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Mentalism & Spiritism Cards Magazines & Journals with Demo Video DIY, Makers & Builders DVD (download+stream) Books (printed) Video clips (download) Theory, Articles & Reviews for Beginners Coins, Chips & Buttons Illusions, Escape & Stage Biographies & History in German (Deutsch) Marketing, Selling & Business Matters Audio Balls, Eggs, Dice & Cups Memory & Mnemonics Science & Math Tricks Paper & Paper Money Ropes, Ribbons, Strings & Reels Comedy Magic Physical (Non-Digital) Tricks & Gimmicks Patter, Plots & Scripts Compilations in Italian (italiano) Kids & Children Hypnosis & NLP Rings Cigarettes, Candles, Matches & Fire Liquids, Chemicals & Bottles Phone, Apps & eTricks Published 1800-1899 Silks & Flags DVD & Video (disc) Hands, Fingers & Body Thimbles Catalogs Published before 1800 Chapeaugraphy Instruction Sheets Ventriloquism in French (français) Second Hand in Spanish (español) Animals Gospel Magic Gift Cards & Donations Pickpocket Fiction for Resellers Free in Japanese (日本の)


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Basil Horwitz
From Beyond: The Mental Magick of Basil Horwitz Volume 6 by Basil Horwitz

During his last years, Basil Horwitz recorded a set of new routines on audio tape. When he passed away his wife Heidi sent these tapes to Martin Breese to turn into a new book. Martin worked on it for a good while together with the help of Clifford Card and Mike Vance. They were almost finished but also Martin passed away before he could publish the book. Having purchased Martin's business I took over this project which I can finally present to you.

  • Foreword
  • Body Language, Heads or Tails
  • Mental Hypnotic Suggestion
  • ESP Body Language
  • Lesson in Body Language
  • Challenge, ESP, Body Language
  • Three Experiments...
Charles Thorton Jordan
The Sign of Exceptional Magic by Charles Thorton Jordan

This periodical was released by Ted Annemann. The plan was to publish some 350 original tricks by Charles T. Jordan that Jordan had released earlier either as single tricks or in booklets. Here is Annemann in his own words:

With this issue starts a series of magical secrets conceived by that genius of subtle sorcery, Mr. Charles T. Jordan. In years to come, the completed set will prove to be a bonanza of information second to none in the annals of magical literature. Its hundreds of practical-plus conceptions will ever be turned to, and the time will never come when a study of its pages will not disclose...

Graham Hey
Meeow! by Graham Hey

30 visual gags to get your claws into.

Visual gags are worth their weight in gold, and for over twenty years, Graham Hey has been writing them for some of the world's top performers. Here's a collection of 30 of them - all easy to perform, for a variety of audiences from corporate to close-up, to kids. For many of them you won't have to buy anything at all, for others you will, but we're not talking more than a few bucks. Many of these have come from over 20 years of Graham's ebooks, and there are some new ones included too. This stuff you'll use.

From the brilliant Newspaper gag to the...

★★★★ $6
The Magic of Mahadevananda by Mahadevananda

Excerpt from the introduction:

My real forte is, I think, being able to take a couple of standard effects and shove them together and get a bit of a different effect. I also enjoy reading old magazines on Magic and reviving some of the good things that have been covered in dust for years. Who said, if you want to keep an original idea secret, publish it in a magazine? Truly, many real gems can be unearthed by plowing through old books and magazines.

  • Introduction
  • This is the drink I want
  • Simplex Shower of Sweets
  • Do It In Their Hand
  • My Chop Cup Routine
  • No Chance
  • Magic Drinks Maker ...
Biagio Fasano
SHIELD 2 by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. 2 (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 2) is the second part of a collection of new Cardmagic effects, never before published, designed by me and characterized by the fact that they can be performed with extreme ease, requiring no technique or manipulation on the part of the magician, and that they are completely impromptu, performable even with a deck borrowed and shuffled by the audience.

In addition, both of these effects can be performed entirely in "contactless mode," so even at a distance (by videoconference on Zoom, for example): the...

★★★★★ $10
Biagio Fasano
SHIELD 2 (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

S.H.I.EL.D. 2 (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 2) é la seconda parte di una raccolta di nuovi effetti di Cartomagia, mai pubblicati prima, da me ideati e caratterizzati dal fatto di poter essere eseguiti con estrema facilità, non richiedendo alcuna tecnica o manipolazione da parte del prestigiatore, e di essere completamente impromptu, performabili anche con un mazzo preso a prestito e mescolato dal pubblico.

Inoltre entrambi questi effetti possono essere interamente eseguiti in “modalità Contactless”, pertanto anche a distanza (in videoconferenza...

Deepak Roy Chowdhury
Magic and Story by Deepak Roy Chowdhury

Excerpt from the Preface:

Magic is an art. And I believe art depicts life. So it is obvious that magic must also depict life. But a mere trick can not depict life. Hence a trick is not art.

The trick with its secret and the strength within it to create surprise is a mere gadget. Utilising this gadget (trick) the magician creates the art which is called Magic. It has got similarity to other art forms also. A Painter creates a picture with brush and colour. A Sitar Player plays a sitar to create Ragas. Similarly the Magician creates Magic with the use of a trick. The more the presentation...

David A. Curtis
Stand Pat by David A. Curtis

Poker stories from the Mississippi.

The stories play in Brownsville and Arkansas City both located on the West bank of the Mississippi river during the second half of the 19th century.

Excerpt from the preface:

The things that I saw, that seemed worthy of note, I have set down without prejudice to the little town of Brownsville, which has grown since I was there. Let no citizen of the place pursue me vindictively because I found him less interesting than Stumpy. And let no one’s civic pride suffer because I noted in the town only what seemed to me picturesque. I have no quarrel with...

★★★★★ $6
A. P. Sreenivasan
Card Circus by A. P. Sreenivasan

Excerpt from the preface:

This book is primarily intended for those who are familiar with card magic. I have performed these effects under many conditions with very good response from the audience. Some moves are simple, some are difficult, but all are natural. All my own sleights and some of the standard sleights are explained in detail.

  • Preface
  • APS Rising Cards
  • Slow Motion Aces
  • Red And Blue All The Way
  • Incredible Sandwich
  • Acrobatic Card
  • Strange Deck And Triumphant Aces
  • Turn Over Herrman Pass
  • Meet Sreenivas

This ebook includes more than 130 photos to illustrate the moves...

Richard Kaufman
Genii Volume 78 (2015) by Richard Kaufman

January 2015 - December 2015
1160 pages

[Note: The online content of the issues, such as audio and video files, are currently not part of this product. I am checking to see if I can add these files at a later date, but there is no guarantee I can give at this point.]

  1. Genii - Volume 78, Number 1 - January 2015 - 96 pages
  2. Cover - Walter Rolfo, FISM Italy 2015 President
  3. Contents
  4. Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    1. online video file available - More Genii Speaks - Richard Kaufman
    2. online audio file available - Speaking of Max [Maven]
    3. online video file available - Face to Face - Matthew Field interviews John Carney
  5. In Memoriam - Bobby Bernard (1931-2014) - by Brian Sibley
    • online video file available - In Memoriam - Bobby Bernard
  6. On the Slant - Jon Racherbaumer
    • online audio file available...
Bruce Posgate
Dove Pan-Orama by Bruce Posgate

A comprehensive survey of amusing ideas and ways to use a dove pan in an entertaining manner.

Excerpt from the Foreword by Sid Lorraine:

In this assembly of D. P. uses, Bruce Posgate has discovered how it can be effectively used in a variety of ways. I am sure the reader will wonder why he never thought of these things himself and how he could have been so stupid as to consider it a one-trick prop—strictly for the birds.

Coins, cards, beads, colored liquids, clocks, cigarettes, balloons and even mathematical magic may seem too wide a range of lid-loading stuff to please some, but I am sure the...

Junior Shankar
How's That? by Junior Shankar

A selection of close-up routines.

Excerpt from the introduction:

It is true that most of the ideas we get are from the books, Magazines etc. but many such ideas are left in a corner as they are difficult to prepare or the materials are not available. Whenever I get such ideas, I think of ways to make them easy and possible for performance.

  • Introduction
  • Gamblers Secrets
  • The Poor Man’s Rainbow
  • Way Out
  • Jazz Cards
  • Chopped Cards Through Table
  • Copper And Silver Plus
  • Magician Gets his Wish
  • Tall Fat Lady
  • Nu Way Coins Across
  • Impossible Prediction
  • E Zee Center Tear
  • Meet Junior...
Watch This Closely by Someeran

Excerpt from the preface:

This is a book on close-up magic. The effects described in this book are not only mystifying but vastly entertaining. I know they are practical and popular, because I do them all the time, and I love them. Some of the effects in this book were originally published in different magic magazines like Magigram, Mantra etc. While re-writing them for this book, I have updated the effect, handling and presentation, based on my experience of performing them several times, to make them more interesting and entertaining. Even readers who may have read the original versions will find something...

A. Anderson
How To Do The Black Art by A. Anderson

Containing a complete description of the mysteries of magic and sleight of hand, together with many wonderful experiments.

Excerpt from the introduction:

The chief requisites for success in the performance of the black art is manual dexterity and self-confidence; nimble fingers and a cool temper. Any one who exhibits feats of legerdemain, will do well to remember that one of the best methods of diverting the attention of the audience from the action of your fingers, is to keep talking; the more diverting your talk, the less attention will the audience give to your manipulation of the object...

Graham Hey
The Final Straw by Graham Hey

The Final Straw - a very clever mentalism effect. Five different colored straws in a cocktail glass. One straw contains a rolled-up gift voucher for the holiday of a lifetime and a year's supply of cocktails. All the others contain a note which says 'you lost!' Spectators select any 4 colored straws (no forcing) the contents of each straw is pushed out ... and they all lose. The remaining straw has the winning gift voucher. This is so clever and virtually self-working. You'll need to buy some straws - you should have everything else you need. As usual with Graham's effects, they are easy to...

★★★★★ $15
George Silvers
On the Other Side of the Footlights by George Silvers

An expose of routines, apparatus and deceptions resorted to by mediums, clairvoyants, fortune tellers and crystal gazers in deluding the public.

Excerpt from the introduction:

This manuscript was compiled primarily for the benefit of uninformed magicians, enabling them to adopt the various tricks and effects for their own amusement or to detect fraudulent mediums in the presentation of alleged spiritualistic communications.

    • Alcohol Method
    • Wax Pads
    • Back Of House Steal
    • Switching In Audience
    • Changing Bag ...
David Sam
Coin Through Bottle by David Sam

Borrow a coin from a spectator, have the coin signed, and then have the coin penetrate a filled water bottle. The coin that magically enters the water bottle is truly the borrowed and signed coin. There is no switch of the coin. There is no duplicate coin. The coin that is given to you is the one that ends up inside the water bottle.

The water bottle is gimmicked in a novel way. The video demonstrates how the bottle needs to be gimmicked. It is not that hard to do, but it will require some care and supplies you may not have around the house. Once the coin has entered the bottle, the bottle...

Percy Naldrett
Moments of Mystery by Percy Naldrett

Excerpt from the foreword:

The section contributed by Mr. H. C. MOLE, an enthusiastic amateur of Aintree, Liverpool, is a complete programme in itself, being a practical explanation of an illustrated Lecture delivered by Mr. Mole before the Northern Magical Society at Liverpool, in October, 1914. The programme is unique in that it consists of acceptable items not requiring executive skill or manipulative practice.

My own section consists of various useful ideas and suggestions of such a variety calculated to interest every performer whether amateur or professional.

  • Fore-Word
  • The...
★★★★★ $15
Mel Mellers
Magical Mentalism Tour by Mel Mellers

This ebook features 28 of Mel's mentalism ideas, each of which is commercial and entertaining.

It also has an interesting essay on getting the basics right as well as three further pages of great one-liners to use in your act. Mel's methods are practical and uncomplicated - he has a real gift for getting directly to the nub of what is needed to created any desired effect - and so there will be many ideas that you will soon be including in your repertoire.

  • Introduction
  • Svengali Postcards
  • Any Time Impromptu Book Test
  • My Drink Prediction
  • Blackout Gag
  • Minor Miracle with M&Ms
  • The Magic...
★★★★★ $23
Mel Mellers
The Travelling Trickster by Mel Mellers

With his hilariously sharp yet playful put-down lines and quirky comedy plots, Mel Mellers has rightly established himself as one of the nation's favourite stand-up performers. Equally at home in front of lay people or a theatre full of magicians, Mel's individual performance style, which has been honed over many years as a pro and through countless performances all over the world, is a delight to experience.

Now you can go behind the scenes with this truly inspiring performer and learn how you too can become a top-flight entertainer. Mel gives freely of his advice on all aspects of performance,...

★★★★ $7
Raymonde Crow
Elbow, Knee, and Neck by Raymonde Crow

Elbow, Knee, and Neck is a genius routine by Daryl. Using only three ungaffed coins, you start and end clean, with three coins magically traveling from your closed fist to your elbow, knee, and neck. The routine is an "up" effect that plays for groups large and small.

You will also learn "easy pop," a simpler version of the pop-up move, and "hinge pop," a variation of the pop-up move that enables you to get two coins ahead, for a very clean, magical routine.

Upon purchasing this routine, you will be able to download a photo-illustrated pdf and several instructional videos.

1st edition...

★★★★★ $8
Sam Dalal
Psychic Dominoes by Sam Dalal

Perform some amazing close-up routines with 15 dominoes with ESP symbols. These dominoes are not included with the ebook but they are fairly simple to make yourself.

This manuscript gives you the basic principles and presentations for a variety of possible effects. The principles involved are self-working in nature, and have been explained in sufficient detail to enable you to create your own amazing routines with these attractive and intriguing props.

  • The Psychic Dominoes
  • Psychic Stacking
  • Choice or Fate
  • Unique Match
  • Desire and Destiny

1st edition 2004, 16 pages; PDF 15 pages.

★★★★ $8
Goutam Guha
Tricks with the Jardine Ellis Ring by Goutam Guha

The apparatus for this classic item comprises a solid ring and a nesting half-shell. These are not included with this ebook but you may already own the gimmick, or you can readily purchase it at any well-stocked magic shop.

Please note that Goutam is left-handed, and his descriptions and photos of the routines are based on his handling.

  • The Jardine Ellis Ring
    • Basic Move No. 1
    • Basic Move 2
    • Basic Move 3
    • Basic Move 4
  • Ring On The Ribbon
  • Ring Off The Ribbon
  • Continuous Production of Rings
  • Ring Penetrates The Handkerchief
  • Ring Penetrates Through The Palm
  • Ring On The Spoon
  • Ring...
Gregg Webb
Aether #17: Who Really Wrote the Expert? by Gregg Webb

Gregg teaches two methods for the same trick. The question this trick tries to answer is who was the famous author of The Expert at the Card Table? This trick will probably not provide any deep insights into this question but it may produce laughing, weeping, protesting, or other human emotions because the subject of Erdnase can evoke some very strong ones.

One method is based on equivoque, the other uses a Himber wallet.

1st edition 2022, PDF 3 pages.

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