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Raphaël Czaja
SCAMP (French) by Raphaël Czaja

Effet : Le magicien sort deux jokers d'un jeu rouge sur lesquels il a écrit une prédiction et les dépose sur la table.

Ensuite, il étale un jeu bleu face en l'air et propose au spectateur de choisir une carte. Par exemple, le valet de cœur.

Puis, il retourne ses prédictions : Un joker indique « TENEZ LE JEU ROUGE FACE EN BAS » et l'autre, « VOTRE CARTE EST LA 29ème ».

Le spectateur prend le jeu rouge et le tient face en bas. Il distribue les cartes une à une face en l'air jusqu'au nombre prédit par le magicien... La 29ème carte est le valet de cœur !

  • Pas de carte...
H. F. C. Suhr
Jedermann Zauberkünstler by H. F. C. Suhr

Suhr beschreibt in diesem Werk die Kunststücke von St. Roman der mit seinem bürgerlichen Namen Samuel Thiersfeld hiess. Das erste Kapitel gibt einen detailierten Lebenslauf von St. Roman.

  • Vorwort.
  • St. Roman.
  • Roman's Tricks und deren Erklärung.
    1. Das Hexennetz.
    2. Der Kartendegen.
    3. Licht dans Séances oder "mehr Licht".
    4. Die Vermehrung der Thaler.
    5. Die Vernichtung und die Herstellung.
    6. Der animalische Transport.
    7. Der Gedanke und die Luftexpedition.
    8. Die diabolische Variation.
    9. Das Durchdringen der Stoffe.
    10. Der wandernde Thaler.
    11. Die rotierende Münze.
    12. Wie Roman Tauben und Vögel verschwinden...
Devin Knight
Improved Blindsight by Devin Knight
"I was blindsided by this new edition and method. I love doing it and so will you. I use it now as a traveling piece of real mentalism. It is real thinking to the nth degree." - Marc Salem
The original Blindsight has been one of the bestselling tricks in magic, having sold over 5000 copies. Here is a new improved version. The effect is the same, but the method has been improved.

Performer patters that Blindsight is the apparent ability to see colors and shapes which cannot be seen. You offer a simple experiment. You introduce 4 ungimmicked colored cards: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. These in...

H. F. C. Suhr
Der Amateurzauberer by H. F. C. Suhr

Eine Sammlung auserlesener, überraschender Zauberkunststücke mit Münzen, Karten und anderen Gegenständen, zur Darstellung in privaten Kreisen. Es beinhaltet sogar eine Beschreibung der Konstruktion einer 'unmöglichen' Flasche. Und es befindet sich die zur Zeit erste bekannte Beschreibung des Erdnase "The Three Aces" Tricks.

  • Erster Teil. Münzenpieren.
    1. Die Drehmünze.
    2. Das Zerreiben einer Münze.
    3. Die an den Fingerspitzen erscheinenden Geldstücke.
    4. Der Doppelthaler.
    5. The Miser's Dream.
    6. Money Everywhere.
    7. Die das Tuch durchdringende Münze.
    8. Der Thalerstab.
    9. Die schnelle Vermehrung.
    10. Der...
★★★★★ $49.50
Borodin & Bill Palmer MIMC
Sheherazade by Borodin & Bill Palmer MIMC

Punx considered Borodin (Ulf Bolling) his best student, who had a gift weaving storytelling and magic into one coherent and mesmerizing unit. This work has received numerous accolades including from Ted Lesley who wrote:

"Believe me friends, it is a wonderful book. The first trick in it is alone worth 10 times more, as you have to pay for it. I recommend it highly!!!!

Sheherazade is not a magic book. Sheherazade is also not a story book. Sheherazade is the successful synthesis of the two. This ebook contains extremely refined routines which are easy to perform. They are dressed up in artistic presentations...

Vin Carey
Sleeving by Vin Carey

1st edition ~1940, PDF 14 pages.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Grant's Thirteen Mysteries by Ulysses Frederick Grant

From the foreword:

Mr. U. F. Grant was born in Millerton, New York on January 12, 1901. Now resides in Pittsfield, Massachusetts where he plays dates and conducts a Magic mail order trade. Ever since eight years of age he has been fooling with Magic. And to date he has invented and created over 200 new tricks and improvements on other effects. His photo appeared on the cover of The Sphinx for September 1928. His contributions to The Sphinx runs into many dozens which were well received. Mr, Grant also has received many favorable comments on his various original tricks from practically every well known...

Brian T. Lees
Three Classic Magic Tricks for Clowns by Brian T. Lees

Clowns perform magic. The only difference is the size of the magic and the illusions themselves. I work both as a clown and a magician. I was asked to share some of the materials I use to teach new clowns. This ebook introduces three classic magic tricks, offers routines to get you started, and is illustrated to show the various manipulations. All items pack small, do not take up much space in your pocket and can be found at very reasonable prices.

  • What makes magic work
  • Introducing the classics
  • Thumb tip
  • Thumb tip routines
  • Hot rod
  • Hot rod routines
  • Sponge balls
  • Sponge ball routines ...
Robert A. Nelson
Private Medium's Secret Guide by Robert A. Nelson

What is the Private Medium's Secret Guide? What "secret" information does it contain? Is it the "Secret Blue Book" of the Spiritualists, often whispered about, but never seen? Just what does the guide contain?

The author is a person who has devoted his life to psychic research, both fraudulent and real--and writes not from theory, but from years of practical experience as a practicing psychologist and reader. His conclusions will be found in the pages of his guide. His advice and counsel on successful reading and counselling--and page upon page of "psychological readings", those exclusive...

★★★★★ $7.95
Roger Siegel
Bar Room Balloons by Roger Siegel

Note that this ebook includes x-rated balloon models and jokes. This is not appropriate material for minors.

  • The Water Dog Trick
  • Balloon Boys and Girls Together
  • Mounting Dogs
  • A View From the Zoo
  • Big Boy Balloon
  • The Circumcised Dogs
  • X-Rated Rubber Quips or Dirty Bar Jokes

1st edition 1974, 24 pages; 1st digital edition 2018, 18 pages.

Corner Rounder: 1/8" (3 mm), 3/16" (5 mm), 5/16" (8 mm) by

This is a multi-use rugged manual corner rounder that produces round corners in three sizes:

  • 3 mm (1/8")
  • 5 mm (3/16")
  • 8 mm (5/16")
3 mm is ideal for perfectly rounding corners for playing cards, as well as other cards like ID cards, badges and business cards. It is also the ideal tool to round corners for cards that have been shortened, as for the preparation of a Svengali deck or a simple short card, or cards that have been cut conically - so called stripper decks. Whenever you need to correct the corner rounding this tool will help you.

The 5 mm rounding is great for corner shorts....

Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw
Magicseen No. 79 (March 2018) by Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil Shaw

Vol. 14, No. 1, March 2018; 60 pages
Cover: John Archer

  1. A Word From The Editor
  2. The Mailbox - Your View - Have Your Say
  3. John Archer - Balloon Animals & Baftas! - cover article/interview - Graham Hey
  4. In The Phonebox with David Lutz
  5. One-Liner Heaven!
  6. Musing on The Session - Mark Leveridge
  7. Musing on The Event - Neil Kelso
  8. Following Up with Fritz [Alkemade]!
  9. Poster Problem; Too (many) words or not too (many) words? That is the question. - Jay Fortune
  10. Masterclass
    1. The Perfect Match - Anthony Owen & Marc Paul
    2. True Romance - Allan Kronzek
  11. Lookalikes!
  12. Shout Outs - Here are some special 'extra' announcements...
Herman L. Weber
Out of the Spook Cabinet by Herman L. Weber

A famous theatre ghost show performer reveals the secrets behind many of his hair-raising blackout stunts.

Want to host a midnight spook show? Or perhaps you want to host an entertaining seance or spooktacular ghost blackout routine in your magic act. Herman L. Weber ("Namreh") explains how to haunt a theatre with convincing ghost, spook and blackout effects that will scare the YELL out of your audience.

Introduction by Francisco, himself a famous ghost show performer.

One of the included effects, "The Floating Soul," was previously sold separately for $30 by mail. Another, "The Spectral...

★★★★★ $8
Eddie Clever & J. G. Thompson Jr.
Futuristic Foursome by Eddie Clever & J. G. Thompson Jr.

Here are four mind-blowing card effects with a mental flavor. All are in keeping with the well-known ingenuity of these two artists. Every one of the effects is top notch. Magicians and mentalists everywhere raved about this collection when it was first released. Long out of print, this manuscript is now available to a new generation of performers.

Hallucination, Jr. (Clever) - The adventures of the card everyone is thinking about provides a baffling mystery and leaves the spectators talking to themselves in amazement, as the chosen card somehow leaves the table and materializes in the spectator's...

★★★★★ $10
Peter Prevos
The Möbius Strip in Magic: A treatise on the Afghan Bands by Peter Prevos

The Möbius strip is one of the most enigmatic principles of mathematics. A simple loop of paper transforms in unexpected ways. This topological quandary has not only inspired mathematicians; countless inventions use this principle and artists have painted, sculpted and written stories about the Möbius strip.

The art of magic has extensively used this topological principle to create the illusion of magic. The Afghan Bands were a favourite magic trick in the first half of the last century. Famous magicians such as Harry Blackstone and Nelson Downs regularly performed it in the stage act.

The Möbius Strip in Magic...

Jon Racherbaumer
The Last Hierophant by Jon Racherbaumer

Impromptu Effects

  • One Fantastic Move (Edward Marlo)
  • The Joker Reads Minds (Edward Marlo)
  • One Thru Four Elevator (Dave Solomon)
  • You Did It Again! (Edward Marlo)
  • You Did It Again And Again! (Edward Marlo)
  • Black-Hole Card Switcheroo (Edward Marlo)
  • A Way Out (Danny Korem)
Strictly Technical
  • Moving Monte Switch (Chuck Smith)
  • Sleeper Shank Shuffle (Edward Marlo)
  • The Marnase Change And Vanish (Edward Marlo)
  • The Double Erdnase Change (Edward Marlo)
  • Darting Double (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Center Double (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Marlo's Swivel Cull (Edward Marlo)
  • Snap Pass (Jon Racherbaumer) ...
★★★ $8
Jon Racherbaumer
Robert Walker's Hyper Twist by Jon Racherbaumer

Effect: Four blue-back cards are shown. One at a time each card - the Ace, Two, Three, and Four of Diamonds - turn face up. Their backs then change to red and then one at a time the backs change back to blue. Finally, the cards change to four Fours of Diamonds.

1st edition 1975 in Paul Diamond Presents Magical Masterpieces #2, updated 2018, PDF 15 pages.

★★★★ $0
Brian T. Lees
Abraca-Poof March 2018 by Brian T. Lees
  • Your Best Asset
  • Free Shows
  • Your Show/Your Responsibility
  • Famous Failures
  • Magicians in Parade
  • I Don't Trick / I Entertain

1st edition 2018, 10 pages.

★★★★★ $12
Devin Knight
Psychic Envelope Divination by Devin Knight

Here is an act that I sincerely concede as being the best all-around modus operandi ever offered to the profession. The strong point is that this effect is done in real time. The original effect was sold in the Sphinx for $50.00 back in the 40s. By today's standards it would be almost $800.00. It was later improved by psychic Jason Michaels and used during his career. The effect is as follows: The performer passes out small cards on which spectators are requested to write their questions and sign their full name. This completed, cards are collected by performer, placed in small envelopes and sealed. ...

Ralph W. Read
One Man Mind Reading Secrets by Ralph W. Read

From the introduction:

In general, the effects produced by a person working alone are the same as those presented by performers employing one or more assistants. While there are many tests, such as divining the names of chosen cards, numbers, names, etc., the large majority of these acts consists in the performer's revelation of facts concerning questions secretly written by the spectators. Of course, the performer must, in all cases, ascertain through some secret means what has been written in order to play the role of mind reader, and it is these secret methods that are disclosed in the...
★★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Spirit Glass by Brick Tilley

Cause a glass hanging from a string to mysteriously chime whenever and how often you wish, with nothing to see for the spectators. It is a wonderful audiophile effect.

1st edition 2018, 4 pages + 2 videos

★★★★★ $10
Jon Racherbaumer
Hierophant 7 by Jon Racherbaumer
  • Introduction
  • Contributors
  • The Hamman Twist (Brother John Hamman)
  • Krenzel's Tunnel Change (Ken Krenzel)
  • Dingle's Tunnel Change (Derek Dingle)
  • No Force Vanish & Recovery (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Off-Sho Ot (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Jump-Jump Aces (Edward Marlo)
  • The 999 Miracle (Edward Marlo)
  • Pineapple Twist (Bruce Cervon - Dai Vernon)
  • Sober Slop Poker (Edward Marlo)
  • Breakless Curry Change (Edward Marlo)
  • The Four Ace ... Er ... Queen Trick (Edward Marlo)
  • Flash Sandwich (Jon Racherbaumer)
  • Fair On All Points (Edward Marlo)
  • The Missing Hour (Edward Marlo)
  • The Viet Nam Trick (Bruce Cervon - Dai Vernon)
  • A Quickie (Edward Marlo)
  • Exhibitionism (Edward Marlo) ...
Ian Baxter
Strands ... by Ian Baxter

Five of Baxter’s best with cards – all impromptu, all straightforward, all within reach of the average card man. Included is Easy Going Triumph, which puts the famous Vernon effect into an even more convincing mode and not a sleight in sight.

Direct and clean effects achieved by simple methods. With an introduction by Charles Gauci.

  • Shared Sandwich
  • Staying In Touch
  • Rag
  • Coin Spell
  • Easy Going Triumph

1st edition 2018, 16 pages.

Rob Chapman
You Can Do It - Hypnosis by Rob Chapman
"A great introduction to the art of hypnosis, I even learnt something new!" - Phil Naylor, Magician
You Can Do It - Hypnosis is the latest release in the micro read range from Rob Chapman.

A concise guide to starting out in hypnosis, designed to get you practising within an hour of reading. This guide gets straight to the point. With ideas that are good for magicians as well as hypnotists, whatever your reason, this ebook will be a great starting point to begin your journey into this amazing art.

Looking at ways of using hypnosis without mentioning the word, you will learn a great...

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