"Grandi effetti, piccolo costo!" Questo motto riassume in breve le potenzialità di questo grande classico del Maestro Grant. Se cerchi numeri che stupiscano il tuo pubblico, che siano facili da eseguire e che abbiano l'aspetto di Grandi Illusioni quasi a costo zero da costruire con facilità, allora questo è quello che ti serve! Per chi conosce Grant, non ha bisogno di spiegazioni. Le sue idee semplici e geniali resistono e oltrepassano lo scorrere del tempo. Le illusioni spaziano nel campo dell'escapologia, ma non solo. Alcuni esempi sono la sua versione del Baule per la Metamorfosi con...
This is the Gambler's Book Club facsimile reprint. Booklet is in good condition. For details on contents see the digital edition.
This is the second edition from 1942, published by Max Holden. Some stains on the back cover and the last pages, and some damage to the spine, otherwise in good condition.
This is a classic in sleight-of-hand magic. From the foreword:
This BOOK is mainly on the art of sleight-of-hand and it is my earnest hope that these pages will afford practical help to both the specialist and the amateur magician.
During the period of over twenty-five years of practical magic I have formed the conclusion that in all conjuring, no matter how cleanly a trick may have been worked, it is the effect that...
This is the Max Holden edition. Book is in very good condition. Some discoloration of the cover. Golden Gate Magic Co. sticker on the inside back cover.
This is volume two in the classic sleight-of-hand trilogy. From the foreword:
Since many branches of Magic are again represented in this volume, a close study of it will, I sincerely hope, assist the reader in perhaps making some little change, addition or improvement in an existing 'move' or effect in which he may be interested.
I have included in this book my method of working and presenting "The Chinese Rings," mainly for those of...
This edition is from Hurst & Co. Cover some damage on the upper left corner. Dust jacket is falling apart. Otherwise, including binding, in very good condition.
Amusing Experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Geometry
The title is a little bit misleading, because there are no real magic tricks in this book, at least not the kind that a magician would assume. It is essentially a book of 'kitchen' science experiments. Some of these experiments can of course be presented like a magic trick. But the majority of them are simply interesting or surprising science experiments which can be done at...
This edition is from 1906 published by H. M. Caldwell Company. Flyleaf has pencil marks by Carolyn Miller. Some bumping and foxing.
Amusing Experiments in Physics, Chemistry and Geometry
The title is a little bit misleading, because there are no real magic tricks in this book, at least not the kind that a magician would assume. It is essentially a book of 'kitchen' science experiments. Some of these experiments can of course be presented like a magic trick. But the majority of them are simply interesting or surprising science experiments which can be done at home with a little bit of preparation. ...
This is an 1892 edition in good condition.
The original description read:
A history of the vice in ancient and modern times, and in both hemispheres; an exposition of its alarming prevalence and destructive effects; with an unreserved and exhaustive disclosure of such frauds, tricks and devices as are practiced by "professional" gamblers, "confidence men" and "bunko steerers."
This is a massive tome on gambling, the largest one at that time, describing gambling locations, games, scams, fraud and how they are operated, as well as many personal stories from the author. Makes for fascinating...
Book is in good condition. Some discoloration of cover. Stamp (Oliver Kendall, Prince of Wizards), markings and sticker (Vernon E. Lux) on cover. Also has a pink return postage note pasted on the flyleaf, and envelope with library card on the inside back cover.
Booklet stapled is in excellent condition.
An authoritative ebook on collecting for collectors. Written by one of the world's foremost collectors. Covers the whole subject of the care and arrangement of the magical library, data on the books themselves, bookplates with pages of examples, plus the Mulholland article on same. Other bits by well-known collectors. Highly recommended to all who are building up their magic libraries, no matter how small at present. Preface by John Mulholland.
2nd edition 1958 (Ireland Magic).
This is a first edition in excellent condition, with gilded edges.
The best way of learning new things is doing them. Magical Experiments or Science in Play is a fascinating collection of kitchen table top experiments with every day household goods. Many of which have a 'magical' twist to them, in the sense that it is for the unfamiliar observer not quite clear how these tricks are performed, or what the physical mechanisms behind them are. More than 150 experiments are described with gorgeous lithographs. This book was originally written in French and later translated to English. This in...
Including the real deal on "The Trick That Fooled Houdini", and Jon Racherbaumer contributed a lengthy treatise on TILT.
MALLEABLE POKER DEAL - An amazing 3-part routine with a Poker Deal that will dazzle everyone - including magicians. This routine can be performed by almost anyone.
FIRST, a five-handed game of poker is dealt and the dealer displays that he can deal bottoms, seconds, and center deals at will. He deals himself the four Tens.
SECOND, the dealer asks a spectator, at which hand is the shill supposedly sitting, the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th hand...the 5th is the dealer's hand. When the spectator...
As magicians we are hired to entertain. The show must go on is a harsh truth that we all accept responsibility for. The fact is performances do not always take place without problems. If you have ever found yourself standing in the lights, with a failed trick you know what I am talking about. The audience knows the magic was a complete flop. There is no one else on stage with you. When that happens, we all promise we will never put ourselves in that situation again.
Your magic may be "performance ready" but is it also "audience ready"? This text talks about conditioning for the unexpected....
"This is perhaps, the greatest 'come on', or 'bally stunt' the world has ever known." - Floyd ThayerThis is a sadly forgotten effect that was a big hit back in vaudeville, but overlooked by today's magicians. It has been used by Thurston, Blackstone Sr., U. F. Grant, Tommy Windsor and other great magicians. This is one of the funniest routines in magic and you don't have to be a comedian or comedy performer to pull it off. It always results in hilarious laughter.
The premise is simple; the performer invites a boy up and shows him a half-dollar. The performer says, "This is the one and only RED HOT COIN. After years...
Inside these notes you will find routines, thoughts, and short essays on the art of magic. These effects range from quick fun effects to full blown formal close-up routines. There is something for every close-up performer in here. Lessons in misdirection are found throughout this ebook. Principles explored with in this magic lecture can be applied to many effects you already perform. The effects are straightforward and hard hitting for real audience. Simple workable routines and ideas.
Magic Effects
TacsMan: One by one, a dime, penny, and quarter penetrate a tic tac box.
Sweet: A truly...
Here is another magical gem from Ken De Courcy. It is packed with mystery, humor and audience participation. This card effect is suitable for close-up, stage, cabaret-floor or where you want to present it. The totally unexpected (yet logical) climax really hits the audience between the eyes and cannot fail to gather applause.
EFFECT: A lady is invited to assist. She chooses one of four envelopes and the remaining three are left in full view. She is then handed a red-backed pack to shuffle while the magician shuffles a blue pack. Then the packs are exchanged and shuffled again if you want. ...
This effect is a variant of the Card at Any Number plot, but with a full routine and a very commercial and entertaining presentation, with gags, a prediction, or divination, with a puzzling final surprise revelation, and more potential. It can be adapted for any events like Christmas, New Year, Thanksgiving, Halloween, weddings, carnival, birthdays, conventions, etc.
It needs a one-time preparation that you can keep in your wallet or jacket, and can be used as an opener or a closer, for strolling, close up, parlor or stage.
1st edition 2017, 15 pages.
[This is an edited and abridged version of a manuscript originally released by Harry Blackstone Sr. as The Spirit Handkerchief.
A borrowed white handkerchief takes on a life of its own, it moves and dances around the stage as though it has become a real spirit.
Exactly as performed by the great magician (and his successor son)! All the masterful comedy touches. Learn this electrifying effect as only the Blackstone's can perform it. Every beautiful move. Every innermost thought that has made the Spirit Dancing Handkerchief famous. Learn: The handkerchief in the cabinet. Learn: The handkerchief in the bottle. Learn: The handkerchief in the hat. Detailed directions for every move.
This is a very rare and seldom seen release of U. F. Grant. It was released in 1934 by Nelmar and was only available from him. In this short release Grant explains several methods for creating the effect of an invisible man on stage. The invisible man is heard walking out on stage and wearing a hat, but no visible body; which the performer removes. He is heard to converse with the performer and even rock in a rocking chair. The invisible man goes out into the audience and looks at cards selected by spectators and returns to the stage and whispers them in the performer's ear so the performer...
We all see those emails telling us about "the best trick of 2016".... even though we've received 10 of those emails this year. And it's only July.
Anyway, this effect amazes audiences, and fries the brains of spectators who try to figure it out.
You will learn:
1st edition 2017, length 13 min
From the Foreword:
It has always been my aim to perform close-up magic impromptu, and with unprepared cards. This I do most of the time. Occasionally I find it is better to use the odd special card to enhance a particular routine, and as a commercial performer I have no qualms about this. In my view, the performer's personality should override all else, the props being the tools of his trade. When the blend of personality and props is exactly correct, the performance becomes an entertainment ... this is the aim.
The routines in this book are designed to appeal to those using card magic...
Like ghosts they pass up the sleeve and into the pocket.
From the introduction:
This routine has all the ingredients to delight the discerning performer, the effect is excellent and although it conforms generally to the classical version of "The Cards to Pocket", it has that dash of variation that makes it novel. The method is easy to perform, so easy that one wonders why many more have not thought of obviating the palming just as Patrick Page has done. It's a fine example of using subtle moves in place of sleight of hand; indeed only one simple move is used throughout and yet the effect...
Use lexicon or any 26 alphabet cards to present an astonishing display of mentalism and memory.
Effect: The mentalist thoroughly shuffles a set of 26 letter cards (the complete alphabet). One unidentified card is removed from the deck. Then three members of the audience divide the rest of the pack among themselves, shuffle their hands and call out in turn the letters they are holding.