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Magic & Mentalism: page 365


Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Displaying 1638 to 1661 (of 10397 products)
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★★★★★ $12
Robert A. Nelson
The Blacks by Robert A. Nelson

A master secret of the professional psychic that previously sold for the equivalent of $185.00 in today's money. That mysterious, almost mythical billet reading method as used by a select few of the best-informed clairvoyants. One of the most closely held secret routines of the profession, and to the very best of Nelson's information, known to only four living people at the time of writing.

The secret has long been sought by investigators and magicians. In fact, it is alleged that David P. Abbott tried in vain for thirty years to learn the true secret. Originated and perfected by one of the craftiest...

Edward Bagshawe
Novel Mysteries Part 2: Original Card Effects by Edward Bagshawe
  • A Divination Marvel
  • A Card Change
  • The "Radio" Cards
  • The "Encore" Reversed Cards
  • The "Climax" Card Mystery
  • One More "Four-Ace" Trick
  • The "Ultra" Sympathetic Packs
  • "Jack O' Spades"

1st edition 1927; PDF 23 pages.

Peter Pellikaan
New Wild Cards by Peter Pellikaan

You show seven Jacks of Hearts and one Ten of Spades. By putting the Ten of Spades face-down on the face-up Jacks, all cards turn magically face-down. But the climax is still coming. Once the cards are turned face up they are now all Ten of Spades except one Jack of Hearts.

1st edition 2022, video 3:11.

★★★★★ $10
Christian Jedinat
Zaubern Leicht Gemacht 2: Becherspiel und Chop Cup by Christian Jedinat

Eine ausführliche deutschsprachige Anleitung zum Becherspiel und Chop Cup - von Profis für Profis und Liebhaber. Sechs Zauberkünstler zeigen und erklären ihre erfolgreichen Interpretationen von Becherspiel und Chop Cup. Erlernen und verbessern Sie jetzt den Klassiker der Zauberkunst, den jeder Magier beherrschen sollte. Der Fortgeschrittene findet viele neue Anregungen. Der Neuling wird Schritt für Schritt unterwiesen.

Christian Jedinat zeigt Ihnen eine leichte, effektvolle Becherspielvariante. Hier werden lediglich drei einfache Griffe verwendet, mit denen Sie das Becherspiel innerhalb...

Christian Jedinat
Zaubern Leicht Gemacht 1 by Christian Jedinat

Hier zeigt Christian Jedinat wie man ganz leicht mit etwas Übung Zauberkunststücke mit Karten, Schwammbällen, Münzen, Seilen und noch vieles mehr erlernen kann. Gezeigt wird zum Beispiel wie eine unterschriebene Karte auf magische Weise zweimal hintereinander in die Tasche des Zauberkünstlers wandert. Oder wie ein 2-Eurostück in den Händen des Künstlers verschwindet, um plötzlich in der Kniekehle aufzutauchen und sich sofort in eine Riesenmünze zu verwandeln.

Nehmen Sie sich Zeit und lernen Sie diese und andere Profikunststücke. Alle wichtigen Griffe und Tricks werden erklärt...

Roberto Bombassei & Biagio Fasano
In Your Hands 1 by Roberto Bombassei & Biagio Fasano

This ebook, written by Roberto Bombassei and edited in the English version by Biagio Fasano, is a formidable collection of almost twenty card magic effects, semi-automatic and hands-off, meant to be performed remotely, on the phone, or in a video conference. Principles known to magicians alternate with others more interesting and less known by various authors, to create new effects that can pleasantly amaze your viewers.

Here are some of the tricks you'll find:

  • TOUCH CARD LOCATION - a method to find a chosen card in an inexplicable way.
  • MACH PREDICTION - another way to locate a card...
★★★★★ $6
Joseph B.
Uncutted by Joseph B.

Uncutted is a three-phase routine with a totally unexpected ending. The spectator can make free choices but many coincidences will happen. A deck cut in half literally. The spectator will always magically find the corresponding card in the other half. A long series of unexpected coincidences. A very fun routine.

  • You have all the material at home to construct your deck
  • You will use a normal deck
  • No force
  • No sleight of hand
  • Detailed instructions

1st edition 2022, video 27:25.

★★★★★ $10
Peter Pellikaan
Mondriaan Painting Trick by Peter Pellikaan

This card trick has a very unique and interesting plot. The topic is Mondriaan, the famous Dutch painter. You show cards and they change colors, the ones Mondriaan needs for his painting. Eventually you end with a replica of the painting itself.

1st edition 2022, video 4:26.

Laurie Ireland
Ireland's Year Book 1950 by Laurie Ireland
  • The Homemade Magician
  • Penny Dime Transposition
  • On The Spot
  • Out-Witted
  • Loaded Spook
  • Dark Thoughts
  • Impromptu Twentieth Century Silks
    • Eggs From Handkerchief
    • Another Here, There And Everywhere
    • Tip For Anti Gravico
    • A House Of Cards
  • Now What?
  • Tuning Up
  • By Chance Alone
  • A Self Lighting Candle
  • The Blue Quints
  • Silks From Nowhere
  • Three Golden Pyramids Of The Valley Of Oom
  • Tom Fitzgerald's Passe Passe Bottles
  • New Use For A Forcing Deck
  • Rope Records And Ribbon
  • Card Telepathy De Luxe
  • The Flight Of Thought
  • The Mystic Ringer
  • A Portfolio Of Bar And Close Up Tricks
    • A "Long" Card...
★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Mental Lockdown by Unknown Mentalist

This is a quick mental effect that starts with a bit of fun and ends with a stun. All you need to perform this routine is a double blank business card and a one-time preparation on it which will last you many performances and then if needed you can prepare one more double blank business card.

This is totally self-working and easy to learn. And you can start performing this almost as soon as you have read this manuscript. This is ideal for close-up and parlor situations and also can be performed in a virtual show with a slightly bigger double blank card.

Effect: The participant reads...

★★★★★ $10
Aldo Colombini
The Band by Aldo Colombini

Several excellent effects using a deck of cards and rubber bands. From the introduction:

In this booklet, you will find several effects with rubber bands and cards, mainly card revelations, which should give you enough input to work with, hoping that you will be able to create some new routines of your own.

  • Introduction
  • Wrap-It
  • Flying-It
  • Rubber Penetration
  • Up-Again
  • Transpo-Wrap
  • Star Wrap
  • Wrap Again
  • A Trio Band
  • Mini-Wrap
  • Stranger In The Wrap
  • Pyramid
  • Snap Twice
  • Super Link

1st edition 1993, 20 pages; PDF 26 pages.

After Dinner Tricks and Puzzles with your Seal Brand Coffee by unknown

A nicely produced collection of mostly puzzles, brainteasers, and some which could be performed as magic tricks. In total there are 36 problems. Solutions are provided for all of them.

1st edition 1896, 12 pages of problems, 2 pages of answers.

Jon Racherbaumer
Minutia Memes 1 by Jon Racherbaumer

Regarding changes, sexual and otherwise.

This is an unusual one, but Jon Racherbaumer always weaves an interesting yarn meshing history with magic and card tricks with culture. In this short but nevertheless interesting ebook Jon starts out with a historic event that in the 1950s made huge waves. Today it would hardly make the news. In 1952 a man by the name of George William Jorgensen Jr. had a number of operations to change his sex and became Christine Jorgensen. Edward Marlo exploited this event and created a card trick called "Christine", and with Christine, he meant Christine Jorgensen. This is...

★★★★★ $12
Ken Muller
Ring and Silk Progression by Ken Muller

A 'walk-around' style three-phase magic routine using a handkerchief and borrowed finger ring, with progressing mystery and astonishment.

Use most any pocket kerchief, napkin, scarf, etc. and a simple finger ring. No gimmicks, attachments or duplicates. A truly impromptu presentation using found objects that can segue into other magic effects.

The ring penetrates the cloth material in three different ways of increasing impossibility and visual impact. The observers are drawn in to anticipate magic to occur, and you then exceed those expectations and hopes.

Moderate finger dexterity...

Rolf Andra
Kartenmagie: Das Handbuch der Kartenkunst by Rolf Andra

Aus dem Vorwort:

Drei ist eine magische Zahl. Drei verschiedenen Zwecken soll dieses Buch dienen. Zunächst soll es Sie mit den wichtigsten Kartengriffen - "Kunstgriffe mit Spielkarten" - in guter und allgemeinverständlicher Weise bekannt machen. Nein, nicht nur bekannt machen, sondern diese wirklich lehren, nicht schulmeisterlich und schablonenhaft, ganz persönlich, von Mensch zu Mensch, von Magier zu Magier. Es muß eine gemeinsame Arbeit sein zwischen uns beiden magiebesessenen Menschen, denn ohne Ihre praktische Anteilnahme mühe ich mich theoretisch umsonst ab. Geben Sie mir die...

Rolf Andra
Magische Impressionen by Rolf Andra

Aus dem Vorwort:

Um den Eindruck zu verwischen, daß ich nur mit Spielkarten zaubern "könne" - das ist einer der Gründe, die mich veranlaßten, dieses Buch zu schreiben.

Ich habe mich sogar entschlossen, Ihnen Kunststücke anzuvertrauen, die ich in meinen Programmen auf der Bühne vorführe. Nicht das "WAS", sondern das "WIE", also die Einkleidung und die Begleitworte, sowie die vieljährige Praxis, machen diese Kunststücke so wirkungsvoll. Und dadurch werden sie auch Ihren Beifall finden.

  • Lieber magischer Freund!
  • Silkwonder-Kombination
  • Ein magisches Spiel mit Punkten!
  • Das...
Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #13 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from August 8th, 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name William J. Esau, the address West Lealand Avenue, and the number 2552. The guests are Mark Warnow, Frank Andrews, and Louis January.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #12 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from August 2nd, 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name Ted, and the words "Hello Bill!". The guests are L. C. Kovell, Ellis Read Hill, Jack Dempsey, and Miss Mary Small.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #11 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from July 12th 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the number B88826856A, and the name Boyorgiel. The guests are Beatrice Fairfax, Donald Armstrong, and Charles T. Harris, Jr.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #10 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from July 5th 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the question "When did Frank leave?", the date April 3rd 1942, and the number 341. The guests are Irene Rich, Gene Cagny, and Charles Rebson.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #9 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from June 14th 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name Captain Jim Blair, the location Caroline Ireland, and the date 25th July. The guests are Dorothy Kilgallen, Shep Fields, and Joseph Auslander.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #8 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from May 3rd 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name Ruth, and name Pat O'Faroll, and the address 4th Avenue 522. The guests are Rose Lombardo, John Roy Carlson, and Eddie Darling.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Joseph Dunninger
Dunninger Radio Show #7 by Joseph Dunninger

Dunninger performed his mentalism on the radio in 1929 and from 1943-1944. This is one such episode from 19th April 1944. Dunninger starts with divining the name Corporal HMK - Henry M. Kraus, and the number 12039816. The guests are Jane Pickins, George McManus, and Ascotches Heather.

The MP3 format allows you to listen to it with your iPod, any other MP3 player or on your computer.

Reinhold Woda
Amüsante Kartenkunst by Reinhold Woda

Aus dem Vorwort:

Dieser Band ist als Fortsetzung meines im Jahre 1941 erschienenen Buches Kartenkunst für alle gedacht und ist, wie dieses, vor allem für jene Liebhaber der Kartenkunst bestimmt, die gerne effektvolle Kartenkunststücke vorführen möchten, jedoch nicht die technische Fertigkeit und die Kenntnisse des erfahrenen Kartenkünstlers besitzen. Ich habe daher nur solche Kunststücke darin aufgenommen, zu deren Ausführung keine Handfertigkeit und auch kein anderes Hilfsmittel erforderlich ist als ein gewöhnliches Kartenspiel.

  • Vorwort
  • Die neunte Karte
  • Die Karte in der Tasche
  • Die verräterische...
Displaying 1638 to 1661 (of 10397 products)
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