This final issue of volume two of TGM is full of "meats" - please read the following and judge for yourself. It must have set a record by including articles from the pen of three past IBM Int'l Presidents - Don Wiberg, Jep Hostetler and Ray Mangle - simply a prestigious issue!
The contents are …
This is a biting parody of the UK magic magazine Budget, the organ of the British Ring of the IBM. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues in 1989. To understand all the fun they are poking at you will have to have read some of the Budget issues.
16 pages
This is a parody of an IBM convention program. The parody was published by Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic. It was a supplement to one of the Club 71 issues in 1991. If you have attended your fair share of conventions you will probably laugh a lot. I am not sure why this is in particular targeted at the IBM. Less than well organized conventions are not limited to any organization.
20 pages
Why do the same tricks everyone else is doing?
FEEN-X Magazine was an underground newsletter read by some of the top names in magic. Now it can be yours!
This e-book is the complete compilation of the first volume of FEEN-X from the year 2000.
Gregg Webb’s unique approach to magic is simple: create tricks and routines that veer off in a different direction. The result is magic that is strong – and subtle at the same time – hitting the audience where it counts.
101 pages long, this e-book was personally illustrated by Gregg Webb. (A professional artist, Gregg created cover art...
This ebook contains all 56 Masterclass effects taken from volumes 5-8 of Magicseen. Among the 40 different contributors you will find close up, stand up, children's material, mentalism and even a stage illusion from well known stars such as Wayne Dobson, JC Sum, Magic Dave, Jon Allen, Wayne Fox, Michael J. Fitch, Marc Spelmann, John Bannon, Paul Gordon, Peter Duffie and many more.
With many colour photo illustrations, this is a must-have collection of varied magic.
Magigram magazine ran from 1966 to 1995. It was printed by Supreme Magic Co. and edited with superb ability by Ken de Courcy. The collaborators were the best ever, just to name a few: Ken de Courcy, Edwin, Ian Adair, Peter Warlock, Max Maven, Lewis Ganson, Maurice Fogel, Arthur Carter, George Blake, David Britland, Pavel, George Johnstone, Billy McComb and a certain Aldo Colombini (I had a column for over 20 years on card magic written by Lewis Ganson).
This fifth issue of volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette is one more miscellanea of magical omnium-gatherum contributed by eminent artistes of the art of magic...
Vol. 9, No. 2, May 2013; 64 pages
Cover: Steve Cohen
More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.
More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock's legendary magazine.
We all at TGM used to prompt a slogan to each other that "Never Late - Always Great!" Although, this fourth issue of TGM has beaten his own record and is a bit late - nevertheless, is as 'Great' as all other previous issues, in addition full of 'meats'. Just read about the contents and judge yourself.
Vol. 9, No. 1, March 2013; 64 pages
Cover: Andy Nyman
Vol. 8, No. 6, January 2013; 64 pages
Cover: Luke Jermay
Issue 4 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
Issue 3 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
Issue 2 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
Issue 1 of this short-lived publication featuring magical bizarre effects, reviews and an original short story of fiction.
This 3rd issue of volume 2 of The Gimmick MagiZette e-zine published from the Land of Magic - India is yet another magical mélange boasting contributions from the eminent artistes of the art. Just see the contents below:
More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.
More magic from the pages of Peter Warlock’s legendary magazine.