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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Jaks und Familie by Solano

Solano erforscht die Familie und Wurzeln von Stanley Jaks in Deutsch-Krone und Jaks Umzug nach Berlin.

Erstausgabe 2018, PDF 33 Seiten.

Burling Hull
Bulletin of Latest Sleights and Tricks by Burling Hull
  • The Pass Surpassed
  • Chameleon Card
  • Henry Hardin's Handkerchief Production
  • B. H. Additional Wrinkle To Show Both Palms At Once
  • Additional Wrinkle
  • Super-Supreme Force
  • Concluding The Effect
  • Auto-Operative Shuffle
  • Handkerchief Creation
  • Climax Color Change
  • The Wonder Pass
  • The Impromptu Magician
  • The Indeceptive Deception
  • Burling Hull "Invisible Pass"
  • A Unique Thimble "Move"
  • Burling Hull Thimble Production

1st edition 1914, 26 pages; PDF 20 pages.

★★★★ $19.50
D. Angelo Ferri
Slydini Rope Routine by D. Angelo Ferri

D. Angelo Ferri, a student of Tony Slydini, teaches Slydini's cut and restored rope routine. Every nuance, move, and misdirection is taught in more than 30 minutes of video explanation. Learn a practical, effective, and legendary rope routine.

1st edition 2024, video 32:10.

Unnamed Magician
The SSSB Principle by Unnamed Magician

This ebook is not about any particular effect but rather is about a principle that you can apply to certain types of effects in order to double their fool factor. The principle makes it possible to create the illusion of a shuffle where a shuffle wouldn't otherwise be possible. There are many effects in which the deck can only be cut at the end (not shuffled). With the application of this principle, you can create the illusion of a shuffle. Best of all, the illusion can be created with the spectator themself shuffling.

That's not to say this principle can be applied to just any effect....

Peter Pellikaan
4 as 8 count by Peter Pellikaan

You count 8 cards but in fact are only showing four cards, hiding four other cards in the process.

1st edition 2024, video 4:15.

Biagio Fasano
Twist and Shout Ritual by Biagio Fasano

An amazing magic ritual that, performed with the audience, will invariably lead to success. Actually, a self-working, impromptu card magic effect, which uses four simple cards taken at random from the deck and results in an amazing "ritual," which can also be performed in close-up or on a stage, or remotely, even over the phone, and which will never fail to amaze the entire audience involved!

Four very common playing cards are used, taken at random from a deck of cards, and with which the illusionist, at the same time as one, dozens, or hundreds of spectators (each supplied with four different...

Biagio Fasano
Twist and Shout Ritual (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Un incredibile Rituale Magico che, eseguito con il pubblico, immancabilmente porterà sempre al successo! In realtà un effetto Automatico di Cartomagia Impromptu, che utilizza quattro semplici carte prese a caso dal mazzo e comporta uno stupefacente “Rituale”, eseguibile anche in close-up o su di un palco, oppure a distanza, persino al telefono, a che non mancherà mai di stupire tutto il pubblico coinvolto!

Si utilizzano quattro comunissime carte da gioco, prese a caso da un mazzo di carte, e con le quali l’illusionista, in contemporanea ad uno come a decine o centinaia di spettatori...

★★★★ $9
Lionel Hugh Branson
Indian Conjuring by Lionel Hugh Branson

Indian Conjuring is an illustrated guide to Indian magic tricks by Major L. H. Branson, a British officer in the British Indian Army and magician. It includes explanations and step-by-step instructions for a variety of magic tricks that the author came across while serving in colonial India during the early twentieth century.

[Please note that this book is filled with colonialism and racism. We provide such digital reproductions of old books for research, learning, and historical perspective. It does not mean that we agree with any particular statement, point of view, or opinion offered.]

  • CHAPTER I: A Comparison
  • The Cup And Balls
  • CHAPTER III: The Bamboo-Sticks
  • The Ring On The Stick
  • CHAPTER IV: The Glass Box
  • CHAPTER V: The Bowl Of Rice
  • CHAPTER VI: A Rope Trick
  • The Swastika
  • The Egg Bag
  • CHAPTER VII: The Dancing Duck
Frank Bellew
The Art of Amusing by Frank Bellew

A collection of graceful arts, merry games, and odd tricks, intended to amuse everybody and enable all to amuse everybody else. Full of suggestions for private theatricals, tableaux, charades, and all sorts of parlor and family amusements. With nearly 150 illustrative pictures.

In the days without the Internet, TV, or even radio, people entertained themselves. This book covers all kinds of things one can do from arts and crafts, little plays, simple conjuring tricks, and other activities.

1st edition 1866, 302 pages; PDF 157 pages.

John Albert Briggs
Magical Revelations by John Albert Briggs

Excerpt from the introduction by Herbert Holmes:

When I read the MSS. of this volume I did not imagine there could be so many good things left to divulge, and I am sure readers will agree with me that the title of the book is well chosen.

I have personally seen Merbak perform many of the tricks described in this book, and so completely mystifying were they, that the simple explanations are indeed a revelation. In commending the volume to the magical fraternity, I do so in the hope that it will be the forerunner of many others from his pen. For, Merbak's knowledge of Magic is so extensive,...

Sam Dalal
Wild Card Variations by Sam Dalal

The Wild Card effect has been one of my favorite packet effects from as far back as I can remember and is indisputably one of the best card packet effects of all time. Unfortunately, in its original form, it does not meet my concept of good magic. It does not answer the basic audience dilemma - "Why does he do it ?"

I know transformations (anything that changes) are part of a magic effect, but there ought to be some reason for it. If a performer changes blank paper to currency notes, that's logical, it's something everyone in the audience would like to do. If he changes a silk to an egg,...

★★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
Poly-Graph by Abhinav Bothra

Poly-graph; where the precision of a Lie Detector meets the artistry of Drawing Duplication.

Poly-graph is an unconventional yet logical fusion of two realms of mentalism - The Lie Detector and Drawing Duplication. Both plots unfold in tandem, with the Lie Detector concluding prior to the Drawing Duplication.

Start your act with the entire audience and end with drawing duplication with one, two, or more people.

Casually put, it is an everyday worker's material, a 100% surefire with no funny or tricky questions. With just an hour's preparation, it provides a solid 8-10 minutes of...

Olaf Güthling
Auf den Spuren Karl Edlers by Olaf Güthling

Vorwort von Olaf Güthling:

Lernen Sie hier Karl Edler, einen begeisterten Pionier der Mikromagie kennen. Kommen Sie mit in eine Zeit, in der noch viele Wege unbegangen waren, in der viele Begriffe erst ersonnen werden mussten. In diesem kleinen Büchlein sind Ausschnitte aus magischen Publikationen zusammengetragen worden und zeigen ein Bild voller Freude an der magischen Kunst.

Anton Pallenberg erzählt uns über seinen Freund Karl Edler, wie sie sich beide kennenlernten und gemeinsam - heute hoch geachtete und gesuchte - magische Wunderwerke schufen. Wir erfahren von ihm aber auch,...

Mago Marko
Impromptu Card Tricks by Mago Marko

In this fantastic ebook, you'll find the truly impromptu tricks found in The Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, together with dozens of notes not found in the original. These notes add new and interesting tricks and fresh ideas for presentation and even patter in some instances. But that's not all. We have added many illustrations that help clarify the description of certain tricks. Another thing we have done is adding, in some cases, the original advertisements that were used to sell these tricks when they were put on sale way back then.

Truly impromptu means that you take a normal shuffled deck and immediately, with no preparation...

Paul Preston
The Fireside Magician by Paul Preston

Familiar and scientific explanation of legerdemain, physical amusement, recreative chemistry, diversions with cards, and of all the minor mysteries of mechanical magic, with feats. As performed in public by Herr Alexander, Robert Houdin, "The Wizard of the North," and distinguished conjurors of all ages and nations.

    • SECTION FIRST. Arithmetical ingenuities.
      • I. How to divine the numbers remaining in a sum which some person has thought of.
      • II. How To Find 6 Times 13 In 12
      • III. A comic dilemma.
      • IV....
★★★★★ $5
Raphaël Czaja
Pocket Word Game by Raphaël Czaja

A prediction effect with an alphabet deck that fits in your pocket.

The magician picks four spectators to play a word game. He makes a prediction that he leaves face down, in full view, on the table and introduces a packet of alphabet cards: Thirteen cards with a different letter on both sides. Each spectator cuts, deals, and flips over the cards. The magician puts aside one card (a 'bonus card') and deals the rest of the cards among the four spectators.

The game is divided into two phases, a warm-up and the real deal.

THE WARM-UP: The spectators are asked to make up the longest word...

Christian Scherer
Im Fokus Nr. 19: Herausforderung Angenommen by Christian Scherer

Der Einsatz von Computeranimation und künstlicher Intelligenz macht es manchmal schwierig, Fakten und Fiktion voneinander zu unterscheiden. Um dies zu illustrieren, übergibt der Vorführende einem Zuschauer eine chinesische Lochmünze. Der Zuschauer fädelt diese auf eine rote Schnur mit weissen Enden.

Der Vorführende zieht die Münze von der Schnur ab und erklärt dass es zwei Möglichkeiten gäbe, die Münze wieder auf die Schnur zu fädeln – über das eine oder das andere Ende, jedoch nicht über die Mitte der Schnur. Dabei wird die Münze sichtbar auf die Mitte der Schnur aufgefädelt,...

Mago Marko
Rediscovered Wonders by Mago Marko

Timeless magic for today's audiences.

A captivating collection of little-known magic routines meticulously curated for modern performers. Dive into the world of enchantment as you uncover a treasure trove of almost forgotten tricks rejuvenated for today's audiences.

This ebook offers an array of easy-to-master yet impactful routines that will leave your audience spellbound. Whether you're a seasoned magician or just starting on your magical journey, these routines are designed to captivate and astonish, ensuring unforgettable performances every time. Rediscover the joy of magic and delight...

Shaun Yee
Cardwitched by Shaun Yee

Excerpt from the foreword:

This is my second book on visual card magic. Like my other book Cards in Action, this book contains completely original sleights, routines and my own handling of some well-known effects.

You will find that most of the material is not too difficult to do, as in most of my card work, I usually employ sleights which are easy and angle-proof. Of course, practise is necessary in order to perform the feats smoothly, faultlessly, and convincingly. Good things never do seem to come easy.

I have included many of my "gems", and I am, of course, justly proud of my creations and...

Shaun Yee
Cards in Action by Shaun Yee

Excerpt from the introduction:

This is a book on card magic. It is not for the all-thumbs newcomer as the effects and routines contained herein require the ability to execute smoothly, various sneaky sleights such as the deceptive buckle-count, the convincing false-shuffle, the confusing multiple-cut, the quiet side-steal, the casual double-lift and so on.

Though this book deals primarily with sleight-of-hand effects and routines, a really effective magical programme of card entertainment should be well-balanced with sleight-of-hand tricks and one or two non-sleight effects. By the latter,...

★★★★★ $10
(Benny) Ben Harris
Tweak Issue 1 (April 2024) by (Benny) Ben Harris

An occasional journal of magic and strange.

Jazzy, fun, and informative, Ben Harris' new digital journal is full of surprises and tweaks.

  • Learn a no-reel version of the amazing Leviosa.
  • Tweak a switch cup so it works twice without a reset.
  • Explore fantastic effects with gilded playing cards.
  • Tweak a classic Paul Curry effect with an additional 'discard pile,' making the impossible even more so.
  • Re-purpose your favorite 'Four Ace Production' as a mind-numbing gambling challenge.

Edited by Steve Shufton and illustrated by Ever Elizalde, Tweak looks and reads with ease and excitement.

1st edition 2024,...

Ray Grismer
Short Notes by Ray Grismer

This is a compilation of three lecture notes released during the 1980s by Ray Grismer: Short Notes, Magic, and Lecture. As the name suggests these are short notes on the items Grismer presented during his lecture. There is some overlap between these three notes.

  • Short Notes
    • About These Notes
    • Queens And Fives
    • Separ-Ace-Ion
    • Flakie
    • Hooz?
    • Handy
    • Swivel Cutting Aces
    • Fan Spell
    • Psychic Game
    • Mental Stop
    • Bookie
  • Magic
    • Fraces
    • Hooz?
    • Flakie
    • Fan Spell
    • Prep H
    • Mindray 2nd
    • Computer
    • B_J Demo
    • Hip ESP
    • E-Z Foxy
    • Bookie
    • Values
  • Lecture
    • Quickwich
    • Idaho Poker
    • Tiger
    • Timeit Or Peekit ...
Mark Leveridge
Credit Transfer by Mark Leveridge

Two for the price of one here as with Credit Transfer you get a mental effect and a piece of magic together. A borrowed credit card is slipped into a small envelope. Two paperback books are shown and the pages are riffled of one of the books until a spectator calls 'stop'. The credit card in the envelope is dropped into the book to mark the place. The second book is now opened to reveal an envelope is already inside it, and the page it rests on turns out to match the page just selected in the first book. Then the credit card vanishes from the envelope in the first book and arrives inside the...

Unnamed Magician
Double Miracle by Unnamed Magician

An impromptu, gimmick-free, borrowed deck miracle. A location and divination of a selected card under test conditions. Read on.


The magician introduces a deck of cards. The spectator can thoroughly examine it, after which they can freely shuffle it for as long as they want in any way that they want.

Once they're done shuffling, the magician invites them to look through the deck (faces towards themself, backs towards the magician) and select any two cards that they like. Let's suppose they select the two black A's. They turn these face-up and leave them on the table.


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