A complete revelation of the cheaters' work at Bridge, Nap, Solo, Bluff, Banker, Baccarat, Faro, etc.
Published by Coe & Co. A rare booklet offered at the first 2023 Ricky Jay auction with an estimated price of $500-$800. Excerpt from the introduction:
In introducing this little book to the public it is my intention and desire to expose the multiplicity of ways by which cheating at cards is accomplished. The average honest player is little suspicious of the enormous amount of cheating that is done, but what would astonish him still more would be to learn the simple tricks used by even the...
A book test, a 3-card trick, and a 5-envelope impossible selection routine - all self-working.
A prediction envelope is placed on the table, along with the performer's favorite novel. The spectator is handed a magazine that has had the staples removed and is asked to select any one of the double pages she likes. It's a free choice. She is then asked to add all the page numbers together. Let's say the number totals 170. She turns to page 170 in the novel ... and the prediction reveals which city is mentioned, the make of car which is talked about, and the unusual word on line 4! In fact,...
1st edition 1926, 96 pages; PDF 63 pages.
Here are six card magic routines, plus variations on two of them. All are truly impromptu, meaning they can be done with a borrowed, shuffled deck of ordinary cards. Some sleight-of-hand is required.
Synaptic - you reveal their thought-of card by "tuning in" to their senses
Maybe - an in-the-hands Open Prediction
Sweep - they choose a card through a visualisation process, but you knew their choice beforehand
Little Sympathy - impromptu sympathetic cards
Royal - a variation of Little Sympathy
Silver - they choose every card for two hands of poker, and you reveal a photographic...
Gary is one of those performers who is equally at home presenting magic to lay people or to a room full of magicians, and his creative output reflects those two requirements. Some of the magic in this collection is designed to intrigue and fool magicians, while other effects are fast, direct and perfect for working under almost any commercial conditions.
What all the magic has in common is that the methods have been constructed to extract the maximum effect for the minimum of fuss. Some of Gary's handlings do require some sleight of hand - he is very fond of palming cards, for instance...
The Four-midable Magic Series comprises of specialist ebooks, each of which supplies four effects of a specific type.
This first volume in the series teaches four card routines that require little or no sleight of hand, and are well structured to produce clear magical card effects. They are clearly described in easy-to-follow numbered sections, supplemented by a total of 39 colour photo illustrations.
Volume 2, No. 1: January 2023, 46 pgs.
The 13th issue of The Hermit Magazine features:
Cover: Hanson Chien
Gary Jones is a full-time professional magician of many years standing, and he is a man who is widely respected for both his performing skills and his creative way of thinking. This ebook brings you the full illustrated details of a large selection of Gary’s worker routines and moves, a couple of effects from some of Gary’s good friends in magic, as well as many tips and much advice on performance and even what it takes to be a pro entertainer.
You will learn the secrets behind Gary's sleight-free coins through table, you will learn a really clever card-to-wallet idea that removes the...
A selection of new and novel rope magic from R.C. Buff's rare Rope Leaflets.
Excerpt from the introduction:
In 1980 Mr. R.C. Buff, "The Wizard Of Knotsville", started putting out a little Xeroxed publication called "BUFF'S LEAFLETS" which was devoted exclusively to Rope Magic. These LEAFLETS were published for over four years and contained a lot of fine material. Because they had such a limited distribution, it was deemed beneficial to the magical fraternity if some of this excellent material would be assembled into booklet form.
I think you will be amused and delighted to read some examples...
A hard-to-find treatise on the beveled or "Stripper" pack, written by a world-famous mentalist and master magician. Out of print since 1923 (according to The Magic Wand magazine), this booklet is now back in a revised and expanded edition. No matter if you're a fan of this pioneering mentalist or simply want a collection of fine tricks to use with your tapered deck, this is a nice collection of a whopping 37 effects that you'll be happy to add to your repertoire.
"The most complete and extensive treatise ever compiled and published on the charming and effective uses of the standard 'Stripper Deck'."...
Excerpt from the introduction:
No, my ever so constant and indefatigable readers, this book contains no marvels, but merely the practical effects of men who conjure, men who think and men who achieve, in contradistinction to the dreamers who dream.
I said just now that there was nothing startling in this book; but there is some very good Magic. The "Snowman" takes my fancy. True, it makes use of plaguey and never-sufficiently-damned tubes. The peculiar stringing of a pack of cards which you will find on page - (How can I tell on which page it will eventually appear!) is alone worth the...
Determine the card selected and the sum cast with two dice in a novel and very deceptive way.
You show a deck of cards, shuffle it and while you look away the spectator throws the two dice, adds the points shown, removes that many cards and remembers the lowest card in the removed packet. The dice are covered so that the performer can't see them. Now comes the unusual thing. The removed packet is inserted by the spectator somewhere in the middle of the pack. Then the spectator cuts and with a rosetta shuffle the cards are shuffled. This is immediately followed by any number of riffle and...
The impossible appearance of a pen in a bottle.
Show an empty plastic bottle and suddenly a big sharpie pen materializes inside the bottle. Dump the pen out and show it.
Note that this has very bad angles and can only successfully be performed in front of a camera or one stationary viewer. Great for YouTube and video chats but not an item performable with a live audience. Gimmick is easy to make.
1st edition 2022, video 8:52.
The magician draws a coke can on the back of a playing card. With a wave of his hand, the card changes to a real coke can.
Please note that this only works from a very narrow viewing angle and thus can only be successfully performed when a camera is between the performer and the spectator which allows precise control of the viewing direction. The gimmick is easy to make.
1st edition 2022, video 13:11
1st edition 2022, PDF 35 pages.
Embracing all of the latest and most deceptive card tricks now in use.
Excerpt from the introduction:
From the earliest ages the Magic Art has been highly popular among all classes; and, of its many marvels, Card Tricks, whether produced by sleight of hand, mathematical combinations, or mechanical means, are the most generally appreciated. Cards are to be found in nearly every home circle, so the prestidigitateur always has his principal tools at his finger ends. With them alone the most startling surprises can be caused, and the card conjurer has also the advantage of knowing that all his...
Alexander's own method of a convincing Question-and-Answer (Q&A) routine that borders on genuine ESP. Learn it and you, too, can be "The Man Who Knows!"
At one time Alexander offered his original Q&A routine through Thayer as a separate manuscript. Out of print for years, this clever method is once again available to mentalists and psychic entertainers to baffle a new generation of audiences.
The act is specially devised and arranged for the performer who caters to Lodge, Club and College lecture tours since no assistant or apparatus is required. A truly one man act. This act had previously...
Knots and magic effects with them from R.C. Buff.
Rufus Claude Buff, due to his love for ropes and knots, has become affectionately known as "The Wizard of Knotsville" because he lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. He was a prolific contributor to books and periodicals. Buff published his own magazine called The Modern Magic as well as Buff's Leaflets. He started writing this book which Joseph K. Schmidt finished and illustrated.
A.C.A.A.N. effects are a genre of effects now considered classics in card magic and mentalism, ever since David Berglas, who precisely first proposed a legendary version of it, called it "Any card At Any Number."
The idea of trying to write this special eBook came about while I was preparing my Contactless Automatic Card At Number series of Volumes (now at 6 Volumes) and experimenting in particular with the possibility of creating new automatic effects by making use of various stacks, including Si Stebbins and my VR Stack Pro (see Vol. 2 & 3):
From here to examining the Si Stebbins Pro, devised by Dr. Hans Christian Solka, was a short step, and with pleasure...
Gli effetti A.C.A.A.N., in Italia notI anche come “Carta al Numero”, sono un genere di effetti oramai considerati dei classici nella Cartomagia e nel Mentalismo, da quando ne propose una versione leggendaria David Berglas, che appunto per primo l’ha definito “Any card At Any Number”.
L’idea di provare a scrivere questo speciale eBook è nata mentre preparavo la mia serie di Volumi Contactless Automatic Card At Number (giunta a 6 Volumi) e sperimentavo in particolare la possibilità di creare nuovi effetti automatici servendomi di vari stack, tra cui il Si Stebbins ed il mio VR Stack Pro (vedi i Vol. 2 & 3).
A complete and practical guide to drawing-room and stage magic for professionals and amateurs, including a complete exposure of the black art.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Do not cultivate quick movements; at the same time it will never do to be painfully slow; but endeavor to present your tricks in an easy-going, quiet, graceful manner. It is generally understood that “the quickness of the hand deceives the eye,” but this is entirely erroneous. It is impossible for the hand to move quicker than the eye can follow, as can be proved by experiment. The deception really lies in the...
A coin effects enhancement mission.
This material provides an involving adventure into the creation of new performance modules as an enhancement for coin effects.
So, just imagine ... You have two empty hands (wiggle-wiggle) and a couple of coins on a table. Maybe they are borrowed or spectator selected from a basket. Three half-dollars – yeah, nothing else. You pick up one coin with your right fingers and drop it into your left open palm. You select a second coin to join the first – see it fall, clink! Two coins now visible on the left palm. Your right fingers claim the final coin...