Packet tricks performed with regular cards! Packet Tricks are always popular. Using only a few cards you can perform very strong, baffling, visual magic. Here you have ten packet tricks from the world's top 'packet trick' experts.
Not just a "one trick wonder", Ultimate Card Under Drink will take you through nine jaw dropping phases including an entire deck under spectators drink, and card in ice cube! You'll learn not only the sleights, but also the timing, theory, and real world tips that make this complete routine an absolute killer.
The highlight of this release however just might be the "Challenge Card Under Drink". You'll be able to tell the spectator exactly what's going to happen (that you're going to take their chosen card out of the pack and slide it under your drink), exactly when it will happen (and demonstrate...
Attacking ACAAN is a write up on not one, but four wonderfully practical “Any Card at Any Number” presentations, straight out of the working set of Michael Paul. Here's what you'll find inside:
Card College Lightest is the final volume of Roberto Giobbi's acclaimed 'Light' trilogy. In it are taught 18 thoroughly astonishing tricks of professional quality, complete with performing psychology, presentations, valuable tips and insights, all of which contribute to making these sleightless effects into near miracles.
The tricks Giobbi has selected this time range from time-tested classics to little-known wonders by masters of the craft, including Larry Becker, Henry Christ, Aldo Colombini, Paul Curry, Alex Elmsley, Karl Fulves, Martin Gardner, Stewart James, Howard Adams, Richard Vollmer and more.
Also explained are simple methods for achieving false shuffles,...
Marcus Gordon hails from Aberdeen, Scotland. He is the grandson of Ron Gordon; a true Wizard of the North! This is Marcus's first publication and contains an eclectic collection of 12 card effects using both, sleight of hand and sleight-free principles. While not for the beginner, the intermediate to advanced card handler should find much to enjoy and think about in this ebook.
From the man whom Dai Vernon called: "One of the best!!!" and Frank Garcia: "One who can hold his own with the best" and Peter Pit in 1991: "Easily the best close-up performer of the year." comes this ebook with wonderful routines and thought provoking essays.
"Damn! This guy's good, very good!" - Ken Simmons, April 1999
"A modern creator and performer who has repeatedly shown his ability to make important and lasting contributions" - Stephen Minch, Dec. 2003
"One of the great minds and two of the great hands in magic" - Matt Field, Feb. 1998
Wesley James has been universally highly praised for the...
The ultimate ungaffed wild card - use any deck.
The original version of this routine was called Born to be Wild (from Inspirations). Peter has enjoyed performing the original over the years, for lay people AND magicians, but the fact that he couldn't show the last card always bothered him. You were left with a face-to-face double that had to be dropped onto the deck and a triple lift executed to finish. Going back to the deck for a finish is never good! But this has now changed ...
This new version changes that. You are now left with a single court card for a clean and powerful finish. There is also...
"Cameron has done it again! His Moment's Notice series just goes from strength to strength. All six routines in this latest (fourth) installment are carefully structured and each one packs a punch." - Peter Duffie
"With all of the material in the Moment's Notice series I can launch a full on magic assault that is guaranteed to obliterate the senses. Thanks for keeping me prepared to maim at a moment's notice." - Donny Orbit
Six more totally amazing, totally impromptu, easy-to-do card effects from the mind of Cameron Francis!
"This is an excellent trick." - Peter Duffie
"I think it's killer and super practical. No hype, here. Just strong practical stuff!" - Cameron Francis
"I really like it!! Very clever thinking and a real worker!" - Stephen Tucker
"This is an excellent effect, exactly as described. I recommend it." - Vinny "The Godfather" Marini
"I've tried it many times and the audience's reaction is amazing." - Tommaso Guglielmi
Two Jokers are removed from a red deck which is replaced into its cardbox. Spectator 1 places it in his pocket. You write two predictions on the backs of the Jokers and table them.
You then introduce a blue deck...
Stephen Tucker is the magician who prefers a clever gimmick over a difficult sleight. That is not to say that he isn't capable to execute some of the most difficult sleights - and you will get a taste of those in this ebook, too. But the real strength here are Stephen's clever gimmicks and uses for common items and the fun and amazing routines he constructs with them.
1st edition 1983, original 73 pages, PDF 109 pages.
Table of Contents
PARAGON - card effects...
From the disturbed mind of Paul Voodini comes this latest ebook - Hypno-Mental Self-Working Card Tricks. Simple and classic self-working card tricks are taken and thoroughly shaken up in a way and manner that only Paul Voodini could conceive of.
While on a trip to Bermuda, séance host and mind-reader Paul Voodini is forced to while away the hours by entertaining his fellow travellers with his favourite self-working card tricks. However, as you can imagine, the card tricks soon become demonstrations of the untapped power of the mind. Spectators are placed into light trances which allows them...
This is an ACAAN effect using two decks.
The performer shows two decks closed within their boxes. A spectator selects one of them and puts it aside (This deck will be used later). The perfomer asks the spectator to remove the second deck from his box and to check if the deck is a regular deck. At this point the performer instructs the spectator to select a number and a playing card using a very clean procedure with this deck. The spectator for example chooses 31 and Ace of Spades. Now, without the performer touching the decks, the second spector removes the first deck from its box and counts...
If bought together with Silent Running you will receive an instant $5 bundle discount. (Also applies to all who bought Silent Running from us before. Make sure to FIRST login to your customer account and then add it to your shopping cart. Otherwise you will not receive the loyalty discount.)
Run Silent, Run Deep is the highly anticipated sequel to the controversial book, Silent Running (which created such a storm of interest in early 2010). This clever approach to the "Think of a Card" plot gained immediate acceptance with mentalists around the world (being translated into Japanese, Spanish and German editions), yet...
"Thanks for the amazing response that you had for Wild at Heart! Rachel had her operation in November 2010, and thankfully it went brilliantly. She and Aldo are now having their amazing farewell lecture tour, and all you brilliant people who bought this Ebook helped them lots. So, although this Ebook will not help with Rachel's operation anymore, all the money will still go to Aldo and Rachel, and you will be getting an Ebook full of great magic. Thank you." - Kyle
This is a very special ebook put together by an incredible person who is all but 13 years old and driven by his love for...
"Truly inspiring." - Ben Harris
"If you are a serious student of card magic and love to delve into the intricacies of one of card magic's greatest plots - the ACAAN - then Tommaso Guglielmi's SUBTLE SCAM was written JUST FOR YOU." - Vlad, Magic Cafe
"Having been a keen follower of the ACAAN plot for a number of years, I was fortunate to befriend Tommy Gugliemi who shares the same passion and is almost obsessed by the plot, this is not necessarily a bad thing as he has shared some of the most ingenious handling's I have ever seen, many completely hands off and impromptu. One handling that stands...
This is Aldo's second volume of impromptu card tricks. Once again the rules that he required were simple: That the tricks be based on subtle moves and principles only rather than difficult sleights. Most importantly, the tricks had to be totally impromptu with no set-ups. Eventually he did, however, allow a few easy moves such as a card control, a force or a simple sleight; moves that still are very easy to master and perform.
Tricks are organized into the following categories. The last one is a section on simple sleights and procedures:
90 amazing card tricks by some of the most recognized magicians (including three past FISM winners), with stringent conditions: no set-ups and no sleights. organized into the following sections:
This time Aldo is offering you very strong routines that require a little bit more sleight of hand than those he usually puts in print. Aldo has built his reputation on fairly easy material with simple and subtle moves. In this ebook he has kept the subtleties, but he is giving you more difficult routines which are geared toward pleasing not only the viewers, but yourself and your 'ego.'
Aldo uses the first five routines as an entire act.
1st edition 1996; 33 pages.
Table of Contents
You get a vector graphic file (SVG) for each number from 1-54. The files have crop marks and card boundaries included and can easily be scaled without loss of resolution and modified in many other ways.
Additionally, you receive a 6 page PDF where each page shows 9 cards in a 3x3 arrangement plus crop marks ready for cutting. We provide this PDF simply as a convenience for those who want to print these cards without further modification.
You get a vector graphic file (SVG) for each character A-Z in upper case and a-z in lower case. The files have crop marks and card boundaries included and can easily be scaled without loss of resolution and modified in many other ways.
Additionally, you receive a 6 page PDF where each page shows 9 cards in a 3x3 arrangement plus crop marks ready for cutting. We provide this PDF simply as a convenience for those who want to print these cards without further modification.
This is the launching point of the journey. Don fuses the essence of powerful theatre with mystery entertainment to open your eyes and ears to a new way to approach your performances.
"Most mentalists know Don Theo knocked it out of the ballpark with his introductory book Teardrop. However, Theo's 'Broken' makes his first treatise now seem like a bunt. 'Broken' is a beautiful, artistic work that forces the actor in each mentalist to rise to the surface and make some very necessary waves within our art." - Mick Ayres
The star of the show, this jawdropping three phase routine...
You get professionally designed ESP symbols:
The files are vector files (SVG format). This means you can blow them up as much as you want without loosing resolution - great for jumbo or giant cards. Each symbol is available in 10 color background combinations. They are:
Barry could say this has taken 25 years in the making. And it would be true! In the latter part of the 1980’s, Barry created Deceptive Diary, and in 1990, he marketed this effect. It was the first diary trick to use only one diary…having a selection of over 40 cards! Before that, the diary trick either used two or four (sometimes six) diaries, forcing anything from two up to eight cards. But the major dilemma with Deceptive Diary was that it required mental gymnastics to work out the value of the card for any given date.
To offset this Barry created Easy Diary. But every now and again, he would...