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Daniel Madison
Deceptions by Daniel Madison

Deceptions by Daniel Madison contains his personal favourite offerings to the world of sleight-of-hand and deception, from his infamous work on pocket and table indexes (Advocate and Tyrant) to deck-switching devices and techniques and routined demonstrations designed to boost your perceived level of skill in close-up deceptions with a deck of playing cards.

The ultimate, full-deck, single-pocket, playing-card-index that allows you to be secretly within possesion of ANY needed playing card within a moments notice...

Construction. Mechanics. Locating Cards. Retreiving Cards. Wedge....

★★★★★ $30
Dee Christopher
Linguistic Deceptions by Dee Christopher

Anate: The full work on Dee Christopher's Anate force, many routines and other techniques that will allow you to force a number, card, or other object by using your words alone. Also featuring work from Titanas, Chris Lafferty, Lloyd Barnes and more. (Anate has been released as individual ebook before.)

Linguistic Bending: The full work on using linguistic techniques to strengthen or create metal bending and psychokinetic effects. Also featuring work from Ireland's Sean McCarthy. (Linguistic Bending has been released as individual ebook before.)

Falling Coins: An amazing effect that shows your powers of influence over matter...

★★★★★ $9.95
Devin Knight
The Power to Dominate Google by Devin Knight

#8 In Devin's Knights Magic Marketing Secrets For Magicians

Government backlinks can put your magic website at the top of page one for Internet searches. That means you can be in position one or two! This eBook gives you the power to dominate Google.

It is the goal of every entertainer to have their website on the first page of a search engine's results. The biggest search engine of all is Google, and if your website is not on either the first or second page of Google, then you might as well not be in business, because few people will find you.

Here are the current click-through statistics...

★★★★★ $2
Solyl Kundu
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 6 (Jun - Aug 2014) by Solyl Kundu
  • EDITORIAL - Let's have a chat

    SPECIAL FEATURES - TGM's tribute to Aldo Colombini

  • Homage to Aldo Colombini from All at TGM, All admirers of Aldo in India and from Solyl Kundu
  • Aldo Colombini - Bio by Rachel
  • Remembrances/Admirations by Al Albert, Tom Craven, David J. Connor, Geoff Williams, Ian Adair, Donald Clancy and John Alexander


  • Past Glory of India - B.N. Sarkar
  • Magic As Entertainment by Harold Taylor
  • Indian Occultism: The Rope -Trick And Other Phenomena by Major G.H. Rooke


  • Confirmed Prediction by John Teo
  • Indiana Monte by Guy Townsend
  • Come Along...
Val Andrews
Floor Show Fun and Fantasy by Val Andrews

Here is another comedy magic book by Val Andrews. In this one you can find all sort of magic and comedy material suited for cabaret of floor shows. Let's have a look at the introduction...

This is not my first book of cabaret and floor show material and will probably not be my last, because the demand for this type of magic and comedy far exceeds the supply - but don't worry - I'm still working on it night and day!

In this modest volume will be found bits, tricks, patter and routines for every type of cabaret performer, magician, compere, comedian, ventriloquist, comedienne or layabout!...

★★★★ $5
Ken de Courcy
Rink Goes Loop La-La by Ken de Courcy

From the introduction:

"Rink (van Rinkhuyzen) of Holland has a keen trick brain. Like most of the great magical inventors, he individualises every effect he obtains and, if he likes it, he continues to work on it. The result; a string of often unbelievable variations that astounds everyone, including the man who invented it.

Some time ago, Supreme marketed Tommy Talbot's "Loop La-La", an amusing little thing with two unfaked rope loops. As it stood, it was basically a compere gag. It could be repeated over and over again, but there was no build-up, and no end.

Rink took "Loop La-La"...

Aldo Colombini
Matte da Legare by Aldo Colombini

Ancora una volta il nostro beneamato Aldo ci sorprende con la sua versione routinata di un classico in tre fasi.

L'effetto della routine spiegata con la consueta chiarezza da Aldo è il seguente:


Quattro Jolly sono messi sul tavolo in una formazione a T e tre carte sono poste su ciascun Jolly. Un mazzetto è designato come 'leader' e i quattro Jolly appaiono tutti in quel mazzetto.


Lo stesso effetto viene ripetuto una seconda volta dopo che il mago mostra i Jolly uno dopo l'altro prima di metterli nei rispettivi mazzetti. ...

★★★★★ $4.95
Abhinav Bothra
Behind My Back by Abhinav Bothra

Another version to the classic Card Calling Trick but this one is on steroids.

The spectator selects 4 cards while the performer is facing away. After selection, the performer turns his back toward the spectator. The spectator shuffles the 4 cards and holds 2 in each hand. With performer's back turned towards the spectator - he is able to call out the sum of the values of the card in each hand. He proceeds to identify the cards. And even calls out which card is in which hand.

  • Uses no marked cards.
  • Can be done with a borrowed deck.
  • Do it for 1 person or a 100. Great reactions every time. ...
★★★★ $4
Mike Kempner
Photographic Memory Experiment by Mike Kempner

Have you ever wanted to hypnotize someone to have a photographic memory? Now, you can create this illusion using a fantastic principle applied in an innovative way. This effect uses only a deck of playing cards (which can be borrowed, no set-up required at fact, you don't even touch the cards). After the spectator randomly shuffles the deck, you ask her to quickly glance at each card. Under the premise of a hypnotic induction, you then cause her to remember the location of any cards. Let's assume she is "tested" to locate, for example, the 2 of hearts and the 7 of spades. If she says...

★★★ $8
David Devlin
Theta Waves by David Devlin

Nick Trost's "Eight Card Brainwave" is a classic and killer effect. That effect was the starting point for David when "Theta Waves" was in an embryonic state. What David has done is created an "Eight Card Brainwave" effect that is totally examinable. There is only one odd backed card in the eight-card packet!

The basic effect is simple. A packet of eight arbitrary cards is shown. All eight cards are different on the face. The backs however, are not shown. It is explained to the spectator that there is one card and one card only that's back is different than the others. The spectator decides...

★★★★ $10
Jim McKeague
The Best 200 Tricks With A Svengali Deck by Jim McKeague

This exclusive book has now been republished as an ebook. Encyclopaedic in scope, with notes on making, handling, pitching, and performing in a variety of situations.


  • Handling the Svengali Deck
  • Pitching the Svengali Deck
  • About the Tricks
  • Impromptu
  • Almost Impromptu
  • Multi-Method Classics
  • Novelty Revelations
  • Things going wrong, and sucker effects
  • Apparatus Required
  • Special Decks
  • Publicity, Promotion, Spectacle
  • Using sleights and moves
  • Miscellaneous
  • The Last Word

1st edition 1999, 181 pages.

Alexander de Cova
New Avantgarde Magic 19 by Alexander de Cova

Die 'ROARING 40ties' - Irgend­wann beim Sur­fen ent­deckte ich Bil­der aus der 'guten alten Zeit' von New York. Bil­der aus den Vier­zi­ger Jah­ren, die mich inspi­rier­ten, in die­ser Aus­gabe der NAM Tricks zu beschrei­ben, die teil­weise aus die­ser Zeit stam­men und die natür­lich von mir ent­spre­chend 'auf­po­liert' wur­den. Hier der Inhalt:

CASHING THE CHEQUE - Ein Klas­si­ker, bei dem ein Stück Papier in kleine Stü­cke zer­ris­sen und auf ein umge­dreh­tes Wein­glas gelegt wird. Dann nimmt der Vor­füh­rende ein bren­nen­des Streich­holz, berührt...

Christopher Bolter
The Golden Rules For Hiring Live Entertainment by Christopher Bolter

Tips and Tricks For The Entertainment Buyer and The Entertainer

Having worked as a professional magician and mind reader for the past sixteen years, I have seen hundreds if not thousands of venues all over the world. From Boston, where I am based, to Singapore, where I work for a few weeks once per year, and many cities and countries in between. A similarity that crosses all borders is the consistent lack of knowledge the client has when booking live entertainment. This is true for that of a variety type. (e.g magicians, jugglers, clowns, etc.).

Now this can be forgiven (to an extent),...

Werner Miller
Sub Rosa 7 by Werner Miller

More new math-based and self-working magic tricks from Werner Miller.

  • Two Questions
  • Under/Down Sandwich
  • Tag Team
  • Lie + Truth = ?
  • 1 + 3 = 4
  • Take Five
  • A Nest of Predictions
  • Viale
  • As the Saying Goes
  • Echo
  • Arc de Triomphe
  • Determined I
  • Determined II
  • Diligent
  • Parallels
  • Ambitious Symbols
  • Tornado Spotting
  • Pairs I
  • Pairs II
  • Dance of the Symbols
1st edition 2014, PDF 31 pages.
Ken de Courcy
Ken on Kards: Card Magic for Non-Card-Men by Ken de Courcy

The title of this little booklet is self-explanatory. In the pages of this lecture Ken gives advice on how to create a card act. He begins explaining his twists on classic card moves as the pass, card changes and force. Then he gives a brief description (direct to the point) of several card tricks that can be included in the act.

The majority of the tricks are improvements of other tricks or are Ken's original. Many are loaded with comedy in the usual Ken de Courcy style. In the manuscript you will find

  • The face to face routine
  • Nap hand Sam
  • The Indian rope trick
  • The triple cut discovery ...
Richard Merry
Dwarf Show by Richard Merry

The curtain opens and you see a table on which stands a strange dwarf. The dwarf introduces himself and immediately starts his hilarious magic show. The laughs are guaranteed!

In this scarce manuscript you will find the most complete description on the Dwarf stunt. You can prepare a complete act following the clear and detailed instructions. Your audience will laugh from the beginning to the end. This stunt can be done virtually anywhere.

The dwarf stunt can be a success in the show of not only magicians but of clowns, comedians and other entertainers.

Topics covered in the manuscript...

Mark Elsdon
World Cup Winner 2018 by Mark Elsdon

Perform a killer mind-reading and prediction effect based on the Russia 2018 World Cup!

With the world's premier football tournament taking place in Russia throughout the summer, this fantastic short routine plugs straight into the world's biggest sporting obsession and proves that your mind-reading skills have no limits...

In effect, the spectator freely chooses a random team (genuinely, no force!) which might win the World Cup and you cleanly read his mind and tell him that exact team. No anagrams, nothing written down, no 'extra' props or handling. Just pure mindreading. Even better...

Mats G. Kjellstrom
Extreme Pickpocketing by Mats G. Kjellstrom

Pluck a selected card from within a shuffled deck inside a closed card box in the spectators jacket pocket! In less of a second!

Detailed Effect:

The spectator selects a card and shows it to the audience and memorizes it, the spectator puts it back anywhere in the deck and then shuffles the cards, then the spectator slides the complete deck into the card case, closes the flap. The spectator puts the card case with the deck in his own outer/external pocket on his jacket. The magician shows his hands empty (the magician can roll up his sleeves, more convincing) and he pulls the correct card...

★★★★★ $5
Mathematics of the Dice by Peki

A clever routine with two dice. Make the spots change in ways unimaginable.

[Note: This is Dr. Theodore Sack's exact routine and can be found for example in Bruce Elliott's book Classic Secrets of Magic (1963, pp. 52-60).]

Matteo Filippini
Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti: Note di Conferenza 2014 by Matteo Filippini

Il Gioco Dei Bussolotti, le note di conferenza di Matteo Filippini in formato ebook, dedicate al più antico gioco di prestigio che la storia dell'umanità ricordi.

Nelle 63 nutrite pagine, Filippini affronta molti dettagli sia tecnici che pratici riguardanti questo antico prestigio, passando al setaccio, oltre a molte delle tecniche e principi, due straordinarie routine di cups & balls, quella di Dai Vernon e quella di Johnny Thompson. L'ebook è arricchito da decine di fotografie.

Elenco dei contenuti:

    • Il ruolo dei Bussolotti nel XXI Secolo
    • Bussolotti come palestra della...
★★★★ $5
L. C. Collier
Routine Completa Con Due Palline Di Spugna ... che richiede tre palline by L. C. Collier

Le palline di spugna sono tra i migliori attrezzi magici a disposizione. Sono economiche, leggere, possono esser compresse facilmente, sono adatte a ragazzi e adulti e sono molto visuali.

Questa routine ha un grande effetto sia per il walkaround, il close-up e la magia da strada. Collier l'ha usata spesso come apertura per richiamare il pubblico. Avrete bisogno di tre palline di spugna. Il manoscritto include il testo utilizzato da Collier.

Con illustrazioni.

Traduzione italiana a cura di Matteo Filippini.

Alexander de Cova
Locked Books 02: The Traveller Effect by Alexander de Cova

This was the routine magicians talked most about at Alexander's last lecture tour in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Holland.

Here is the effect: You write a prediction on a card, which is placed into an envelope. This in turn is deposited in a small leather wallet. All this is done BEFORE anything starts and in full view of the audience.

A spectator (no stooge) gets a sheet of newspaper. He pretends being a passenger that is sitting and waiting for his train in a train station at a certain track, reading his newspaper. The spectator names freely a train station in any city in the world...

★★★★★ $7
Alexander de Cova
Scrapbook Issue 12 by Alexander de Cova

This issue deals with two routines. The first one is de Cova's version of the famous 'Ten Card Poker Deal'. This is a routine in four phases and makes use of a full deck, which is shuffled and cut. Each phase is build up and more challenging. All the time the spectator wins against you and he has no idea how. With all phases the spectator makes absolute free decisions and the climax is an overwhelming Royal Flush of Spades in his poker hand. Easy to do and entertaining.

The second routine is called 'The Green Card' (has nothing to do with Lennart) and it was one of the main routine in Alexander's...

★★★★★ $60
Wesley James
The Real Work by Wesley James

Many magic books come and go but when Wesley James releases a new book, serious students of magic pay attention. This is his first all new book since 2007 and it shows the same consideration for detail and exceptional technique he always delivers. In addition, it reveals new plots and insight into the thought he gives any new effect or routine he explores. Each investigation is important; any of them could change your magic forever.

It should come as no surprise to those who have read Wesley's previous works that he examines card magic at a depth rarely found in any field, but less so in...

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