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Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 44 (May 2012) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

To subscribe to Magicseen click here.

Vol. 8, No. 2, May 2012; 64 pages

Cover: Mac King

  1. Welcome – editor’s letter
  2. Reader’s Letters
  3. Teller’s Shadows – report on the lawsuit
  4. Blackpool Gossip! – brief round-up
  5. In The News
  6. Think Tank – hints and tips to maximize income - Jay Fortune
    • Market your product [trick]
    • live shows via agents
  7. The Yes Principle – excerpt from the book “New and Improv’d” by Mowgli
  8. A Slice of Toast with … David Stone – quick interview
  9. Pete Firman: Jiggery Pokery – Live Review
  10. In The Phone Booth – Mark Leveridge interviews Josh Benson
  11. So You Want To Be A...Lecturer...
★★★★★ $5
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printed issue

Astor's Lehrgang der Magie by Astor

Über Jahre wurde von Astor ein Fernlehrgang - ähnlich dem Tarbell Course - zum Preis von etwa 500 Euro vertrieben. In 55 Kapiteln auf 527 DIN A4 Seiten mit über 640 klaren und deutlichen Illustrationen führt Astor in die Kunst der Zauberei ein. Dem Leser wird auf leicht verständliche Weise das Fundament der Zauberkunst nahegebracht. Dabei befasst sich der Kurs mit fast jedem Kapitel der Täuschungskunst, der Psychologie der Täuschung, Improvisation und Präsentation. Astor bringt sein fundiertes psychologisches Wissen und die Erfahrung aus jahrzehntelanger eigener Bühnenerfahrung als Profizauberkünstler...

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Die Magische Praesentation: Schauspielkunst und Regie fuer Zauberkuenstler by Astor

Die Magische Präsentation beinhaltet auf 148 Seiten kein einziges Zauberkunststück, sondern sie versucht den Leser in die Kunst einzuführen, aus einem Trick ein Kunststück zu machen.

Das Buch ist in zwei Bereiche geteilt: Der erste Bereich trägt den Titel: Schauspielkunst für Zauberkünstler. Darin erklärt Astor dem Leser, beginnend mit den ersten Schritten auf der Bühne, über das richtige Bewegen, Gestikulieren, Sprechen usw., alles was ein Zauberkünstler von der Schauspielkunst wissen sollte. Wer dieses Buch aufmerksam gelesen hat, wird nie mehr Kunststücke "zeigen"; er wird...

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Das Buch mit den sieben Siegeln by Astor

Vor etwa 40 Jahren begann Astor mit der Veröffentlichung seiner größten Geheimnisse in zehn einzelnen Manuskripten, die insgesamt 170 Euro kosteten und nur gegen eine ehrenwörtliche Schweigeerklärung zu erhalten waren. Insgesamt waren davon nur 150 Exemplare im Umlauf.

Die von Astor beschriebenen Ausnahmekunststücke sind nun als ebook zu erhalten. Auch heute noch haben diese Kunststücke nichts von ihrer Wirkung auf das Publikum verloren:

  • SUPRAVISION: Ihr Medium weiß, was sich in einer verschlossenen Kassette befindet.
  • MIRACLE GAME: Ein rätselhaftes mentales Mühlespiel mit Spielkarten. ...
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Verdammt Guter Zauberkuenstler by Astor

... und wie man es wird

Wie werde ich ein guter Zauberkünstler? Viele anspruchsvolle Magier haben diese Frage an sich gestellt, doch die richtige Antwort darauf zu bekommen, ist gar nicht so einfach. Astor hat aus seiner eigenen jahrzehntelangen Bühnenerfahrung als Profi eine Antwort darauf gefunden und seine Essenz auf 61 Seiten zusammengefasst. Schritt für Schritt nimmt er den Leser in 12 Kapiteln an die Hand, sodaß dieser am Ende des Buches, eine eigene Antwort auf die Frage: "Wie werde ich ein verdammt guter Zauberkünstler?" geben kann.

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Enthuellte Wunder by Astor

Dieses Ebuch aus Astor’s Feder beschäftigt sich nur am Rande mit der Zauberkunst. Auf 33 Seiten befasst es sich mit ausgewählten Geheimnissen unserer Kulturgeschichte und hinterfragt deren Relevanz um zu den Wurzeln dieser Wunder zu kommen.

Astor beschäftigt sich auf den 33 Seiten des ebooks u.a. mit der Sator-Formel, dem Hexen-Einmaleins aus Faust, dem Buch der Wilden, dem Indischen Seiltrick und dem Fluch des Pharao.

In unnachahmlicher Art und Weise zieht Astor seine Leser in den Bann des Geheimnisvollen und weiß zugleich die Kulturgeschichte der Menschheit ein stückweit zu vermitteln....

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Paul Romhany
Magic Music by Paul Romhany

Few know that Paul has a degree in piano and music composition. In this collection of royalty-free music you get 10 tracks each ranging from about 2 and half minutes to over 4 minutes long. Use it as background music to a silent act, or as overture before your show to set the mood.

  • African Sky Magic (2:22)
  • Double Agent Magic (2:22)
  • Made Into Magic (4:21)
  • Magic Africa (2:33)
  • Magic Canon (4:19)
  • Magic Lift (3:05)
  • Magic Rock (2:55)
  • Magic Sych (4:20)
  • Urban Magic (3:44)
  • Wind Magic (4:10)
★★★★★ $20
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Paul Voodini
Psychic Phenomena: Interactive Tarot Readings from the Stage by Paul Voodini

Paul Voodini presents a highly entertaining and interactive way of providing tarot card readings from the stage. This wonderful routine is ideal for both parlour and more intimate presentations as well as working fantastically with larger audiences of 100 and more. This routine combines the classic theatrics of old school mentalism with more modern requirements of being upbeat, interactive, and engaging. Whether you're performing in front of a dozen friends or in front of a full theater, this PDF will demonstrate to you exactly how to provide 30 minutes or more entertainment with nothing more...

★★★★ $8
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Scott Creasey
Clear Perception by Scott Creasey

The clear force bag has been around for a long time and should be part of any mentalist's arsenal. They come in many shapes and sizes and range in style from the cheap and tacky to the over complex and expensive.

For the first time Scott explains how with basic tools you have at home, you can in about fifteen minutes, easily and cheaply manufacture the clear Zip Lock force bags he has been selling at his lectures for over ten years.

Also included in these 34 pages of photographic instructions are eight full routines suitable for platform or close up and taken from Scott's own working...

★★★★ $18
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Dee Christopher
How To Get Away With Murder by Dee Christopher

‎"A captivating study on deceptive theories scarcely analysed. A compelling read for those in the allied arts and the curious alike." - Daniel Madison

Dee Christopher exposes the trickery, deception and fraud undertaken by the world's leading psychics, psychokinetics and mediums. Unlike other studies of this nature in the parapsychological world, the author's background lies in the art of conjuring, sleight of hand and mentalism. You will learn how to replicate these demonstrations.

Christopher divulges the secrets held close by these figures who have conned the world into believing their skills...

★★★★★ $35
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Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 1, Issue 5 (Apr - May 2012) by Solyl Kundu

This 5th issue of volume 1 of The Gimmick MagiZette is another magical salmagundi contributed by reputed magic personalities from east and west …

  • Sorcar Senior aka TW'SGM has just trod on to his 100th Birthday – our homage and a nice photograph.
  • "Captain Kirk and Star Tricks" by Loch David Crane, M. Ed. Loch gives his explanation on Torn and Restored Strings from his book.
  • "Robert Olson on Ventriloquy" – Rev. Robert E Olson recites his Chipper (vent doll) and expresses the cardinal rules of ventriloquism in a nutshell.
  • "Past Glory of India – Prof. Vazhakunnam," fondly referred...
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Devin Knight
Double Coincidence by Devin Knight

Make It Yourself with this PDF.

Mentalist tells the audience that before the show, he gave a lady a dictionary, a red crayon and an envelope. He asked her to secretly circle a word and to seal the dictionary in the envelope. She was instructed to tell nobody the word, nor let anyone tamper with the envelope. He says this envelope is still in the audience.

When it's time to perform this effect, the Mentalist calls two people on stage.

The sealed envelope with dictionary is then retrieved by one of the spectators who holds on to it in full view. The Mentalist picks up a 300 page book...

★★★★ $12
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Devin Knight
Mindvention 2009 Lecture Notes by Devin Knight

First time released as PDF. These are the highly sought after lecture notes from Devin's first lecture at Mindvention in 2009. Includes the amazing INSIGHT.

INSIGHT -- Another Clever ACCAN

You invite two spectators to help in this experiment. You remove a deck of cards casually show them face up while you remove the joker. They are placed face down on the table. You ask one of the spectators to cut off a block and look at a card. Not to remove it, just THINK of it. You really don't know what card the person is thinking about! The selection is made in the spectator's hands. The magician...

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Jon Racherbaumer
Finessed Controls by Jon Racherbaumer

Controlling a card to the top or to the bottom is the most fundamental technique in card magic. Every card magician should have at least one good method to do that. Consequently many authors use the phrase "control card to the top/bottom with your preferred method" and leave the rest to the reader assuming that everyone already has his or her preferred method. While you might have your favorite method, the search for better ones never stops.

In this ebook Jon Racherbaumer describers several - as he calls them 'finessed' methods - to control a card to the top or to the bottom. You should find...

★★★★★ $20
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Stefan Olschewski
EGGstremely Dangerous by Stefan Olschewski

"It's hard to find a new plot in magic or mentalism but Stefan has cracked it with his EGGstremely Dangerous routine. I can't wait to put this into an act. It will play well with all ages." - Wayne Rogers

"If you are looking to add some great comedy to your mentalism act, then look no further. This is one of the funniest mental routines I have seen. It is sure to please any audience." - Devin Knight

"Really, really nice: Entertaining, easy to do, and direct to the point! The kind of things I like!" - Luca Volpe

"Stefan keeps creating very commercial routines that pack a punch yet are easy to set up...

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(Janel) James Nelson
Janel's Startling Effects by (Janel) James Nelson

This long time favorite, now completely revised and enlarged, is now a valuable ebook for any showman's digital library.

Complete details for a Spook Show, with many special effects: The Phantom Musician, Floating Dragon, Shadow Illusion, etc. New and novel ways to present a thrill show on a small, medium, or elaborate scale. Much valuable information for Scout Jamborees, schools, play groups, or any group wanting to work up a sensational show. many parts adaptable to a magic show. Illustrated.

1st edition 1965, 43 pages; digital editions 2012, 33 pages.

★★★★★ $7.95
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Clettis Musson
Minute Magic by Clettis Musson

This is all close up, intimate magic, with very little preparation, props you can find in any home, no expense, no skillful sleight of hand needed. It is called 'Minute Magic' because it is ready in a minute, for use at a moment's notice. Tricks with pop corn, sugar, bread, olives, salt, pepper, string, money, paper, gold fish, etc. 36 effects in all. Illustrated.

1st edition 1953, 36 pages; digital edition 2012, 35 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Magic Pop Corn
  3. Sugar From Bread
  4. Tantalizing Tissue
  5. Flash Change
  6. Speedy Ring Vanish
  7. Can You Do It?
  8. A Startling Production
  9. Out...
★★★★★ $6.95
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Lynn J. Searles
Lucky Aces by Lynn J. Searles

Original Aces material, including the Fair Deal Aces, a new approach with no fake cards, Paging the Aces (the moves of which magicians won't follow), Four by Twelve Aces, a card trick in the Vernon tradition. This ebook is for card men who enjoy clever technical sleight of hand.

1st edition 1950, 2nd edition 1974, 12 pages; digital edition 2012, 12 pages.

★★★ $5.95
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Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini
Two Magicians and a Deck of Cards by Cameron Francis & Aldo Colombini

Aldo Colombini and Cameron Francis, two friends with a common passion: Card Magic. This is the type of magic that can be worked anytime, anyplace.


  • YET (Aldo Colombini): A card is selected and it is seen to be the only different colored card. It disappears and reappears face up in the middle of the deck.
  • SIMPLY AMAZING (Cameron Francis): This is a fun, off-beat four-Ace assembly.
  • FOLLOWERS (Aldo Colombini): Follow the Leader theme but the entire packet follows each time.
  • S.P.C.A. (Cameron Francis): An almost self-working small packet "card at number".
  • NUMBERED (Aldo Colombini):...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

Brian Barnes
Al Koran's Miracle Blindfold Card Act by Brian Barnes

Performed and explained by Brian Barnes.

The explanation for the performance and method is in Al Koran's Legacy but as Brian Barnes has been performing this act for around 50 years he has taken bits of the routine out and has added some of his own subtle touches.

This is a brilliant act for any full time magical entertainer. It just requires the minimum of props including a blindfold, cards and a table. It can be worked absolutely surrounded and for audiences of virtually any size.

Brian Barnes not only performs the act in front of an audience of twelve but then explains how to perform it in detail....

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MP4 (video)

Bob Longe
The Invisible Deck: and other card tricks by Bob Longe

Over a dozen strictly impromptu tricks you will enjoy using. Many have patter included. Please note that these invisible deck routines are FASIDU (from a shuffled deck in use) and not the same version popularized by Don Alan.

1st edition 1948, 24 pages; digital edition 2012, 21 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
  2. The Invisible Deck
  3. The Invisible Deck (Effect 2)
  4. The Invisible Deck (Effect 3)
  5. The Invisible Deck (Effect 4)
  6. Strike Three and Out!
  7. Four Plus One
  8. Surprise Rise
  9. Quickie Reverse
  10. Hypnotism and Cards
  11. Two Black Aces
  12. Poker Supreme
  13. Where Are the Aces?
  14. Ideal Count Down
  15. Without a...
★★★★ $6.95
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Various Contributors
How To Do Cigarette Tricks by Various Contributors

Everything you need to know: vanishes, appearances, changes, multiplying, producing, explanation of various props to glamorize your cigarette work, etc. Carefully explained with pictures so that even the beginner can easily understand and do these tricks. A great little handbook of cigarette work, with tricks you will use.

1st edition 1957, 20 pages; digital edition 2012, 27 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Cigarette Vanisher (Pull)
  2. The Professional Vanish
  3. The Squeeze Vanish
  4. Thumb Tip Vanish
  5. Ireland Simplex Cigarette Production Act
  6. Cigarettes-Cigars-Pipe
  7. The Invisible Cigarette
  8. Cigarette...
★★★★★ $5.95
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Eugene E. Gloye
Fantastic Tricks with Plastic Cups by Eugene E. Gloye

Many magicians get their greatest pleasure out of making their own tricks - and there is no form of construction easier or less costly than working with plastic cups. For the man who likes to make his own - no workshop is needed for these easy to construct effects. Over thirty tricks you can make for pennies each. Good magic, low cost. Illustrated.

  • The fake bottom cup
  • Variations of the fake bottom cup
  • The cup with a secret compartment
  • The foo cup

1st edition 1976, 52 pages; digital edition 2012, 42 pages.

★★★★ $6.95
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Aldo Colombini
ESP Card Magic Vol. 12: Various Authors Part 3 by Aldo Colombini
  • WILD ESP-RESSIONS (Aldo Colombini): You show two sets of ESP cards. You predict a choice of an ESP symbol (say the Star), then four different symbols change to blank cards and four letters appear on the back of four cards to spell the selected symbol: S-T-A-R!
  • PERFECT (Jozsef Kovacs): Five (say) red-backed cards are used as predictions and are dealt onto five blue-packets, at random. If the red card is a Square, the other cards are all Squares, etc. Perfect match.
  • ESP-ABILITY (Aldo Colombini): A deck is shown all shuffled and a spectator deals the cards switching pairs (or triplets) of cards. When the...
★★★★★ $10
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MP4 (video)

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