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George Thompson
Great Million Dollar Bridge and Poker Demonstration by George Thompson

From the foreword by Ken de Courcy:

Thompson's Bridge and Poker Demonstration is probably one of the most convincing that has ever appeared. The interesting part, the discarding and drawing of cards to improve the Poker hands, is entirely believable and leads to a strong climax.

1st edition ~1947, PDF 6 pages.

★★★★ $8
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Scott Baird
The Hermit Magazine Vol. 1 No. 6 (June 2022) by Scott Baird

Volume 1, No. 6: June 2022, 50 pgs.

The sixth issue of The Hermit Magazine features:

    • On Waving Tides / Scott Baird
    • Quantum Conundrum / Rick Holcombe
    • Three Coin Vanish and Reproduction / Giacomo Bertini
    • Two Coin Turnover / Dr. Michael Rubinstein
    • Two Coin Turnover Variation / Dr. Michael Rubinstein
    • The Turing Test / Ryan Pilling
    • Teleport: A card to envelope / John Carey
    • #hermitmagicchallenge / Winning Submissions
    • Sankey Says - Forget believing in Yourself / Jay Sankey
  • BONUS - Get a free issue of The Disclaimer magic magazine!
    • NFT / Curtis Kam
    • Invisible Visible Coins/ Luiz...
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Dale A. Hildebrandt
Arch Hive by Dale A. Hildebrandt

Arch Hive by Dale A. Hildebrandt "Some Collected Works Volume One" is the first collected works of Dale A. Hildebrandt. From his first manuscript Hypnohole & Other Absurdities to later manuscripts, submissions to periodicals, and manuscripts by others, this is the first volume of collected works of Dale A. Hildebrandt.

Dale has been publishing magic books since 2001 and has contributed to various online and physical publications of others since a few years before that. He's created Dual Reality pieces, Out to Lunch Variations, Mentalism pieces, both funny and dark Bizarre magick, reading...

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Ken Muller
Web Ring Subtlety: F.U.N. Ring Series by Ken Muller

An innovative approach for Linking Rings to enhance popular sleights and moves, and increase astonishment and attention while masking actual ring relationships. No gimmicks or unnatural moves. Moves, sleights and stratagems adapted from the Primal Rings eBook, and utilized in many Linking Rings and Ring on Rope routines found in the F.U.N. Ring Series.

Dozens of techniques and sleight series that can be used by all Linking Rings routines and sets. The focus is the patterns formed by the shiny metal rings that allow for a combination of psychological ploys to embellish, enhance or add flair to your favorite...

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Gerry Findler
How To Do Chalk Cartoons by Gerry Findler

A simple and easy form of drawing that anyone can do.

From the introduction:

Much of the information given in this booklet is invaluable and some of it has not appeared in other publications; certainly, if you are considering including lightning cartoons in your repertoire, you will find items to interest you in this booklet.

  • CHAPTER 1: Equipment and Materials
  • CHAPTER 2: How to Sketch
  • CHAPTER 3: Novelties
  • CHAPTER 4: Secrets of the Lightning Cartoonists
  • CHAPTER 5: The Business Side of Entertaining

1st edition 1940, 43 pages; PDF 19 pages.

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Joseph B.
Fate by Joseph B.

Do as I Do under impossible conditions.

An impossible coincidence, a powerful mental effect. Two regular and shuffled decks. Really simple and fun to do. The spectator takes any card from one deck and the magician does the same from the other deck. The amazing thing is that the magician and the spectator surprisingly took the same card. A variation "Do as I do" with an interesting and fascinating technique.

  • Two normal decks
  • No gimmick; no double-sided card
  • No sticky stuff; no wax; no rough and smooth; no tape or double-sided tape

1st edition 2022, video 17:55.

★★★★★ $7
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MP4 (video)

S. S. Baldwin & F. C. Florence
Spirit Mediums Exposed by S. S. Baldwin & F. C. Florence

A revealing look into the psychic manifestations of bogus spirit mediums, as revealed by a noted stage entertainer.

Bold? Yes. Daring? Sure. So much so that one can't help but be impressed by the audacity and methods that psychic charlatans employed to fleece their victims. Like Houdini, Prof. Samri Baldwin was not only a gifted showman in his own right, he also led crusades in the USA and Australia to expose the methods of fraudulent clairvoyants and spirit mediums, several of which are revealed in this ebook.

If you're into real-life ghostbusting, or you're a magician or psychic entertainer...

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Gregg Webb
Aether 11: Creativity and Originality by Gregg Webb

If you think you have no creativity in you, you should read this article. Gregg describes concrete examples of his own creative process and development and how you can start with baby steps to ease yourself into becoming more creative. Progressively you take bigger and bigger challenges to ultimately create your own tricks.

Gregg Webb encourages magicians to create some original magic tricks, even though there is plenty of good material out there, for several reasons. It is a good exercise for the part of the brain that thinks creatively, and that part gets stronger by use. Also, even though...

★★★★★ $4.95
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Biagio Fasano
Red Code by Biagio Fasano

Imagine that a spectator freely shuffles a deck of cards, then randomly picks any 4 cards and from them freely decides which one to choose. The assistant delivers into the right hand of the medium, whose back was turned the whole time, the three remaining cards, and she, studying them for a few moments, will be able to guess the chosen card. Not only that but, repeating the experiment with a second spectator, she will guess the chosen card after simply having the three discarded cards announced by her assistant.

This is an original idea, developed by me, to enable the magician's assistant...

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Biagio Fasano
Red Code (Italian) by Biagio Fasano

Immaginate che uno spettatore mescoli liberamente un mazzo di carte, poi prenda a caso 4 carte e tra queste decida liberamente quale scegliere. L’assistente consegna nella mano destra della medium, rimasta per tutto il tempo voltata di spalle, le tre carte rimaste ed ella, studiandole per pochi istanti, saprà indovinare la carta scelta. Non solo ma, ripetendo l’esperimento con un secondo spettatore, indovinerà la carta dopo la semplice lettura delle tre carte scartate da parte del suo assistente!

Si tratta di un’idea originale, da me sviluppata, per permettere all’assistente del...

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Harry Houdini
Mein Training und Meine Tricks by Harry Houdini

Aus dem Vorwort:

Mit der Veröffentlichung dieses Buches, das klar und kurz die verschiedenen Tricks und Kunstgriffe enthüllt, die von den vielen sogenannten Handfesselkönigen und Entfesselungskünstlern vorgeführt und angewendet werden, beabsichtige ich durchaus nicht, diejenigen Artisten zu schädigen, die auf vollkommen rechtmäßige Weise arbeiten. Diejenigen jedoch, die als Entfesselungskünstler lügnerische Herausforderungen erlassen, die nur schwache Nachahmer sind, erdichtete Behauptungen vorbringen und denen große Summen Geldes versprechen, die aus irgendeinem Lande der Welt...

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H. F. C. Suhr
Das Moderne Hellsehen by H. F. C. Suhr

Ausführliche und genaue Anleitung zur sogenannten Hellseherei oder Gedächtniskunst in älterer und neuerer Form, mit und ohne Apparate.

Aus dem Vorwort:

Um den Inhalt des vorliegenden Buches recht vielseitig zu gestalten, habe ich außer dem Hellsehen in älterer und neuerer Form noch einige Piecen mit Apparaten eingeschaltet, bei denen ein von einer unsichtbaren Person dirigierter Apparat die mit Würfeln geworfene Augenzahl etc. angiebt. Der dem Buche beigefügte Anhang: "Die Wunderleistungen der Mrs. Abbott und deren natürliche Erklärung", enthüllt dem Leser, wie schon der Titel...

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Edward Marlo & Wesley James
MINT IV Unauthorized by Edward Marlo & Wesley James

More than the thirteen major Marlo items Ed contributed to New Tops Magazine in 1981 - not to mention new sleights, finesses, and subtleties - all these items have been largely unavailable since their publication. Wesley James has added another year of material toward fulfilling Ed Marlo's expressed wishes, keeping his material available "for the guys."

As with Wesley's previous release of M.I.N.T. III, these long-unavailable Marlo items could have been all Wesley compiled. Still, this volume would have been an important contribution to the literature of card magic. As tribute to Ed, Wesley wanted this volume to offer more....

★★★★ $60
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Neville Wiltshire
A Helping of Punch by Neville Wiltshire

From the foreword:

What I am writing is not for the beginner but for the man with a Punch show already, Many of these will, like myself, be semi-pros who do Magic as well. With Magic one can change ones show fairly easily and indeed this is necessary working in a small area with the same bookings coming in year after year.

It is not so easy to change a Punch show. Not a great deal has been written in the way of Novelty items. There are puppet plays which could be adapted especially those written in German for the puppet Kasper. The snag is that most of these are written for more than one...

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Ian Baxter
Nicely Stabbed! by Ian Baxter

Ian Baxter here, introducing something new from me in the 'Card Stabbing' arena. Nicely Stabbed! offers not one but two approaches to this evergreen card mystery. But rather than have me rattle on about this, I'll ask reviewer and fellow Australian David Jones to offer his opinion.

When Ian Baxter told me that his next manuscript involved the concept of forcing an unknown card, I was intrigued, to say the least. What resulted from this offbeat thought was a very clever, streamlined and almost sleight-free method for a known classic. A spectator stabs a card anywhere into the deck and ends...

★★★★ $4
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Ken Allen
Do-It-Yourself Book by Ken Allen

Dealer-quality magic effects, props, hacks, and upgrades you can make at home.

This ebook was clearly ahead of its time, as the effects are classic and timeless. There's something in it for every magician. One effect, "A Stunning Transposition", if sold by itself at a dealer, would sell for twice what the entire book sells for. Even if you're all thumbs, the author's clear descriptions and illustrations make it easy to craft amazing effects, props, and utility items that you'll be proud to use and amaze with. Contains a nice variety of effects, tips, and practical suggestions for close-up,...

★★★★ $5
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Regardt Laubscher
Punchlines for Kids Parties by Regardt Laubscher

Over the years I have learned that even a very experienced performer can find himself/herself in situations during a show where you need to stay calm and ignore random things that happen during your show. For the rest of it, speak your mind, but always be respectful. These lines will help you have control over your show and also enhance your professional image.

"I just read the book and there are plenty of good lines/ideas. My favorite are "Balloons Animales" and "Marketing Lines. Thanks Regardt for your sharing!!" - Guillaume Cerati

  • Jumping castles
  • Photographer
  • Naughty children ...
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Graham Hey
One Dead Celeb! by Graham Hey

A mentalism effect with drama, humor ... and death! What's not to like?

Four people are asked to write the name of a living celebrity on a piece of paper, while another person writes the name of a dead celebrity on theirs. The papers are folded and put inside five unmarked tablet bottles which are then placed into a bag and mixed up. The performer brings out the bottles one by one, holding each against his forehead dramatically. He can instantly locate the dead celeb.

This is a simple but hugely effective mentalism routine with lots of laughs. You get the full routine with original one-liners,...

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Dick Cole
New Card Tricks with the Mark Twain Stack by Dick Cole

The Mark Twain stack is a Si Stebbins stack with a four-apart sequence in SHoCkeD order. It was first published in the February 1935 issue of Modern Mechanix and Inventions magazine. This is a reproduction of this article.

The Mark Twain stack, also called the Riverboat stack (see for example Magic Card System), due to the abundant gambling on Mississippi riverboats, gets its name from the practice on these riverboats to frequently having to measure the water depth. If it was two marks, pronounced 'mark twain', it was ok.

1st edition 1935; PDF 4 pages.

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Si Stebbins
Si Stebbins Teaches Tricks by Si Stebbins

This is the first known publication of the Si Stebbins stack and several tricks that go along with it. It is a reproduction from the Sunday 18th December 1898 issue of the St. Louis Post Dispatch newspaper.

1st edition, 1898; PDF 5 pages.

★★★★★ $4
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Hanns Friedrich
Der Elfchen Trick by Hanns Friedrich

Dieses mikromagische Juwel findet man schon bei Ottokar Fischer in seinem Wunderbuch der Zauberkunst. Auch Punx hat ihn gerne vorgeführt. Hanns Friedrich steuert einen wunderbaren Vortrag bei.

PDF 4 Seiten

★★★★★ $5
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Gerald Edmundson
Revisiting Bill Simon's Prophecy Move by Gerald Edmundson

The original Prophecy Move in Bill Simon's book Effective Card Magic has been a favorite with magicians since its publication. The spectator places a business card or playing card between two cards at a random position somewhere in the middle of the deck. The move forces the top and bottom cards of the deck. A myriad of variations and tricks with the sleight have surfaced through the years.

The author first describes his version of the move. This in-the-hands handling accomplishes the move using natural movements in spreading the cards. Neither hand turns over when performing the sleight as in the original version. Gerald...

★★★★★ $15
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Roy Walker
Walker's Card Mysteries by Roy Walker

Walker's Card Mysteries is a book of highly useful and original card conjuring. The forty odd items deal with systems, sleights and subtleties, while each experiment is worked out in the most minute detail. Accurate illustrations enhance the value of the publication.

From the Preface:

...the following problems have, without exception, been submitted to a thorough test, which has resulted, here and there, in the elimination of a weak point. Thus it is with complete confidence in their practicability that these ideas are made public. A few have received prior publication in The Sphinx but the majority...

★★★★★ $15
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Edwin Hooper
Hallo Mr. Punch by Edwin Hooper

From the Foreword by Ian Adair:

Being once a professional Punch and Judy man, before he became a dealer in magic, Edwin has presented literally thousands of shows, on the sea-shores, at fetes, in Marquees, in the open, at Children's parties and such like, learning his art the hard way, by trial and error.

Now you, dear reader, can learn the EASY way by studying this book, backed by the author's vast experience on this subject.

Having seen his Punch show and having watched the laughing faces of the children during it I must say no better person could write such a worthwhile publication.

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