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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Ventriloquism in French (français) Instruction Sheets Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Magic For the Millions by unknown

How to do magic easily and quickly, including illusions, stage magic, parlor magic, sleight-of-hand, and party stunts.

From the Foreword:

The Author of Magic For the Millions is a retired magician of many years experience as a professional showman, entertainer, writer, compiler and creator of humor. He lets us peek into the mysteries of magic; he regales us with a lot of new party stunts; he tells us what to do to amuse guests at the dinner table.

  • Sawing a Pretty Girl in Halves
  • The Famous Mail Bag Escape
  • Escape from a Paper Sack
  • Madam Spoof, Mind Reader
  • The...
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Werner Miller
Ad Rem 6 by Werner Miller

Mathematische Sonderheiten ausgenützt um zu verblüffen, vergessene Trickprinzipien, und ander Gustostückerln.

[Die Effekte überlappen sich zum Großteil mit der Englischen Sub Rosa Serie.


  • Ein brach liegendes Trickprinzip
  • Dunkle Persönlichkeitsseiten
  • Aug' um Aug'
  • (K)noblesse oblige
  • Vis-a-vis
  • Bei Bedarf "löchrig"
  • Binärer Zahlenkompass
  • Binärer Kartenkompass
  • Binärer Kartenwürfel
  • Abseits von Binär und Ternär
  • Es geht noch mehr!
  • Owlright
  • Vier Fragen
  • Sieben Fragen
  • "Bubenstück"
  • Alternat-IV-en
  • occhi-doki
  • Vari-8-ionen
  • Schwier16, aber machbar
  • Weniger kann mehr sein
  • Wie viele Ringe?
  • Die Probe aufs Exempel
  • ESPiatnik ...
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Robert A. Nelson
The Master Code by Robert A. Nelson

Positively the last word on two-person mentalism, allowing names, dates, personal effects, zodiac signs and much more to be quickly and effectively transmitted without the use of electronics or gimmicks.

Your audience will be spellbound as they witness your sensational and uncanny demonstrations of Mental Telepathy. Audience questions, personal articles, birth dates, zodiac signs and more are revealed by the on stage psychic. If you remember the mesmerizing nightclub performance by the suave mentalist in the motion picture "Nightmare Alley," then you've seen a sample of what a successful...

★★★★★ $15
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Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight
The Ready Reader by Anthony Nelmar Albino & Devin Knight

This ebook is part of Forbidden Knowledge.

This little-known system is unique and one of the best systems every developed for cold reading a person. This system was first released by Nelmar in the late 30s. The cool thing about this system is that no two readings are alike, yet, they are spot on and very accurate. Yes, that means if people compare notes afterward, they both will have non-similar readings that apply to them almost 100%.

This is not possible if you are using one of the Nelson stock readings, as with that method the reader memorizes a stock reading that applies to almost anyone and repeats...

★★★★★ $10
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Dave Arch
Giant Balloon Reindeer by Dave Arch

Ready to up your game beyond a pencil balloon animal . . . but don't have time to learn a complicated series of sculptures large enough for the platform or stage? Want a multi-phased balloon sculpture that plays well on stage and also serves equally well as a back-of-the-room sales piece? In spite of the fact that you only create one balloon reindeer as part of your show, no one in your audience needs be disappointed since they can purchase a kit (thoughtfully provided by you) with the necessary balloons and an instruction sheet that explains how to make one of the reindeers at home.


★★★★ $7
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Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 1: Entfesselt by Christian Scherer

Die Reihe «Im Fokus» von Christian Scherer

In dieser Reihe des bekannten Autors werden keine "Street Magic"-Kunststücke beschrieben, sondern Kunststücke mit starker Publikumswirkung für eher formale Vorstellungen im Close-up- und Salonbereich. Es handelt sich nicht um Puzzles, die man nach einmaligem Durchlesen vorführen kann. Für das Meistern guter Zauberkunst gibt es keine Abkürzungen. In den mit zahlreichen Illustrationen versehenen Beschreibungen mehr oder weniger bekannter Kunststücke und Variationen davon wird das Zusammenspiel von Präsentation, Technik und Misdirection erläutert....

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Jochen Zmeck
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 11: Kartenkassette by Jochen Zmeck

Jeder Magier hat eine. Anregungen für den Gebrauch der alten und neuen Kartenkassette.

  • Vorwort
  • Teil 1: Die Einfache Kartenkassette
    • 1. Die Restaurierte Karte
    • - Anmerkung Zur Restaurierten Karte
    • 2. Andere Effekte
    • - Forcieren - Kein Problem
    • - Die Geisterschrift
    • - Die Asche Bringt Es An Den Tag
    • - Die Wahrheit Liegt Im Salz
    • - Angenäht
    • 3. Die Verwendung Von Bildkarten
    • - Die Zersägte Jungfrau
    • - Houdini - Der Grosse Ausbrecher
    • - Uri Geller
    • 4. Die Entfernte Klappe
    • - Die Schrumpfende Karte
    • - Der Hintergedanke
    • 5. Eine Handvoll Ideen
    • - Zu Stark Geschüttelt
    • - Der...
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Brick Tilley
Inexhaustible Bag by Brick Tilley

Produce six multi-colored corsage-type flower boxes on ribbons from an empty paper bag. You will receive a PDF and two videos that will teach you the details.

1st edition 2018, 4 pages, 2 videos.

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Carlos Emesqua
Emesqua on PK by Carlos Emesqua

The underground Carlos Emesqua offers now in this new work a fantastic set of ideas for your repertoire the power of using PK also known as Psychokinesis. Realistic moments of mystery using natural objects, offering supernatural events. New approaches for bending, techniques, routines and more.

For years, Carlos was able to create a reputation as real Psychic and Psychic Entertainer using these routines. Learn them and you will be able to offer realistic moments of mystery

1. REAL PKMB: For the first time, you will learn the real secrets in doing metal bending as real psychic and not a...

★★★★ $21
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Abhinav Bothra
Stratagem by Abhinav Bothra

Stratagem is a 3 phase modular routine using a regular pack of playing cards. It is easy enough for a month old beginner and at the same time delivers an impact of an expert. Each phase of Stratagem stands on its own and at the same time builds upon the previous one.

Phase I (CAAN on Steroids) :: A crossbreed of 'Do As I Do' and 'Card At Any Number'. CAAN not just once but twice - once in the hands of the performer and the other time in the hands of the participant with zero sleights involved. Each time all the decisions are made by the participant.

Phase II (Remote Viewing) :: With your...

★★★★ $9.95
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Dave Arch
Scientific Cold Reading 4 by Dave Arch

Previous modules in this series have addressed personality traits (#1), relational drama (#2), and maintaining consistent feelings of self worth (#3). This release brings focus to the negative impact of worry in the client's life. As with Dave's previous releases, you'll draw a diagram for the client that will pictorially give him/her scientifically proven strategies for managing any anxiety s/he might be feeling.

By watching the video first you'll share in the experience that the client will have. By then reading the printed document you'll receive even more information to help you flesh...

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Brian T. Lees
Get the Second Booking by Brian T. Lees

Competition for performances today is more intense than it every was. Organizations are comparing information on large numbers of performers. Loyalty remains. But being the previous entertainer, only for the reason he/she worked it before, is not always the hiring factor. Individuals/agents are now looking beyond the cost. The non-documented elements are starting to carry a lot more weight in the hiring decision.

A dear friend once said that it is better to position yourself to be hired over and over, then to make one deposit and never perform again. That statement carries a lot of weight....

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Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Unmöglich Gefaltet 1 by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

Erklärt werden:

  • Übertragen der Muster
  • "Falltür" (Trapdoor Fold)
  • "V" Faltung"
  • Beispiel zur Anwendung beider Methoden
  • Geflochtene Pyramide
  • Gewebte Geldscheine
  • Geldschein ohne Mitte ( Inside-out)

Erstausgabe 2018, Dauer: 44 Minuten

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MP4 (video)

Mark Leveridge
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 4 by Mark Leveridge

The final volume of Mark's Collected Card Magic series builds on the previous three volumes and finishes strongly with 10 excellent varied effects for close up, stand up and mentalism.

Impossible - a really baffling routine in which two selected cards lost in the centre of two separate decks, magically swap places while the packs are still in their boxes. No re-set, this can be done in walkabout or in a close up/parlour show.

The Invisible Deck Routine - Mark's classic take on the well known plot, but in which no real deck is ever used. A spectator selects any card from an 'invisible'...

★★★★★ $16
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Gene Grant
Phantini's Contact by Gene Grant

There was something peculiar about Dora, who lived in the old mansion at the top of the hill. Some say she could communicate with the dead and make humans do things against their will. Others swore she could read thoughts and that no secret was safe from her inquisitive and prying mind. Dora, now seated and blindfolded upon the dais, is about to demonstrate her strange powers...

Here are six mind-numbing mental demonstrations from the one and only Phantini. Contact is a two-person mental routine that doesn't rely on any verbal code. Truth be told, many of the demonstrations can be performed...

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Martin Breese
Martin Breese Catalog by Martin Breese

This is a very nice catalog designed by David Britland and additional illustrations by Max Maven, Eric Mason and JAT. Products are grouped in the following sections:

  • Tricks
  • Miscellaneous
  • Audio Tapes
  • Video Tapes
  • Books

1st edition 1984; PDF 87 pages.

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Percy Abbott
Abbott Magic Catalog #14 by Percy Abbott

This catalog #14 is for whatever reason less common than the other Abbott catalogs. It included a tipped in sheet advertising six Robert Orben books.

86 pages.

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Devin Knight
The Hustle by Devin Knight

A great little trick/bet you can learn in just a few minutes and you are always ready to stump someone. The effect can be done with cards, matches or coins. The twelve objects are laid out in three horizontal rows. The object of the game is that the person left with the last item to pick up loses the game. You only play this game with one person at a time. The rules are simple. The player can only take from one row at a time. Take as many as you wish from either the first, second or third row, but you cannot pick from different rows until your next turn. Either you or the spectator can start...

★★★★ $4
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Ken de Courcy
Easy Everywhere and Nowhere by Ken de Courcy

"Everywhere and Nowhere" is a classic plot which, due to the difficulties in performance, is rarely seen. The original version calls for exceptional aptitude in card-changes which are not the easiest sleights to do well. Here is a new method utilizing a well-known fake pack that surely you already have, used in an undetectable way. This routine brings "Everywhere and Nowhere" within the range of everybody. Give it that and you'll have a trick that will amaze and entertain both laymen and magicians.


A card is selected from a pack, then returned and the deck is cut a number of times...

★★★★ $5
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Erik Jan Hanussen
Meine Lebenslinie by Erik Jan Hanussen

Autobiographie von Hermann Steinschneider, aka Erik Jan Hanussen, Hitler's Hellseher der 1933 von der SS ermordet wurde.

"Der Gerichtshof glaubt aussprechen zu dürfen, daß der Angeklagte über rätselhafte Geisteskräfte verfügt, denn ihre Wirkung wird von zahlreichen glaubwürdigen Zeugen bestätigt." - Aus der Begründung des Freispruchs im Leitmeritzer Hellseher-Prozeß

Vom Vorwort:

Die Erlebnisse eines Menschen, der immer hart an der Grenze des Wahrscheinlichen stand, dessen bizarres Leben - wie ein Wiener Schriftsteller sagte - sich immer zwischen Gaukelei und tieferer Bedeutung...

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Fred van Thom
Magisches Spezialthema Nr. 10: Entertainment aus der hohlen Hand by Fred van Thom

Ein Unterhaltungsprogram ohne aufwendige Requisiten.

Von der Einleitung:

Als besonders bequemer Zeitgenosse bin ich ständig auf der Suche nach möglichst rationellen Lösungen, um mit dem geringsten Aufwand den größtmöglichen Effekt zu erziehlen. Warum soll ich mich mit einem großen Aufwand an Requisiten abmühen, wenn das Publikum auch auf einfachere Weise gut unterhalten werden kann?

  • Zusammenstellung Der Requisiten
  • Einleitung
  • Auftrittsbild
  • Programm
  • 1. Spazierstock Verschwindet Aus Zeitung
  • 2. Restaurierung Eines Zerschnittenen Seiles
  • 3. Zauberei Aus Ostfriesland
  • 4. Teleportation...
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Dave Arch
Squeaky Monte by Dave Arch

After being inspired by the YouTube videos where a chimpanzee or dog shows amazement at the performance of a magic trick, the magician tells the story of a magic trick he created for his dog. The audience plays the role of the dog as the magician shows that one of the dog toys squeaks while two do not. He then mixes the three and although the audience is sure they followed the squeaking toy, they are fooled multiple times even when the magician takes pity and reduces the number of toys down to only two. Once you've purchased three rubber squeaky dog toys it'll take you less than a minute to...

★★★★ $0
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MP4 (video)

Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof November 2018 by Brian T. Lees
  • Second Booking
  • Olive the Reindeer
  • Off-Season Maintenance
  • Sponge Magic
  • Business Plan
  • What is Back Stage Magic?
  • Magicians Miss Opportunities

1st edition 2018, 10 pages.

★★★★ $0
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Lewis Ganson
The Immaculate Card Magic of Walt Lees by Lewis Ganson

Four superb card routines.

From the introduction:

It has been my pleasure to have seen Walt Lees perform his magic on many occasions and each time, the result has been very, very impressive. A quiet unassuming chap sat down, took out a pack of cards and within moments, had his audience spellbound.


When we were discussing the composition of this book, I nominated those tricks which I would like to have and Walt readily and generously agreed to their inclusion. That I had selected just a few, is due to the need for conforming to the size and format of the books in this 'Teach-In'...

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