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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Erik Jan Hanussen
Meine Lebenslinie by Erik Jan Hanussen

Autobiographie von Hermann Steinschneider, aka Erik Jan Hanussen, Hitler's Hellseher der 1933 von der SS ermordet wurde.

"Der Gerichtshof glaubt aussprechen zu dürfen, daß der Angeklagte über rätselhafte Geisteskräfte verfügt, denn ihre Wirkung wird von zahlreichen glaubwürdigen Zeugen bestätigt." - Aus der Begründung des Freispruchs im Leitmeritzer Hellseher-Prozeß

Vom Vorwort:

Die Erlebnisse eines Menschen, der immer hart an der Grenze des Wahrscheinlichen stand, dessen bizarres Leben - wie ein Wiener Schriftsteller sagte - sich immer zwischen Gaukelei und tieferer Bedeutung...

Fred van Thom
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 10: Entertainment aus der hohlen Hand by Fred van Thom

Ein Unterhaltungsprogram ohne aufwendige Requisiten.

Von der Einleitung:

Als besonders bequemer Zeitgenosse bin ich ständig auf der Suche nach möglichst rationellen Lösungen, um mit dem geringsten Aufwand den größtmöglichen Effekt zu erziehlen. Warum soll ich mich mit einem großen Aufwand an Requisiten abmühen, wenn das Publikum auch auf einfachere Weise gut unterhalten werden kann?

  • Zusammenstellung Der Requisiten
  • Einleitung
  • Auftrittsbild
  • Programm
  • 1. Spazierstock Verschwindet Aus Zeitung
  • 2. Restaurierung Eines Zerschnittenen Seiles
  • 3. Zauberei Aus Ostfriesland
  • 4. Teleportation...
★★★★ $0
Dave Arch
Squeaky Monte by Dave Arch

After being inspired by the YouTube videos where a chimpanzee or dog shows amazement at the performance of a magic trick, the magician tells the story of a magic trick he created for his dog. The audience plays the role of the dog as the magician shows that one of the dog toys squeaks while two do not. He then mixes the three and although the audience is sure they followed the squeaking toy, they are fooled multiple times even when the magician takes pity and reduces the number of toys down to only two. Once you've purchased three rubber squeaky dog toys it'll take you less than a minute to...

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof November 2018 by Brian T. Lees
  • Second Booking
  • Olive the Reindeer
  • Off-Season Maintenance
  • Sponge Magic
  • Business Plan
  • What is Back Stage Magic?
  • Magicians Miss Opportunities

1st edition 2018, 10 pages.

Lewis Ganson
The Immaculate Card Magic of Walt Lees by Lewis Ganson

Four superb card routines.

From the introduction:

It has been my pleasure to have seen Walt Lees perform his magic on many occasions and each time, the result has been very, very impressive. A quiet unassuming chap sat down, took out a pack of cards and within moments, had his audience spellbound.


When we were discussing the composition of this book, I nominated those tricks which I would like to have and Walt readily and generously agreed to their inclusion. That I had selected just a few, is due to the need for conforming to the size and format of the books in this 'Teach-In'...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Pasteboard Revelations by Paul A. Lelekis

These professional routines are real workers. You can make a living off these 7 effects. The Poker Deal within this e-book is worth twice the price of this e-book. It is absolutely simple to do.

Included with this e-book are 8 videos, explaining every move of these fantastic routines, making them easy to follow.

Here are the contents:

WOW! - Learn a "trade secret"! Paul has fooled every magician he's shown this to. A shuffled deck is found separated into reds and blacks - the selection is found amongst the half of the opposite color. The final shuffle is performed very openly and the...

★★★★★ $5
Will Goldston
More Modern Card Tricks by Will Goldston

From the introduction:

If the vote of magicians and their men audiences could be taken there is no doubt that card tricks would come out on top as the most popular tricks in the world. Go where you will, you can be certain of finding a pack of cards, and with these in his hands a finished performer can entertain an audience for hours. Therefore, I am inclined to think that "More Modern Card Tricks" will have a warm welcome from my readers.

I have included a number of original tricks in this section and some which, although not entirely new, are not generally known. I would specially point...

Will Goldston
Modern Card Tricks Without Apparatus by Will Goldston

Here you will find more than 50 card tricks including easy as well as difficult ones. The book includes a number of tricks from other prominent books. For example, we find tricks borrowed from Erdnase's Expert at the Card Table, and the last section is a partial translation of Kartenkünste by Ottokar Fischer.

From the introduction:

An interesting little story is told by one of the old French kings. He asked a courtier to join in a game of cards. "Sire," replied the courtier, "I do not play cards." The king shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Then you are preparing for yourself a sad old age."

There is truth in this dictum even at...

Dave Arch
Scientific Cold Reading 3 by Dave Arch

On any given day I can feel like I'm on top of the world ... or I can feel like the world is on top of me. Maintaining belief in their worthiness to be loved is arguably among the greatest challenges facing every person. In this substantive release, you'll learn to draw in a simple picture a proven strategy for managing what can be an emotional roller coaster for many. Your picture will then lay the groundwork for the person with whom you're visiting to open up regarding their own fluctuating feelings of self worth.

1st edition 2018, PDF 4 pages, video 3 min.

★★★★ $21
Carlos Emesqua
Emesqua on Playing Cards by Carlos Emesqua

In this new work from the underground man that we call Carlos Emesqua you will learn direct mentalism and psychic entertainment done with an ungimmicked, regular pack of playing cards.

Emesqua on Playing Cards is a treatise of effective, simple and powerful routines that you can do with any deck in use, although we recommend the beautiful Provot Deck, which will offer unique aesthetics and inherent mystery.

For years, Carlos was able to create a reputation as real psychic and psychic entertainer using these routines. Learn them and you will be able to offer realistic moments of mystery...

Claude Alexander Conlin
Dr. Q's Want Ad Test by Claude Alexander Conlin

Here's Alexander's own method of a stage mentalism feat that borders on genuine clairvoyance. You, too, can be "The Man Who Knows!"

A spectator selects a page of classified ads from among several in the newspaper and perhaps a hundred individual ads are cut out. Half a dozen spectators assist by folding the ads in half and placing them on a tray or table. From among the ads, thirteen are selected at random (a true free choice) and each is inserted into a standard drug or coin envelope and sealed. Note that the performer does not assist in the folding, inserting or sealing operation.


★★★★ $5
Dave Arch
The Oracle Board by Dave Arch

As a cousin of the Ouija Board, this little known tool will randomly and mystically deliver one of five different messages to your spectator. The best part is that once you understand the formula for laying out the board (through the accompanying instructions), you'll be able to customize the five phrases on the reproducible board you receive in this package in any language you choose. Designed by a professional graphic artist The Oracle Board you receive to print out certainly looks the part of an ancient divining tool.

1st edition 2018, 2 pages.

Erik Jan Hanussen
Das Gedankenlesen (Telepathie) by Erik Jan Hanussen

Eine hervorragende Anleitung zum Muskellesen. Im Anhang beschreibt Hanussen auch mehrer Mental-Trick Methoden wie den Zweipersonen-Code, Buchtestmethoden, das "one-ahead" Prinzip, Durchschrifttechnik, ua.

  • Einleitung für das Gesamtwerk.
  • 1. Lektion. Was ist Telepathie?
    • Zur Geschichte des Gedankenlesens, ihrer Entwicklung und Literatur
    • Telepathie und Polizei
  • 2. Lektion. Das Muskellesen.
  • 3. Lektion. Experiment und Experimentator.
    • A. Die Disposition des Experimentators
    • B. Die Eignung des Mediums.
    • C. Die Art der gestellten Aufgabe.
  • 4. Lektion. Fragenlogik.
  • 5. Lektion. Vorübungen. ...
Eckhard Böttcher
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 9: Mein Kartenprogramm by Eckhard Böttcher

Vom Vorwort:

Die hier beschriebenen Karteneffekte sind schon seit Jahren fester Bestandteil in meinem Programm. Sie sind äußerst effektvoll und sehr visuell. Dabei kommen keine komplizierten Grifftechniken zur Anwendung, sondern vielmehr stehen psychologische Finessen im Vordergrund.

  • Vorwort
  • Rot — blau — rot
  • Herz—As—Story
  • Svengali-Routine
  • Anhang: Hindu-Shuffle

Erstausgabe 1989, 19 Seiten; erste digitale Ausgabe 2018, 19 Seiten.

Aldo Colombini
Tra La Via Emilia E Il West by Aldo Colombini

Eccoti una sensazionale e unica grande raccolta di giochi con le carte del Grande Maestro . I trucchi che qui Aldo ha raccolto sono per la stragrande maggioranza diversi da quelli che si trovano negli altri suoi lavori. Se conosci Aldo Colombini sai che stiamo parlando di materiale eccellente e commerciale: ottimi effetti ottenuti con metodi semplici e astuti. Questa è una delle più grandi opere prodotte da Aldo. Ti basti pensare che in questo volume di 56 grandi pagine formato A4 sono raccolti e spiegarti con chiarezza circa 50 giochi e routines con le carte!

Dall’introduzione : “...

Walt Lees
More Professional Card Tricks by Walt Lees

Everything I raved about for Four Professional Card Tricks from the Repertoire of Walt Lees is true for this one, too. Four great routines, explained in minute detail so that you do not only know what to do, but also how to do it, and biting self-deprecating humor that it is a joy to read. One other benefit this ebook has is that the photos are of much better quality.

  • Foreword
  • Matchochism
  • Another Departure
  • Hofzinser/Jennings
  • Crazy, Mixed-Up Poker
  • A Shank Shuffle Technique

1st edition 1981, 37 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 60 pages.

Brick Tilley
Ball and Cone by Brick Tilley

This is a much later version of Slydini's classic routine cut down to a length more suited to today's short audience attention span. Any unnecessary moves have been eliminated. The sequence is written for right hand performers.

You will also receive a video with further explanations and demonstrations.

1st edition 2018, 3 pages + video

Burling Hull
Master Sleights with Billiard Balls by Burling Hull

A series of original sleights with miniature billiard balls including an explanation of the author's ball stand and vanishing apparatus, and a thirty minute manipulative act.

Owing to the remarkable increase in the popularity of experiments with Miniature Billiard Balls, since the publication of “Expert Billiard Ball Manipulation,” and to the frequently expressed wish that I might have something further on this subject to offer Manipulative Artists, I have been induced to delay the publication of the next volume of the series and give preference to a supplementary volume of original ball...

Quality Magic by Okito

From the Foreword:

This is my first book on Magic, and it will probably be my last, because its contents are the result of my life’s work.

All the sleights and tricks explained in this book have been worked by me; therefore I know they are practical. One often hears of tricks which seem to be very good theoretically, but which turn out to be anything but good when one tests them by a private rehearsal.

  • Foreword
  • The Bambergs
  • Sleights
    • Thimble Sleights
    • Coin Sleights
    • Billiard Ball Sleights
    • Playing Card Sleights
    • Cigar Manipulation
  • Card Tricks
    • Okito's Card Mystery
    • The Envelope...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 82 (September 2018) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 14, No. 4, September 2018; 60 pages
Cover: Ryan Schlutz

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. The Life of Ryan Schlutz - cover article/interview
  5. In The Phonebox with Alyson Hannigan
  6. Three Simple Steps: How to Super Charge Your Performance - Keith Fields
  7. A Dip Into ... A Wealthy Magician - book review by Mark Leveridge
  8. It's Magicseen Bingo - Shahid Malik
  9. Masterclass
    1. Wrongly Convicted - Ryan Schlutz
    2. Ten Green Bottles - John Archer
  10. One-Liners
  11. Lookalikes!
  12. The Real Hogwarts: Gerry Cottle's Circus and Magic School in Somerset - Bob...
Hans-Peter Juling
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 8: Die Daumenfesselung by Hans-Peter Juling

Vom Vorwort:

Die hier beschriebene Methode ist kaum bekannt, wer sie jemals erfunden hat, entzieht sich meiner Kenntnis. Ich selbst habe sie 1969 von einem Zauberer erlernt, der heute leider nicht mehr lebt. Damals habe ich seine Vorführung vor Hotelgästen gesehen und mir nach jeder Durchdringung der Reifen die Augen gerieben. Er benutzte insgesamt sieben Reifen. Meine Routine beinhaltet nur drei und das genügt auch völlig.

  • Vorwort
  • Der Zuschauer Und Sie
  • Effektaufbau
  • Inszenierung
  • Die Requisiten
  • Das Geheimnis
  • Vortrag
  • Schlussbemerkungen

Erstausgabe 1983; erste digitale Ausgabe...

★★★★ $3
Jimmy Muir
Laugh Lines 3 by Jimmy Muir

You wanted more ... and Jimmy delivered. Here's the third hilarious installment in the Laugh Lines series, with even more jokes, gags, comic observations, one-liners and opening monologues for magicians, emcees, comedians and other entertainers.

Jimmy Muir was acknowledged by many of magic's greats as the funniest guy on the planet. Whether it was performing at a huge national convention or emceeing the floor show at his San Francisco hotel, Jimmy's material was always top notch.

The original Laugh Lines booklets are sadly out of print and jealously hoarded by magicians and comedians....

★★★★ $3
Jimmy Muir
Laugh Lines 2 by Jimmy Muir

The hilarious follow-up to Volume One of Laugh Lines. Here's a second hysterical collection of patter, gags, one-liners and opening monologues for magicians, emcees and other entertainers.

Jimmy Muir was acknowledged by many of magic's greats as the funniest guy on the planet. Whether it was performing at a huge national convention or emceeing the floor show at his San Francisco hotel, Jimmy's material was always top notch. The original Laugh Lines booklets are sadly out of print and jealously hoarded by magicians and comedians. Individual volumes are hard to come by—especially the later...

★★★★★ $4
Jimmy Muir
Laugh Lines 1 by Jimmy Muir

The book that started it all. Introducing Laugh Lines, a hysterical collection of patter, gags, one-liners and opening monologues for magicians, emcees and other entertainers.

Jimmy Muir was acknowledged by many of magic's greats as the funniest guy on the planet. Whether it was performing at a huge national convention or emceeing the floor show at his San Francisco hotel, Jimmy's material was always top notch. The original Laugh Lines booklets are sadly out of print and jealously hoarded by magicians and comedians. Individual volumes are hard to come by—especially the later volumes, which...

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