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Cards in Magic & Mentalism: page 95


Self-Working or Sleightless DIY Playing Cards Moves & Techniques ACAAN Stacks Marked Gaffed Rising & Levitating Manipulation & XCM Svengali Torn and Restored Linking


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Jon Racherbaumer
Trix Fixes by Jon Racherbaumer
    • Copycat Cards
    • Rashomonian Universal Card
    • Counting a Conclave
    • Mine Finds Yours
    • A Narrow Margin
    • Bubkus Divination
    • No-Frills Invisible Toss
    • Changling Sandwich
    • Another Challenge
    • Easy O. Henry
    • Recliner Mind Reader
    • Either-Oracle
1st edition 2020, PDF 39 pages.
Mario Tarasini
Multiplying Holes by Mario Tarasini

There are different tricks which use a hole in a card. Mario Tarasini presents one of the smartest and simplest methods to perform this effect. Just punch one hole on the selected card and the hole will multiply. The best part is that after the trick the card can be given to the spectator.

1st edition 2020, length 6:40.

★★★★★ $12.99
Harapan Ong
Spellcheck by Harapan Ong

What if I told you that there was an amazing card trick hidden in plain sight ... printed on the box of your favourite deck of cards? Henry Christ's "Tally-Ho!" is a unique and fun spelling trick like no other. By spelling the words found on a Tally-Ho card box in an order determined by the spectator, you are able to produce the four Nines - matching the "No. 9" printed on the box.

In this ebook, I will be teaching Roy Walton's variation of "Tally-Ho!" (permission granted by Roy Walton), along with my presentation for the trick. I will then present to you methods to perform this simple and self-working...

Sultan Orazaly
M.O.Balance by Sultan Orazaly

Balancing objects is part of visual magic. Many magicians try to make it clean and beautiful. M.O.Balance is a new approach to the effect of balance. Three very visual and simple effects.

Hand Balance: You make a card stand flat on your hand.

Angle Balance: The corner of a card balances on your index finger.

Balancing Cigarette: A very crazy and brain-breaking trick. You balance a card, and also balance a cigarette on the card.

After the trick, all items are handed out for examination.

1st edition 2020, length 9 min.

Mario Tarasini
Teleportation by Mario Tarasini

The spectator picks a card and signs it. Magician splits the deck in two piles. Then he puts the card in one pile and it magically appears in the other.

  • completely impromptu
  • works with a borrowed deck
  • no sticky stuff
  • no magnets
  • no threads
  • works even with a card from a different deck
  • any deck, a sharpie and your hands

1st edition 2020, length 6:43.

★★★★★ $5
Tom Sellers
Card Tricks That Work by Tom Sellers

From the Foreword:

Sometimes the most simple tricks are the most effective. The card tricks here described are all simple in principle. I trust you will find them entertaining and effective.

  • Foreword
  • A New Jumping Card Trick
  • Steps
  • A Card From Pocket Trick
  • Card Divination
  • On The Top
  • A Trick With The Si Stebbins Pack
  • The Persistent Joker
  • An Excellent Card Change
  • The Laughable Rising Card
  • Lift A Few
  • Unique Card Prediction
  • Finding A Selected Card At Any Number Called For
  • A Two Person Telepathy Effect
  • Named Card And Slates
  • The Paired Card
  • A Practical Prediction
  • Unique Control...
★★★★★ $18
Paul Hallas
Card Magic for the Enthusiast by Paul Hallas
"This is loaded with stuff that is both simple to do and deceptive (not to mention entertaining). Would I recommend this book? You betcha!" - Jim Canaday, The Magic Portal

"There's way more here than simply 28 tricks between two covers. There's an assemblage of original thoughts and methods from a consummate professional you can buy for a trifle." - Rick Carruth, The Magic Roadshow.

"In addition to killer tricks, Paul also provides his innovations and handlings of useful sleights, including Pinky Ovette, Center Double Control, and Simple Double Card Control. His essay Thoughts on Multiple...

Ian Baxter
Three Extras by Ian Baxter

Francis Carlyle and Faucett Ross get coverage in this latest manuscript from Ian Baxter. In a tribute to both of these giants from the past, Baxter examines Carlyle's 'The Card That Finds Itself' with a new and novel approach, while the Ross classic 'Twice Turned' gets a dusting off that adds value-plus to this popular effect from the Vernon Chronicles. The third entry is Baxter's technique for the Top Palm, unbelievably fast, straightforward and appreciably easier than most other methods in print.

1st edition 2020, PDF 9 pages.

★★★★ $10
Brick Tilley
Mr. Bones: Miracle Thought of Card by Brick Tilley

A card is merely thought of by a spectator. The performer writes a prediction on a card and pockets it. The spectator is asked to remove his thought of card from the deck. When the performer's prediction is read aloud by another spectator it is found to match the spectator's card. At no time does the spectator state or reveal his card until after the spectator's thought of card has been read aloud.

This is based on a Harold Taylor idea. The clever method will put a big smile on your face.

1st edition 2020, PDF 4 pages, video 1 min 37 s.

★★★★★ $12
Jon Racherbaumer
May The Flop Be With You by Jon Racherbaumer

Remixing the Gardner-Marlo poker deal - its history and histrionics.

  • Introduction
  • How To Study This Manuscript
  • An Effective Poker Deal / Jean Hugard
  • Gardner-Marlo Poker Deal / Martin Gardner, Edward Marlo
  • The Surprised Gambler / Martin Gardner
  • Can You Deal A Good Poker Hand? / Jean Hugard
  • Meyer Poker Deal / Orville Meyer
  • The Lorayne Poker Deal / Harry Lorayne
  • Of Course I Can Deal A Good Poker Hand! / Edward Marlo
  • Solomon Meets Gardner-Marlo / Dave Solomon
  • The Ultimate Gardner-Marlo/ Steve Mayhew, Jack Carpenter
  • Marlo/Gardner/Britland Poker Deal
  • Riverboat Poker / John Bannon
  • Addendum: Duts / Edward Marlo

1st edition 2020, PDF 50 pages....

Cameron Francis
Moment's Notice Live 3 by Cameron Francis

This third installment of the popular Moment's Notice Live series finds Cameron remixing, remastering, fixing, twisting, turning, and otherwise improving all of the effects from the original Moment's Notice 3 ebook. Featuring six super commercial, totally impromptu card routines that you'll want to add to your repertoire right away.


Sympathy – The four Queens twist and collect in the cleanest manner possible.

Wilder – A highly visual two phase Wild Card routine.

Indie – Three incorrect predictions turn into three mates.

Toasted – A clean and extremely direct double sandwich routine. ...

Aldo Colombini
Match Play by Aldo Colombini

Based on an idea by Nick Trost. You will be thrilled with the splendid effect which you achieve in such an easy manner.

You show a packet of five jumbo cards cut in half. Two spectators shuffle the cards and split the packet taking some cards each. For example, one spectator has 4 cards and one has six. You place an envelope on the table and then show the cards to each spectator in turn. They look and remember the one half-card (that corresponds to the number of cards they each had in hand). Then you ask them to remove from the packet the half-card they have seen. Incredibly they match! Not...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
On and Off by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

A spectator signs a playing card which you link to the stem of a borrowed wine glass. The card can be moved while it is linked to the glass. Eventually it is unlinked. Both glass and card can be inspected by the spectator before and after the linking/unlinking sequence.

1st edition 2020, video 30 min.

Mario Tarasini
Melter by Mario Tarasini

Take one card and place it on top of the card box. With a wave of the hand the card melts through the box and appears in the middle of the deck. The effect is so convincing that the spectator will think it is an optical illusion.

1st edition 2020, video 13 min.

more than one
type to choose


3-ring binder

PDF & 3-ring binder

S. W. Erdnase
The Erdnase Notebook by S. W. Erdnase

This is the workers edition of Erdnase's The Expert at the Card Table. Produced as a letter sized three ring binder so that one can insert note pages anywhere one wishes to take notes, printed in large font (16pt) on heavy coated durable paper, so that it can be read from a distance.

David Malek, who came up with this specially designed format, explains in his introduction:

... I thought of an oversized edition, one that would lie flat on the table and be big enough to read from a foot or more away. The advantage of size would also facilitate working through the book with cards in hand, while having your eyes on the text and...

Steve Sanders
Meanderings with a Marked Deck by Steve Sanders

Don't tell anybody but sometimes magicians use marked cards. Apart from pick a card and tell the spectator the name of that card what else can you do with them? Here are five routines to use with any type of marked deck.

What a Coincidence: A routine where unseen cards are put on the table, you go first, the spectator follows and each of the cards coincidentally match.

Centre Stage: The cards are mixed, the spectator cuts, without touching the cards you can instantly announce the name of the 26th card, or centre card of the deck. Simple.

Pair Enough: 'Mysterious Pairs' from Hoffmann's More Magic is put...

Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph
Linked Forever by Ralf (Fairmagic) Rudolph

You will learn how to prepare a special card which you can later magically link to the stem of a wineglass. To achieve this you do not need to fold the card, which means there will be no creases in the card. The preparation of the gimmicked card takes a good amount of time, about 15 minutes. You can hand out the card linked to the glass as souvenir.

1st edition 2020, video 44 min.

★★★★ $12
Jon Racherbaumer
Sunken by Jon Racherbaumer

A deep dive into a key principle - the sunken key card.

  • So It Begins ...
  • Adding the Pips / Larsen - Wright
  • Automatic Location / Oscar Weigle Jr.
  • The Three Pile Trick / C. W. Jones
  • The Twenty-Sixth Location
  • The Triple Discovery / Charlie Miller - Jack McMillen
  • Watching the Pitchman / Charlton Chute
  • Improved Twenty-Sixth Location
  • Middle Maze / Bruce Elliott
  • The Twenty-Sixth Card Location - Using a Corner Short / George G. Kaplan
  • Koran's Miracle Card Stab / Al Koran
  • A New Use for a One Dollar Bill / John Henry Grossman
  • Buried Treasure / Alex Elmsley
  • Shadowed / Alex Elmsley
  • S-D Location / Dave Solomon - Steve Draun
  • S-D Plus / Simon Aronson
  • An Exploration...
Hans Trixer & Wolfgang Riebe
Card to Paper Wallet by Hans Trixer & Wolfgang Riebe

There are so many versions of the Card in Wallet - yet none as unique as this one. A freely signed and selected card appears in a paper wallet that happens to be a sheet of paper openly folded into the shape of a wallet right in front of the spectator.

Forget leather wallets. Forget trick wallets. No duplicates, just plain powerful magic with a regular deck and a sheet of A4/US-letter paper that is folded into a wallet. The 'simplicity' of the wallet and the fact that the spectator checks everything themselves makes this effect mind-blowing.

Original concept by Hans Trixer and developed...

Zaw Shinn
Triangle Theory by Zaw Shinn

Created by Zaw Shinn and taught by Mario Tarasini. This visual ink moving effect is easy to do and it looks just like CGI. No fancy or fragile set up is required and the material to make the gimmick can easily be found. Zaw likes to thank Martin Lewis, Alan Rorrison, Rizki Nanda, and many more for inspiring him to create Triangle Theory.

1st edition 2020, video 24 min 12s.

★★★★★ $12
Paul A. Lelekis
Paradoxes by Paul A. Lelekis

Three beautiful routines, complete with 5 videos, an intro discussing paradoxes, as well as numerous examples, and plenty of paradoxical pictures and phrasings for your enjoyment.

When we, as magicians perform, we do things that are unlikely, improbable, or perhaps even artistic. When we perform paradoxes, we create events that are not just unlikely to occur ... but are, instead, absolutely impossible!

These routines are seriously strong closers (or can be used as powerful openers) and will fool even the most knowledgeable of magicians ... if they are not already familiar with them. Paul...

Gerard Zitta
Mission Impossible by Gerard Zitta

Effect: A spectator looks at a card in a borrowed shuffled deck. You eliminate cards and the last card is their selection.

Key points:

  • 100% impromptu and improvised.
  • Any borrowed deck with any number of cards
  • Hands off
  • The cards are shuffled many times during the routine
  • No accomplice, no gimmick, no setup, no dual reality, no sleight of hands, no fishing, 100% surefire.
  • OK for stand-up, walk-around, parlor and why not stage.
  • You do not have to touch or see anything
  • You just need to know a couple of devious principles (some are new).
  • Baffling and cannot be reverse-engineered due...
Mario Tarasini
Speed Hole by Mario Tarasini

The magician shows a card and a black disc. In front of the spectator's eyes the disc jumps on to the card and turns into a hole. After the trick the card with a hole can be handed out to the spectator as a souvenir. Usual card gaffing supplies are needed.

1st edition 2020, length 10 min 40s.

★★★★★ $12
Unknown Mentalist
Know Stack by Unknown Mentalist
"Your Know Stack is a gem!!" - Dr. Hans Christian Solka
  1. Know Stack is a cyclical stack. Given any card, you can know the next card immediately.
  2. For some perhaps easier than 8 Kings stack or even Si Stebbins Stack.
  3. More random looking than Si Stebbins stack.
  4. No math (but some memorization) needed to know the next card.
  5. Option to have either random suits or rotating suits.
  6. Can be learnt in under 100 seconds.
  7. Very easy to learn. Very difficult to forget.
  8. Bonuses included.
  9. Most cyclical stack routines/effects can be performed with this.
Bonus Stacks included:
  1. Dates Deck
  2. Cue Stacks
1st edition 2020,...
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