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The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 2Mark LeveridgeThe Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge - Volume 2 features material for close up, stand up and even children's shows. Here is a run down of the contents: 1-2-3 Jumbo Cards Across - great version of the classic trick for stand up adult shows or children's work. Easy to do. The Blankety-Blank Pack - a striking blank deck routine that finishes with the entire deck printing backs and faces. Diary Of A Nobody - a neat variation on the Danson Diary trick which only uses one diary and one deck plus has a twist at the end. Corrector - a nice use of an old idea using a window envelope... | $16 to wish list | |
The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge Volume 1Mark LeveridgeFor over 30 years Mark Leveridge has gradually been creating a portfolio of card effects and routines where the accent is on practicality and entertainment value. In the first of four projected volumes The Collected Card Magic of Mark Leveridge - Volume 1 offers the reader 15 commercial effects, all of which should be within the capabilities of everyone except the total beginner. Instead of padding out this ebook with minor technical variations, or with descriptions of esoteric card sleights and moves, Mark has chosen to provide a range of varied, interesting and above all individual tricks... | ★★★★★ $16 to wish list | |
Queens QuartetRonald WoodQueens Quartet is a 4 part routine that uses the Queens to find selected cards in different and novel ways. The routine can be performed as three individual effects (the fourth effect doesn't work itself) or as a whole. In performing the routine as a whole, you will find that each effect has been created to lead automatically into the next one, producing an act that "flows" from start to finish. You will need to be able to do the following techniques:
1st edition 2014, 9 pages. | $5 to wish list | |
New Avantgarde Magic 18Alexander de CovaDie legendären Becherspielroutine des Wiener Zauberkünstlers Kurt Freitag. Auf diese Routine haben viele Zauberfreunde schon sehr lange gewartet. Nun ist sie endlich da: Die Becherspielroutine von Kurt Freitag aus Wien. Seit vielen Jahren eine legendäre Vorführung, die Erinnerungen an BOSCO, Döbler und Goshman wach werden lässt. Für mich persönlich ein sehr wichtiges Projekt, weil ich endlich nach Jahren mein Versprechen Kurt Freitag einlösen konnte, seine Routine in allen Details zu beschreiben. Kurt Freitag hat... | $19.50 to wish listPDF & MP4 | |
It's Alive: The World of Tony 'Doc' ShielsTony ShielsThis is not your typical magic video. While Tony Shiels demonstrates a few bizarre magic effects, it is for the most part a human interest piece. Tony invites us into his home as well as into the woods where we see him talking, walking, pointing at leaves and stones, giving performance advice and pondering the past - all done in his weird and unique way. If you want to learn more about the personality behind Tony Shiels you will love this video. If you are after the next best effect you will certainly be disappointed. Includes a five minute intro with Martin Breese talking about his foray... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Foresee the Future: How to See Newspaper Headlines In Your DreamsDevin KnightDISCLAIMER: This ebook will teach you proven methods to remember dreams. It will teach you how to have lucid dreams and how to remember the content of those dreams. It will show you techniques that the author and others have used to see actual newspaper headlines in their dreams. Although the author and others have had success with some of these headlines coming true, there is no guarantee the newspaper headlines you dream will come true. This ebook will show you the proper technique for seeing newspapers in your dreams. The material in this ebook may be considered controversial by some readers.... | ★★★★★ $6 to wish list | |
Kort Is Now In SessionMilton KortOne of America's finest close-up men has written a fine book on his work. Illustrated with excellent line drawings by Steranko. Makes all the tricks clear and easy to follow. Additionally there are a couple of photos of Milt demonstrating certain moves. You will enjoy:
| ★★★★★ $9.95 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
How To Win A Magic ContestVan CleveWritten by a man who has won many magic contests and who has the trophies to prove it! They illustrate this ebook.
| ★★★★★ $6.95 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
Club 71: 10 effects from volume 2Aldo ColombiniCONTENTS:
| ★★★★★ $10 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Club 71: 10 effects from volume 1Aldo ColombiniThe English magazine [lc=3255 Club 71 ran from 1970 to 2007 and was produced by Geoff Maltby the owner of Repro Magic. For most of the time Walt Lees was the editor. Contributors include: Max Maven, Peter Duffie, Patrick Page, Al Smith, Angelo Carbone, Ian Rowland, Werner Miller, Peter Kane, Paul Hallas, Stephen Tucker, Ali Bongo and many more. The subjects discussed span everything from mentalism and cards, to magic for children and close-up. CONTENTS:
| ★★★★★ $10 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Le Banconote di Fred KapsFred KapsIl gioco delle 11 carte di Edward Victor eseguito con delle banconote da un dollaro. I dettagli ed il metodo segreto di questa routine sono stati tenuti segreti fin dai giorni di Fred Kaps; prima di allora era stata solamente divulgata ad un manipolo di amici e, occasionalmente, spiegata da Fred Kaps solo a performer seri come Trevor Lewis, il quale aveva elaborato una propria routine, guardando Fred Kaps, ancor prima di incontrarlo. In seguito la routine originale venne indipendentemente sviluppata, cambiata ed adattata da Trevor, Mike Caveney, Peter Pit, Ger Copper ed altri ben noti artisti,... | ★★★★★ $15 to wish list | |
Cards and StrangersRonald WoodCards and Strangers contains six effects that will make your audience sit up, take notice, and want more. These effects aren't just magical. They are entertaining! And isn't that what we get paid for? Every effect in this ebook has been set on rules! They must be entertaining, have not too many sleights (but NOT self working) and can be performed in the hands. All too often there isn't space on the table to perform or sometimes no table. As American magician Paul Lelekis states in the Forward.
| ★★★★★ $10 to wish list | |
Dai Vernon European Tour 1955Dai VernonThis is truly a gem, an early Vernon publication, the lecture notes to his first European lecture tour in 1955. Explained are classics of card, coin and ball magic and Vernon's Thumb Tie routine:
1st edition 1955, 1st digital edition 2014, 14 pages. | ★★★★★ $15 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
TrioPeter DuffieThree off beat effects which have received the praise of laymen, magicians and reviewers. CLEAR THOUGHT uses four blank cards. A spectator is asked to think of one of the four Queens, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds or Spades, and whilst the blank cards are in her own hands one of them changes to the mentally selected card. No questions are asked. Not to be outdone, the performer changes the other blanks into the remaining Queens. POLYTHENE PAM is a novel version of Find The Lady. A spectator fails to find the lady which continually disappears leaving just four blank cards. At the finish all the... | ★★★★★ $8 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
The Tie PitchTom PalmerA different version of the Pitchman Act. This one is based on the tie salesman. Everyone has seen the booth where they sell the cheap ties be it a pushcart, folding suitcase, or a department store counter. The performer is loaded with tricks and gimmicks and things keep happening every time he shows a tie. The routine is full of comedy with a lot of surprises and really clever bits. You probably have the material among your tricks and can easily fix up the rest. The ebook covers every detail, with lots of illustrations. 1st digital edition 2014, 11 pages. | ★★★★★ $7.95 to wish listPDF & EPUB | |
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 3Aldo ColombiniCONTENTS:
| ★★★★★ $10 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
The Gen: 10 effects from volume 2Aldo ColombiniCONTENTS:
| ★★★★★ $10 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
The Gimmick MagiZette: Volume 3, Issue 5 (Apr - Jun 2014)Solyl KunduThe current issue of TGM is full of informative and interesting reading collected from eastern and western magic world. Especially look through the MagiXposed section where you will find the top-drawer effects which you can easily make and use. However, there is a lot more, go on reading ...
| ★★★★★ $2 to wish list | |
Enciclopedia dell'Illusionismo vol. III: Prestigiazione Con Le CordeSalvatore CimoIl terzo volume della versione digitale di questa monumentale opera si apre con un'Introduzione di Marco Pusterla che traccia un interessante profilo di padre Cimò legato al periodo storico-culturale nel quale egli è vissuto e che col suo meticoloso e certosino lavoro di ricerca e di divulgazione ha permesso il fiorire di molti famosi personaggi nel campo della Magia italiana. Segue quindi un illuminante articolo del curatore, Gregorio Samà, che ripercorre le tappe di Padre Cimò attraverso le varie annate di "Magia Moderna" (organo ufficiale del Club Magico Italiano). PRESTIGIAZIONE... | $15 to wish list | |
Scrapbook Issue 11Alexander de CovaThis time I start a little series on the "signed folded card in box" plot. The effect that a signed card ends up folded in a little box is a classic and has been performed by many top professionals and amateurs alike. I am a great lover of this trick and accumulated quite a lot of methods and ideas concerning this top trick. These I will share with you through my Scrapbook magazine. This is the first issue dealing with this highly interesting topic. After a lengthy and detailed discussion on my opinions, strategies and thoughts about this effect, learn: THE WILD WILD WEST FOLD - A novel method... | ★★★★★ $7 to wish list | |
Triple ImpactPaul A. LelekisPaul A. Lelekis provides a trio of titillating tricks for the close-up performer! All three routines are world-class effects. The bonus effect was contributed by the amazing Scottish performer, Ronnie Wood - this effect will blow your spectators away! The highlight of this e-book is The Ultimate Poker Demo. There have been many poker demos out there...but NONE like this beauty. This will become your absolute favorite routine to perform and is an ideal closer. These wonderful effects are not for the faint of heart, but for magicians who not only want to "up" their game, but also provide... | ★★★★★ $10 to wish listPDF & MP4 | |
New Pentagram Magazine: 10 Tricks from Volume 12Aldo ColombiniMore magic from the pages of Peter Warlock's legendary magazine. CONTENTS:
| ★★★★★ $10 to wish listMP4 (video) | |
Magicseen No. 56 (May 2014)Mark Leveridge & Graham Hey & Phil ShawVol. 10, No. 2, no date [May 2014]; 60 pages Cover: Johnny Thompson
| ★★★★★ $5 to wish list | |
New Avantgarde Magic 17Alexander de CovaWie versprochen das zweite Heft der Sonderausgabe zur Faltkarte. Und da sie noch rechtzeitig im April erschienen ist, befinde ich mich wieder im Timing. In dieser Ausgabe beschreibe ich weitere Techniken und Ideen zur Faltkarte. Von manchen wirst du noch nie gehört haben. Wie auch im ersten Heft geht es vorrangig um Methoden des Faltens und des Austauschens. Anzumerken wäre noch, dass vieles von dem Material in den beiden Heften sich sehr gut auch in der Mentalmagie mit Zetteln einsetzen läßt. Hier der Inhalt: CARD... | $19.50 to wish list |