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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Paper & Paper Money Science & Math Tricks Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Compilations Patter, Plots & Scripts Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Phone, Apps & eTricks Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Published 1800-1899 DVD & Video (disc) Silks & Flags Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Chapeaugraphy Published before 1800 Ventriloquism Instruction Sheets in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Various Authors
A1 All Stars Volume 3 by Various Authors
  • Juan Tamariz - Routine in Major D: a complete lesson in routining from one of the greatest magical thinkers in the world. Learn an amazing 20-minute routine featuring Juan's memorized stack.
  • Darwin Ortiz - New Tens Routine: cardmen rejoice. One of Darwin's classic routines - improved. The black tens repeatedly and magically change places with the red tens and vice-versa.
  • Rafael Benatar - The Spread Change: a treat from Spain's master cardman. Rafael's new twist on this classic move from Ed Marlo elevates it to new heights. Also featured is Rafael's Slippery Double Drop.
  • Mark Strivings - The Dakota Miracle: mental magic at its best. Very cleanly divine the city of origin and the serial number from a borrowed dollar...
★★★★★ $15
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Various Authors
A1 All Stars Volume 4 by Various Authors
  • Tom Mullica - 3 Impromptu Miracles: a mini act for the real world - use borrowed objects to amaze and amuse. These three anywhere anytime effects come from Tom's repertoire.
  • Allan Ackerman - Double Dupe Poker: an absolute killer poker routine for the gambler in everyone.
  • Lee Earle - Deja-vu-ing: mental magic at its best. An amazing triple prediction, climaxing with today's newspaper headlines.
  • Darwin Ortiz - Blind Aces: one of Darwin's classic impossible routines. Find the four aces from a borrowed, shuffled deck while a spectator is covering your eyes.
  • Rafael Benatar - Original Sleights: Rafael describes three new and original card sleights to add to your arsenal.
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Various Authors
A1 All Stars Volume 5 by Various Authors
  • Michael Skinner - Ten Peeks: Michael's most cherished card effect, the incredible ten-card location. The ace through ten of diamonds are found in extremely magical ways. - Cut & Restored Rope: Michael's routine for this time-honored classic of magic. - Interview Segment: Roger Klause hosts this magical moment in time with Michael Skinner.
  • Paul Wilson - Wild With The Ladies: "Wildcard" Scottish style. Paul's personal method for this card classic. Four jokers magically change into a spectator's selection. For the finale, they change into the four queens.
  • Jack Carpenter - Three-In-One: a selection is revealed in a startlingly magical manner.
  • Martin A. Nash - A Hard Ace To Follow: a real card miracle from the Charming...
★★★★★ $15
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Ted Annemann
Jinx by Ted Annemann

Many of the best mentalists consider the Jinx the most important publication. It is a treasure chest of ideas, methods, routines and commentary. A must read not just for mentalists but all magicians.

Here is the most convenient form of the Jinx to date. You will get all 151 issues including all summer and winter extras. Each issue is quickly accessible via a bookmark. You will get reproductions of all the old advertisements for the Jinx, the old three part index prepared by J. G. Thompson Jr., and a completely new 30 page index which has been alphabetized and spans all issues and extras.

We have taken the...

★★★★★ $15
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Dee Christopher
SYN by Dee Christopher

Since Uri Geller began bending spoons back in the 70's, this metal bending skill has fascinated all magicians and mentalists as well as captivating any audiences that bear witness to it.

Two coins are picked from a handful of change and held at finger tips, the spectator selects one and holds that in their hand, the performer begins to concentrate and gently wave the coin he is left with.

It begins to bend.

While the coin in plain sight is bending, the participant claims to feel the coin in their hand bending in synchronicity.

The hand is opened to reveal the newly bent coin...

★★★★★ $15
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Chris Wasshuber
52 Standard American Card Faces by Chris Wasshuber

You will receive 52 vector graphic files in SVG and EPS (encapsulated post script) format. Each file holds the design of a face of a card from a standard deck of cards. These faces are for example used in Bicycle cards from USPCC, but can be found in many other brands and non-brand decks. All cards from Ace to King in all four colors, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades are represented. There are no jokers and no backs included.

Each card is a vector graphic and can therefore be altered and modified in any way you like without loss of quality. You will need a vector graphic tool like the free...

★★★★ $15
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Cameron Francis & Liam Montier
Released by Cameron Francis & Liam Montier

Released is a brand new e-book of card magic that was created by professional magicians Cameron Francis and Liam Montier. If magic were wrestling, these guys would be the Legion of Doom.

Between them, these two whacky chaps have had more than a staggering 12 DVDs and released numerous effects and publications. Both have been hailed for fresh thinking, commercial material, strong effects and plots and simplicity of handling, and taste in shoes.

Now comes their first ever joint effort, which contains 10 brand new and sparkling routines, all designed for practical use.

Included within...

★★★★★ $15
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Roberto Giobbi
Testament de Jérome Sharp: An Analytical Essay on the Card Magic in the Book by Roberto Giobbi

Le testament de Jérome Sharp was the third of a series of five books where Henri Decremps (1746-1826), a Frenchman who had studied law, physics and music, would expose the secrets of Italian conjuror Giuseppe Pinetti (1750-1800) as the result of a challenge. The most famous book of the series is La Magie Blanche Dévoilée (1784).

Le testament de Jérome Sharp is the book that contains by far the largest section devoted to card magic. Several facts make this book of outstanding interest to the students of card magic. First, the section devoted to cards is quite large and more comprehensive than any other...

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David Britland
Deckade by David Britland

It is a collection of 7 strong card effects by David Britland. You will find various effect themes from oil and water to sandwich, and from elevator to a whole lot of twisting.

1st edition 1983, original 20 pages; PDF 25 pages.

Table of Contents

  1. Disco
  2. High Rise
  3. O + W
  4. Nautilace
  5. - All Around Twist
  6. - With 4
  7. - The Interlock Twist
  8. - The Double Twist
  9. Jackrobats
  10. Sandswitch
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Right Now by Nefesch

Right Now is the name of Nefesch's new manuscript, and includes three mentalism effects, that you can do any time anywhere to convince people that you can really read their minds. These are effects you can peform anytime someone asks you: "READ MY MIND RIGHT NOW."

These are the effects included:

HOT (stands for Heads or Tails)
This is a three steps routine, in which you ask your spectator for a coin (any coin) you ask them to flip it in the air and to cath it in their hands, without letting you see it. You ask them to take a look at the coin, to find out if it is face or tails up, you...

★★★★ $15
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Ron Jaxon
Visual Card Rise by Ron Jaxon

Visual Card Rise was inspired by Martin Lewis's effect called Cardiographics. Like many magicians Ron wanted to find a close up version of this amazing effect. After some searching Ron couldn't find anything like it that had the visual strength of the original effect. He wanted the animation to look as real and magical as the original. VCR is the final result.

A card rises out of a picture of a card drawn on the back of a playing card. Only the black marker ink moves. No part of the printed back design moves as the animation takes place!

Visual Card Rise was released for purchase with pre-made...

★★★★★ $15
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Patrick Page
The Big Book of Magic by Patrick Page

From the back cover:

How often have you watched a conjurer perform what looks like a miracle and asked yourself, "How on earth is that done?" Well, now the long-kept secrets of the expert stage magician's art are revealed in this astounding book. Written by a Gold Medal member of the Inner Magic Circle, it explains in minute detail exactly how all those classic feats are done - such as levitation, rope tricks, sawing the lady in half, disappearing cabinets, escapology and many more. By following the step-by-step instructions in this book, you too can join the ranks of those who know conjuring's...

★★★★★ $15
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Bev Bergeron
The Magic Connection by Bev Bergeron

Romance and smuggling gold in the Far East, while witnessing the beginning of WWII. An old time adventure story based on true happenings and the telling of untold stories that happen before the World War II started. Join our master magician as he cons his magical way across the Orient out smarting the USA, British and Japanese Governments with a shipload of gold.

"I started to read your Magic Connections book last night thinking I would finish it in a few days. I became so involved in the adventures of the traveling troupe of entertainers that I spent the entire night reading until this...

★★★★ $15
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Der Manipulator by Peki

Von der Einleitung:

Sie haben sich also für eine Sparte der Zauberei entschieden, die Ihnen viel Ehre und wenig Geld einbringen kann. Nicht nur, daß die Manipulation besonders viel Übung verlangt, auch die späteren Auftritte werden zum Streß. Worauf muß man nicht alles achten! Hinten darf keiner sitzen, auf der Seite darf keiner sitzen, gutes Licht muß da sein. Man braucht also eine optimale Bühne. Doch bis man auf solchen großen und guten Bühnen steht, vergeht eine gewisse Zeit. Denn um dort engagiert zu werden, muß die Darbietung bereits GUT sein.

Deshalb soll Ihnen dieses...

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Manipulation mit Kugeln by Peki

Von der Einleitung:

Schon immer waren Kugeln für den Zauberkünstler ein beliebtes Requisit. Die Kugel ist ein abstrakter Gegenstand, sehr handlich und von großer Entfernung auch als solche zu erkennen. Ihre Beschaffenheit läßt unglaublich viele Variationen zu.

Sucht man allerdings in der Literatur etwas über die Manipulation mit Kugeln, so wird man bemerken, daß doch recht wenig über dieses, eigentlich recht ergiebige Thema, geschrieben wurde. Um dem Wunsch vieler Magier nachzukommen, habe ich in diesem Büchlein alles Wissenswerte über diese Art Manipulation zusammengestellt....

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Manipulationen mit Karten by Peki

Von der Einleitung:

Sie finden in dieser Broschüre ausschließlich Griffe und Tricks der sogenannten "Drehkarte" und damit verwandte Effekte. "Ziergriffe", wie das "Fangen von auf dem Unterarm ausgebreiteten Karten" zum Beispiel werden Sie vergeblich suchen. Der geneigte Leser möge mir verzeihen, wenn ich davon nicht allzuviel halte.


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David Gemmell
The Journey Continues by David Gemmell

David continues his journey with the pasteboards with a special interest in the classics of card magic. 16 tried and tested effects.

  • My Two Card Reverse: The same as Gibson's Two Card Reverse, but performed in the hands and with the deck in two portions, each selection magically reversing whilst separate.
  • Almost Open: An unusual handling for the classic Open Prediction effect.
  • Triumphant Card to Box: This is a combination of the classic triumph and card to box with two selections.
  • Miller Lite...? A take on the classic Charlie Miller effect The Dunbury Delusion.
  • Do that Again...! A super quick transposition...
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(Benny) Ben Harris
Ultimate Floating Deck 2.0 by (Benny) Ben Harris

The Ultimate Floating Deck or UFD was first published in 1984. Since then it has spurned many variations. The current manuscript has been refined and re-written. This brings the effect right up to date by cutting out the superfluous "1980's handlings". Consider this some serious "house cleaning" after twenty six years!

Now, the structure is linear and smooth--from the selection to the levitation. Clean, smooth, direct.

A card is selected and returned to the deck. It is given a quick all-around-square-up, and then placed on the palm. On command, the top half of the deck floats. First a...

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Jens O. Jahn
ESP Signs by Jens O. Jahn

You get professionally designed ESP symbols:

  • Circle
  • Cross
  • Wave
  • Square
  • Star (in two sizes)
One star version is geometrically the same size as the other symbols. Due to its shape it looks a bit smaller than the other symbols. The second star design is 20% larger to better match the overal appearance of the other symbols.

The files are vector files (SVG format). This means you can blow them up as much as you want without loosing resolution - great for jumbo or giant cards. Each symbol is available in 10 color background combinations. They are:

  • black on white background
  • blue on...
★★★★★ $15
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Werner Miller
Fast von selbst by Werner Miller

Das erste Buch aus der Feder des bekannten Fachautors Werner Miller, welches heute leider schon vergriffen ist, erlebt nun eine Neuauflage als Ebuch.

Es handelt sich im wesentlichen um Tricks die ohne schwierige Griffe - also halbautomatisch - ablaufen. Insgesamt werden 100 Tricks beschrieben die vorwiegend mit Spielkarten, ESP-Karten, Würfeln und Zahlen vorgeführt werden. (Es gibt hier keinerlei inhaltliche Überschneidung mit anderen deutschsprachigen Miller Ebüchern.)

Werner Miller schreibt in einem charakteristischen knapp-präzisen Stil ohne Schnörkel.

Erstausgabe 1998; digitale...

★★★★ $15
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Derek L. Renfro
Thanatology by Derek L. Renfro

Thanatology - the study of death. From Greek mythology Thanatos - the god of death. The brother of Hypnos.

A book of effects revolving around death and spirits. Divided into three parts, each containing material successfully performed by the author:

  • Part One: Living and Dead; The Test; Three approaches to the classic L&D test.
  • Part Two: Lights go out, Haunts come up! Four effects to be performed in the dark. Great for seance and spirit theater.
  • Part Three: A Cocktail of Spirits. Four more effects to be performed any time the mood strikes.
Two bonuses formerly available from...
★★★★ $15
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Basil Horwitz
The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 1 by Basil Horwitz

The (e)book was created from the recordings on Basil Horwitz made by Martin Breese. The book received rave reviews from every magical magazine around the world and is now for the first time available as ebook.

The opening chapter by Basil Horwitz details a method of linking a show with charity and using it to make a big income for the charity and a big income for the performer. During Basil's lifetime he was also involved in investment and finance. He used to perform for charity and demonstrated mental miracles that stunned his audience. When each member of the audience left the show Basil ended up with the name, address...

★★★★ $15
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Basil Horwitz
The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 2 by Basil Horwitz

Seven more incredible demonstrations of the paranormal that will entertain and perplex the most demanding audience.

When Martin Breese met Basil many, many years ago he saw him demonstrating his brilliant Poker Deal. He dealt cards to himself and to a spectator and then put a £50 note on the table and if Basil could beat the spectator he kept the money and if he lost he would lose £50. This is repeated over and over again with new hands being dealt and the spectator having more and more choice yet the magician never loses any of the money at all. The final part of the routine allows the...

★★★★ $15
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Basil Horwitz
The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 3 by Basil Horwitz

This ebook includes 20 amazing mentalism effects many of which are in the daily performing repertoires of many top mentalists.

All too often those in the world of magic who develop great reputations fall somewhere between two stools; gifted thinkers who tend to disappoint in performance, or charismatic performers who are a triumph of form over substance: impressive, but not always original. Rarely do you come across someone who embodies the elements of true creative artistry, combining together the application of sound thinking with an understated style of presentation which can totally convince...

★★★★★ $15
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