One bullet. Six chambers. One Ace of Spades. Six positions among five red cards. You give the cards to the participant for examination. The participant secretly inserts the "bullet" into one of the six chambers and hands you back the "gun".
The cards lie on your wide-open hand, you don't even look at them. You look at the participant. He knows where the bullet is. As you deal the first card face up, you say: "clic". The card is red. Empty chamber.
You keep looking at your participant. How does he feel about the next one? You deal the next one face up. Red card, empty chamber....
It's never been done before because it's never been possible until now and now you can predict the assisting spectator's actual beliefs. For the kicker, a second prediction nails any card of 52 the spectator names!
There have been no other predictions like these in the history of magic and mentalism. No sleights. No memorization. Instant reset. No refills. It can be a different card every time. Nothing added and nothing taken away.
Also included as part of the The Bammo I Don't Know Wallet Dossier 5.0, so get it there or get it here.
You will need a deck of cards, a Sharpie, and a Himber or Z-fold wallet.
1st edition...
Note: For those of you who own Rain Man and Rain Man Again, this uses a completely different method.
The magician and the spectator are seated together at a table. The magician introduces a deck of cards, which he hands to the spectator - they are asked to examine and shuffle it thoroughly. Once they're done shuffling, the magician takes back the deck and holds it. He says, "I want you to generate a random number between 1 and 52. Of course, I could have you name one, but then you may think I psychologically influenced you towards a particular number or that I relied on you to think of a popular...
An effortless variation on the ACAAN plot where a thought-of card is found at the magician's predicted number.
The magician writes down a prediction on a business card before asking the spectator to make up a playing card:
The trick that fooled the best cardmen in the world.
"'The Exception' totally fooled me. The method is diabolical. All the avenues to explanation are blocked. That's what an impossible location is supposed to do. And this trick does it." - Mike Powers
"'The Exception' is composed of several known and reliable methods arranged in a way that will make them unrecognizable to most students of card magic methodology. If you are looking for something quick and easy to add to your existing strolling set, this is probably not for you. However, if you're a fan of impossible locations that employ an ordinary...
An impromptu and self-working Card Magic trick, always ready to perform with any deck.
This is an incredible impromptu and automatic card magic effect, which uses seven cards, taken at random from the deck. A spectator chooses only one of these and, by mentally answering questions posed by the magician, will shuffle the deck according to his own thoughts and will. The illusionist will then announce that, one by one, all the cards that end up at the top of the pack, returned to him by the spectator, will be eliminated at the end of each series of further shuffles that he will personally...
The Svengali deck has been a pitchman item for years. Gerald admires the skill of the Svengali pitchman. They handle the deck and do amazing tricks to sell the deck to bystanders. But Gerald's writing is not a treatise on "pitching" the Svengali. His purpose in using the Svengali is different from the pitchman's.
In Power of the Svengali, Gerald explores how to handle the Svengali as an ordinary deck, not as a special gaffed deck to sell. The power of the Svengali comes from its ability to produce tricks not possible except by advanced sleight of hand. Even skillful sleight of hand can...
The Annotated M.I.N.T. series continues and nears completion. Thanks to Ed Marlo and Wesley James, M.I.N.T III, IV, V, VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T. 1963 - 1974 are already available. After releasing M.I.N.T III through VI, and Annotated M.I.N.T 1963, 64, 65, 66, 67, and 68, then combined year volumes, 1969-1974, the articles in this volume again depart. It includes the years 1975-1976 - comprised of somewhat longer Marlo explorations. As Wesley progresses toward completing the full run of Marlo In New Tops material, plus his extensive annotations, observations, and Bonus material, he wanted...
This is a revised version of the classic Parade Of The Kings packet trick from the 1970s.
Four blue-backed cards are counted face down and the performer explains that these are the four Kings. Two spectators between them decide on one of the Kings. Immediately the magician spreads the cards to reveal the chosen King has now magically turned face up.
But there is a further surprise when the back of this King is shown to have also now changed to red.
Then there is a final kicker when the other three face-down Kings are turned face up to reveal they are in fact three blank-faced cards...
An award-winning, impromptu, self-working card miracle.
EFFECT: A borrowed deck of cards may be used. A member of the audience predicts something that two other spectators will do before they know what they will do.
Anyone in the audience calls "stop" at any time as you deal off the cards, one by one. This card is not shown but held by anyone, back to the audience, so there can be no switch. Two other persons each take a portion of the remainder of the deck, a free choice. These cards are counted. When the stopped at card is turned around, it is found that it had predicted the totals...
You show, one by one, red and black cards perfectly mixed. That is, you show a red card, then a black card, then a red card, a black card, and so on, until you have shown 8 cards. But when you are done with showing the interleaved cards they are already separated.
This count is perfect for an oil and water routine or any other situation where you need to show cards mixed, but in the process of showing them mixed, they are being separated.
1st edition 2024, video 3:00.
The Pelli Spread is a move that allows you to show several cards in a spread or small fan while hiding one card. A similar type of move, although the mechanics are different, is the Ascanio Spread.
1st edition 2024, video 5:20.
Doctor Jacob Daley was one of the most respected sleight-of-hand artists of the twentieth century. This acclaimed New York performer left the magic fraternity an astonishing cache of published works, from the acclaimed Stars Of Magic series to prized entries in assorted books and magazines.
Three Daley Deceits offers a new look at three of the Doctor's most celebrated card mysteries, carefully revised by Australian cardman Ian Baxter.
Daley's Aces - In Spades is Baxter's spin on this ever-popular transposition. The four Aces from the deck are slowly and deliberately placed on the table, Hearts and Diamonds...
A binary method with a twist that makes it incomprehensible.
EFFECT: Three spectators select an item off your Bucket List. You show them four short lists and for each list, they are asked if they see their chosen item. Spectator one is asked to answer truthfully and spectator two is told they can either lie or tell the truth but they are not to tell you which they choose. Spectator three is told to only answer silently in their mind. Despite these increasingly more difficult conditions you are able to reveal all three selections.
I have been creating binary effects for a couple of years...
If you think packet card effects are "hot", but some of your audience don't, you should read this book. Many very good packet card effects do not find favor with some audiences. Kids don't understand playing cards. Teenagers of the fairer sex just don't "dig" card tricks (or most magic tricks for that matter). Many ladies will hide a polite yawn. As will some gentlemen when preoccupied with more "spiritual" pastimes.
But a slight twist in the tale could change their perception. And this is what this manuscript aims at. Here are your (and my) favorite packet tricks, "dressed to please"....
This ebook is not about any particular effect but rather is about a principle that you can apply to certain types of effects in order to double their fool factor. The principle makes it possible to create the illusion of a shuffle where a shuffle wouldn't otherwise be possible. There are many effects in which the deck can only be cut at the end (not shuffled). With the application of this principle, you can create the illusion of a shuffle. Best of all, the illusion can be created with the spectator themself shuffling.
That's not to say this principle can be applied to just any effect....
An amazing magic ritual that, performed with the audience, will invariably lead to success. Actually, a self-working, impromptu card magic effect, which uses four simple cards taken at random from the deck and results in an amazing "ritual," which can also be performed in close-up or on a stage, or remotely, even over the phone, and which will never fail to amaze the entire audience involved!
Four very common playing cards are used, taken at random from a deck of cards, and with which the illusionist, at the same time as one, dozens, or hundreds of spectators (each supplied with four different...
The Wild Card effect has been one of my favorite packet effects from as far back as I can remember and is indisputably one of the best card packet effects of all time. Unfortunately, in its original form, it does not meet my concept of good magic. It does not answer the basic audience dilemma - "Why does he do it ?"
I know transformations (anything that changes) are part of a magic effect, but there ought to be some reason for it. If a performer changes blank paper to currency notes, that's logical, it's something everyone in the audience would like to do. If he changes a silk to an egg,...
In this fantastic ebook, you'll find the truly impromptu tricks found in The Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, together with dozens of notes not found in the original. These notes add new and interesting tricks and fresh ideas for presentation and even patter in some instances. But that's not all. We have added many illustrations that help clarify the description of certain tricks. Another thing we have done is adding, in some cases, the original advertisements that were used to sell these tricks when they were put on sale way back then.
Truly impromptu means that you take a normal shuffled deck and immediately, with no preparation...
Excerpt from the foreword:
This is my second book on visual card magic. Like my other book Cards in Action, this book contains completely original sleights, routines and my own handling of some well-known effects.
You will find that most of the material is not too difficult to do, as in most of my card work, I usually employ sleights which are easy and angle-proof. Of course, practise is necessary in order to perform the feats smoothly, faultlessly, and convincingly. Good things never do seem to come easy.
I have included many of my "gems", and I am, of course, justly proud of my creations and...
Excerpt from the introduction:
This is a book on card magic. It is not for the all-thumbs newcomer as the effects and routines contained herein require the ability to execute smoothly, various sneaky sleights such as the deceptive buckle-count, the convincing false-shuffle, the confusing multiple-cut, the quiet side-steal, the casual double-lift and so on.
Though this book deals primarily with sleight-of-hand effects and routines, a really effective magical programme of card entertainment should be well-balanced with sleight-of-hand tricks and one or two non-sleight effects. By the latter,...
An impromptu, gimmick-free, borrowed deck miracle. A location and divination of a selected card under test conditions. Read on.
The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want.
Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to look through the deck (faces towards themself, backs towards the magician) and select any two cards that they like. Let's suppose they select the two black A's. They turn these face-up and leave them on the table.