This is an impromptu, could be considered self-working, and super easy psychic playing card routine with a clever method you will enjoy.
Your presentation could start with: Life is full of decisions ... And in a chaotic world ... the reason we often struggle to make decisions easily and confidently is because we've cut ourselves off from the loving guidance of the universe. Even if we meditate or pray, we can still feel disconnected. Usually our logical mind gets in the way of our intuition. It's better to have a clear connection to the Universe in order to feel ease around our decision-making....
You show a packet of four black kings with blue backs and you place them face-down on the table. You further show four red queens. Waving the queens face-up over the face-down kings suddenly turns them all face-down as well. Another magical gesture and the four red queens are now four black kings. You place the packs together and suddenly the cards magically mix. Finally, you show all cards individually as totally normal except that the backs of the queens have now suddenly turned to red. No additional cards. No double-facers and no double-backers or other gimmicked cards.
1st edition...
You take a cigarette with two fingers and with a smooth movement the cigarette disappears into thin air.
1st edition 2022, video 10:25.
A short routine using four metal rings based on unique methods and sleights from the Primal Rings ebook.
Learn Four Choice, Double Out, Twice Removed, Slack Switch all with reverse ring framing and Web Ring subtlety, but without the development logic. This module uses a standard 4-ring set of metal 4-6" rings with several recommended modifications.
A dangled chain of four metal rings is gathered into a fan display from which a single, spectator chosen ring is extracted. Then the other three rings are removed one-by-one, leading to a series of link-unlink demonstrations in the hands of a spectator. Finally,...
This is an introduction to the Reverse Rings approach to linking rings, plus an index to current and future releases of eBooks on that theme.
Discover an excitingly innovative change of framing and premise for this classic routine that will enthrall those new to live performance magic and astonish those who think they are "in the know." New sleights, performance modules, effects and routines developed using F.U.N. techniques and OPS alternative presentation modes.
You get my 65+ years of fiddling with linking rings in a series of ebooks, filtered by my thousands of live presentations...
In this work, Lionel Weatherly inspects and investigates stories of mirages, prophetic dreams and the experiences of historical figures like Joan of Arc. Illusionist John Nevil Maskelyne, who exposed the fraud of a number of spiritualists including the Davenport Brothers, and who created several famous illusions which are still being performed today, examines the truth behind a number of famous Eastern magical illusions. Maskelyne also scrutinizes mediumistic fraud, questioning the credibility of figures like D. D. Home and Madame Blavatsky, in an entertaining and carefully argued investigation...
This is the first of three parts. It is by far the most thorough compilation of rope tricks ever created. From the preface by Percy Abbott:
To those who have eagerly awaited its publication, we believe we are giving them a work that was worth waiting for. In producing this volume, we have striven to make it a real compendium of rope tricks - not merely a collection of rope effects, but rather a reference work as complete and informative as possible. This we feel confident has been achieved.
Many months have been spent in research and the compilation necessary to give workers in the realm of magic...
Bob Haskell's genius for brilliant story plots and well-thought-out mechanics made him a master of cabaret and platform magic. The inventor of such masterpieces as the Split Deck and the X-Salted Shaker digs deep into his performing repertoire to give you 17 of his favorites. Ranging from effects with cards, rope, a beautifully animated silk mystery, and a pair of mysteries using the "tap-it" principle, there's something within these pages for almost any necromancer worth his (or her) salt.
Here's magic for the performer who's up on basic card sleights and/or who can handle an effect using...
Two cards (2 x Queen of Spades) are shown to a spectator, who is then handed an "invisible card" the 9 of Hearts. The spectator throws the invisible card towards the magician who is going to catch it between the two queens. The spectator does this and the 9 of hearts instantly appears between them! Then, whenever the magician wants, the 9 of hearts vanishes - only to turn up in another location. This is a great self-working effect that gets great reactions.
You'll need to make the gimmick with a couple of things most magicians will already possess. It'll take you just five minutes and...
"One of my signature routines uses a length of ungimmicked rope that is neither cut nor restored ... I created it 40 years ago and have performed it probably 10000 times. So I am pretty qualified to judge Daniel Rowan's new book on rope magic. And I like it." - Jim Kleefeld (MUM December 2020)
Pure Magic with Rope is Daniel Rowan's fourth collection of new ready-to-work rope and string tricks. Most of the effects do not require an on-stage assistant. All of the tricks are impromptu, play big, but can be done close-up and surrounded. The ebook is a collection of tricks with a 5/8 inch piece of rope...
Mindset is a physical product that will be shipped to you and comes with PDF instructions that can be downloaded immediately from your digital shelf. Along with the instructions PDF, you also get a specially designed high-quality post card sized prop which is supposedly from 'Psychology Research Foundation' with an 'Occupational Mindset Test' on one side and an 'Ordinal Mindset Test' on the other side. With reasonable care, this card should last you many years.
1. You invite 3 participants to participate in a test or a demonstration (this can go up to 12 participants,...
Playing cards, or even an individual card, carry great magical imagery and symbolism. Over centuries there are numerous songs, stories, and myths about them. They've been used for declarations of love, threats of war, carriers of confessions, curses, and blessings. Here they are being used to deliver vibrational messages to you.
Get reactions and attention with little to no effort. With a deck of cards and this chart you'll be the life of the party.
The Mystical Cartomancy Chart is a simple and direct psychic cartomancy tic sheet that has proven to be a wonderful tool for mentalists...
Overture - Prelude - Scaffold as alternative presentation modes for crafting a magic routine (conjuring or mentalism).
What to do with a mixed or new live audience where little is known about their experience with live magic, conjuring or mentalism? (might apply to Zoom type presentations as well)
How can you discover their interest and expectations for what you can offer without wasting your best routines or risking interruptions?
This ebook will guide you through an exploration of three alternative presentation modes with a 'mixed audience' where little is known of their expectations,...
10 new card magic effects, semi-automatic and hands-off, thought to be performed at distance, remotely in a video call (like Zoom, Skype, Google Meet...) or just on phone. Some mathematical principles alternate with others less known in card magic, to create easy but amazing new effects that can pleasantly fool all your viewers.
Here are the effects, all executable at a distance:
FIVE CARDS MIRACLE - One card thought of in five, so simple and straightforward that it will fool anyone.
E-SANDWICH - Two special cards will be able to capture the card the spectator is thinking about. ...
Questo ebook, scritto da Roberto e Biagio (B. Magic), è il Volume II di grande raccolta: 10 nuovi effetti di magia con le carte, semi-automatici e hands-off, pensati per essere eseguiti a distanza, in una videochiamata (tipo Zoom, Skype, Google Meet...) o semplicemente al telefono. Alcuni principi matematici si alternano ad altri meno conosciuti in cartomagia, per creare nuovi effetti facili ma sorprendenti che possono ingannare piacevolmente tutti i vostri spettatori.
Ecco gli effetti, tutti eseguibili a distanza, che troverete:
FIVE CARDS MIRACLE - Una carta pensata tra cinque, così...
Being a brief account of the most important historical phenomena; a criticism of their evidential value, and a complete exposition of the methods employed in fraudulently reproducing the same.
From the preface:
One or two words of a prefatory nature are necessitated by the publication of a book such as this. Many persons will doubtless consider it an unnecessary attack upon spiritualism and the spiritistic creed, but I beg to assure my readers that such is by no means the case. It is because I believe that such phenomena do occasionally occur, that I am anxious to expose the fraud connected...
Edward Bagshawe was a very creative and innovative English magician. The Magical Monthly ran from October 1923 until September 1926 (Volume 3, No. 13), more than 600 pages strong. From the foreword to the new magazine:
In presenting for your delectation the first issue of The Magical Monthly, a few words regarding our aims and policy may not be out of place.
The publication will be an absolutely independent one; our sole aim in presenting it is to offer, for professional and amateur magicians alike, an up-to-date and promptly issued magical magazine, devoted exclusively to their interests....
A novel and powerful ring on rope effect. The cord is woven about your spread fingers to form an impassible gate with a loop beneath. The ends are far from the metal ring, yet it visually jumps onto the loop.
No gimmick or unnatural moves. Opportunities for audience participation and you can be completely surrounded.
Idea for when a ring & rope effect is added to a linking rings routine, cut and restored rope or stand-alone for walk-around or table hopping as a prelude to a later routine.
However, this effect is so impossible in comparison with many simpler ring on rope effects to...
Eine etwas andere Routine mit einer Kugeldose.
Der Vorführende enthüllt einen kleinen Pokal, in der sich eine goldene Kugel befindet. Er gibt an, die goldene Kugel als ersten Preis für herausragende Fingerfertigkeit an einem internationalen Wettbewerb für Zauberkünstler gewonnen zu haben.
Als gutes Training für die Bewegungskoordination der Hände nennt er das Ping Pong Spiel. Er holt einen lieblings-Ping-Pong-Ball aus einem Portemonnaiebügel und lässt ihn mit Hilfe eines Mini Ping Pong Schlägers in den Pokal wandern.
Dies wiederholt er noch zweimal auf unterschiedliche...
A fun, entertaining, and feel good mentalism routine.
I've come to realize that when many of us hear the word "psychic," we imagine a neon-lit storefront, decorated with crystal balls, fog machines, the essence of "smoke and mirrors." From an early age, we're warned by our parents that these services are scams and begin associating psychic gifts as questionable and fraudulent for the most part. The otherworldly events we experience in childhood are mostly discredited, and even as we explore divination practices in adulthood, we are still quick to raise an eyebrow at the word "psychic." ...
Learning From Experience is an ebook in which I look back over my 40 years of full-time professional experience and identify 20 key things about performing commercially for laypeople that I wish I had known when I started.
Organizing these into 20 key facts, I explain the lessons that I have learned in this rich period of experience about performance, marketing, fees, trick selection, dealing with spectators, and more, and set out clear advice and food for thought to help you to short track your way to making good decisions.
Here is a list of the contents
La routine des rois is a mixture of a packet trick and a production of Kings and Aces. You can do it with a normal deck of cards. It is a climax of twists, as you can see from the demo video. You need to know only the Elmsley Count. In any case, I also give you a little tutorial on it. No gaffed cards and no gimmick.
1st edition 2022, video 10:56
An interesting evolution of the classic "card to ceiling effect". Two cards are involved.
The first card appears on the ceiling as in the classic card to ceiling effect. A little later, a second card is selected from which a corner is torn off. This card is now suddenly on the ceiling where the first card was before. Alternatively, you could use a wall or a pane of glass.
1st edition 2022, video 38:38.