Totally Impossible is a really strong effect with a very intriguing and fascinating method. The magician is able to cut with a knife to the card selected by a spectator. Simply and totally unbelievable. Obviously a magician fooler, as in the style of Joseph B. One of the most impossible divinations, one of the most dramatic localizations to add to your repertoire. You can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck. The Deck does not have to be complete.
A very visual and sudden spectator card rising to the top effect.
Spectator chooses a card (no force). The card can optionally be signed. It is inserted face-up in the middle of the deck. The performer places the top card by 90 degrees rotated on the top of the deck. He then removes that top card and suddenly the spectator's card rises to the top and is seen face-up on the top of the deck.
The gimmick is easy to make. It requires arts and crafts and some of the usual supplies for card gaffing.
1st edition 2022, video 13:30.
Excerpt from the foreword:
This little manuscript of choice effects I fondly dedicate to my dear friend, Louis Lam of Holland, a magician, gentleman, and writer. I am indebted to him for many of the fine effects contained herein. Effects which magicians will find choice magical morsels for immediate introduction into their programs.
Being a collection of easily built tricks and small illusions.
1st edition 1944, 30 pages; PDF 30 pages.
Containing complete instructions for performing over sixty ingenious mechanical tricks.
This is a very visual effect. Magically transfer writing from a card to your hand. Have a card selected (not forced), have it signed on the face, and then make a mark on the back. Wave your hand over the card and suddenly the mark has vanished from the card. It has transferred to the palm of your hand. Hand out the signed card as a souvenir.
The gimmick is easy to make and only requires a bit of arts and crafts with the usual supply for card gaffing.
1st edition 2022, video 15 min.
Volume 1, No. 12: December 2022, 50 pgs.
The twelfth issue of The Hermit Magazine features:
A collection of simple and effective experiments illustrating chemical, physical, and optical wonders.
Published by the Offices of the Chemist and Druggist. 42 Cannon Street, London.
This ebook and video is an experience of twelve years of continuous effort of studying, practicing, and performing hypnosis.
What is hypnosis?
Is it still a dream in 2022 for you to do hypnosis, whether in the field of therapy or in a show? It was a dream for me too, but an achievable dream that I have shared with you including documentary videos I have made of myself since the first day I started this profession.
If you know hypnosis, this educational series will guide you towards treatment and knowledge of hypnosis and the brain, and of course, you can do hypnosis faster and stronger...
Containing over fifty of the latest and best tricks used by magicians. Also containing the secret of Second Sight.
Excerpt from the introduction:
In Egypt, Greece and Rome, sleight of hand, accompanied by the supposed answers of the gods produced by ventriloquism, enabled the priest to keep the ignorant nations in subjection to their will. In the Middle Ages, too, a great deal of what happened under the influence of Black Magic was simply the cunning of professors of sleight of hand, sometimes mixed up with a few chemical tricks.
One thing the young conjurer must remember, and...
S.H.I.EL.D. 3 (SelfWorking Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 3) is the third part of a collection of new, never-before-published card magic effects, designed by me and characterized by the fact that they can be performed with extreme ease, requiring no technique or manipulation by the magician, and being completely extemporaneous, performable even with a deck borrowed and shuffled by the audience (self-working and impromptu).
In addition, even the latter two effects can be performed entirely in "contactless mode" (or hands-off, as others would say): the magician,...
S.H.I.EL.D. 3 (Self-Working Honestly Impromptu Effect: card Location in the Deck - Vol. 3) È la terza parte di una raccolta di nuovi effetti di Cartomagia, mai pubblicati prima, da me ideati e caratterizzati dal fatto di poter essere eseguiti con estrema facilità, non richiedendo alcuna tecnica o manipolazione da parte del prestigiatore, e di essere completamente estemporanei, performabili anche con un mazzo preso a prestito e mescolato dal pubblico.
Inoltre anche questi due ultimi effetti possono essere interamente eseguiti in “modalità Contactless” (o hands-off, come direbbero...
A collaborative effort between the author and Ken Kline, an expert on extrasensory perception.
Excerpt from the preface:
A bachelor in his early fifties, Ken Kline was an armchair mentalist who loved the theory and occasional practice of his art. By profession, a theatrical photographer and was later involved in hotel management, all his spare hours were spent in research into the varied occult sciences. Over the years he kept a set of detailed notebooks and, at his bequest, they were left to me. I felt it was important that his ideas and enthusiasm be shared with others. Having this in...
A book of alternative, easier, card sleights and tricks to go with them.
Excerpt from the introduction:
Many of the basic card sleights are not easy to do well. Take the Two-Handed Pass in which the top and bottom halves of the pack are transposed. The objective is to do it invisibly, which is just about impossible. To cover the action some very strong misdirection is required ... or an alternative method. This little book is about such alternative methods ... easier ways to bring about the same results. But because sleights, in themselves, are useless, I've endeavoured to include a few...
Excerpt from the Introduction:
Some people perform magic and some people are magic, but very few possess both of these qualities. I believe that the contributors to this book are genuine exceptions. It was Derek Lever who suggested to me that I should write this book. At first I was a little apprehensive about approaching my friends as I didn't want to feel that I was exploiting their status. I really shouldn't have worried as all the people featured in this book were more than happy to oblige - they have all been very generous in contributing some of their best material.
The title says it all. A must-have for any Wayne Dobson fan. Lots of effects are explained, lots of anecdotes are told, and lots of photos are shown.
This eBook contains virtually every magic effect Wayne published up to 2011, and all have the hallmarks of Wayne's creative thinking. The methods are always simple and direct, and included amongst the selection of around 100 effects are some of the tricks that helped to establish Wayne as one of the top stage, cabaret, and TV magicians.
Much of the magic is suitable for close-up performance too, and the required props are either everyday...
You can do this with a borrowed shuffled deck and four jokers you prepared beforehand. The spectator shuffles the deck. The performer cuts it into six packets. The spectator chooses four of these packets by placing the four face-up jokers on any of the four packets. These packets are cut by the spectator. The four cards lying next to the jokers are pulled out of the packs. Their value is added and that many cards are counted down in the remainder of the deck. The card selected this way is predicted on the backs of the four jokers.
1st edition 2022, video 17:15.
"Within these pages the reader will find many new effects. He will also discover a few oldies in new dress. But most of all he will find good, effective card tricks that he can perform with a minimum...
Excerpt from the Introduction:
Though I don't claim anything original in this book, I have tried to blend two existing effects to create a new one, or to use the usual accessories like utility reel, pull etc., in some unusual ways or to position them in some unexpected places for unexpected purposes. Most of the tricks explained in this book are in one way or another connected to body load methods and hence this book comes under that category.
Excerpt from the Introduction:
Here is a bunch of my creations in the field of intimate type close-up magic, that I have been using for long in my close-up work. In fact, many of the tricks in this book have been published earlier in Abra, and Magigram. However due to repeat performances, these have been further polished, and the articles are rewritten for this book, including these improvements.
Methods and presentations for blindfolds, or 'sightless vision'.
Amongst the most sensational of magical effects, is the ability of the magician to do things blindfolded, which would normally require the use of his full vision. Like escapes, a blindfold drive is an excellent publicity stunt, in which you can involve the police department, the local medical and municipal authorities, the town council, the local newspapers and TV, and half the town people. It is one effect that can be performed under any conditions, drawing room, stage, club, arena, or across a town or state. And it is probably...