The Pass
  • Forcing A Card
  • The "Long Card"
  • The Divining Card
  • Deceptive Shuffles
  • To Smuggle A Card
  • To Slip A Card
  • To Carry Away A Card
  • To Place A Card
  • The Ten Duplicate Cards—To Reveal A Person’s Thoughts
  • The Changeable Ace
  • The Convertible Aces
  • The Metamorphosed Cards
  • The Gathering Of The Clans
  • To Tell The Number Of Cards By The Weight
  • To Make A Card Pass From One Hand Into The Other
  • The Card Hit Upon By Guess
  • Ups...
★★★★ $12
Nick Conticello
The Cerebral Approach: Book Two by Nick Conticello

Novel Concepts with Key Cards. No sleight-of-hand is needed for any of these effects. Ideal for both magicians and mentalists.

Imagine taking a borrowed, shuffled, incomplete deck, mixing it a bit yourself, and offering it to a volunteer for a cut. The volunteer then cuts each half separately, chooses a card from one half, and buries it in the pack himself. Yet despite these difficult conditions, you are able to locate the selected card with absolute certainty. That is the premise of this ebook.

The Straddle Key concept is a breakthrough in key card theory. I have tested this material...

Kevin Parker
Cyclone by Kevin Parker

They pick a card (no force), they return it to the deck, they shuffle - as much as they want. You pull out a written prediction (genuinely pre-written; no swami) and it tells them how many cards from the top of the deck their card will be after shuffling. They - or the performer - deals down to that number of cards and there it is, their card at the predicted location.

Note: The prediction may be off by one, two, three or possibly more places depending on how well you master this skill. You will also need a stripper deck even though you will not be using it to strip out any cards.

  • deck...
★★★★ $15
Jon Racherbaumer
Oil and Queens by Jon Racherbaumer

The oil and water effect is a classic of card magic, some love it, some hate it. If one has ever seen Rene Lavand do it slow motion with one hand you probably love it. But there is only one Rene Lavand. Some say the effect of red and black cards separating is rather weak, until Roy Walton added a kicker in 1969 where half the cards change to Queens. Dave Bendix tweaked Walton’s handling. Bob Stencil and Terry LaGerold devised a narrative that logically excused the surprise appearance of the Queens. Jon Racherbaumer and Jeff Busby independently expanded the kicker to not only change half the cards but...

J. G. Thompson Jr.
Sleight Intended by J. G. Thompson Jr.

From the foreword:

For years the pattern has been the same. A newcomer to magic invariably turns first to cards as a vehicle for mystification. He spends hours upon hours mastering difficult sleights and then, to his dismay, learns of the existence of easier and more effective maneuvers hidden away in magical literature - moves about which he could have no knowledge, but which would have made his previous struggles unnecessary, or, at least, eased them. Gradually he discards the results of many arduous hours of practice and substitutes the newly discovered and simplified versions until,...

Tom Phoenix
Sierpinski's Peek by Tom Phoenix

Imagine this:

  • You turn your back
  • They shuffle the deck
  • They select one card
  • They replace it reversed in the deck
  • They shuffle again
  • You turn to face them, put the cards in the box, and you read their mind.
The peek can be attained immediately, or after deck has been in the box for a couple minutes - it's up to you. You will need to make a gimmick.

1st edition 2017, length 18 min

★★★★★ $10
Tom Phoenix
Rebirth by Tom Phoenix

Rebirth is a fast, fiery Torn and Restored effect, which leaves them with an impossible souvenir, and a cool story to tell their friends. It also looks great on video. The gimmick is very easy to make, and there is no ditching involved.

1st edition 2017, length 18 min

Ellis Stanyon
Card Tricks: a practical treatise on conjuring with cards by Ellis Stanyon

This is a classic on card magic covering sleights, routines, special cards, and apparatus. It is very likely that already S.W. Erdnase read this book.

    • The Pass
    • To Force a Card
    • The Change
    • To Palm a Card
    • The False Shuffle
    • To Slip a Card
    • The Ruffle
    • To Throw a Card
    • To Spring the Cards from One Hand to the Other
    • The Cards Passing up the Sleeve
    • The Card and Cigarette
    • To Pass a Card Through a Handkerchief
    • To Pass any Number of Cards along the Sleeve, and Produce them from the Breast Pocket ...
Arthur Buckley
Effects with Cards 2 by Arthur Buckley

This is the second of Arthur Buckley's problems: The Burglar

  • Effect, Brief Presentation and Patter
  • Sleights Necessary to Perform the Burglar (crimp, two-handed pass, Down's change, a secret removal, riffle shift)
  • Details for Learning Sleights
  • Rehearse Problem

1st edition 1921, 10 pages; 1st digital edition 2017, 9 pages.

★★★★ $15
David Devlin
Packet Racket II by David Devlin

Every now and then a sequel is made that out does the original such as The Godfather part II, Superman II, The Empire Strikes Back, The Terminator II, The Dark Knight, and Aliens to name a few. Well, such is the case here with David Devlin's Packet Racket II. If you like packet tricks (David loves them) then you will love this eBook! All six of the tricks use standard packet sleights, and only one of them uses gaffed cards. (You can find the first volume here Packet Racket).

Triumphant Travelers: What do you get when you combine Open Travelers with Triumph? You get Triumphant Travels. This one is impromptu. ...

Tom Phoenix
Divide and Conquer by Tom Phoenix

This is a series of methods for taking a spectator-shuffled deck and sorting it into piles of red and black - while blindfolded.

And one of the methods (as shown in the demo) gives you the ability to identify the suit and value of each card of a borrowed, shuffled deck, requiring no memorization.

There are six methods in total, three of which use "special" decks (can still be used for your other card magic), and the other two use borrowed decks. All of them can be done blindfolded.

1st edition 2017, length 29 min

Al E. Smith
Stealth Working Card Tricks by Al E. Smith

A stealthy count-up uncovers the not-at-all secret fact that, including covers, contents page and similar paraphernalia, Stealth Working Card Tricks is a 71 page ebook twinkling with bit-size chunks of card-flavoured conjuriana, dripping with dollops of amiable waffle to cheer them on.

Nothing complicated, general card handling ability is the main requirement. Roughly translated, Stealth Working Card Tricks is a gentle confection of ideas, envelope nudging principles and deceptions, suppositions and similar. An ebook of card tricks, really.

  • Introdecktion
  • Oddment-ality
  • Why Stealth
  • Stealth...
★★★★★ $20
S. Victor Innis
Inner Secrets of Crooked Card Players by S. Victor Innis

This very rare, and highly sought after, gambling book from 1915 is finally available. This book was the first to publish the fact that eight out-faro shuffles brings the deck back in its original order.

  • Preface
  • Stacking Or Running Up Cards
  • Controlling Four Aces And Four Kings By Stacking And Bottom Dealing
  • Stacking Cards With The Faro Riffle
  • Combination Cold Deck And Faro Riffle
  • False Cuts
  • Marked Cards
  • Controlling Cards In The Draw
  • The Tip
  • Telling Hole Cards In Stud Poker
  • The Draw Out In Stud Poker
  • Edge Work For The Draw Out In Stud
  • The Spread
  • Second Dealing
  • Cold Decking ...
Brick Tilley
Double Eidetic Change by Brick Tilley

An advancement on Ed Marlo's iconic card change. See video below. You can only perform this at a table with an assistant.

1st edition 2017, 4 pages.

★★★★ $7.95
Edward Marlo
Estimation: Revolutionary Card Technique - Chapter 13 by Edward Marlo

Revolutionary Card Technique No. 13. An ebook on an intriguing aspect of card magic. Both mechanical and natural estimation.

  • Estimation
  • Mechanical Estimation
    • First Method: The Comparison Method
    • Second Method: The Automatic Gauge Method
    • Third Method: The Nail Gauge
    • Fourth Method: Marlo's Favorite
    • Fifth Method: The Faro Check
  • Mechanical Estimation Effects
    • The Magic Card
    • "Think I'll Stop Here"
    • "Chosen Card Count Down"
    • The Tipoff
    • Reversed Card Out
  • Natural Estimation
    • Side Riffle Estimation
    • Pull Down Estimation
    • Back End Riffle Estimation
    • The Cut Estimate
    • Visual Retention...
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