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Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 10 (June 1922 - October 1923) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. The Magical Bulletin – Volume 10, Number 1 – June, 1922 – 16 pages
  2. Visit from Film Land
  3. Magical Clubs Directory
  4. Editorial and notes
  5. Los Angeles Magicians’ Challenge to Sir A. Conan Doyle
  6. magic note re: Elsie Janis and her “Gang” (incl. Dorney)
  7. magic note re: Southern California Edison Company
  8. Magical Mirth – C. H. Tickell
  9. ”Laugh Lines in Ledgerdemain” – George Schulte
  10. The Siamese Matrimonial Bands – A. F. Bowen
  11. The Coffee Cups – Oscar Brown
  12. The Los Angeles Society of Magicians – T. W. McGrath
  13. Challenge Box, Rod and Ring Mystery – Patter - Herbert M....
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 9 (January 1921 - May 1922) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 9, Number 1 - January, 1921 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - A. H. Shirk
  3. Editorial and notes
  4. cover photo article - A. H. Shirk
  5. A Tribute - to Trewey - Harry Kellar
  6. Trewey - poem - Adam Hull Shirk
  7. Literature
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic Wand - December
    • Felsman's Magical Review - December
    • Hutchinson's Chronicle - December
    • The Magic World - December
    • The Astrological Bulletin
    • The Magic Art - Donald Holmes
  8. magic note re: E. F. Rybolt
  9. Magician Bell Chased by South Sea Cannibals - David Bell
  10. Magical Dreams of Tomorrow - Adam Hull Shirk ...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 8 (1920) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. The Magical Bulletin - Volume 8, Number 1 - January, 1920 - 16 pages
  2. cover photo - H. Kellar & F. Trewey
  3. Editorial
  4. cover photo article - Two Deans of Prestidigitation - Adam Hull Shirk
  5. note re: Edward H. Philbrook
  6. Conquering a Handicap - Preston Langley Hickey
  7. The Menace of Exposure - Edward H. Philbrook
  8. Literature
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic Wand - December
    • Felsman's Magical Review - third issue
    • Maddock's Magic Searchlight - December
    • Revelations
    • Passez Muscade (France)
    • Wilford Hutchinson's Conjurers' Chronicle
    • Billboard
  9. Hoffmann's "Concentration...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 7 (1919) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VII, Number 1 - January, 1919 - 12 pages
  2. A Series of Essays on Magic Culture - A Series - Oscar S. Teale
    • Magic - Then and Now
  3. Editorial
  4. A thimble Move - Geo. W. Catlin
  5. Old Tricks in New Clothes - T. J. Crawford
    • The Cigarette Papers
  6. Penetrative Coin - Charles C. Arras
  7. magic notes
  8. Magicians Patter (Contributed)
    • "A Mirror Casket, Die and Flag Combination" _ Frederick F. Furman
  9. Patter Tips By De Lawrence
  10. Literature
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic World - December
    • The Billboard
    • Holmes' Magical Notes and Comments...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 6 (1918) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume VI, Number 1 - January, 1918 - 12 pages
  2. cover photo/article - Thayer's New Magical Palace - A Corner of the Display Room
  3. Editorial
  4. News and Notes
  5. Grand Magic Festival - Los Angeles Magicians' Club and Opening of Thayer's Magical Palace
  6. An Easy Card Force - Maxwell Chamberlin
  7. Paper Finger Manipulation - Kenneth Still
  8. An Experiment in So-Called Psychromotism - Alexander
  9. The Pipes of Japan - G. C. Bowen
  10. Literature
    • Holmes' Magical Notes - December
    • The Sphinx - December
    • Eagle Magician - December
    • The M.U.M.
    • Magicians in Minneapolis private publication...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 5 (1917) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume V, Number 1 - January, 1917 - 7 pages
  2. The Burned and Restored Turban - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - Prof. Harry Cooke
  4. Editorial
  5. A Lemon Trick - The Great Alexander
  6. Good Chosen Card Stunt - Sam Bennett
  7. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Conjuror's Touch
  8. Publicus Curiositas - G. F. Schulte
  9. News and Notes
  10. Literature
    • Talks for Tricks - G. F. Schulte
    • Pictorial Review - January
    • The Sphinx - December
    • The Magic Wand - October & November
    • The Eagle Magician - December
    • The Breeze - weekly - E. E. Meredith
  11. Chats...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 4 (1916) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume IV, Number 1 - January, 1916 - 6 pages
  2. Quality First Magic - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising
  3. cover photo/article - S. S. Henry
  4. Editorial
  5. The Balanced Coin - De Vega
  6. The Top Card - Sam Bennett
  7. magical notes
  8. More Magic by Christianer
    • The Paper Napkin and Ring
  9. The Stabbed Card - Marco
  10. News and Notes
  11. The Old Linking Rings - T. J. Crawford
  12. An Improvement - re: Twentieth Century Handkerchief Trick - E. E. Duryee
  13. magical notes

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume IV, Number 2 - February, 1916 - 6 pages
  2. The Psychic Ball - Chicago Magic Co. - advertising ...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 3 (1915) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume III, Number 1 - January, 1915 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorial
  4. Shop Notes
  5. limerick
  6. How I Work the Dyeing Tube - P. B. DesRochers (Mysti)
  7. The Mystic Fluid
  8. A Coin Move
  9. The Little Wanderer - Frank Holmes
  10. Comedy Glove Opening

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume III, Number 2 - February, 1915 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorial
  4. The Pacific Coast Society of Magicians - H. Syril Dusenbery
  5. more magical notes
  6. Sense of Touch
  7. Shop Notes
  8. The Hindoo Turban Trick
  9. A New Color Change - H. Syril Dusenbery

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume III, Number 3 - March, 1915 -...
Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 2 (July - December 1914) by Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume II, Number 1 - July, 1914 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorials
  4. My First Magic Table
  5. more magical notes
  6. An Improvement - Christianer

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume II, Number 2 - August, 1914 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorials
  4. A Simple Fire Flash
  5. Handy Thumb Screw Fastener
  6. Hat and Cane - Marco
  7. Some Fifty Dent Gems of Woodcraft - advertising
  8. Another Sample of Satisfaction - The Great Alexander
  9. The Knocker - poem - F.G.T.
  10. more magical notes

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume II, Number 3 - September, 1914 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorials
  4. Pacific Coast...
Louis F. Christianer & Floyd Gerald Thayer
Magical Bulletin Volume 1 (January - June 1914) by Louis F. Christianer & Floyd Gerald Thayer
  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume I, Number 1 - January, 1914 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorials
  4. A Good Card Gag
  5. Suggestions
  6. A Billet Test
  7. Mystic Bran and Ring
  8. Acknowledgements - Thayer & Christianer

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume I, Number 2 - February, 1914 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorials
  4. The "Perfecto" Black Art Table - H. Syril Dusenbery
  5. Notice
  6. Wanted
  7. For Sale
  8. The Changing Bag
  9. Card, Orange and Dove

  1. Magical Bulletin - Volume I, Number 3 - March, 1914 - 4 pages
  2. Magical Notes
  3. Editorials
  4. Thanks For This
  5. The Pacific Coast Society of Magicians - H. Syril Dusenbery
  6. A Tip...
Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 84 (January 2019) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 14, No. 6, January 2019; 60 pages
Cover: Alan Hudson

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. Contents
  3. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  4. One Liners to Cheer You Up!
  5. Ricky Jay Remembered, From The Wings: An Assistant's Thoughts On The Late Magician - Chris Klimek
  6. In The Phonebox with Don Johnson
  7. Masterclass
    1. Deck Flip Aces - Chiam Yu Sheng
    2. Trans Post-It - Fritz Alkemade
  8. Performance Contracts & Cancellation Clauses - Are they worth the trouble - Mark Leveridge
  9. Advertorial - Getting the Balance Right
    • Competition Time!
  10. Show A Bit Of Character - excerpt from "Be More Funny!"...
Mailáth Agoston
Der Zauberkünstler auf der Höhe der Zeit by Mailáth Agoston

Ein Zyklus effektvollster Salonpiècen für Dilettanten und Künstler. Erklärung der neuesten Taschenspieler- und Kartenkunststücke, von jedermann ohne Kenntnis besonderer Kunstgriffe ausführbar. Mit 50 Illustration. Anhang: Die Geheimnisse der Falschspieler.

  • Einleitung
  • I. Magische Salonpiècen.
    • Das Verschwinden der Handschuhe.
    • Einer Person aus dem Auditorium den Zauberstab in den Mund zu schieben.
    • Die wunderbare Verwandlung.
    • Die Wunder-Tüte.
    • Die wunderbare Eiervermehrung.
    • Das verschwundene Geldstück.
    • Ein brennendes Talglicht zu verzehren.
    • Körper-Magnetismus.
    • Das schnelle...
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 22: Meine drei besten Kartenroutinen by Punx

Vom Vorwort:

Wenn man eine Routine 50 Jahre lang immer wieder vorführt, dann muß sie gut sein, und wenn sie es nicht ist, dann wird sie in Tausenden von Vorführungen gut.

  • Vorwort
  • Der 2-Männertrick
  • 12 Karten Durch Den Ärmel
  • Kartensteiger Nach Victor

Erstausgabe 1985, 24 Seiten; erste digitale Ausgabe 2019, 24 Seiten.

Aldo Colombini
I Tre Orsacchiotti by Aldo Colombini

Le belle routines per bambini piccoli non sono molte . In questo introvabile e raro libretto che risale agli albori della sua vita artistica il grande Aldo ci mostra l’Arte di prendere un vecchio classico trucco e trasformarlo in un eccellente routine per bambini. Si tratta del classico gioco delle tre corde disuguali che divengono uguali e viceversa.

La routine, adatta ad un pubblico di scuola materna e scuola elementare, è completa di tutto lo svolgimento e della divertente presentazione che ne fa, come Aldo stesso dice, oro puro nelle mani di un artista. Poche pagine ma di grande valore....

Aldo Colombini
Corde 2 by Aldo Colombini

Due routines che possono essere un numero intero. Niente da trasportare. Niente tavolino. Entri in scena con tutto in tasca. Due corde e un foulard ..ed il pubblico è tuo. Finalmente di nuovo disponibile questo introvabile volumetto di Aldo.

Routine con una corda: l'artista mostra un pezzo di corda con un nodo al centro. Il nodo è tagliato e le due corde annodate. Il nodo scorre lungo la corda e poi viene staccato lasciando la corda intera. Le due estremità della corda sono annodate e il centro viene tagliato: ancora la corda diventa intera!

Tre effetti diversi su due “corde tagliate...

Aldo Colombini
Alle Carte T' Alleni Li Nella Tetra Cella by Aldo Colombini

17 routines cartomagiche di grande impatto, facili da eseguire.

Questo libro di Aldo Colombini, il quinto della serie “Cartomagia commerciale”, contiene delle splendide routines alcune delle quali sono dei veri reputation maker. La descrizione che segue, per ragioni di spazio, non rende giustizia ai bellissimi effetti che trovate svelati e descritti con la solita dovizia in questo libro. Le meraviglie cominciano già con il titolo che è una frase palindroma ( si può leggere sia da sinistra a destra che da destra a sinistra…) per proseguire poi, dopo un introduzione di John Bannon,...

★★★★ $10
Dave Arch
Water Wizardry by Dave Arch

This offering represents a small part of my passionate journey to document just how much entertaining magic can be created with two paper sacks, a bottle of water, and a paper cup. I would feel badly having simple ideas like this one get lost over time under a growing pile of more expensive gimmicks, books, and DVD's. In furtherance of this quest of mine, please also visit my new monthly column Craft Store Magic in The Linking Ring magazine where I document ideas for turning your local craft store into your very own local brick and mortar magic store.

1st edition 2019, length 7 min

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof February 2019 by Brian T. Lees
  • Privacy Policy
  • Take It or Leave It Magic
  • The 80/20 Rules
  • Insurance
  • Affordable Conventions
  • Magic Trunk
  • Can You Work Without Your Tricks?
  • Sponge Care
  • Over Practice

1st edition 2019, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $4
Telepathic Coin Triangle by Armandi

A subtle principle that allows you to guess the colors of the spots hidden under three borrowed coins. Print yourself the provided picture and you are immediately ready to perform.

From Holland comes this superb close up mental magic miracle invented by one of the cleverest magical inventors, Armandi. You show a square sheet of paper on which is printed a triangle with a surrounding ring. At the points of the triangle are different colored spots. Give the sheet to a spectator and turn your back. Instruct him to put the paper on the table with the picture face up. With the square lying on...

Milbourne Christopher
More Tips On Tricks by Milbourne Christopher

Pro magician and author Milbourne Christopher reveals even more favorite tips, ideas, gags, patter and effects from his own shows. Get extra mileage from the magic effects you already own.

This ebook picks up from where his earlier book, Tips on Tricks, leaves off - with no duplication of material. Just practical, tested material for any performer. At this low price, we think it's one of the finest values in magic today.

"One of the most practical brochures on magic I've ever seen. 'More Tips on Tricks' is crammed with material which has obviously been performance tested." - Wm. W. Larsen, Sr.

"A fine volume full...

Raphaël Czaja
Spelling Butterfly by Raphaël Czaja

A multi-prediction spelling effect with an unexpected climax!

EFFECT: The magician introduces a stack of predictions to demonstrate the spectator and him are connected through their favorite playing card.

Using a regular deck, the spectator combines the suit and the value of two selections to create a playing card only known to him. Then, he mentally spells its name as the magician deals one card for each letter. He stops him at the last letter/card which is turned face up: The 2♣. The magician spells out the 2♣ to get to another card and so on, until he runs out of cards. The face-up...

Norman Hoole & J. J. Shepherd
Original Magical Novelties by Norman Hoole & J. J. Shepherd

A Selection of novel magical problems from the repertoires of Norman Hoole and J. J. Shepherd: "All the items have been presented in public with success, which fact speaks more than pages of self-recommendation."

  • Rainbow Ribbons
  • A Useful Suggestion
  • The Flight
  • A Novel Production
  • Mirrors Of Mystery
  • Merely Illusive
  • A Visible Transit
  • Cameos In Cambric
  • A Financial Catastrophe
  • The Fourth Assistant
  • The Pass Superseded
  • Silk And Sorcery
  • A Little Surprise
  • Paper-Gate Castle
  • The "N. H." Wine & Water Problem

1st edition 1921, 24 pages; PDF 22 pages.

Bernard Carton
Conjuring for Connoisseurs by Bernard Carton
  • Foreword
  • Useful Tables
  • Two Flag Tricks
  • The Vice Versa Candles
  • A Soaples Case
  • Bouquet Production
  • A Useful Accessory for the Okito Tumbler
  • The Magic of Millinery
  • A Box for Vanishing, Exchanging, or Producing
  • Novel Wand Production
  • A Rag Picture Combination
  • A Card Banner
  • Palming a Coin
  • The Magic Drinks
  • Cigar and Candle
  • The Hole in the Stocking
  • Fire Flashes

1st edition 1921, 32 pages; PDF 22 pages.

★★★★ $60
Wesley James
I'll Pass by Wesley James

Wesley James has been seriously analyzing, studying, and improving the Pass for well over 50 years. In this volume his efforts are fully revealed for the first time.

When other magicians, even experts, have witnessed Wesley perform many of his treatments of the Pass, they've been incredulous. They simply can't believe the Pass, any Pass, can be as invisible as they are in Wesley's hands. Now, in this large volume, you can learn these invisible, indetectable Passes, as well as the most deceptive Shifts that can be performed at the card table, including the legendary "Ping Pong Shift."


Displaying 3511 to 3534 (of 10446 products)
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