The Hermit Magazine is a new, independent magic magazine that focuses on creativity, engagement, and inspiration. Edited, compiled, and illustrated by Canadian magician Scott Baird, The Hermit pays homage to the magazines of the past while taking advantage of modern technology to provide a clear, readable experience. Featuring contributions from the likes of Chris Mayhew, Harapan Ong, Michal Kociolek, Curtis Kam, Michael Rubinstein, Bill Citino, Rick Holcombe, John Carey, Caroline Ravn (and many more!), the digital pages of The Hermit are packed with articles, effects, sleights and ideas for magicians of any skill level.
Volume 1,...
NOTE: The phrase "class of 91" in the cover image has absolutely no bearing on the effects themselves and is only used to create misdirection for online searches.
WHAT IS REUNION: It is a complete system and an entire tool kit. Right from a one-off quick effect you can perform up to an entire act of 15-20 mins. You can read a single mind repeatedly or you can read a group of up to 5 minds at a time. You can do divinations, predictions, mind readings, dictionary tests, etc. Your participants can think of countries, states, presidents, star signs, colors, personality traits, month names,...
This e-book is a fun-filled, hilarious 12-15 minute routine, that one can perform with a borrowed deck.
This routine is composed of four monster routines, spliced together into a very funny event, that crescendos into Mr. Hamman's most prized effect, "The Signed Card". But this version has been brought into the 21st century. Now, when someone hands you a deck of cards and says "Do a trick!" you will now be equipped with a 4-part routine that fully engages your spectators and will crescendo into a truly mind-blowing finale - and it's impromptu.
1) The spectator first picks out any four...
What is the real meaning of life and zen? This was a question that seemingly stumped a master in a famous monastery. He said he didn't know. Naturally, this caused a certain amount of concern, how can a master not know the answer to this? But it happened and he announced to his students that they were to go away and come back at the next gathering with their answers. So begins an enlightening, easy, and impromptu any deck any time routine. Storytelling mentalism at its best.
This is one of my favorite presentations with playing cards, and one I'm fairly known for within my circle of influence...
A brand new lecture for 2022. This set of notes brings the live lecture footage directly to you with nearly 20 video clips and live performances.
Bermuda Box: A fun way to use a Gozinta Box set as something more magical than a mere puzzle.
The Man with the two Dollar Hands: An easy two in the hand, one in the pocket presentation.
Money to Burn: Make a drawing of a chosen coin turn into a real coin with no...
Vol. 18, No. 1, March 2022; 60 pages Cover: Michael Finney
This is a performance module as a different way of revealing that the double rings are magically linked, plus a bonus of the Four Choice module.
Double Out is an enhancement strategy that works on several levels of perception and memory:
En 1978, Martin Breeze enregistrait des Magicassettes avec Basil Horwitz, détaillant ses travaux et ses routines. Devant le succès de ses dernières, le tout fut retranscrit et publié sous forme de 5 livrets entre 1981 et 2004.
En 1978, Martin Breeze enregistrait des Magicassettes avec Basil Horwitz, détaillant ses travaux et ses routines. Devant le succès de ses dernières, le tout fut retranscrit et publié sous forme de 5 livrets entre 1981 et 2004.
Extrait de l'introduction d'Andy Nyman au volume 5:
Lorsque j’ai eu entre les mains le premier livre de Basil, je n’en revenais...
This guide will take you step by step through the process of learning the thirteen absolute best DIY thumb tip modifications for magicians. These modifications will allow you to make your thumb tip a lot more sneakier. You will be able to move your handling to a whole new level.
Some of the modifications will allow you to handle liquids. Some modifications will allow you to handle granules like pepper, sand, or salt. And yes, some modifications will allow you to do both within one modified tip.
You will discover modifications that will allow you to handle the thumb tip in incredibly...
A collection of really nice card tricks that require no sleight-of-hand. Additionally, you will get an informative biographical sketch of Fred Roner written by Richard Hatch.
1st German edition 1929, 1st English translation 2022; PDF 20 pages.
Aus dem Vorwort:
Die Vorführung der Kunststücke ist an die Beherrschung der wichtigsten Kunstgriffe gebunden, doch habe ich bei Bearbeitung des zur Verfügung stehenden Materials darauf geachtet, alle überflüssigen Kunstgriffe und Schwierigkeiten zu vermeiden und die ganze Vorführung so einfach und logisch als möglich zu machen. Die Beschreibung der einzelnen Experimente wurde absichtlich sehr ausführlich gehalten um sicher zu sein, daß die Leser jede einzelne Phase vollkommen verstehen und in der Lage sind, jedes Kunststück in der wirkungsvollsten Weise vorzuführen. Wo die schriftliche...
This is an incredible ACAAN with two completely normal decks of cards. Really powerful and semi-automatic, so easy to do. A very important point is that it only takes 5 seconds to reset.
The spectator has the choice of one of two decks. She thinks of any card (totally free choice). This card is taken out of the deck, signed, returned, and the deck is cut several times. Then the second deck is shuffled and cut. The spectator cuts this deck into four piles which are arranged around the other deck of cards. The spectator has a free choice to either turn face-up two packs, and for the other...
Can we move beyond the basic silk vanish? Can we do anything more magical than the old bill change? Can you improve on the basic salt vanish? The answer is, "Yes!". It all starts with your handling of the thumb tip.
I have almost 200 very magical effects that I perform with the basic thumb tip and people never see or even suspect a thumb tip. The secret to skyrocketing your thumb tip skills is to learn how to handle the thumb tip.
Not a day goes by that I don't get asked about how to match a thumb tip color to an individual skin tone. Everyone is concerned about someone seeing it. My...
An easy and effective multiphase routine with a Svengali deck. A spectator is correct continually in finding a previously selected card which the performer underlines with the punch line "How Right You Are."
From the introduction:
To begin with, I will confess that a Svengali pack is used throughout and...
Cybercup is a fast attention grabber with nothing but a pen that sits in your pocket. Based on a well-known handling, this effect will fool your spectators.
Do it for yourself in front of a mirror. You'll fool yourself, so strong is the illusion.
Cybercup is a fast, visual, and interactive effect. Whether you are a miracle worker, salesperson, event host, or public speaker, this will help you break the ice and engage people in an instant.
The effect has been created to be remarkably visual on camera - whether that's using Zoom, FaceTime, Instagram Live, YouTube, or Skype. Your (digital)...
Australian card man Ian Baxter has nailed it once again! Here is a straightforward, anytime, anywhere mystery that will leave audiences scratching their heads.
No fakes, gaffs or stranger cards are employed. An ordinary deck, borrowed or supplied by you, is the sole requirement. Ten-Four, a radio call sign, means "everything is okay" but in this case, it also spells out what is involved. The four tens end up cavorting from the deck to the table and back again, with a jaw-dropping finish. And there is room for a spot of humour as well.
Acknowledgment must be made to Tom Ogden of Hollywood, California,...
This fifth part of my card project (each volume is, in any case, totally independent of the others) includes 3 new original A.C.A.A.N. effects requiring no sleight of hands:
It's a new series of hands-off self-working card magic effects, that will all happen in your viewer's hands. No particular skill is required, just the ability to instruct and pay attention to what the viewer is doing... In this third...
Questa quinta parte del mio ultimo progetto cartomagico (ogni volume é, in ogni caso, totalmente indipendente dagli altri) include 3 nuovi effetti A.C.A.A.N. originali che non richiedono alcuna manipolazione:
A collection of mentalism-type demonstrations based on the framing of the treatment of witnesses in a courtroom setting, and the premises of influence, empathy, clairvoyance and telepathy.
Any similarity to actual practices and techniques of practicing attorneys at law or assistants is coincidental and grounded in mirth. These effects and scripts are for the legal system of the USA and may need modifications for congruency (or sanity) for the systems of other nations.
Truth Test
A defense attorney sometimes has too many witnesses willing to testify. Their eagerness to help often clouds...