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Displaying 1718 to 1741 (of 10405 products)
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Mark Weston
Effects with the Card Index (used) by Mark Weston

Softcover stapled in like-new condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

David J. Lustig & Robert W. Doidge
Vaudeville Ventriloquism (used) by David J. Lustig & Robert W. Doidge

Booklet stapled in excellent condition, protected by a clear acetate sheet that has been neatly bound with a string to the booklet. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
50 Kute Koin Tricks (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Six sheets with one staple and two knotted strings that act like staples. Has a stamp of Kanter's Magic Shop and a signature of Kenneth s. Jaffrey (I assume a former owner of this manuscript). The last sheet has the ex-libris of Margaret Yates. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Six Modern Levitations (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Sheets stapled in good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Chinese Magic and Illusions (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Softcover book stapled in good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant & H. Adrian Smith
Flap Slate Wrinkles (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant & H. Adrian Smith

Softcover stapled in good condition. Some staining on front and back cover. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Vin Carey
Sleeving (used) by Vin Carey

Stapled loose sheets in good condition. Describes sleeving methods and the effects accomplished with them.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Pick-Pocket Stunts (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Stapled sheets in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Rope, Chain and Box Escapes (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Softcover book stapled in good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Graham Reed
Audience Tested Originalities (used) by Graham Reed

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Arthur Setterington
The Power of Perception (used) by Arthur Setterington

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Jim Mahoney
Playing Shopping Centres (used) by Jim Mahoney

Softcover book stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Richard Merry & Val Andrews & Clifford Davis
Merry Bits and Patter Quips (used) by Richard Merry & Val Andrews & Clifford Davis

Softcover stapled in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ken de Courcy
Son of Pentertain (used) by Ken de Courcy

Softcover booklet in excellent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Robert Kaldy-Karo & Andreas Swatosch
Zauberpraxis 45: Weihnachtliche Zauberei (gebraucht) by Robert Kaldy-Karo & Andreas Swatosch

Heft ist sehr gut erhalten. Beschrieben werden eine Reihe von Zaubertricks passend für die Weihnachtszeit.

Robert Nedbalski
Ned's Ultimate Poker Stack (used) by Robert Nedbalski

Softcover with plastic comb binding in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Latest Sleights and Illusions (used) by Hercat

Softcover with missing spine; front cover and frontispiece have separated from the book block. Otherwise in good condition for its age.

Simple Tricks (used) by Hercat

Softcover with binding broken (front cover has separated from the book block and spine is missing). Front cover has stains and some drawn lines. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Eric Mason
Legacy (used) by Eric Mason

Booklet stapled in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Modern Levitations (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Thirteen loose sheets stapled in decent condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

Ulysses Frederick Grant
Bodies in Orbit (used) by Ulysses Frederick Grant

Softcover booklet stapled in very good condition. For details on the content see the digital edition.

William W. Larsen
Genii June 1973 (used) by William W. Larsen

This is number 8 from volume 56, with Jonathan Pendragon on the cover. Issue is in very good condition with one small crease on the lower right corner of the cover.

Bunte Streichholz Etiketten (gebraucht) by unknown

Große Hochglanzbroschüre mit vielen Streichholz Etiketten Reproduktionen. Herausgeber Druckfarbenfabriken Gebr. Schmidt GmbH.

David Britland
Parallax: a topological miracle (used) by David Britland

Softcover stapled booklet in excellent condition (like new). Included is a jumbo-sized version of the prepared card. Also included is a letter by Martin Breese to the Filofax company and a Filofax brochure. Martin pitched them on selling FiloTrix, magic tricks which fit into the Filofax clear pockets, and are sold wherever Filofax is being sold. Parallax should have been the first such trick.

To my knowledge, this FiloTrix idea was never realized. However, it is a nice example of Martin's business sense and constant exploration of business opportunities. A unique association piece for collectors....

Displaying 1718 to 1741 (of 10405 products)
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