This guide is written in an unusual style, a conversational style, where each lesson starts with "Dear Mr. Smith", like a letter to a fictional student. This feature makes it a very readable and valuable course. In the introduction Jonson writes:
The guide is presented to the reader in the form of a course of personal instruction and the majority of the sleights and tricks are described according to the manner in which I have myself performed them. A number of individual touches and personal inventions have been introduced which I consider to be improvements on previously published methods....
This is a lovely collection of simple tricks, puzzles, brain teasers and other similar items. Each one is explained with text and an illustration.
Tarot Magic is an ebook about ... you guessed it, magic with tarot cards. (Several effects use marked tarot cards.)
Matteo Filippini, Italian musician and mystery artist, provides his view about it. Between the pages you will find suggestions, hints and tips to include this magical tool in your performances. The second part of the ebook features several routines with a tarot pack from Matt and a bunch of friends. Whether you are a magician, a mentalist/mindreader, a bizarre magick performer, you will find something for you.
From the Foreword:
"Tarot Magic, a collection of routines and...
Sixty simple conjuring tricks that you can do without apparatus or sleight-of-hand. This ebook contains coin, card, second-sight, balancing, mathematical and miscellaneous tricks.
A streamlined approach to the thought of Card in Wallet / pocket idea. Fans of this type of plot are sure to enjoy this.
The work and ideas involved in this could be easily adapted to your current version of the routine and maybe streamline or inspire you to rethink your current handling of the plot.
1st edition 2018, 5 pages.
This is probably one of the most ancient of all comedy effects, yet strong enough and entertaining enough to be part of the performance of many leading entertainers. The late mentalist Maurice Fogel made a big hit with this in his show.
The basic effect is that five to six spectators are invited to the front and sit in chairs. In a few moments, they jump up and scream, saying that their chair shocked them. The chairs are examined and found to be ordinary; the moment they sit down, they jump up again, saying they were shocked again. This is repeated as often as the performer wishes. The performer...
Una serie di esilaranti previsioni con una sorpresa finale!
Effetto : Il performer vanta le sue doti di "Lettura del pensiero..." e dice che ne darà una serie di dimostrazioni...Detto fatto, l'esecutore mostra una busta che contiene, lui dice..., una serie di previsioni. Inizia, così, una divertentissima serie di rocambolesche previsioni, tutte su un unico foglio che estrae dalla busta e che va mano a mano dispiegando, in cui dimostra di aver "previsto (?) " prima una parola di un dizionario e poi in un crescendo di difficoltà ( e risate) un animale , il nome dell' attore preferito, il...
From the Foreword:
A word about the tricks themselves. As far as I personally am aware, every item is original in some way, either in effect or method.
Tricks, sleights, and routines with watches.
Paul Fleming wrote:
No one who has seen Gus Fowler's vaudeville act with timepieces will doubt that magic with watches can be both interesting and mystifying. We cannot guarantee that Tricks with Watches will enable its readers to duplicate the financial and artistic success won by Mr. Fowler, but it will acquaint them with sleights and tricks which they will almost certainly be tempted to introduce into their programs.
Of the four chapters into which Mr. Berland divides his book, Chapter I is devoted to sleights with watches; Chapter 2, to complete tricks...
A chosen card that not only penetrates right through a deck of cards and a card-case, but also right through a spectator's hand. A very strong effect that looks impossible.
The effect is startling because it appears to happen in the spectator's own hands. As always Ken provides precious ideas for an intriguing presentation.
1st edition 1986; 1st digital edition 2018, 4 pages.
From the title, you'd guess that this is a fantastic trick. It's not. It's a true miracle of psychic entertainment! Here is an incredible mental miracle involving a deck of playing cards, which may be borrowed.
A spectator shuffles the cards as much or as little as she desires. She deals a number of cards onto the table (a free choice). The performer does not need to touch the deck while they are in the spectator's hands. The performer now turns his back, or leaves the room entirely. The spectator removes any number of cards from the pile on the table and places them in the card box, out...
More fun with the original Si Stebbins Stacked deck. Contains an explanation of the original Si Stebbins stack and how to set up any deck of cards in that order.
Four different effects using the stack:
Kind of a Four
The spectator chooses a card and the performer prognosticates what that card is by looking at 'indicator' cards. Eventually, the 'indicator' cards are shown to be the three 'mates', matching the value of the chosen card, making four of a kind in all.
Curried Stebbins
A version of Paul Curry's Out of this World where two spectators randomly pick cards and it transpires that one spectator chose all...
Si-Step is a system which enables you to know what card is at a given position in the deck or get the position of any named card. Specially developed for the original Stebbins Stack and for people who do not like mental arithmetic.
It was originally published in 2014 in Recycled Stebbins.
PDF 8 pages.
Do you want to get yourself talked about, fool your audiences, and get a nice round of applause at the finish? If so, try this at your next show.
A man comes up to help you with a trick, as he starts to go back to his seat you hand him his wallet much to the delight of the audience.
Some magicians needlessly worry, that if they do the wallet steal bit, that audiences will not trust them or think they may be a thief. This is nonsense. Most people believe that a magician can easily lift a wallet or remove a watch. This has happened to me many times, and I'm sure it has happened to you too....
Here is a feature act. Performer's eyes are completely covered with heavy wads of cotton wool, after which the cotton is firmly sealed over the eyes by means of adhesive tape; after this a heavy strip of bandage is placed firmly over the eyes and tied tightly around the head. Regardless of what appears thus to be an absolute impossibility under these conditions, the medium can walk chalk lines, call names of selected cards, and many other unbelievable tests, even to describing people and their actions.
1st digital edition 2018, 8 pages.
Bob Cassidy, autentico genio del Mentalismo del XX secolo, offre la sua visione a proposito del Cold Reading, uno degli strumenti più potenti a disposizione degli intrattenitori del mistero. E lo fa a suo modo!
Non solo propone la sua «review» critica circa molti dei testi riconosciuti come autorità, spesso demolendo (in modo assolutamente costruttivo!) alcune autorevoli voci del settore, ma fornisce al lettore decine e decine di suggerimenti, finezze e segreti derivanti dalla sua decennale esperienza nel campo.
Chiunque proponga Mentalismo avanzato (Q&A, one on one, lettura di biglietti,...
Il Tarocco Psichico, è il saggio del maestro Bob Cassidy sull'uso dei tarocchi nel reading: significati delle carte, finezze e segreti di uno degli strumenti più affascinanti in ambito magico.
Nel libro Cassidy espande il sistema numerologico presentato in La Vera Arte Del Cold Reading, fornendo un sistema dettagliato di interpretazione che verrà accettato da coloro che abbiano una certa familiarità con la lettura dei tarocchi. Il sistema è più semplice e più pratico dell'approccio tradizionale di memorizzare il significato specifico per ogni carta e di sicuro più flessibile.
Here is Ken's version of the signed card to wallet. A classic effect in a beautiful version with the complete presentation. The Effect: A card is chosen and signed by the taker. When it has been returned to the pack, a wallet is introduced. Inside it is a card which proves to be the one that was chosen and signed.
1st edition 1985, 1st digital edition 2018, 4 pages.
Three boxed decks of cards are displayed to three spectators. It is explained that in the first two decks, two specific cards have been placed in two psychologically strategic spots. In the third deck, is proof that the psychological experiment is successful. This third deck is kept by the performer, but is always in full view.
The two spectators take their decks out of the boxes, and use business cards to randomly arrive at two different playing cards. The two cards from the first spectator’s deck are used to create a card. Let’s say that the two cards are the Two of Diamonds and the...
Talk about packing small and playing big, this is the ultimate. You can carry a piece of rope with you and fill a stage if you wish. But this is not just for stage, it plays equally as well for parlor or club shows. This is the famous trick performed by both father and son, Blackstone's Comedy Rope Trick that always brought the house down with laughter.
You will learn every beautiful move and every comedy touch of the master magicians and every innermost thought that made the trick famous. You get detailed illustrated directions enabling you to perform this in your show. Your hands have been...