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Mentalism & Spiritism in Magic & Mentalism: page 74


Bizarre Reading Systems, Oracles & Cold Reading Propless Book Tests Billets Q&A ESP Two Person Codes Zodiac, Star Signs or Birthday Pendulums Muscle Reading & Contact Mind Reading Slates


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Henry Hatton
The Secret of Second-Sight by Henry Hatton

In this article from Scribner's Monthly Magazine Henry Hatton, writing under the pseudonym of an 'Ex-Conjurer' explains in detail the two-person code system used by Robert Heller. It consists of five different parts based on different methodologies to make detection by the audience impossible.

1st edition 1880, PDF 10 pages.

Red Nist
Pendulum Intuition by Red Nist

A card is chosen and lost in the deck. The deck is spread on the table. A pendulum is passed over the deck and begins to move over a group of cards. These small numbers of cards are then spread separately on the table. The pendulum is passed again over the cards and the pendulum begins to move clearly over one card. The card is revealed: it's the card of the spectator. This is a good magic trick right?

One day, I dreamed that this trick was done totally by the spectator, thanks to his intuition. I never touch the deck. I never touch the spectator. I never touch the pendulum. I never touch...

Mark Leveridge
Four-midable Mental Mysteries by Mark Leveridge

Psychic Selection - a parlour routine in which a spectator cuts to a card that he has in his mind

A pack of cards is shuffled by a spectator, replaced in its box to prevent it from being tampered with, and then handed back to the spectator for safekeeping.

An important member of the audience is then invited on stage. This person could be a principal guest at a party, the function organiser, or a CEO/owner/director at a business event.

The performer explains that before the show he approached this spectator and invited him to decide on a card, any one of the 52. He asks the volunteer...

★★★★ $15
Matthew Benjamin
S/Which Hand by Matthew Benjamin

The performer hands a coin to one of two participants who have been randomly selected from an audience. The performer explains that in a moment they shall all play a game of truth or lies. The performer turns around so they are facing away from the participants. They then ask the participants to switch the coin between themselves multiple times and when finished to finally hide it in one of their hands so that the performer does not know who has possession of the coin or which hand it is in.

Turning back around to face the participants, the performer explains that they will ask one question...

Fraser Parker
Messija by Fraser Parker

Messija is a booklet that contains various propless approaches to obtain information from a spectator using the fingers of their hand under the guise of esoteric palmistry. First of all, you will learn how to force a colour or item from any category of your choice. This can then be used as a 'jumping off' point to reveal other information or as a way to give a reading which is relevant to the spectator's life situation.

You don't need to give a reading to perform the effects taught in this booklet.

Fraser will then show you how to secretly obtain any thought of letter using the fingers...

Biagio Fasano
My Creepy Card 2 by Biagio Fasano

This eBook contains the evolution of the effect previously covered in Volume I, but its understanding and execution does not require reading the previous one, although it is highly recommended.

The effect is totally impromptu, semi-automatic, quick to perform (only eight cards are used), does not require any complex card magic technique, and introduces for the spectator the possibility of secretly associating "Yes" and "No" with a single or double clap of the hands, in response to the few questions that the mentalist will ask during the experiment so that he cannot apparently know what the viewer...

Renzo Grosso
Numbers and Mentalism by Renzo Grosso

In my methodical (and stubborn) search for effects to propose over the phone, numbers are the absolute protagonist. Except for some small stratagem, the final principle is always the consequence of one or more mathematical principles. Inspired by some well-known effects, I became curious and tried to go back to the principles, so as to be able to use them, alone or with others, to generate other interesting combinations. I think the table of contents highlights the object of this publication well:

  • Difference between two numbers with reversed digits
  • Table with some examples with numbers...
Renzo Grosso
Mentalism and Communications by Renzo Grosso

The last few years have been a bit complicated for everyone, due to events that have influenced the lives of all of us, inhabitants of planet earth. We struggled, we resisted, we got out. And, I must admit, even with some positive notes! Our passion, Magic, has taken a few hits, from the point of view of activities and communications with the public; in some cases - as in mine - it has also acquired new operating methods.

Driven by friends and acquaintances, I started looking for effects to offer over the phone; to give them meaning, in addition to the difficulty of writing the story perfectly...

★★★ $6
Max Maven
Mixed Emotions by Max Maven

These are the instructions for Max Maven's trick Mixed Emotions. The props (a small booklet and seven cards) are not included. However, once you know the details of the effect and have read the instructions you could make these up yourself. Or perhaps you have only the props and the instructions are missing.

This trick is based on Bob Hummer's "Voodoo Fortune Telling" combined with a novel presentation Max Maven created around the topic of the biblical seven deadly sins.

1st edition ~1980 by Martin Breese; PDF 9 pages.

David de Léon
Some Uses for Smoke Machines in Mentalism by David de Léon

A short and whimsical booklet that explores the uses of smoke machines in mentalism. Even if you never chose to use smoke in your performances, the examples will inspire you to think about ways in which your mentalism might look to your audience.

You will read about ways in which smoke can be used as a visual metaphor, for gags, or to illustrate your "fauxcess" (a term that Derren Brown and Andy Nyman coined to denote the implied method that you want your audience to think you are using).

Fun fact: Derren Brown read the ad text for this book (back when it was a small Xeroxed and hand-cut...

Fraser Parker
Zarathustra by Fraser Parker

In Zarathustra Fraser shares a few pieces from his notebooks. This is work Fraser has created over the past eight months. Following on from his decision to break down the larger book he was working on into smaller releases, he has decided to now share these ideas with you. This work compliments his other released work perfectly and will give you yet more options and different ways into creating feats of seeming real mind reading for your audiences.

To begin, you will learn how to force a single digit number entirely prop-less, in a conversational manner that looks completely fair and only...

★★★★ $4.95
Gregg Webb
Triplets 7 by Gregg Webb

Following the mentalism issue of Triplets 6, this one, Triplets 7, will also be mainly mentalism, specifically about Equivoque. I learned a lot about this, with 5 objects, from Max Maven's video, and at the same time, I discussed this with Charles Reynolds who in turn discussed it with Pat Page. Then I put in some work of my own and came up with a very practical way of working this.

I will go into every detail. Every mentalist I have shared this with thought my procedural changes worthwhile.

Next, I will go through every object I can think of with which to do this feat. I once saw Kreskin do it with...

Boyet Vargas
Mental Assassin by Boyet Vargas

Mental Assassin is a mind-reading effect that fits inside your wallet that can be performed anytime, anywhere. In Summary, this is what the routine looks like:

  1. Mentalist hands out a card containing different words.
  2. Spectator freely chooses a word.
  3. Spectator performs visualization test.
  4. Mentalist is able to divine the chosen word.
  • No Fishing
  • No Force
  • Different Word every time

1st edition 2018, PDF 7 pages.

Renzo Grosso
Significant Coincidences by Renzo Grosso

The performer chooses three spectators from the audience and asks them to choose numbers. There are so many effects like this. The news is that, finally, I managed to insert the Fibonacci series into an effect. Then I had to work on the screenplay to avoid noticing the only moment in which I "see" the audience numbers: but I think I succeeded.

Basically, for collaborators and the public, I give them a sheet, I have them write numbers, and then do various calculations; at the end, I use the number they obtained for other calculations, using a second principle. In the end, if I've been a...

Greg Arce & Federico Ludueña
Freestyle Book Test by Greg Arce & Federico Ludueña

The Freestyle Book Test is a powerful book test that you can make at home, with practically any book.

"This book test is unlike any other I have seen." - David Regal (review in Genii magazine)

"Wow, very, very impressive. I like the way so much information can be divulged, this info on the mnemonics certainly applies to many, many effects. I am guessing that even if someone does not use the book test, they will walk away with something from this. Good stuff." - Banachek

You display a book that you say you've had for a long time and have even written and doodled inside of it. Throughout the...

Mark Leveridge
Perfect Intuition by Mark Leveridge

The performer selects a lady with the object of discovering whether she has female intuition or not. Spreading a pile of envelopes, each one of which contains a double blank card, he invites her to select any one and to remove the card from inside.

The lady helper now nominates and names any person around the table who she is emotionally close to or with whom she feels she has some empathy. It could be a relative, a close friend or maybe even her husband! Let's say she selects a close friend called Sophie.

She writes the name of her chosen person, Sophie, on the back of her chosen blank...

Renzo Grosso
Synchro by Renzo Grosso

Synchro is a mentalism effect that can be achieved (in person or on the phone, with audio connection only) with playing cards, or with ESP cards or with tickets: this latest version also allows you to develop the final revelation in cold-reading.

The secret used in this routine is a combination of unique methods, amalgamated for an amazing finish. It can be done remotely, with cards borrowed from the spectator, or with tickets written "on the spot"; the mentalist does not need to see the cards in any way. While using various methods, it is easy to memorize, as it is based on simple patterns. ...

Unknown Mentalist
Visper Telepathy by Unknown Mentalist

This is a physical product that will be shipped to you. The accompanying pdf can be downloaded instantly from your digital shelf.

Visper Telepathy stands for Visual Perception Telepathy. This is an extraordinary set of mindreading effects using only colors and shapes making it a very visual piece of mentalism.

The underlying principle here is a novel and innovative concept of an Invisible Magic Square where the principles of a magic square are used invisibly without using numbers in a grid. However, this is a completely different approach to my earlier Why A Magic Square Should Not Be a Magic Square ebook.

WHAT YOU GET: You get...

Gene Marvin
Confidential Mental Secrets by Gene Marvin

Hardly anybody knows Gene Marvin today. During the 1970s and 80s, he was a successful mentalist billed as "The 21st Century Man". He was all over the magic press, performing left and right, TV bits, and corporate work. Then he dropped off the radar. This is the book he released during the 1970s.

Excerpt from the introduction:

In the world of tricks and illusion, mentalism is the "aristocrat" in the area of legerdemain. It is the "King of Conjuring," ranking so highly above the average magic trick that there can be no comparison - and usually there is none.

People know that magicians...

★★★★ $10
Charles W. Cameron
Witches' Brew by Charles W. Cameron

Dedicated to those kindred spirits who also tread the seldom trod paths of strange and unearthly magic. This weird concoction, known as 'Witches' Brew', is offered to necromancers, sorcerers, and all those nighthawks who dabble in the strange and mysterious. Long may your midnight oil burn and your candles splutter in your pursuit of the Forbidden Arts.

  • The Power Of The Pentagram
  • Out Of The Body
  • Ten Talons Of Taz
  • Power Of The Mummy
  • Ritual Of El Shaitan
  • Old Mother Long Nose
  • Pages From The Book Of Thoth
  • Mirror Of Fate
  • Dial H .....! For Hell
  • Catch Me A Demon
  • The Whispering Skull ...
★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Bold Bet by Unknown Mentalist

This is a Print & Perform routine.

Bold Bet is a powerful routine where you bet a $100 bill (you can use any denomination bill, of course) that you will be able to accurately influence the thoughts of your participant. In each routine 5 poker-size cards are used (you can print these 5 cards in any size you may want).

There are three different routines explained with different themes.

1. Bond Routine : You use 5 well-known Bond actors for this routine. The participant chooses one of the actors and you prove in a very novel manner that you have successfully influenced your participant....

★★★★ $12
Charles W. Cameron
Macabre and Mental Mysteries by Charles W. Cameron

Excerpt from the foreword:

I prefer subtleties rather than sleights and the effects in this book follow the same pattern. You may be assured that none of the effects are 'pipe dreams' ... they have all been audience tested. There is a tremendous interest these days in the Strange and Unusual and the contents of this book will, I hope, enable you to convince your audience that you possess curious powers and unusual abilities.

  • Foreword
  • Part One: Satanic Sorcery
    • Introduction
    • Riches By Sorcery
    • Spirit Photography
    • Cards Of Horror
    • Saint Or Devil?
    • Stab In The Dark
    • Key Of Fate
    • Mentalism...
A Counterblast to Spookland or Glimpses of the Marvellous by Psyche

This is the answer of spirit mediums to the book Spookland which revealed some tricks and spirit medium frauds.

Excerpt from the Preface:

The popular mind has been more or less strongly exercised of late by the exposure of a supposed fraudulent séance given by the well-known materializing Sensitive of Sydney. This "exposure" has been all the more astonishing because of the long record of successes by this Sensitive in the old world, and also in our Southern Hemisphere; striking and undoubted successes dating back from mere girlhood, and based upon evidence profuse and apparently reliable, both...

Biagio Fasano
My Creepy Card by Biagio Fasano

The title of this eBook hides its inspiration ... The effect is totally impromptu, self-working, quick and easy to perform (only eight cards are used), does not require any kind of card magic technique, and introduces the spectator to the possibility of secretly choosing whether to lie or tell the truth in response to the few questions that the mentalist will ask him during the experiment. In spite of all this, a merely thought-out card will be punctually found at the end of the experiment.

Noting the possible whispering in the room (especially if there are fellow magicians present, I say...

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