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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 86


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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★★★★ $60
Wesley James
I'll Pass by Wesley James

Wesley James has been seriously analyzing, studying, and improving the Pass for well over 50 years. In this volume his efforts are fully revealed for the first time.

When other magicians, even experts, have witnessed Wesley perform many of his treatments of the Pass, they've been incredulous. They simply can't believe the Pass, any Pass, can be as invisible as they are in Wesley's hands. Now, in this large volume, you can learn these invisible, indetectable Passes, as well as the most deceptive Shifts that can be performed at the card table, including the legendary "Ping Pong Shift."


★★★★ $6
Ken de Courcy
Pasteboard Prowler by Ken de Courcy

A "Coin Assembly" with a signed and torn playing card with a surprising finish.

EFFECT: A spectator shuffles a pack then removes a card. The card is signed on the face by the spectator and torn into four quarters, and then an indifferent card is shown and laid aside face down on the table. One at a time the four quarters of the chosen card are vanished and reappear under the indifferent card. When the fourth corner should have arrived, however, there is nothing at all under the card ... all four have vanished. When the card is turned over, it is found to be the chosen card, complete with...

★★★★★ $6
Bruce Carlley
Hold'em Poker Stacked Decks by Bruce Carlley

You will learn stacks for 2 - 10 players which allow you to do the following:

Presentation: Bring out the card case and remove the cards. Briefly show the cards and hand the deck to one of the players. Have them cut the deck. And cut again. State that you think he (or she) is lucky and let them deal. He deals and he wins! They have no explanation. He cut the cards and dealt and you did not touch the deck after he cut the cards.

1st edition 2019, 16 pages.

Ryan Shaw
Your Card Isn't Here? by Ryan Shaw

This trick starts out as a display of the power of chance. A card is selected by the roll of dice. The magician doesn't know what the card even is. He spreads the cards and picks four random cards face down. One of the four cards is picked randomly, and the magician declares that it will be the card the spectator picked. When its not the right card, the magician makes up for it by making the card first disappear from the deck entirely, and reappear in his shoe.

Note that you will need to purchase a gimmick for under $10. Ryan provides a link where you can buy this particular gimmick.


★★★★★ $20
Bob Farmer
Bammo 666 by Bob Farmer

A couple of years ago, at the Genii and 31 Faces North conventions, I was showing some in-the-hands packet effects that used a new technique and getting amazed reactions quite out of proportion with what I expected. Though I reckoned I had little chance of fooling the cognoscenti with what I was doing (because the new technique was so simple), I noticed a lot of jaws dropping and exclamations of "Whoa!" as I demoed the effects, so I knew I'd hit on something really deceptive.

In one effect, the Ace, 2, 3 and 4 first turn face up, then, one by one, they all turn face down. Counted again, each...

Stewart Judah & John Braun
Subtle Problems You will Do by Stewart Judah & John Braun

This is a work mostly of card magic, but not exclusively so. It has some photos and some illustrations by Sid Lorraine. From the introduction by H. Adrian Smith:

Having been one of the first to read the present material, and having seen most of it presented by the authors, I can assure the reader that he is in for a treat. However, if he simply glances through the book, he may be justified when he believes that he has not received his money’s worth. This is one book that must be read with care, for it must be borne in mind that both authors are masters in the art of minute detail, and if one does not absorb the details...

Dave Arch
Under the Spell by Dave Arch

Many magicians are familiar with Jim Steinmeyer's most excellent Nine Card Trick. However, not as many are aware of the precursor that used an entire (or nearly full) deck to have various audience members spell personal information and still find the selected card!

My favorite place to use this routine is when sitting at a table when the deck can be passed around the table with up to six different people participating in the process of selecting, losing and then finding the card. Follow the instructions, and the magic works itself.

1st edition 2018, 2 pages.

★★★★★ $8
Joe Stuthard
Stuthard's Svengali Subtleties by Joe Stuthard

An excellent work on the Svengali Deck, including drawings and photos.

  • Mechanics Of Svengali Deck
  • Handling The Svengali Deck
  • Main Points To Remember
  • Running The Cards
  • Double Lift
  • The Riffle Shuffle
  • The Overhand Shuffle
  • The Fan
  • The Spread
  • The Drop
  • Effects With Svengali Deck
  • Stabbing Trick No. 1
  • Stabbing Trick No. 2
  • Stuthard’s Svengali Subtlety
  • Methods Of Switching Deck To Ordinary Cards
  • Suggested Routine With The Svengali Deck
  • Finally

1st edition 1948, 15 pages; PDF 13 pages.

Charles C. Eastman
Lu-Brent's Exclusive Card Mysteries by Charles C. Eastman
  • Introduction
  • Thought Spelling
  • Move Two Cards
  • You Selected the - -?
  • Lu-Brent's Mental Card Mystery
  • A Card Sympathy
  • Lu-Brent's Reversed Card Location
  • Lazybones
  • Lu-Brent's Count Down Mystery
  • Lu-Brent's Matching the Aces
  • The Siamese Pack
  • Shark Food
  • The Coins and Card Mystery
  • Think? - Stop
  • The Suit & Value Coincidence
  • A Card Prediction

1st edition 1934, 19 pages; PDF 23 pages.

Dave Arch
Generic Four Card Monte by Dave Arch

Now you can use these instructions to make your own customized four card monte routine for any themed event. It doesn't involve a "flap card," and the full faces of all four cards are shown during this multi-phase routine. Visit your local office supply store and have them make up these cards in a moment's time using even the pictures of people's faces from your audience. Ideal for trade show work too when using product features and/or benefits. Comes complete with a practice set of graphics for making a kid's story routine about three mice and an elephant as well as a video to explain the simple...

★★★★ $6
Bob Farmer
Cheat! The Prelude by Bob Farmer

Still no skill? Still no problem!

Turn any spectator into a world-class card cheat. They'll love you for it unlike that stupid thing you do with the sponge balls.

The magician hands the spectator a lucky rabbit's foot. They take turns cutting high card: the spectator wins every time. For the finale, they play a hand of poker - the spectator controlling the cards - again the spectator wins.

Cheat: The Prelude the perfect lead in to Cheat. Together they make a devastating gambling routine, irrefutable evidence that you - YOU - are the MAN! (even if you are not a man).

Simple and practically...

★★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
Delayed Action Eleven Cards Routine by Ken de Courcy

A multi effect comedy card routine with audience participation and an unexpected climax. Cards mysteriously increase and decrease of number in magician's hands defying the laws of mathematics in a crescendo of surprises.


The magician fans a pack of cards to a spectator asking him to choose one and place it in his inside jacket pocket. The performer tries to read the mind of the spectator and to guess the chosen card but he fails. In desperation he slings the pack high in the air. With hardly a break, he removes some more cards from his pocket and goes straight into another trick...

★★★★ $10
Bob Hummer
A Baker's Dozen Hummers by Bob Hummer

Here's a compendium of 13 of Bob Hummer's unique, mind-blowing stunts for magicians and mentalists. A baker's dozen mentalism and magic effects using cards and coins. Each one seems utterly impossible, yet they work every time.


  • Foreword (B. W. McCarron)
  • Introduction (Martin Gardner)
  • 1. The Magic Separation
  • 2. Face-Up Prediction
  • 3. Lite-Ning Addition
  • 4. Two Card Transpo
  • 5. Two Card Location
  • 6. Card and Ribbon
  • 7. The Four G-Men
  • 8. The Card on the Window Pane
  • 9. Double Thought
  • 10. A Rare Coin Stunt
  • 11. A Possible...
★★★★★ $4
Devin Knight
Poker Nightmare by Devin Knight

A winning poker hand turns blank on both sides.

Two tricks in one. These are two of the most visual and eye-appealing tricks you can do. Looks like trick photography and takes around 30 seconds to perform. They are almost self-working and require no sleights. You can learn to do these effects in about five minutes. They are that easy to do. Resets in 3 seconds. This is perfect for strolling gigs because of the instant reset.

EFFECT 1: Magician says he would like to share a dream he had. He cleanly shows five playing cards back and front. It is a winning poker hand and the stakes are high....

★★★★★ $10
Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
13 Cards by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

This package includes the templates and photos of 13 incredible 'impossible' cards. There are no instructions of how to fold the cards. For each card you get the template of how to cut the card as a PDF, and a photo of how the folded card looks like. We are assuming you know how to fold these cards. If you do not know check out Ralf Rudolph's various impossible folding videos. One that will get you started is Impossible Foldings Volume 2 (Part 1)

The 13 cards are:

  • 2-Framed
  • 3-Link
  • 3-Framed
  • 4-Linked
  • Arachnophobia
  • Card Sculpture
  • Hexagon
  • Rounded P-Link
  • Square Knot
  • Star Card
  • Tri-Clops
  • Two Swirled
  • Wave

1st edition...

★★★★★ $4
Bob Hummer
The Whispering Spirit by Bob Hummer

An entertaining mental feat with a borrowed deck of cards.

From the brilliant mind of Bob Hummer comes a divination mystery that seems impossible, yet you do it every time. The performer takes the spectator on an adventure with a borrowed deck and a dead person's age (which is furnished by anyone in the room). In some uncanny manner, the "Whispering Spirit" aids the performer in solving the mystery. The performer does not need to touch the deck while they are in the spectator's hands.

There are no setups, stacks or cyclical rotations. The cards may be borrowed. The cards are not marked....

Aldo Colombini
Close Quarters by Aldo Colombini

A coin trick done without coins, or a card trick done without regular playing cards. However you want to look at it - a pretty unusual trick.

You show four cards each with a quarter printed on its face. One by one the quarters vanish and reappear on one card which now has four quarters on it. The card is left on a spectator's palm and, while there, it changes into a card with a dollar coin on it.

[Note that you will receive a PDF and a video, but NO cards. The PDF includes a photo of the custom card faces, but you will have to make the cards yourself using stickers, transfers, hand-drawn or printing. You will need two double facers and three blank faced cards to start with.]

1st edition 2000, DVD 2012; PDF 3 pages, video length 5 min 46 s....

J. G. Thompson Jr. & Ned Rutledge
Card Party by J. G. Thompson Jr. & Ned Rutledge

Excellent work filled with strong card routines. Explanations are detailed and supported by photo illustrations. From the preface by Ned Rutdlege:

Jim and I have complementary minds. An idea from one of us sets up echoes in the brain of the other. Jim has a fantastic grasp of magical literature, and a high intelligence that puts his knowledge to work. The methods he comes up with are often unusual and always interesting. For me, they start wheels turning. I take the method, or nucleus of method, and begin re-shaping it for entertainment value...then I lay it in the laps of a live audience. ...

★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
The Red and Black Computation by Ken de Courcy

You correctly guess how many red and black cards a spectator has casually put into four pockets with an unexpected climax. No skill required.


A spectator is given a pack of cards, or he can use his own. He shuffles it, removes some cards, splits them into blacks and reds and places the blacks in his left trouser-pocket and the reds in his right. He takes some more cards, splits them as before and conceals the black cards in his left jacket pocket and the reds in his right. All this has taken place while the performer's back is turned.

The magician asks the spectator to again...

★★★★ $9.95
Abhinav Bothra
Stratagem by Abhinav Bothra

Stratagem is a 3 phase modular routine using a regular pack of playing cards. It is easy enough for a month old beginner and at the same time delivers an impact of an expert. Each phase of Stratagem stands on its own and at the same time builds upon the previous one.

Phase I (CAAN on Steroids) :: A crossbreed of 'Do As I Do' and 'Card At Any Number'. CAAN not just once but twice - once in the hands of the performer and the other time in the hands of the participant with zero sleights involved. Each time all the decisions are made by the participant.

Phase II (Remote Viewing) :: With your...

★★★★★ $16
Mark Leveridge
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 4 by Mark Leveridge

The final volume of Mark's Collected Card Magic series builds on the previous three volumes and finishes strongly with 10 excellent varied effects for close up, stand up and mentalism.

Impossible - a really baffling routine in which two selected cards lost in the centre of two separate decks, magically swap places while the packs are still in their boxes. No re-set, this can be done in walkabout or in a close up/parlour show.

The Invisible Deck Routine - Mark's classic take on the well known plot, but in which no real deck is ever used. A spectator selects any card from an 'invisible'...

★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
Easy Everywhere and Nowhere by Ken de Courcy

"Everywhere and Nowhere" is a classic plot which, due to the difficulties in performance, is rarely seen. The original version calls for exceptional aptitude in card-changes which are not the easiest sleights to do well. Here is a new method utilizing a well-known fake pack that surely you already have, used in an undetectable way. This routine brings "Everywhere and Nowhere" within the range of everybody. Give it that and you'll have a trick that will amaze and entertain both laymen and magicians.


A card is selected from a pack, then returned and the deck is cut a number of times...

Lewis Ganson
The Immaculate Card Magic of Walt Lees by Lewis Ganson

Four superb card routines.

From the introduction:

It has been my pleasure to have seen Walt Lees perform his magic on many occasions and each time, the result has been very, very impressive. A quiet unassuming chap sat down, took out a pack of cards and within moments, had his audience spellbound.


When we were discussing the composition of this book, I nominated those tricks which I would like to have and Walt readily and generously agreed to their inclusion. That I had selected just a few, is due to the need for conforming to the size and format of the books in this 'Teach-In'...

★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Pasteboard Revelations by Paul A. Lelekis

These professional routines are real workers. You can make a living off these 7 effects. The Poker Deal within this e-book is worth twice the price of this e-book. It is absolutely simple to do.

Included with this e-book are 8 videos, explaining every move of these fantastic routines, making them easy to follow.

Here are the contents:

WOW! - Learn a "trade secret"! Paul has fooled every magician he's shown this to. A shuffled deck is found separated into reds and blacks - the selection is found amongst the half of the opposite color. The final shuffle is performed very openly and the...

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