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Biagio Fasano

Biagio Fasano

I am an Italian expert in commercial informatics and an author and amateur magician of many years experience, with a particular interest in mathemagics, card magic and mentalism.

After more than 30 years, my passion for Magic has grown to the point of finally allowing me to teach Magic in laboratories created specifically for elementary school children, and Mathematical Magic in Middle Schools.

In recent years at my Magic Circle in Turin, CADM (Circolo Amici della Magia), I have received the great honor and pleasure of becoming a teacher of Card Magic (in particular for Semi-Automatic and Mathematical Tricks, which always remain among my main interests) and Mentalism (my other greatest passion in Magic).

At the end of 2022, another great Magic Circle in Turin, Circolo Magico Bartolomeo Bosco (CMBB) asked me to teach a course on Mentalism and my Contactless Card Magic, which I am currently doing.

I always try to create new magic ricks and I keep writing new e-books (also signed as B. Magic) about my way to perform mentalism and semi-authomatic card effects.

I have a YouTube channel dedicated to my kind of magic:

I love to study books of magic and I am also a collector of video games...


Coauthors: Michael Daniels, Felipe Suau, Renzo Grosso, Davide Rubat Remond, Roberto Bombassei, Joseph B., Laura Chips

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Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Wanted Twins (Italian) by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

Questo è un nuovo effetto cartomagico, completamente Automatico: lo spettatore sceglierà due carte, a rappresentare la legge e per mezzo delle quali si ricaveranno altre due nuove carte, disperse nel mazzo, che dividerà poi in quattro mazzetti. Nell’arco di due distinte fasi, gli “Sceriffi” saranno inseriti dallo spettatore stesso all’interno del mazzo, nel modo più arbitrario possibile. I mazzetti saranno mescolati, congiunti, tagliati, divisi e, nonostante le mille avversità, le due carte “Sceriffo” riusciranno a rintracciare e catturare i due “Fuorilegge”, generati...

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Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond
Wanted Twins by Biagio Fasano & Davide Rubat Remond

This is a new self-working card trick: the viewer will choose two cards, to represent the law and by means of which he will get two more cards, lost in the deck, which he will then divide into four bundles. Over the course of two separate stages, the spectator himself will insert the "sheriffs" within the deck, as arbitrarily as possible. The decks will be shuffled, cut and completed but, despite a thousand adversities, the two "sheriff" cards will succeed in tracking down and capturing the two "outlaws," generated by the combination of the first two cards, chosen at random.

The legend...

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Biagio Fasano
Virtual Revelations Triumph (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Virtual Revelations Triumph é un incredibile effetto inedito di cartomagia self-working, possibile anche a distanza (in una video chat, ad es. su Zoom, Skype o Google Meet), in cui una coppia di persone presenti nella stessa stanza, anche se collegati con l’illusionista a km di distanza, parteciperanno ad un esperimento in cui due carte scelte liberamente tra all’incirca metà mazzo, distribuite in vari mazzetti rimescolati tra loro, voltandone alcuni di faccia e altri di dorso, a seconda delle libere scelte dei due partecipanti, al termine si ritroveranno ad essere le UNICHE due carte...

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Biagio Fasano
Virtual Revelations Triumph by Biagio Fasano

Virtual Revelations Triumph is a new and incredible hands-off card magic effect, which is also possible from a distance (in a video chat, e.g. on Zoom, Skype or Google Meet), in which a couple of people in the same room, even if they are connected to the illusionist miles away, will take part in an experiment in which two cards freely chosen from about half the deck, distributed in various piles and shuffled between them, turning some of them face up and others face down, depending on the free choices of the two participants, will end up being the only two cards left face down and which, once...

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Biagio Fasano
Virtual Color Separation (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Virtual Color Separation é un mio effetto inedito ed incredibile di Cartomagia Automatica “Hands-Off”, gestibile anche a distanza, tramite una video chat, quali ad esempio Zoom, Skype o Google Meet, ma soprattutto possibile da eseguire AL TELEFONO, con uno spettatore che disponga di un semplice mazzo di 52 carte da gioco, che il mago non avrà MAI modo di vedere ma sarà comunque in grado di controllare inspiegabilmente, giungendo al termine a separare le carte ROSSE dalle NERE, senza che il pubblico possa darsene spiegazione alcuna! Una spettatrice, dopo aver separato le carte a...

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Biagio Fasano
Virtual Color Separation by Biagio Fasano

Virtual Color Separation is an unusual and incredible effect of hands-off card magic, manageable even remotely, through a video chat, such as Zoom, Skype or Google Meet, but especially possible to perform by phone, with a spectator who has a common deck of 52 playing cards, that the magician will never have the opportunity to see but will still be able to control inexplicably, coming at the end to separate the red-suited cards from the black ones, without the spectator any wiser.

A lady chosen as a spectator, after having separated the red-suited cards from the black ones, will choose the...

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Roberto Bombassei & Biagio Fasano
Vanni Bossi: the man and the artist by Roberto Bombassei & Biagio Fasano

The biography of a great artist and creative of the Italian and international magical world.

Fifteen years after his death, the artist, magician and writer Roberto Bombassei, through a work of research and study, pays tribute to his mentor by publishing for the first time his biography: his beginnings, his path, his studies, his thoughts, his creations.

Foreword by Tony Binarelli. English translation and additional notes by Biagio Fasano.

  • Foreword By Tony Binarelli
  • A Few Words From The Author
  • The Birth
  • The Meeting With Fred Kaps
  • Parapsychology: A Bit Of Truth And A Lot Of Scams
  • Parapsychology...
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Biagio Fasano
Vanishing at the Royal Court by Biagio Fasano

An incredible impromptu effect that uses all court cards in the deck to tell a story dense with mysteries.

This is a packet trick that tells the magical solution to a mystery. An impromptu card effect that, borrowing all the pictures from the deck, uses those to tell the story of a mysterious disappearance at a prestigious dance party reserved for these four aristocratic families.

The illusionist, after shuffling the twelve cards, gives them to cut and complete to a spectator who then, by rolling two dice (even if only imaginary ones) decides the precise moment when the mysterious vanishing...

$10.90 $5.90
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Biagio Fasano
Vampire Haunting (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un effetto impromptu di mentalismo e bizarre magic a tema vampiresco che semplicemente fa uso di sei carte da gioco.

Il titolo di questo eBook suggerisce il tema vampiresco alla base di questo effetto impromptu di Mentalismo / Bizarre Magic.

Semplicemente utilizzando sei carte da gioco, mette in grado l’illusionista di essere sempre pronto ad eseguirlo ad occhi chiusi (da bendato, senza trucco alcuno, o comunque rimanendo voltato da una parte per l’intera durata dell’esperimento), senza necessità alcuna di vedere mai le carte!

Una spettatrice viene scelta nel ruolo di prima vittima,...

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Biagio Fasano
Vampire Haunting by Biagio Fasano

An impromptu effect of mentalism and vampire-themed bizarre magic that just makes use of six playing cards.

The title of this eBook suggests the vampire theme underlying this impromptu mentalism/bizarre magic effect. Simply by using six playing cards, it empowers the illusionist to be always ready to perform with eyes closed (while blindfolded, without any trickery whatsoever, or otherwise remaining turned to one side for the entire duration of the experiment), with no need whatsoever to see the cards.

A female spectator is chosen in the role of the first victim, the only one who survived...

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Biagio Fasano
Twist and Shout Ritual (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un incredibile Rituale Magico che, eseguito con il pubblico, immancabilmente porterà sempre al successo! In realtà un effetto Automatico di Cartomagia Impromptu, che utilizza quattro semplici carte prese a caso dal mazzo e comporta uno stupefacente “Rituale”, eseguibile anche in close-up o su di un palco, oppure a distanza, persino al telefono, a che non mancherà mai di stupire tutto il pubblico coinvolto!

Si utilizzano quattro comunissime carte da gioco, prese a caso da un mazzo di carte, e con le quali l’illusionista, in contemporanea ad uno come a decine o centinaia di spettatori...

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Biagio Fasano
Twist and Shout Ritual by Biagio Fasano

An amazing magic ritual that, performed with the audience, will invariably lead to success. Actually, a self-working, impromptu card magic effect, which uses four simple cards taken at random from the deck and results in an amazing "ritual," which can also be performed in close-up or on a stage, or remotely, even over the phone, and which will never fail to amaze the entire audience involved!

Four very common playing cards are used, taken at random from a deck of cards, and with which the illusionist, at the same time as one, dozens, or hundreds of spectators (each supplied with four different...

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Biagio Fasano
The Unusual Suspects by Biagio Fasano

How to find the guilty card despite a possible reticent witness!

An effect of mentalism, possible from a distance (in a video chat or even just on the phone), whose story is very loosely inspired by the movie "The Unusual Suspects" and in which the spectator is asked to choose five random cards from the deck. They will represent the suspects of a major bank robbery. Only one will be the real culprit. Despite the free arrangement of the cards and the various shuffles of face-up and face-down cards, in the end the mentalist will always succeed to guess all of these:

  • in which position the...
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Biagio Fasano
Telepathic X-Ray Vision: the catch of the superhero (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un Super Effetto di Mentalismo! Include tutti i modelli da stampare a colori e fornte/retro delle carte speciali dei 3 Supereroi!

Un effetto di mentalismo in cui il mago, utilizzando tre carte speciali che mostra rappresentare tre diversi Supereroi raffigurati su entrambi i lati di ciascuna carta, incarica una spettatrice di disporle nell'ordine che preferisce e di mescolarle, dapprima con una sola mano, poi usandole entrambe contemporaneamente.

Al termine, coprirà con il palmo della mano dapprima solo una delle carte e poi, dopo il successivo mescolamento a due mani, ben due carte...

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Biagio Fasano
Telepathic X-Ray Vision: the catch of the superhero by Biagio Fasano

A Mentalism Super Effect! Including all the templates to print colour back and front of the special 3 Superheroes cards.

This is a mentalism effect where the magician, using three special cards that he shows represent three different superheroes shown on both sides of each of the cards, instructs a spectator to arrange them in the order she prefers and to shuffle them, at first with one hand, then using both at the same time.

When finished, she will cover with the palm of her hand at first only one of the cards and then, after the next two-handed shuffle, as many as two out of three...

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Biagio Fasano
Super Powered X-Ray Vision (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un Effetto Impromptu di Mentalismo che, facendo uso di poche Carte da Gioco e Monete, può essere eseguito a distanza e pure al telefono!

Il titolo di questo eBook suggerisce suggerisce l’idea che sta alla base di questo effetto impromptu di Mentalismo nel quale, lasciando che una spettatrice (anche da casa propria) utilizzi semplicemente quattro o cinque carte da gioco e due o tre delle sue monete, si permette all’illusionista di eseguire l’effetto impromptu e a distanza, persino al telefono, oppure in presenza ma ad occhi chiusi (da bendato, senza trucco alcuno, o comunque rimanendo...

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Biagio Fasano
Super Powered X-Ray Vision by Biagio Fasano

An impromptu effect of mentalism, which, making use of a few playing cards and coins, can be performed remotely and even over the phone.

The title suggests the idea behind this impromptu effect of mentalism in which, by letting a spectator (even from home) simply use four or five playing cards and two or three of his/her coins, the illusionist is allowed to perform an impromptu effect at a distance, even over the phone, or in the presence but with eyes closed (while blindfolded, without any trick, or otherwise remaining turned to one side for the entire duration of the experiment).


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Biagio Fasano
Sparizione alla Corte Reale by Biagio Fasano

Un incredibile Effetto IMPROMPTU che utilizza tutte le figure del mazzo per raccontare una storia densa di Misteri!

Si tratta di un Packet Trick che racconta la magica soluzione di un mistero!... Un effetto IMPROMPTU di Cartomagia che, prendendo a prestito le figure del mazzo, utilizza le medesime per raccontare la storia di una misteriosa sparizione ad una prestigiosa Festa da Ballo riservata a queste quattro famiglie Aristocratiche. L’illusionista, dopo aver mescolato le dodici carte, le dà a tagliare ad uno spettatore che poi, lanciando due dadi (anche solo immaginari) decide il momento...

$10.90 $5.90
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Biagio Fasano
Slow Oil and Water by Biagio Fasano

This is a new "Oil and Water" routine in which the magic happens in a mysterious way because each movement of the magician is really very slow and clear.

All begins with 4 mixed pairs of cards, one red and one black, being shown and put on the table. Then the magician simply shows the first four cards on top, and all their suits become magically the same color.

Now the magician will alternate on the table, not only red and black suits but also face up and face down cards. When he squares the deck, just a few seconds later, again the cards mysteriously have separated themselves into red...

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MP4 (video)

Biagio Fasano
SHIELD 3 (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. 3 (Self-Working Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 3) È la terza parte di una raccolta di nuovi effetti di Cartomagia, mai pubblicati prima, da me ideati e caratterizzati dal fatto di poter essere eseguiti con estrema facilità, non richiedendo alcuna tecnica o manipolazione da parte del prestigiatore, e di essere completamente estemporanei, performabili anche con un mazzo preso a prestito e mescolato dal pubblico.

Inoltre anche questi due ultimi effetti possono essere interamente eseguiti in “modalità Contactless” (o hands-off, come direbbero...

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Biagio Fasano
SHIELD 3 by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. 3 (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 3) is the third part of a collection of new, never-before-published card magic effects, designed by me and characterized by the fact that they can be performed with extreme ease, requiring no technique or manipulation by the magician, and being completely extemporaneous, performable even with a deck borrowed and shuffled by the audience (self-working and impromptu).

In addition, even the latter two effects can be performed entirely in "contactless mode" (or hands-off, as others would say): the magician,...

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Biagio Fasano
SHIELD 2 (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. 2 (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 2) é la seconda parte di una raccolta di nuovi effetti di Cartomagia, mai pubblicati prima, da me ideati e caratterizzati dal fatto di poter essere eseguiti con estrema facilità, non richiedendo alcuna tecnica o manipolazione da parte del prestigiatore, e di essere completamente impromptu, performabili anche con un mazzo preso a prestito e mescolato dal pubblico.

Inoltre entrambi questi effetti possono essere interamente eseguiti in “modalità Contactless”, pertanto anche a distanza (in videoconferenza...

★★★★★ $10
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Biagio Fasano
SHIELD 2 by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. 2 (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 2) is the second part of a collection of new Cardmagic effects, never before published, designed by me and characterized by the fact that they can be performed with extreme ease, requiring no technique or manipulation on the part of the magician, and that they are completely impromptu, performable even with a deck borrowed and shuffled by the audience.

In addition, both of these effects can be performed entirely in "contactless mode," so even at a distance (by videoconference on Zoom, for example): the...

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Biagio Fasano
SHIELD (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

"Wow! Questo è un capolavoro assoluto per tutti quelli che amano gli effetti di carte improvvisati con un mazzo mescolato preso in prestito. Tutti questi quattro effetti con le carte sono delle vere e proprie opere d'arte che lasceranno il pubblico completamente sconcertato e sbalordito. Il mio preferito è "Say My Name", che aggiungerò al mio repertorio, ma potreste facilmente intrattenere il vostro pubblico con uno spettacolo di magia utilizzando tutti e quattro questi effetti. Biagio è un pensatore molto intelligente e tutte le sue routine sono molto ben congegnate e se non capiste qualcosa...

★★★★★ $20
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Biagio Fasano
SHIELD by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck) is a collection of four of my latest automatic card magic effects, never previously published, characterized by the fact that they can be performed with extreme ease, requiring no technique or manipulation by the magician, and being completely impromptu, performable even with a deck borrowed and shuffled by the audience.

The first and last effects, "Say My Name!" and "The Final Countdown", in addition to being fully automatic, can be performed entirely in "contactless mode": the magician, after handing the deck...

★★★★★ $20
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Biagio Fasano
Selfworking Contactless ACAAN (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Gli effetti A.C.A.A.N., in Italia notI anche come “Carta al Numero”, sono un genere di effetti oramai considerati dei classici nella Cartomagia e nel Mentalismo, da quando ne propose una versione leggendaria David Berglas, che appunto per primo l’ha definito “Any card At Any Number”.

L’idea di provare a scrivere questo speciale eBook è nata mentre preparavo la mia serie di Volumi Contactless Automatic Card At Number (giunta a 6 Volumi) e sperimentavo in particolare la possibilità di creare nuovi effetti automatici servendomi di vari stack, tra cui il Si Stebbins ed il mio VR Stack Pro (vedi i Vol. 2 & 3).


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Biagio Fasano
Selfworking Contactless ACAAN by Biagio Fasano

A.C.A.A.N. effects are a genre of effects now considered classics in card magic and mentalism, ever since David Berglas, who precisely first proposed a legendary version of it, called it "Any card At Any Number."

The idea of trying to write this special eBook came about while I was preparing my Contactless Automatic Card At Number series of Volumes (now at 6 Volumes) and experimenting in particular with the possibility of creating new automatic effects by making use of various stacks, including Si Stebbins and my VR Stack Pro (see Vol. 2 & 3):

From here to examining the Si Stebbins Pro, devised by Dr. Hans Christian Solka, was a short step, and with pleasure...

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Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano
S.E.M.P.E.R. (Italian) by Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano

Che cos'è "S.E.M.P.E.R." ? (Special Esp Memory Powers Enhanced Radically)

Il gioco che stai per leggere è davvero speciale: utilizza un normalissimo mazzo di 52 carte da poker ed il trucco risulterà ingannevole anche per molti illusionisti e le sue possibilità di presentazione quasi infinite; ma soprattutto il suo impatto sul pubblico è devastante!!

L'effetto è il seguente:

a due spettatori viene chiesto di prendere una carta e di infilarla subito in tasca, senza nemmeno guardarla!! Il mago spiega che, in questa situazione, è ovviamente estremamente difficile poter identificare...

★★★★★ $15
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Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano
S.E.M.P.E.R. by Felipe Suau & Biagio Fasano

What is S.E.M.P.E.R.? (Special Esp Memory Powers Enhanced Radically)

A special trick with a flexible method that offers wide-ranging presentational possibilities. It uses an ordinary deck of 52 poker cards and the trick will be deceptive even for many illusionists, but above all its impact on the audience is devastating.

Two spectators are asked to take a card and put them unseen in their pockets. The magician explains that, under these conditions, it is obviously extremely difficult to be able to identify the cards. Nevertheless, and in order to demonstrate to the public the uncommon...

★★★★★ $15
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Biagio Fasano
Remote Couples ESPeriment by Biagio Fasano

This is a new mentalism effect, that can be performed also at distance (i.e. with Zoom, Skype or Google Meet), in which the illusionist will always be able to guess the ESP symbol shown on a pair of cards kept covered by the spectator's hands, following a series of random shuffles and flipping of the cards.

Key Points:

  1. Completely "hands-off"
  2. Easy and ideal to perform in any situation, including a phone call or a video chat (Zoom, Google Meet, etc.)
  3. The performer does not need to see the cards until the end of the experiment
  4. The cards are not marked in any way, the spectator can even...
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Biagio Fasano
Red Code (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Immaginate che uno spettatore mescoli liberamente un mazzo di carte, poi prenda a caso 4 carte e tra queste decida liberamente quale scegliere. L’assistente consegna nella mano destra della medium, rimasta per tutto il tempo voltata di spalle, le tre carte rimaste ed ella, studiandole per pochi istanti, saprà indovinare la carta scelta. Non solo ma, ripetendo l’esperimento con un secondo spettatore, indovinerà la carta dopo la semplice lettura delle tre carte scartate da parte del suo assistente!

Si tratta di un’idea originale, da me sviluppata, per permettere all’assistente del...

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Biagio Fasano
Red Code by Biagio Fasano

Imagine that a spectator freely shuffles a deck of cards, then randomly picks any 4 cards and from them freely decides which one to choose. The assistant delivers into the right hand of the medium, whose back was turned the whole time, the three remaining cards, and she, studying them for a few moments, will be able to guess the chosen card. Not only that but, repeating the experiment with a second spectator, she will guess the chosen card after simply having the three discarded cards announced by her assistant.

This is an original idea, developed by me, to enable the magician's assistant...

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Biagio Fasano
R.E.A.C.T. Reloaded (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un effetto di Mentalismo, possibile anche a distanza (in video chat o anche solo al telefono), in cui riuscirete incredibilmente ad indovinare al termine dell'esperimento dove si trovi la carta pensata dallo spettatore tra quattro da lui scelte liberamente, nonostante non vediate mai le carte ne sappiate se abbia mentito o meno rispondendo alle tre semplici domande che gli porrete!

Punti chiave:

  • Semplice e divertente da performare in qualsiasi situazione, inclusa la telefonata a distanza
  • Non richiede alcuno sforzo di memoria
  • Un metodo visivo ed immediato consente sempre all'esecutore...
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Biagio Fasano
R.E.A.C.T. Reloaded by Biagio Fasano

A mentalism effect, also possible at a distance (in video chat or just on the telephone), in which you will incredibly succeed to guess, at the end of the experiment, where the card thought by the spectator is found among four ones freely chosen by him, even though you will never see the cards and never know if he decided to lie or not when answering the three simple questions you will ask him.

Key points:

  • Simple and fun to perform in any situation, including remote phone call
  • It does not require any memory effort
  • A visual and immediate method always allows the performer to identify...
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